Posts Tagged ‘mistakes home business owners make’

April 13th, 2015

Mistakes Home Business Owners Make

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


Are you a home business owner or thinking about working for yourself and starting a home based business? If so, then you have to read the following mistakes home business owners make.


Some things included on the list are treating your job as a hobby, not setting hours, neglecting to set goals, not setting work time and family time and not having a business website.


Working at home in your own business requires the same discipline as working in an office for someone else. If you treat your business like a hobby it will be difficult to make progress. You must have a plan, a proper set up and keep good records.


If you are truly serious about a home business, these are some serious considerations you must accept. You must have a plan and structure. These mistakes home business owners make are covered in detail in the article 9 Mistakes Most Home Business Owners Make. You can click here to read it.


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