Archive for April, 2013
New Marketing Tool
by Rahimah Sultan
Hey, I found this great new marketing tool. Well, it’s new to me. The program is called AdKreator!
Adkreator is an easy to use yet very powerful do-it-yourself banner/ad creating service. It is 100% web based so there is no software to download. It’s so easy to use even the most design clumsy users can be creating professional designs without a nervous breakdown.
There is video training on how to use the system.
You can host your creations on the site or download them to your computer and upload them later to your own website.
Their template catalog contains hundreds of templates for banner ads, peel away ads, splash pages, website headers and so much more. You can design your own templates and save them to edit later. Then you can completely change the color, text or whatever of your saved template.
You can create your own professional squeeze pages with your text, photo, video and autoresponder code for building your list.
Currently, it is free to join AdKreator and test out their design system. Free members can save one design.
There is also an affiliate program.
I use this program and I think it’s wonderful!

E-zine Marketing is One Option for Advertising
by Rahimah Sultan
E-zine marketing is one option for advertising. One common mistake that many new web site owners make when they start their online business is thinking that lots of people are going to visit their site. They spend money for that professional look, add all the relevant information and then sit back and wait for the visitors. But they don’t come.
Why? You need a marketing campaign. There are several ways to go about this.
One option is to write articles or have them written for you and then submit them to paid or free e-zines. Of course, you must find the right e-zines or web sites to post your articles to. Make sure they are top ranked and not fly-by-night ones who will take your money and not publish. A vast majority of ezines are a waste of time and money.
A few points to keep in mind are:
1. You get what you pay for.
2. You must offer something that relates to the niche market.
3. Target your advertising to your audience.
4. The best things are not always free.
Where you should advertise depends on your product or service. So, do your homework before you begin your campaign.
4 Steps To A Successful Internet Business
by Rahimah Sultan
Having a successful internet business is simply a matter of understanding how things work, and applying that knowledge. Following are 4 steps to a successful internet business.
Find something you feel is a good business opportunity
You can search the internet for all sorts of business ideas and opportunities. Searching on any search engine with the keywords Work At Home, Business Opportunities, Home Based Business, Affiliate Programs, Make Money Online, etc., will produce 1000’s of results. Affiliate programs are good business opportunities because the ONLY thing you need to do to run your internet business is to market your affiliate link. With a traditional business you have to deal with inventory, storage, packing, shipping, complaints, returns, phone calls, emails, checks and credit cards just to name a few! With affiliate programs, once someone has clicked on your affiliate link your only job is getting the next person to click on it.
Get your own webpage
You want to put your internet business on a webpage of your own. A webpage is like a store front. It projects an air of professionalism. Think about it. Do you feel the same about buying from a vendor on the street as you do about buying from a person in a store? They’re both vendors, but you’re more trusting of the person who has a store than you are of a street vendor.
Your webpage does not have to be fancy. If you only have a brief description of what your webpage is about along with individual descriptions of your product or products people will respect that. If it’s an affiliate program you have decided upon, simply put a BRIEF description of what is being offered along with your affiliate link. Do not disclose too much in your description because people might think they know what it’s all about and not click on your link. You want to let your affiliate website do all the selling for you. These sites are professionally designed to maximize the number of people who buy or join so a brief description, just enough to spike their curiosity, is sufficient.
Get your own blog
Get your own blog and make one post a day. A blog, short for, “Web Log,” is a great way to establish yourself as an authority figure on whatever topic you decide. As people return to read your daily articles, they will eventually come to view you as an authority on whatever your blog is about. They’ll eventually develop confidence in what you are saying, and will begin to trust you. As a result some people will check out your webpage to see what you have to offer them, and people tend to buy more from people they know and trust. Their confidence in you will be an additional factor that will compel people to buy from you. There are many places online that will host and let you set up your blog for free, although it’s best to have your own blog and not a free one.
Write and submit articles to article submission sites
This is the most important. This is how you’ll get FREE advertising. People are searching the internet for free information. When you submit your articles online, the search engines will eventually find them and will spider every word. When people do a search using keywords or phrases that are in your articles, they will turn up in the search results. So, be sure to insert highly searched-for-keywords and phrases into your articles. You’ll need to include your bio at the bottom of all your articles. Your bio (known as your resource box) will contain a brief description about who you are along with a link to your website. An example is: Jane Smith is the owner of Jane helps people to work at home using various business opportunities that include affiliate programs. If you desire your own home based business visit (insert your complete site address including http://)
The more articles you write and submit, the higher the chances are of your articles keywords and phrases showing up on search results. The more links you have pointing back to your website, the higher your website page rank will be in the search engines, meaning the higher up you are in the search results the more likely your page will be seen. So don’t stop writing and submitting articles. But, they must have quality informative content. Take your time and check your spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, etc. No one will take what you have to say seriously if you don’t write correctly.
Having a successful internet business is simply a matter of understanding how things work, and applying that knowledge. It does not take any special skill or any great intelligence. If you follow these steps, you cannot fail. The most important thing, as with anything in life, is persistence.
Article Source:
Click here: Help for a successful internet business