Posts Tagged ‘email marketing to grow your list’

August 6th, 2017

Using Email Marketing to Grow Your List

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


When building a business you need a way to keep in touch with people. Using email marketing to grow your list solves that problem.


When reading online marketing advice, you’re often bombarded with a lot of “noise” about what tactics to use, what software to use, where to buy leads and ads, tweeting, Instagram and other things that you probably know nothing about.


With all this it can be challenging to figure out what to focus on and where to spend your money and time, especially if you’re not a full-time entrepreneur.


According to marketing expert Derek Halpern, entrepreneurs need to be thinking about the T.A.P.P. method rather than focusing on metrics.


In The Only Technique You Need to Quickly Grow Your Email List, this is discussed in depth.


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