Posts Tagged ‘autoresponder’

January 26th, 2020

Passive Income with Affiliate Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan

Most people know the definition of affiliate marketing which is selling something for a company or someone and receiving a commission for that sale. You’re independent and on your own, not just a salesperson working for a company. Although there are no limits that need to be met, the more you sell the more you earn.

You can effectively earn passive income with affiliate marketing by promoting for many companies at the same time. There are no limitations and you don’t need to create your own products or services to earn money selling anything in this format. Check out Pat Flynn’s Smart Passive Income for the definition of affiliate marketing.

Basically, there are two sides to affiliate marketing. You can become a merchant and have others promote your product or service, in exchange for giving them a commission from the sales that they make or you can be the affiliate marketer for one or several products or services that you’d like to promote and market those to consumers in order to make money.

In this article I shall cover only the affiliate side.

Most people start by taking the affiliate route which is easier, although building enough traffic to make a significant income just from affiliate sales isn’t quick or easy.

Sometimes to even be able to promote a product or service, affiliates have to go through an affiliate network, because the merchant only manages their affiliate program on that particular network.

Many times a network such as Clickbank or Amazon serves as an intermediary between the affiliate and the merchant. Then the affiliate network also serves as a database of lots of products from which you, the affiliate marketer, can choose to promote.


You can become an affiliate marketer by taking the following steps.

Step 1: Review products in your niche

Since you probably already use and like several products, all you have to do to begin is publicly speak about them. It can be any product, although it needs to be something with which you have first-hand experience.

Do you love to read? If so, you can do book reviews. If you use online marketing products and tools that you like, become an affiliate and promote them. You can become an affiliate for hair products, clothing, beauty products, travel companies, internet hosting, online courses, toys, and on and on and on. There are endless numbers of things for which you can become an affiliate marketer.

Step 2: Build an email list with your prospects

Here are three options you can use to collect email addresses from your website visitors:

Number 1: Hello Bar

Hello Bar puts a call to action on top of your website. Whenever someone visits your website, they’ll see this bar at the top. You can use it to offer visitors something for free for their email information.

Number 2: Exit Gate

You can also use Hello Bar to create an exit gate. This is a popup that will overlay the screen when visitors are about to leave your website. It is triggered by their mouse moving to the top area of the browser.

You can also redirect people to your lead magnet to get their email address.

Number 3: Sidebar Widget

Have only one call to action in your sidebar offering people something in exchange for their email address. If you have too many things for people to do, they will probably do nothing.

Once you have a few contacts on your email list, be sure to keep them engaged by sending regular updates with more information about your products or services. Once in a while, send them a specific call to action to purchase something, but don’t overdue the selling by offering a paid product every time you send an email.

Step 3: Educate your audience with live webinars

When you have a lot more contacts on your email list, you can host a live webinar and demonstrate a particular product. You can tell people your experience with the product, show them how it works, tell them the pros and cons of using it, etc.

If you can promise to get the product in front of a couple hundred people, you can probably get a deal from your merchant for a discount or a bundle to get people to buy.

You can point to your affiliate link at the end of the webinar as a soft sell which seems only natural since you just talked about the product for an hour.

Step 4: Grow your business with PPC advertising

Once you have a way of making back your money, you can start thinking about paid advertising. You can use PPC (pay-per-click) on Facebook and Google to get people to sign up for your webinar, grow your email list, and make more sales.

You can use keywords in ads related to your product or service. It’s best to improve your SEO (search engine optimization) and promote sign-ups to your email list.

Once people are on your email list you can contact them again, by setting up an autoresponder email sequence encouraging them to attend your webinar or encouraging them to buy.

In conclusion, affiliate marketing is based on revenue sharing. You can become a merchant and have others promote your product or service in exchange for giving them a commission from the sales they make or you can be the affiliate marketer.

The 4 steps you can employ are:

1. Reviewing products in your niche
2. Building an email list
3. Educating your audience and making sales by using live webinars
4. Using PPC advertising to grow your business

If you want to get started with online marketing, affiliate marketing is a good way.

Get Your System With Autoresponder

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website.

October 8th, 2016

Email Marketing: Writing Emails that Get Opened

by Rahimah Sultan


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“About 205.6 billion emails are sent every day. Spare yours the fate of not being read! Follow these quick tips for writing a captivating email that inspires action.”


This infographic covers important points on how to write an email that gets opened, read and responded to.


It is recommend that you use direct language and have one main goal which can be a question, an outcome, or a request.


Use subject lines that “are intriguing without being click-bait, short without being cryptic, urgent without being slimy, and action-driven without being dispassionate,” states the infographic.


You can read the article here


Get Your system with Autoresponder Here


June 16th, 2016

Email Marketing Done Right

by Rahimah Sultan

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Email marketing is all about building trust and relationships. There are rules that have to be followed, known as the Can-Spam rules, which state that no unsolicited emails can be sent to individuals. You can Google CAN-SPAM for a list of dos and don’ts. You want your email marketing done right.


So, you have set up your business and you need to let the world know. Just how do you do this?


You set up a lead capture page (LCP), which is also known as a squeeze page or splash page, and advertise it. When people see this page and opt in they are automatically added to your list. Now you can start building a relationship with the pre-written follow-up emails in your autoresponder that are scheduled to go out automatically at specified intervals.


Each email gives a little bit of information about your product or service. Make them short and to the point. Talk about how your product will make their life easier, what it will do for them. Remember, your goal is to build a relationship based on trust so people will buy from you and maybe become a repeat customer. Do not sell, sell, sell in every email.


Although it will take commitment, work and persistence to build your list, you must do it yourself. Build your own list.


Do not buy lists. They are made up of people who have never heard of you or your company. Think like a customer. Would you buy from someone you have never heard of and know nothing about?


Put your customers first by giving them helpful information and tips before referencing your products or services. Email marketing is not a get-rich-quick solution, although it can be a fast way to reach thousands of customers.


Email marketing done right is all about giving your customers useful information and building trusting relationships.


Need An Autoresponder?

Click here for yours now


August 31st, 2015

Autoresponders: A Guide Part 3

by Rahimah Sultan

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This is the final part of this three-part series on autoresponders. 

In Part 1 we covered the benefits of using autoresponders and Welcome Emails, and Part 2 was a discussion of Content Offer and Survey Emails.


Autoresponders are an excellent way to stay engaged with leads and customers even while you’re busy doing other things. This kind of email automation saves you time and provides value to the recipients. In this final post, we examine follow-up emails and the automatic lift you get from incorporating them into your campaigns. We also look at various examples of confirmation emails and how to make them more than just a transactional message.


This third and final post for the series is about follow-up and confirmation.


Follow-Up Emails


When you send a follow-up email for your campaign there will probably be an increase in the open rate.


By automatically scheduling a follow-up email when creating your campaign, you maximize the results of your email without extra work.


Confirmation Emails


Confirmation emails are used to ensure your prospect or customers really want to be involved with what you are offering.


Use Follow-up and Confirmation emails to improve your email open rate, communicate important information, and inspire a sale.


Read more…


Click here for your autoresponder plus much more and start sharing your content, building an email list or promoting your latest service.


August 24th, 2015

Autoresponders: A Guide Part 2

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog

This is a three-part series on the use of autoresonders.


Last week in the first of this three-part series, we covered the benefits of autoresponders and explored a variety of Welcome Emails. In this second post, we dive into Content Offer and Survey Emails. Here’s what you need to know about these two types of email campaigns.


With Content Offer Emails you can educate your audience by sharing your knowledge and keeping them engaged with interesting and useful information.


Another way to get customers to engage is by sending an autoresponder that asks for their feedback triggered by a recent purchase. Collecting this kind of information can be of great benefit to your business, and customers appreciate the opportunity to share their thoughts.


Finding new customers and not having nearly enough time in the day are likely two of your biggest concerns as a business owner. That’s why email marketing is essential to growing your customer base. An autoresponder series is a valuable email marketing tool that gives you the opportunity to share new content, build an email list or start promoting your latest service.


Read more…

Click here for your autoresponder plus much more and start sharing your content, building an email list or promoting your latest service.


August 18th, 2015

Autoresponders: A Guide

by Rahimah Sultan

This is a three-part series on the use of autoresponders. Part 1 discusses the benefits and welcome emails.

Finding new customers and not having nearly enough time in the day are likely two of your biggest concerns as a business owner.

That’s why email marketing is essential to growing your customer base. The high ROI is unrivaled.

An autoresponder series is a valuable email marketing tool that gives you the opportunity to share new content, build an email list or start promoting your latest service.

Read this guide on the benefits of autoresponders and using welcome emails. Then come back next week for part 2.

Read more…

Your Hosting and More Here

January 3rd, 2015

Tips for Email Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan

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Although this may be stating the obvious, you should always take the time to double check your messages before sending. People form impressions about you through everything you do online. If you want to present a professional image to the public, always show yourself in the best light possible. Following are some tips for email marketing that are often overlooked, especially if you are not a seasoned marketer.




Consider your headline or subject. Keep it short and give a hint of what is in the body of the email. Do not over punctuate. You can use upper-case letters for the first letter of important words, and  avoid exclamation points.




Begin the body with a salutation such as “Hello or Hi” (first name) if you are mailing your list. If you are mailing your list you no doubt have an autoresponder to enter these codes. However, if you are mailing to Safelists and Traffic Exchanges as a free member, and you do not have this option, just type in “Hello Fellow Marketer,” or Hi Fellow Entrepreneur or something similar. Do not leave brackets such as [First_Name] or {First Name}.


People prefer skimming to reading, so keep it short while pointing out the main purpose of your product or service. Then include a link that they can click for more information. Only use one clickable link or at most two, so it does not end up in a spam folder and never get seen. If you use two, place one after a few sentences or a short paragraph and the other just before the closing. Make sure the line length is no more than ten words across. If you use email swipe copy, check it before sending. I would avoid contractions like I’m, we’re, don’t, or you’re, etc. Type out the complete words — I am, we are, do not, or you are — as they may show up as symbols such as I’ve and one….


Closing and Signature


Be sure to use a closing that suits your personality, something like Warm regards, To your success or Much success, and include your real name and your “unlinked” website, Skype address, email or some way for people to contact you.




Have a Great Day,


Rahimah Sultan
Skype: rahimahsultan


These may not seem like earth-shattering Tips for Email Marketing, but they do make a difference when it comes to getting your emails opened and read.


November 21st, 2014

A Sales Funnel for Your Business

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


In James Stone’s article, Building an Internet Sales Funnel for Your Products, he starts with the question, “What is a sales funnel?” In his discussion he points out the benefits of setting up a sales funnel for your business. A sales funnel, which can be used in almost any business, gives you a single place to advertise, and you only need one list, one blog, and a single squeeze page.


You need a place (funnel) to advertise that has one entry point for all your products and/or affiliate products. Once people are on your list, they will find out about everything you have to offer, and hopefully become a customer at some point.


You need a WordPress blog that will be working for you all the time to bring in organic traffic, which is free traffic. You use an autoresponder and your squeeze page, which builds your list, to automatically let your prospects know everything you have to offer.


A sales funnel for your business is a single blog for which you write useful material to attract internet traffic. Posting quality material to your blog on a regular basis brings this free traffic to your site (blog).


Doc Stone says, “You know, it will be a lot of work at first to get this built. But once it’s built, life gets a lot easier. You really can spend just a few hours a day tweaking your system and doing your marketing.” (Read Article)


Click here for information on setting up A Sales Funnel for Your Business.

February 12th, 2014

Building A List

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


When it comes to making money online, building a list and developing a targeted subscriber base of active and repeat customers is essential for your success.


With a mailing list you can simply create broadcasts that go out to your entire subscriber base with a blend of high quality information and content with promotional-based offers.


You can include affiliate promotions for products and services that you’re interested in advertising and gain valuable feedback from your subscribers about what types of products interest them.
Even if you’re a newcomer to online marketing and business, building a list is not difficult. Following are some tips in that regard.


Professional Autoresponder


By setting up your mailing list with an experienced autoresponder service team, you can be sure your emails will make it to their destination.


Professional autoresponder providers offer frequent back-ups of your database, in the event it becomes corrupted or inaccessible.


Your autoresponder service provider will also handle all requests to unsubscribe, helps you comply with CanSpam regulations and provides you with the ability to write as many newsletter messages as you wish, and set up the dates and times to deliver them.


Keep in mind that it is quite difficult to switch autoresponder providers once you have etasblished a mailing list as your subscribers will have to re-subscribe to your new list.


So choose wisely when you begin building a list and choose to create an account with a reputable autoresponder company from the start. There are several highly recommended ones including and


I recommend as it is much more than just an autoresponder.


Squeeze Page


One of the most important elements of a successful email marketing campaign begins with a well-constructed squeeze page. Your squeeze page is the ‘doorway’ into your email marketing system and if it fails to convert visitors into subscribers, you will struggle to build a list. Your squeeze page needs to be very clean and simple.


You want people who visit your website to be given ONE option only – to subscribe to your newsletter.


You need to minimize any external links, and really emphasize your opt-in form. Limit the graphics on your squeeze page, so that it loads quickly and doesn’t distract your visitor from your objective – getting them on your mailing list. In order to create an effective squeeze page that encourages visitors to subscribe to your list, consider the different types of incentives that you can offer. When it comes to listing the benefits you need to be clear and concise. I suggest for easy professional squeeze pages without having to know HTML.


Build Brand Awareness


It’s important to build brand awareness and develop a relationship with your subscriber base, because the more that your list members trust you and the product recommendations that you make, the easier it will be to convert those subscribers into repeat customers.


Remember to focus totally on building a list to make income online.


 Click the banner below for a list building system
with complete step-by-step training.
It’s so  simple and a no-brainer


February 5th, 2014 Vs.

Overall Rating (out of 5):

Host Then Profit is an autoresponder and more. It offers you more for less cost and it’s great for beginners. You can always upgrade as the need arises and still pay less than with AWeber.


With Host Then Profit you get hosting, a conference room and a video maker and video hosting for the same low monthly fee.


Product Pros:

  • autoresponder
  • hosting
  • conference room
  • video maker and hosting


Product Cons:

  • small conference room

The conference room can be used for a group of four to collaborate on a project or whatever, and there’s no additional fee.

You get a lot more for less with Host Then Profit. Remember, it’s not just an autoresponder!

Click here for more information

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