Archive for the ‘Working From Home’ Category
5 Things Your Work From Home Business Needs
by Rahimah Sultan
Operating a work from home business is the perfect opportunity for you to be your own boss provided you’re prepared to do so! Working alone can be very exciting however experiencing small business success at home requires 5 simple components or measures you must consider or take as reviewed below!
This is to say you’ll need to establish set working hours and not deviate from them simply because you’re working alone and can do what you please! Whether you work for somebody else or have decided to be your own boss, if you’re not productive your ‘paycheck’ will suffer as will your job security or business!
Self Motivation
Establishing the ‘proper’ environment is a well and good as mentioned above however without the proper motivation you’ll get little accomplished! Are you self motivated because if you’re not, trying to be your own boss will likely result in failure so this is something you MUST consider beforehand!
Remember, when working alone you’ll need not only to plan your work on a daily, weekly and monthly basis, but you’ll also need to work your plan! Motivation will be needed to not only work through problems that may arise, and they will, but to also resist the temptation to ‘take time off’ whenever you please just because you can!
The degree of small business success you may or may NOT experience is dependent upon the quality of effort you… Click to read more
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How To Start A Website Business
In Merv Stevens’ article How To Start Website Business, he states that everyone has skills, whether it’s writing or approaching others and starting a conversation. He says that to put your best foot forward and increase your chances of success, you have to think about the things that you do best when you research affordable home based business opportunities.
Stevens, of, discusses four points in that regard.
1) Understanding the value of persistence
2) Emulating those that are successful
3)Looking for products that are consumable
4)Considering businesses that offer passive income opportunities
On the first point, he states that in order to succeed you can’t give up. Too many people give up on perfectly good affordable home based business opportunities far too soon. There are thousands of success stories of men and women who absolutely refused to accept defeat.
On the second point of emulation, be sure you know who is providing the online courses that help you start up and run affordable home based business opportunities. Do your homework and make sure the people providing these courses have successful track records.
The third thing is to offer products that are used up and re-ordered, so that there will be a constant demand for what you offer. These can be food, soap, skin care products or other items that people use every day.
And finally, look for affordable home based business opportunities that provide passive income. These are best for making a lot of money. For instance, network marketing offers the opportunity to get paid on what you and your team do. If you get a good group under you, you’re paid whether you do anything or not.
Affiliate programs, where you advertise and make sales for a commission, is another way of getting passive income. Many of these programs are very affordable home based business opportunities, since they cost little or nothing to join.
It’s hard to choose. But, settle on something you’re comfortable with. Choose quality products and never give up. Affordable home based business opportunities with passive income features let you earn income while you sleep. This is how to start a website business.
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Starting an Internet Marketing Home-Based Business
by Rahimah Sultan
Decide whether you want a home job or a home business. Do you want to work from home for someone else, have a business that you run from home, or have an Internet business that generates income with a few hours work each day. Once you are clear about what you want, then you have a better idea of how to proceed.
Now you must decide on an area or niche. To do this, think about what you have always wanted to do or your passion, if you will. Do you like helping people or weaving baskets or giving advice or writing or using computers or maybe cooking? Take time to really come to know what you like and want. Forget the job mentality altogether. Just focus on what would really make you happy and fulfilled.
Once you have decided, start looking for sources of information in that area. If you want to have an Internet business, then go online and search the topic(s) you want. Just start getting information. Don’t sign up for anything…
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One of the Best Ways to Make Money Online
by Rahimah Sultan
Blogging is one of the best ways to make money online. Blogs are a very popular way of promoting your products and services. They are easy to install, easy to administer, easy to update, and search engines love them. Here are three ways to boost traffic to your blog and start making money online.
1) Update your content regularly
Search engines and blog services love regular updates. It’s very likely that you will get targeted traffic from search engines if you post regularly. I average an article a week. There are pros and cons for this. Some say daily and others say less often is better. It’s really dependent upon your content and your readers. If you’re a beginner you might post less as you may not have the good quality content that long time bloggers have or you don’t want to suffer burn out.
2) Post in forums
You can post in in forums, but don’t spam them. Post something fresh and interesting and put a link to your blog in your signature. Don’t just post in any forum. For example if you’re selling something to do with music, don’t post in forums that have nothing to do with music. Be sure to abide by the guidelines of each forum you use. Forum posting provides valuable one-way links to you that are good for search engine position in Google, Yahoo and Bing.
3) Submit to blog search engines
There are masses of search engines available, that list only blogs. Just do a Google search and you’ll find plenty. These blog search engines will help you with targeted traffic. Be sure to write a good title and a good description for your article so people will easily find it and click on your link.
If you just follow these three steps you’ll start seeing lots of traffic to your blog. Don’t forget to update your blog with fresh unused content that you write yourself. And remember that having a blog is one of the best ways to make money online.
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A Mile To The Library For Real Books
by Rahimah Sultan
While taking few minutes break and ruminating on what to write about today, a nice summer breeze came through my window. Since I was trying to decide on a subject, my mind went back to my earlier years and my love of reading. There’s a break in the heat wave we’ve been having here and the temperature is about 75 degrees F, which reminded me of walking a mile to the library in Ohio when I was young and returning in time to sit in the porch swing and read before dark.
Remember when we were young and it was fun to read an actual physical book? Well, maybe reading was not a lot of people’s idea of fun, but it was for me. I used to try to figure out how to get more reading time, especially in elementary and junior high school (now known as middle school) with all the homework.
I really looked forward to summer when school was out and I could walk that mile to the library and return home with at least four books that I had a month to read. In junior high it was pretty much the same scenario.
I remember a couple of my teachers (probably English) giving the class a reading list of classics to be read. I think it was given out a couple of times. I still have mine in a folder with an ongoing list of authors and titles I’ve wanted to read over the years.
As the saying goes, time really flies. I didn’t get to War and Peace until I was an adult and had returned to school when my children were teenagers. As anyone who has read it knows, it’s terribly long and is tedious reading with the philosophical interjections of Tolstoy. It took me three weeks to read it, including weekends. Since then I’ve read Anna Karenina at least three times, and I have the actual book. I love historical Russian novels.
Tablet and Ebook Technology
Anyway, the point of this prattle is new-fangled technology. I love having actual copies of books in my hands when reading. There’s something really comforting about curling up with a good book, and feeling and turning the pages as you read.
I have nothing against the advancement in technology. It’s great, since time seems to be scampering along so quickly and everyone needs to squeeze so much into each day. Having a tablet or ebook allows for reading on the go. I suppose they’re also convenient for students.
Although walking a mile to the library for real books was fun, there are now alternatives. These days, working from home online doesn’t allow me much reading time, no matter the form. So, I must say that ebooks and tablets allow people who access the Internet to see and buy products. Any business needs advertising, and that advertising needs to be available on the technology that people are using.
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Blogging For Your Home Business
Copyright © Rahimah Sultan
Set a Routine
Set a schedule and stick to it. Decide what days you’re going to publish articles for your home business and get them out on those days. If you’re new to blogging and unable to write articles daily, then do it two or three times a week. Regular posting can enable you to move up in search engine ranking, and it keeps you in front of your audience.
If blogging is only one aspect of your home business, and you’re not in a position to outsource work, you may not have the time to post articles several times a week. In that case, there are many sources for published articles that allow you to republish, as long as you keep the article intact and the author’s resource box.
A Home Business Is A Family Friendly Option
by Rahimah Sultan
The overwhelming amount of time constraints placed on parents has contributed to the decline of America’s cohesive family. Both parents are now expected to work full-time jobs, be excellent parents and keep up the household responsibilities while trying to squeeze in a social life. Time is divided among soccer games, PTA meetings, homework, cooking, cleaning, laundry, shopping, errands, visiting friends, hobbies, home repair, vehicle maintenance, volunteer work, reading, after hours meetings with clients, going to the gym, doctor’s appointments, retirement and college fund planning, quality time with the children, conversation with your spouse, sex and getting your hair done! No wonder we’re exhausted before ever getting out of bed!
In today’s world of two-income families, rising divorce rates and out of control children, many families are stopping to consider what went wrong and what can be done to turn things around. A home business is a family friendly option.
Many heads of families are considering working from home to relieve some of the stress while still bringing in extra income. With a home business you can set your own schedule and work at your own pace while dealing with your responsibilities in all aspects of your life. You will no longer have to explain to the boss why you simply cannot work late Wednesday night, as your daughter will be having her first public performance as a flower, while trying not to sound like a wimp.
© Rahimah Sultan
About the Author:
I’m an entrepreneur with a focus on internet marketing. I’ve been in offline MLM in the health and wellness area, and I am now focused on building my Internet business that includes blogging, social media and affiliate marketing.
Don’t forget to take care of your body, so you’ll have a place to live!
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Build A Strong Business History
Businesses that have made a difference are the ones that have been able to stand the test of time. Even though you may be just starting your business/home business, build a strong business history. There are some things you can do to build a positive image and secure future success. First, you must do things correctly and legally, following all the rules, and don’t cut corners in order to give yourself the upper hand or to make a quick buck.
Be organized and keep detailed records, as organization is a key to success. There are many important aspects of keeping precise records of your financial dealings, not the least of which is avoiding a major pain at tax time and keeping yourself clear of IRS audits. If you don’t keep clean financial records, it can be difficult if not impossible to claim some of the tax breaks your company is entitled to. Some companies ride so close to the black line, that it can be those tax deductions that help turn a profit for the year. Business experts advise keeping your records for a minimum of three years.
Keeping track of your business transactions doesn’t have to be complicated or too technical. For many years, businesses have managed record keeping through a simple system of writing down all transactions and putting them into some sort of file. You can do the same, or if you’re more comfortable with using a computer and software then you can use that to make your record keeping even easier. However, computer files can be lost in a system crash or even accidentally erased. Be sure to take the time, once a month or so, to make backup files of all your important records. If you are in charge of a second business, make sure you keep those records separate.
Day to day operations can create a “can’t see the forest for the trees” mentality. If you have the records and an easy system with which to look back over your numbers, you’ll never have to rely on your feelings or memory to gage how well your business is doing. And, don’t count totally on your account, although at times it’s unavoidable. It is in your best interest, as a business owner, to at least have a working knowledge of the books. Anyone could fall victim to a less-than-scrupulous accountant. The more you know about your business’s records, the less likely you are to become someone’s prey. Besides, with the knowledge and ability to take care of your books, you can cut back on what is oftentimes a very expensive bit of payroll. Always act in a professional manner, no matter the situation and create skilled business ties at the beginning of your venture, so that inquiries regarding your operation can be answered in a positive light.
Copyright © Rahimah Sultan
I’m an entrepreneur with a focus on internet marketing. I’ve been in offline MLM in the health and wellness area, and I am now focused on building my Internet business that includes blogging, social media and affiliate marketing.
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A Home Business With Affiliate Marketing
by Rahimah Sultan

One of the easiest ways to make money from home is through affiliate marketing. There are lots of companies online looking for ways to build their name (brand) while increasing their income.
Company Branding Through Affiliate Marketing
Branding through advertising can be very successful and incredibly high-priced. There are many companies willing to spend lots of money on advertising, and they are even more willing to spend that money on advertising that will really work well for them.
Affiliate Marketing Online From Home
When doing affiliate marketing online from home, the understanding is for you to place the company’s Ad on your site and you get paid a commission when there is a sale. The Ad that you will place on your site will be designed by the company.
If a visitor clicks on the Ad and buys, you get paid whatever commission you agreed to with the company. Now, the sales have increased for the company, and you get money, as an affiliate marketer, for posting that Ad on your site. Both parties benefit.
Traditional sources for advertising such as TV, radio, newspapers, and the Internet can be very expensive. The advertiser always hopes to make the money back from increased sales of merchandise and/or services. Advertisers are going to pay for the Ad space, regardless of the number of sales. The one who runs the Ads is the only one who gains from this practice.
Selling Other People’s Products to Make Money from Home
Now, how do you get people to your Web site or blog? And, why should anyone go through your site to get to another company just so that you can make a commission?
The first thing you need to do is market your Web site or blog (weblog). Since the trend has been toward Internet blogs to get people interested in what you and others have to say, you have the perfect means for advertising. Just place the company’s Ads on your blog to increase recognition of the company site. If what they offer is similar to the information on your blog, i.e., there is some commonality, then you have the perfect opportunity to turn some of your visitors into customers.
Many Online sites are on the whole, gateways to online shopping malls, which are simply affiliate advertising sources where people visit and find what they’re looking for in one place. Although Web surfers do take the time to search for what they want online, there are those who prefer finding everything, basically, in one location.
Your earning capacity from affiliate marketing depends on the kind of Web site you have and the amount of traffic you receive to your site. To maximize your potential to make serious money from affiliate marketing, you can become affiliated with very successful companies, which offer a high commission arrangement or you can become affiliated with several different companies.
Copyright© Rahimah Sultan
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Marketing Roadmap Success: Getting Free Traffic Part Two
by Rahimah Sultan
This is part two of Marketing Roadmap Success: Getting Free Traffic. In part one we covered getting backlinks, SEO and better SEO positioning. We will now discuss social networks, forums / discussion boards / online communities, video sharing, and review sites.
As stated before, the series contains seven videos. This article covers the last four of the seven Marketing Roadmap Success strategies for getting free traffic to your site.
1) Social Networks
Facebook and Twitter are both social networking tools, like an online community. You can use them to find people you know, business partners, and business groups and prospective connections. To sign up is free, and you can easily integrate the two so that people can keep up with you and get to know you better. This is a way of building trust between you and prospective clients.
2) Forums, Discussion Boards and Online Communities
Forums, discussion boards, and online communities are similar to blog posting and comment posting so there are not a lot of different things to learn. You just have to follow the guidelines for each. To find forums and the like, just do a search online for ones that suit your needs. Used correctly these methods can get you good backlinks and good traffic back to your site.
3) Video Sharing Sites
Video sharing gets traffic back to your site, especially if you use You Tube and Facebook and integrate them with Twitter. The tools you’ll need for videos depend on the kind of videos you want to make. There are paid and free versions of video tools. Using this technique with other online advertising methods can multiply your exposure.
4) Review Sites
A lot of people go to review sites to decide whether or not they want to buy a certain product. There will probably be a review site for whatever niche or market you’re in: travel, movies, books, games, holidays, cars and products. You can contact the industry owner and find out how to get listed for a review.
Otherwise you can find a lot of individuals who are website owners, one-person businesses and internet or affiliate marketers. You can go to forums and find review sites. The video covers the procedure for doing this. Find sites and be ready for them to honestly review you.
By incorporating these four strategies into your marketing, you can get increased backlinks and exposure for your Marketing Roadmap Success: Getting Free Traffic strategies.