Posts Tagged ‘list building’
List Building: Part Two
by Rahimah Sultan
Part one of List Building covered the first two modules of the product List Building Income. (Click here to read)
Today’s article covers modules three and four.
Module 03: Paid List Building Methods
If you have money in your budget for advertising, you can purchase traffic to help build a subscribership to your list.
PPC (pay-per-click) is one of the most popular and effective ways to buy traffic for your list. You can also use Facebook ad campaigns, with which you can target ads to certain populations or niches. To avoid overspending, you MUST monitor your paid campaigns at all times. Other paid sources include ezines, newsletters, Coreg Leads and more.
Always use some sort of lead capture page (a squeeze page) when advertising your products or services.
If you are new to online business, do use the free traffic getting methods to see how things work before turning to the paid methods.
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Module 04: Maximizing Your Leads and Sales Conversion
This module focuses on some extra tips to help maximize your leads and convert them into sales.
These include the following:
Keep your squeeze page simple and easy to navigate. Just list a couple of features or benefits. This is not a sales page. Then ask for name and email, as this is a first contact.
How to use a video on your squeeze page or a reverse squeeze page (use the giveaway up front then ask the visitor to opt in)
Try other marketers squeeze pages that are doing well.
Use psychology to appeal to visitors emotions. Make your ad personal and make the visitor feel as if they must have what you’re offering.
Develop trust, reassure visitors that their information will not be used for any other purpose, and stick to that.
How to use bullet points, promotion offers and more.
Remember that a list is necessary to compete and sustain a business online. It takes some work but in time with persistence and patience you’ll succeed with your List Building.
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List Building: Part One
by Rahimah Sultan
Operating an online business is more than having a website and hoping for visitors. You must do some work and your main focus should be List Building. You must do something to get your site viewed. There are a number of things to consider. With List Building Income, you get four modules that cover list building techniques and tips which include creating a system with squeeze pages and an autoresponder, free and paid methods of getting traffic, and ways to maximize your leads and sales conversion. Following is a partial overview of the product.
Module 01: How to Create an Easy, Proven System to Suck in Leads
This module contains tips on making professional squeeze pages and the content that should be placed on those pages. It also covers using autoresponders to keep in touch with subscribers. An autoresponder offers you a way to follow up with people who have subscribed to your list and give them more information and future offers that may benefit them in their business. Having a list and following up with them gains their trust and they will buy from you at some point, if you offer products that they can use in their niche, either your own or affiliate products.
You can use incentives like free offers to get subscribers. Of course these should be good products like a PDF or a video or something else that solves a problem in their marketing. It must be something useful. Be creative.
There are sources where you can get examples of squeeze pages using pictures, testimonials and videos to build confidence with your subscribers.
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Module 02: Free List Building Methods
Learn how to spread the word about your site or squeeze pages through article marketing that benefits you by people seeing those articles and clicking on your links inside.
Use Twitter social network for building credibility over time, and Facebook fan pages and groups. There is also SEO and blogging (content on websites that helps build your rank on Google). Google is not the only site but it’s the largest. Web business is all about good content that is relevant to your site or niche. There is also YouTube for video content. This is like writing articles only it’s a video. You can also use Ad swaps, giveaways and more.
So do some work and focus on List Building so you’ll have someone to buy your products.

Article Marketing Resource Box
by Rahimah Sultan
You want to publish your article in the largest publications that you can, because they get you links when other webmasters use your article on their sites. That’s the purpose for using a resource box. Do not publish unless you’re going to do a good Article Marketing Resource Box.
What Is A Resource Box?
A resource box is the most important part of any article you might get published. It contains information about you. Those details should include your mission statement, which shows what you are about or what you want to accomplish. This is where you promote you, your site or product. Your resource box can only be about 15% of the length of your article.
It must include:
Your name you are trying to brand – yours or a pen name or your website or product.
A call-to-action that reads something like “Fill in the form for more information or fill in the form to get my free report.” Your free report can be a PDF containing two or three of your articles. This is a great list-building tactic.
Your contact information – Skype, Facebook, Twitter. Be careful not to include too many links.
Direct your visitors to a particular article on your website or a particular product or service using a clickable link that is one of your SEO keyword phrases. This is what the search engines pick up.
Do not include a list of every website you own or every accomplishment you’ve ever achieved. That is very unprofessional, and you are building a list with your autoresponder that has follow-up messages about all the things you have and will have over time. Do not include ads for products or services not relevant to your topic.
Remember, you are not doing this for fun. You are marketing your own site to make money, bring in links, and up your page rank in the search engines in order to bring in more business. So let your Article Marketing Resource Box work for you.
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