Posts Tagged ‘types of blog articles’

November 29th, 2014

Four Types of Articles for Internet Marketers

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


We all know that blogs can be for personal or business use, and the reason for blogging is to get people to your site to see what you are offering so you can make sales. The type of content used is determined by the purpose of your blog. This is an overview of Four Types of Articles for Internet Marketers: Junk, Product, Information, and Viral.
A junk article is only fodder and is of inferior quality that contains readily available material used to supply a heavy demand for gossip or some other such thing.


You use a product article to describe what you are selling and how it is used. In order for this type of article to be effective, you must state how the particular product can solve a problem for your potential customer.


An information article requires a bit of work, and you can use it to maximize the quality of traffic to your site. This type has a narrow topic based on the keywords for your site, which draws in a particular kind of prospect. If you have used SEO correctly, someone searching for something to solve a particular problem can end up on your site and become a customer.


A WordPress blog in the root of your site is the way to go. You can use an SEO plugin like the All in One SEO Pack that allows you to optimize each article and each page on your blog for particular keywords. If you do one article per week focusing on one of your site’s long-tailed keywords, in 52 weeks you can get an amazing amount of organic (free) traffic to your site. Be sure to include a call to action, such as Click Here for More Information, in the article. Then make your call-to-action a clickable link that leads to a squeeze page, a sales page, an affiliate link or wherever you want to take them.


A viral article is one that takes advantage of trending news events, funny videos or something of that nature, and is used mainly for getting links as opposed to quality traffic.


Whether you choose one or all four types of articles, this overview of Four Types of Articles for Internet Marketers gives you some ideas for future posts. When you click the banner below you have an opportunity for access to more information on all aspects of setting up and growing a business, including extensive material on Article Marketing.


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