Archive for February, 2014
Advertising Online
While watching TV the other day, a particular commercial caught my attention. I usually just tune them out. As it was approaching President’s Day in the United States, this particular advertisement was for an automobile sale coming up on that particular day, as it is a popular day for stores to start their sales. So, I was thinking of this advertisement in terms of advertising online.
Monday February 17th was President’s Day in the United States. While deciding the content for this blog post, I did some fact checking regarding the day. Here’s what I got from Wickipedia.
Presidents’ Day is an American holiday celebrated on the third Monday in February. Originally established in 1885 in recognition of President George Washington, it is still officially called “Washington’s Birthday” by the federal government.
Although Lincoln’s birthday, February 12, was never a federal holiday, approximately a dozen state governments have officially renamed their Washington’s Birthday observances as “Presidents’ Day,” “Washington and Lincoln Day,” or other such designations.
George Washington’s birthday is on February 22.
The ad I mentioned above has run for some years with these two presidents in one form or another – Lincoln in his top hat and Washington in his wig. The remarkable thing this year was the addition of the non-traditional hip hop musical style of Paul Revere and the Night Riders bringing up the rear.
In the TV ad the attention grabber was the two presidents – beginning. The middle was the entrance of Paul Revere and the Night Riders performing hip hop, and the sell was a particular automobile. As is often stated, the times they are a changin’. Is there no reverence left? 🙂
Internet marketing and advertising is like advertising on TV or anyplace. There’s a story with a beginning, a middle and the end. You have a few seconds to get peoples’ attention (beginning), then draw them in (middle), then sell them something (end).
With only a few seconds to grab peoples’ attention when advertising online, you have to have a stand-out headline or title.
Then you draw them in (middle) using some bullet points about your program or service or a video; after which you direct them to take action (end) by filling out a form with their name and email for more information.
Building A List
by Rahimah Sultan
When it comes to making money online, building a list and developing a targeted subscriber base of active and repeat customers is essential for your success.
With a mailing list you can simply create broadcasts that go out to your entire subscriber base with a blend of high quality information and content with promotional-based offers.
You can include affiliate promotions for products and services that you’re interested in advertising and gain valuable feedback from your subscribers about what types of products interest them.
Even if you’re a newcomer to online marketing and business, building a list is not difficult. Following are some tips in that regard.
Professional Autoresponder
By setting up your mailing list with an experienced autoresponder service team, you can be sure your emails will make it to their destination.
Professional autoresponder providers offer frequent back-ups of your database, in the event it becomes corrupted or inaccessible.
Your autoresponder service provider will also handle all requests to unsubscribe, helps you comply with CanSpam regulations and provides you with the ability to write as many newsletter messages as you wish, and set up the dates and times to deliver them.
Keep in mind that it is quite difficult to switch autoresponder providers once you have etasblished a mailing list as your subscribers will have to re-subscribe to your new list.
So choose wisely when you begin building a list and choose to create an account with a reputable autoresponder company from the start. There are several highly recommended ones including and
I recommend as it is much more than just an autoresponder.
Squeeze Page
One of the most important elements of a successful email marketing campaign begins with a well-constructed squeeze page. Your squeeze page is the ‘doorway’ into your email marketing system and if it fails to convert visitors into subscribers, you will struggle to build a list. Your squeeze page needs to be very clean and simple.
You want people who visit your website to be given ONE option only – to subscribe to your newsletter.
You need to minimize any external links, and really emphasize your opt-in form. Limit the graphics on your squeeze page, so that it loads quickly and doesn’t distract your visitor from your objective – getting them on your mailing list. In order to create an effective squeeze page that encourages visitors to subscribe to your list, consider the different types of incentives that you can offer. When it comes to listing the benefits you need to be clear and concise. I suggest for easy professional squeeze pages without having to know HTML.
Build Brand Awareness
It’s important to build brand awareness and develop a relationship with your subscriber base, because the more that your list members trust you and the product recommendations that you make, the easier it will be to convert those subscribers into repeat customers.
Remember to focus totally on building a list to make income online.
Click the banner below for a list building system
with complete step-by-step training.
It’s so simple and a no-brainer Vs.
Overall Rating (out of 5):
Host Then Profit is an autoresponder and more. It offers you more for less cost and it’s great for beginners. You can always upgrade as the need arises and still pay less than with AWeber.
With Host Then Profit you get hosting, a conference room and a video maker and video hosting for the same low monthly fee.
Product Pros:
- autoresponder
- hosting
- conference room
- video maker and hosting
Product Cons:
- small conference room
The conference room can be used for a group of four to collaborate on a project or whatever, and there’s no additional fee.
You get a lot more for less with Host Then Profit. Remember, it’s not just an autoresponder!
Internet Marketing Measuring for Business
by Rahimah Sultan
Google’s Matt Cutts, in discussing Google’s Internet Marketing Measuring for Business regarding guest posting, states that Google is geared towards recognizing utility. If Google doesn’t recognize utility, then Google will become weaker and someone else will take their place. Only a few people remember Alta Vista. They didn’t provide much in the way of utility….
He then goes on to discuss the importance of measurement.
Measuring What Is Important
Matt Cutts says that a publishing strategy based on Google ranking is not a strategy but a tactic and it’s not a good tactic. He goes on to say that if interesting material is provided, people will read it and they might return if more interesting information is provided. This is creating engagement. That combined activity plays into ranking. Success depends on achieving the underlying business goal.
Some common things that are measured are Page views, Subscriptions, Comments, Quality of comments, Syndication, Time on site, Videos watched, Unique visitors, Traffic sent to partner sites, and much more.
How Do We Know If We’re Interesting?
“There are a couple of different types of measurement marketers use. One is an emotional response, where the visitor becomes “positively interested”. This is measured by recall studies, association techniques, customers surveys and questionnaires. However, the type of response on-line marketers focus on, which is somewhat easier to measure, is behavioural interest. When people are really interested, they do something in response.”
Click here to read more Internet Marketing Measuring for Business information