Archive for January, 2015

January 24th, 2015

Article Marketing Resource Box

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


You want to publish your article in the largest publications that you can, because they get you links when other webmasters use your article on their sites. That’s the purpose for using a resource box. Do not publish unless you’re going to do a good Article Marketing Resource Box.


What Is A Resource Box?


A resource box is the most important part of any article you might get published. It contains information about you. Those details should include your mission statement, which shows what you are about or what you want to accomplish. This is where you promote you, your site or product. Your resource box can only be about 15% of the length of your article.


It must include:


Your name you are trying to brand – yours or a pen name or your website or product.


A call-to-action that reads something like “Fill in the form for more information or fill in the form to get my free report.” Your free report can be a PDF containing two or three of your articles. This is a great list-building tactic.


Your contact information – Skype, Facebook, Twitter. Be careful not to include too many links.


Direct your visitors to a particular article on your website or a particular product or service using a clickable link that is one of your SEO keyword phrases. This is what the search engines pick up.


Do not include a list of every website you own or every accomplishment you’ve ever achieved. That is very unprofessional, and you are building a list with your autoresponder that has follow-up messages about all the things you have and will have over time. Do not include ads for products or services not relevant to your topic.


Remember, you are not doing this for fun. You are marketing your own site to make money, bring in links, and up your page rank in the search engines in order to bring in more business. So let your Article Marketing Resource Box work for you.


Start Building Your List Today
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January 16th, 2015

How To Keep Yourself Motivated When Working At Home

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


Working from home can present a tremendous motivational challenge. Working in isolation can take its toll, and it can be difficult for you to keep a positive attitude. Here are a few suggestions on how to keep yourself motivated when working at home.


You should schedule breaks. Work on parts of major tasks for a certain amount of time each, and then get away from it. That will help to clear your head and keep you focused when you resume work.


Reward yourself during the day for completing certain things. You can work for a certain amount of time and then take a break to play a game or watch a TV program. Using distractions as rewards can create balance so that you don’t have that feeling of all work and no play.


Plan your day with a to-do list made the night before or first thing each morning. Prioritize tasks, state what needs to be done to complete them, and do those things before anything else.


And best of all, as a freelancer, you can vary your workplace. You do not have to work inside in the same room all the time. Although you most likely have a designated area for an “office” or an actual office, you can always take some time to pack up your office and work someplace else for a few hours, a day or a working vacation. After all, it’s your business.


Hopefully these tips on How To Keep Yourself Motivated When Working At Home can help you remain a motivated freelancer.


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January 3rd, 2015

Tips for Email Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


Although this may be stating the obvious, you should always take the time to double check your messages before sending. People form impressions about you through everything you do online. If you want to present a professional image to the public, always show yourself in the best light possible. Following are some tips for email marketing that are often overlooked, especially if you are not a seasoned marketer.




Consider your headline or subject. Keep it short and give a hint of what is in the body of the email. Do not over punctuate. You can use upper-case letters for the first letter of important words, and  avoid exclamation points.




Begin the body with a salutation such as “Hello or Hi” (first name) if you are mailing your list. If you are mailing your list you no doubt have an autoresponder to enter these codes. However, if you are mailing to Safelists and Traffic Exchanges as a free member, and you do not have this option, just type in “Hello Fellow Marketer,” or Hi Fellow Entrepreneur or something similar. Do not leave brackets such as [First_Name] or {First Name}.


People prefer skimming to reading, so keep it short while pointing out the main purpose of your product or service. Then include a link that they can click for more information. Only use one clickable link or at most two, so it does not end up in a spam folder and never get seen. If you use two, place one after a few sentences or a short paragraph and the other just before the closing. Make sure the line length is no more than ten words across. If you use email swipe copy, check it before sending. I would avoid contractions like I’m, we’re, don’t, or you’re, etc. Type out the complete words — I am, we are, do not, or you are — as they may show up as symbols such as I’ve and one….


Closing and Signature


Be sure to use a closing that suits your personality, something like Warm regards, To your success or Much success, and include your real name and your “unlinked” website, Skype address, email or some way for people to contact you.




Have a Great Day,


Rahimah Sultan
Skype: rahimahsultan


These may not seem like earth-shattering Tips for Email Marketing, but they do make a difference when it comes to getting your emails opened and read.