Posts Tagged ‘tips on the need for auto responders’

November 12th, 2017

4 Tips on the Need for Auto Responders

by Rahimah Sultan


photo from blog


As a marketer you are performing a balancing act between remaining relevant and keeping your sanity. There are only so many hours in a day, and sometimes we become overwhelmed trying to manage all the responsibilities.


When it comes to staying in contact with prospects, a well-crafted auto responder campaign is the way to go.


Respond to People


People don’t like to feel ignored. When people land on your site and want to touch base with you they want an immediate response. Auto responders work like clocks, delivering customized responses at exactly the right time. They work 24/7 so you never miss that midnight lead.


Be Relevant


Prospects find you through a website visit, an order placement, a subscription or some other action. By scheduling a pre-arranged response like a thank you and including a bonus of some kind, you are maximizing marketing potential and maintaining relevancy while advancing customer relations from the beginning.


Save Time and Stress


Most of us are wearing many hats so automating things is important. You can set up an auto responder series for a week, a month or however long you like and not have to worry about forgetting to follow up with prospects. Once you set up a series you’re done. Doing this initially saves you time and stress later on. If you want more contact with prospects you can always set up a broadcast that goes out to everyone.


Get people to Know, Like and Trust You


Produce high-quality content and communicate with consumers on a regular basis so you can develop a good reputation. Do not make every communication about a sale. Share tips and information about how your product or service can help solve their problems.


Every online business needs email marketing tools that allow you to follow up with prospects.


Deliver your emails via the auto responder function of your email marketing program. Write the best content you can for your autoresponder. The time you put in now can continue to grow your business in the future.


Consider these 4 tips on the need for auto responders to help automate your business and save time and reduce stress.


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