Posts Tagged ‘autoresponders what are they’

September 9th, 2016

Autoresponders: What Are They

by Rahimah Sultan

So now you’ve set up your online business website, and you’re ready to advertise it. You need a way to stay in touch with those who visit your site. You don’t want to lose them forever when they click away after one visit. There has to be a way to capture their information so you can follow up with them and build a relationship. After all, you need people to buy what you are offering. And you want them to buy from you in the future.

To do this you need an automated way to get their name and email address before they leave your site, and are gone forever.

Now is the time to set up an automated system to do just that. This system will include an autoresponder. So, what is an autoresponder?

An autoresponder is a computer program that automatically answers e-mail sent to it. They can be very simple or quite complex.

Autoresponders are often used as e-mail marketing tools, to immediately provide information to their prospective customers and then follow-up with them at preset time intervals.

Autoresponders are also incorporated into electronic mailing list software, to confirm subscriptions, unsubscriptions, posts, and other list activities. – Wikipedia

Your automated system will have a way to set up a form which is a LCP (lead capture page) on your site to capture visitors’ names and email addresses. This is how you begin to build your list of subscribers.

Once you have a person on your list, you can follow up with them whenever you choose. You can set this up in your automated system. The setup is something you do one time, and the system will automatically send emails at intervals you have determined. You’ll also have the ability to email at other times and you don’t have to change anything you’ve already set up.

In business, you want to build a list, send emails, and make money. An autoresponder system handles this for you.

Read this three-part series that offers in-depth details on autoresponders and writing autoresponder emails.

Click for Part 1

Click for Part 2

Click for Part 3

An autoresponder is the main connection between you and your list for financial success.

Ready to set up your system?
Click the link below

Click here for your system now