Archive for the ‘Marketing’ Category

October 25th, 2014

Your Commitment To Internet Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


If you are starting a business are you fully committed to doing what it takes to make it a success? Have you decided what avenues to use for growth? What is your commitment to Internet Marketing for your business and how do you deal with the marketing?


Are you going to use a blog, social media, traffic exchanges, safe lists, and email marketing? Will you use both paid and free sources. You must include a marketing strategy in your business plan and it has to outline the way you will handle your marketing.


The first thing you must know before starting a business is your personality and philosophy. Are you a person who is passionate, persistent and who perseveres once you commit to something?


I was reading a magazine article by Dr. Philllip C. McGraw in which he stated, “The way you do anything is the way you do everything.”


He went on to say that at age 12 he discovered that he was an all-or-nothing person. If he let himself get careless in school, everything else started to slide. If he aimed to be the best in one area that commitment raised his game across the board.


If in your commitment to Internet Marketing you decide to use a blog as your platform you must make regular posts.


When using social media you have to follow through with ways that increases your audience, engagement, and sales.


With traffic exchanges and safe lists you have to pay for traffic or surf for credits or do both in order to send out mailings (Ads) daily.


So figure out your philosophy or guiding principle which in turn will determine your commitment to Internet Marketing for your business.


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August 16th, 2014

Social Media Marketing Techniques For Getting A Dominating Position

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


Russell Armstrong states, “For anyone who needs to clear out the cobwebs on their social channels and sharpen their effective social media marketing strategies, here are a few techniques to employ so you can take back control and rise in the ranks.”


Develop a Strategy and Follow It If you don’t have a solid plan in place, your content will probably be lost and never seen. For example, set a reasonable limit on how many tweets to publish every day. Adjust the number as needed, but definitely have a goal. Even publishing just five tweets a day gives you somewhat of a benchmark to work with.


You need to build trust by responding to tweets or posts on your channels. If you don’t reply people will turn to your competitors for answers or guidance.


While tracking is generally thought of as time-consuming and tedious, it needs to be done at least once a month.


Remain active on Google+ as that is essentially free advertising for your brand when other people search for you on Google.


There are five key platforms that you should use to grow your brand.


Click here to read the article.


August 8th, 2014

Promotion With Social Media Optimization

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


With everyone focused on Search Engine Optimization (SEO), many overlook the importance of Social Media Optimization (SMO). For business owners and entrepreneurs using social media optimization across social media platforms is crucial to generate results.


Social Media Optimization is the process of making content that is generated for a specific brand easily shareable across several different social media platforms and sites referred to as the social media web.


The focus on SMO is not necessarily to drive larger loads of traffic to your site, but to get your content seen in order to get organic traffic. Social networks are actually driving more traffic to professional websites than Google, the most popular search engine.


One way to effectively spread branded content across the social web without requiring users to visit your website is the use of widgets and badges. Badges count as backlinks, which can improve Search Engine rankings. Another optimization strategy is the social sign-in strategy which eliminates the need for filling out a long form.


Click here to read Russell D. Armstrong’s Step Up Your Promotion With Social Media Optimization





July 18th, 2014

Internet Marketing Strategies

by Rahimah Sultan
photo from blog

As I was taking my morning walk, I was thinking about life’s patterns in general and business ones in particular. We establish certain daily routines that govern what actions we need to take to accomplish what we set out to do. If we work for someone else that employer has a job description with our tasks listed and it usually includes the phrase and other related duties. I was thinking about my Internet Marketing Strategies and what to do to improve them.


As a business owner and Internet Marketer, what marketing strategies can you use to improve your success? Have you written out your job description that includes a plan for marketing strategies and the related duties to accomplish your goal(s)?


You must take stock of where you are and consider where you want to be and how to get there. You must have a very clear purpose and goal. Here are three things to consider.


Market Your Own Product or Someone Else’s


If you do not have a product of your own, there many places to find good products to sell as an affiliate marketer. Click bank, JV Zoo, and Deal Guardian are a few. Just make sure they are good products that solve people’s problems. This is especially important for your list of prospective buyers. You want them to trust you and your recommendations.


Choose Your Platform


Will you be using a blog, social media, mobile media or others? A WordPress blog (Read Article) is an excellent advertising platform over which you have total control.


Online Advertising Techniques


These can include text and banner ads, content advertising, videos and more. Content marketing on your own blog is the best way to go. You can write articles about anything you want and monetize them.


So, put together a job description for yourself that includes the related duties you need to reach your goal and include these three Internet Marketing Strategies for your business.


Ready to Build Your Business?
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April 4th, 2014

List Building: Part Two

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


Part one of List Building covered the first two modules of the product List Building Income. (Click here to read)
Today’s article covers modules three and four.


Module 03: Paid List Building Methods


If you have money in your budget for advertising, you can purchase traffic to help build a subscribership to your list.


PPC (pay-per-click) is one of the most popular and effective ways to buy traffic for your list. You can also use Facebook ad campaigns, with which you can target ads to certain populations or niches. To avoid overspending, you MUST monitor your paid campaigns at all times. Other paid sources include ezines, newsletters, Coreg Leads and more.


Always use some sort of lead capture page (a squeeze page) when advertising your products or services.


If you are new to online business, do use the free traffic getting methods to see how things work before turning to the paid methods.



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List Building Income Training



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 List Building




Module 04: Maximizing Your Leads and Sales Conversion


This module focuses on some extra tips to help maximize your leads and convert them into sales.


These include the following:


Keep your squeeze page simple and easy to navigate. Just list a couple of features or benefits. This is not a sales page. Then ask for name and email, as this is a first contact.
How to use a video on your squeeze page or a reverse squeeze page (use the giveaway up front then ask the visitor to opt in)
Try other marketers squeeze pages that are doing well.
Use psychology to appeal to visitors emotions. Make your ad personal and make the visitor feel as if they must have what you’re offering.
Develop trust, reassure visitors that their information will not be used for any other purpose, and stick to that.
How to use bullet points, promotion offers  and more.


Remember that a list is necessary to compete and sustain a business online. It takes some work but in time with persistence and patience you’ll succeed with your List Building.


Click The List Building Income

Banner For Information


March 29th, 2014

List Building: Part One

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


Operating an online business is more than having a website and hoping for visitors. You must do some work and your main focus should be List Building. You must do something to get your site viewed. There are a number of things to consider. With List Building Income, you get four modules that cover list building techniques and tips which include creating a system with squeeze pages and an autoresponder, free and paid methods of getting traffic, and ways to maximize your leads and sales conversion. Following is a partial overview of the product.


Module 01: How to Create an Easy, Proven System to Suck in Leads


This module contains tips on making professional squeeze pages and the content that should be placed on those pages. It also covers using autoresponders to keep in touch with subscribers. An autoresponder offers you a way to follow up with people who have subscribed to your list and give them more information and future offers that may benefit them in their business. Having a list and following up with them gains their trust and they will buy from you at some point, if you offer products that they can use in their niche, either your own or affiliate products.


You can use incentives like free offers to get subscribers. Of course these should be good products like a PDF or a video or something else that solves a problem in their marketing. It must be something useful. Be creative.


There are sources where you can get examples of squeeze pages using pictures, testimonials and videos to build confidence with your subscribers.


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List Building Income Training

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Module 02: Free List Building Methods


Learn how to spread the word about your site or squeeze pages through article marketing that benefits you by people seeing those articles and clicking on your links inside.


Use Twitter social network for building credibility over time, and Facebook fan pages and groups. There is also SEO and blogging (content on websites that helps build your rank on Google). Google is not the only site but it’s the largest. Web business is all about good content that is relevant to your site or niche. There is also YouTube for video content. This is like writing articles only it’s a video. You can also use Ad swaps, giveaways and more.


So do some work and focus on List Building so you’ll have someone to buy your products.


March 8th, 2014

Increasing Website Opt-Ins

by Rahimah Sultan


Most of us know that to entice visitors to our web site we need to offer a freebie of some kind for Increasing Website Opt-ins. Not only should we offer this, but it should be something of value. It needs to be a solution to the problem that the visitor was searching for on line. This opt-in freebie is the one thing the visitor has to have in order to move forward.


Web site visitors will not treat your site like a brick and mortar business, looking around to see what you have. They are searching for a particular product or service. You have to direct their attention to certain parts of your site and make it easy for them to navigate.


You have to really understand your visitor who leaves clues as to what they were really looking for, based on how they arrived there. You may need to use survey software to find out why they’re visiting but not buying. Ask them questions like who they are and what kind of information they’re looking for.


Click here to read Colin Martin’s article: Increase Your Website Opt-Ins With Freebies That Really Matter To Your Visitor


Click the Banner for Step-by-Step Online Marketing Information


photo from blog

April 20th, 2013

New Marketing Tool

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


Hey, I found this great new marketing tool. Well, it’s new to me. The program is called AdKreator!


Adkreator is an easy to use yet very powerful do-it-yourself banner/ad creating service. It is 100% web based so there is no software to download. It’s so easy to use even the most design clumsy users can be creating professional designs without a nervous breakdown.


There is video training on how to use the system.


You can host your creations on the site or download them to your computer and upload them later to your own website.


Their template catalog contains hundreds of templates for banner ads, peel away ads, splash pages, website headers and so much more. You can design your own templates and save them to edit later. Then you can completely change the color, text or whatever of your saved template.


You can create your own professional squeeze pages with your text, photo, video and autoresponder code for building your list.


Currently, it is free to join AdKreator and test out their design system. Free members can save one design.


There is also an affiliate program.


I use this program and I think it’s wonderful!

December 22nd, 2012

Internet Marketing Goals and Tips

This article was edited on 8/1/22

By Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

Every day, internet use is still increasing worldwide.

Marketing has always been about reaching customers where they are. Print advertisements, billboards, and TV commercials all attempt to do just that.

The internet offers exceptional advantages that other marketing mediums can’t, including the option to personalize content, the opportunity to build far-reaching relationships with customers, and its scope of reach.

The internet can be overwhelming with all the videos, recipes, news articles, and e-commerce sites. So, how are you supposed to differentiate your business to reach the right audience?

Internet marketing is the answer.

Internet marketing leverages digital channels that include social media, websites, and search engines, to reach your ideal audience.

What is Internet Marketing?

Internet marketing, also known as online marketing or web advertising, is a form of marketing that uses the internet to deliver promotional messages to customers through digital channels such as search engines, email, websites, and social media.

These marketing strategies include SEO, web design, social media, email, PPC, and other internet-related methods.

What’s the Role of Internet Marketing?

Your customers and prospects are looking for you online.

In traditional marketing, the approach was to direct messages to prospects and customers in the form of advertising, direct mail, and other vehicles. Now, the people you want to reach are already online looking for you, your products, and solutions. So, make it easy for them to find you.

Here are two separate goals you’ll have with internet marketing and the necessary steps to take to achieve them.

1. Attract new customers

To attract new customers, you’ll want to use online marketing strategies. Focus primarily on paid social media ads, search engines, and web design.

You might use Facebook’s Lookalike Audiences to get your message in front of prospects who match your core demographics, or you could pay a social media influencer to share images of your products with that already well-established community.

You can attract new customers to your product or brand with paid social media, but you need to conduct market research and A/B testing before investing too much in one social media channel.

You’ll also need to maintain a powerful SEO presence to attract new customers.

Be sure to spend time and resources on your website design. Your site needs to be easy to navigate and helpful. It must also be user-friendly as well as mobile-friendly.

2. Cultivate brand loyalists

To increase brand awareness, cultivate a strong online community, and retain customer loyalty, you’ll want to use email, blogging, and social media.

Send personalized emails to past customers that contain discounts based on their previous purchases, to wish them a happy birthday, or remind them of upcoming events.

For email campaigns, you’ll need an email list. Here’s how to build your list.

You might use social media to showcase your brand and hear directly from your customers. Consider hosting a Twitter chat, creating fun contests on Facebook, or posting surveys on Instagram.

Online/internet marketing is the broad term and overarching strategy that includes content marketing as one process within that strategy.

Content marketing is the actual process of creating and distributing content to reach audiences.

Online marketing includes sharing that content through search engines, email, and social media. It also includes paid advertising as well as a wide range of strategies that you might use to reach online audiences.

While most of the strategies that fall under online marketing involve content creation, online marketing also includes the non-content creation tasks of internet marketing, such as PPC bidding, and website design.

The function of internet marketing is to help you reach, attract, and convert online audiences to your business.

Using these Internet Marketing Goals and Tips can help you in that effort.

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