Posts Tagged ‘tips for successfully working from home’

July 19th, 2017

Home Business Success

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


I’m sure you’re familiar with the saying, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” That also applies to business. Don’t depend on one source for all of your income. You need several ways to make money:


Sell information products
Sell other people’s products
Create a membership site
Create an online freelance business


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February 7th, 2015

10 Tips for Successfully Working from Home

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


“The rise of the digital age has allowed more and more people to work remotely and to start businesses in the comfort of their own homes. Working out of your house has a lot of advantages — no dress code, no commute, and more autonomy. But it also comes with unique challenges.”


There are some things you need to consider in order to be successful. Among them are setting a schedule, deciding whether to get dressed or not, when to run your personal errands, how to set up your computer, and your social life.


Whether you have children or not, be flexible and experiment. Try different schedules and set-ups to figure out what is best for you.


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