Archive for February, 2017

February 28th, 2017

Autoresponders in Internet Business

by Rahimah Sultan

So, you’ve been browsing and Googling and seeing all the promotions on the Internet for starting your own home business and the tools that are needed to do so. Then there are suggestions for platforms for setting up your business online. There is an abundance of information and courses offering training, and there are Ads promoting ways to get your information out to the public, and how to build lists using autoresponders, and on and on.

You probably already have a general idea of how to do business online. If not, and you’re a beginner, you may have a business idea or you may already have an offline business and may be wondering how to bring it online.

So where do you start if you have an entrepreneurial spirit and want to do business online?

Set up a place online to do business

First, you have to have a place online to do business, and that means establishing an online presence. You have to buy a domain name, which represents you and your company or home business, and set up your website with a hosting company. Your website is your “place of business.” You’ll place a sign-up form on your site to attract new prospects.

Use an autoresponder

The form you place on your website needs to be connected to an autoresponder so you can collect names and emails of prospects. You stay in contact with these signups through messages that go out via this autoresponder.

Autoresponders are used by individuals and also by Web sites that need to respond to user comments automatically. Businesses use them to inform an email sender that someone is out of the office and the date of return; a company may use an autoresponder for newsletter subscription opt-ins or cancellations. An autoresponder is used by businesses to confirm purchases and pertinent information regarding that buy. Email marketing, using autoresponders, has been identified as one of the most profitable modern marketing techniques.

You need to nurture your leads so they stay connected and gain confidence and trust in you.

Set up an email series

The most efficient and cost effective way to educate your new subscribers is to take them through a series of especially designed emails that take them from point A to point B in a sequential order. This series gives them the opportunity to get to know what you have to offer and how you can help them.

Set up a series of emails to go out at predetermined times. For instance, your first message will probably be a thank you for signing up or subscribing that includes a link to a freebie to be downloaded immediately. The balance of the series will be related to your product or service.

Every time you create an autoresponder series, it should take a subscriber from being a lead to a prospect to a customer. With an autoresponder series each new subscriber will get the same experience your first one did, if that’s what you want.

The strategy for your email series is determined by the type of product or service you offer. The number of messages can be seven – one a day or 30 or more. You can send one on the first seven days and then add others spaced at longer intervals. You decide what’s best for you and your business.

If your site is a blog, you can populate it with content that shows people how to use your services or how to solve particular problems. Then you can send a broadcast to your list with the link to your blog article. You may only want to set up a few messages in your autoresponder and then send broadcasts to your list. The choice is yours. You need to:

Focus on the reader’s desires and needs. What problems are your subscribers experiencing?

Use a real email address that people can reply to which can be your name or business name.

Personalize your emails and include a salutation. Make it sound like an email, not a press release.

Highlight the benefits you’re offering.

Use attention-grabbing headlines.

Make the email easy to read.
Proof read your emails. Use correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Use a call to action stating what you want the reader to do.

When you get a response to an email, always reply.

Never send an email if a person hasn’t given you permission to do so and do not share a person’s information with anyone. Do not go overboard with affiliate offers and promotions.

In summary, set up a place online to do business, use an autoresponder, and set up an email series. Using these tips on Autoresponders in Internet Business should be helpful.

February 19th, 2017

Blog Article Marketing Tips

by Rahimah Sultan


photo from blog


A blog is a tool for publishing whatever you want. You define what that publication should be like based on your interests and goals. Blog article marketing is a process of writing articles, that support your interest, and publishing them on that blog platform. A blog is a technology that’s easy for both people and the Internet to understand.


You decide the purpose and the tone. Do you want to attract more leads for your product or service? Should the tone be formal or casual?


The basic format of a blog article includes a date, title, author, and the article body which includes text and images. You can include a call to action (CTA) at the end of your article with a link to your lead capture page (LCP) to bring in more leads.


Doing a blog right is about understanding what you can do with the technical capabilities of a blog platform.


(For more information, read my blog article


Blogging is one way to establish an online presence, especially if you have or want to start a business.


These Blog Article Marketing Tips can help you get started with your online presence and help to establish your authority.


Ready to Set Up Your Blog?
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February 9th, 2017

Affiliate Marketing: Merchant or Affiliate

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting other people’s (or company’s) products. Just find a product you like, promote it to others and earn a part of the profit for each sale that you make.


An affiliate, also known as the publisher, can be a single individual or a company.


There are two ways to get started with affiliate marketing. You can become a merchant or an affiliate.


Although it’s not easy, you can become an affiliate program merchant and then make money by having affiliates sell your products. Following are the 4 steps to take.


1) You need a product idea.


Look at what products and services are already available and think about how you can make them better by having something that solves the problems with those products.


2) Find out if people want it.


Present your idea to people and ask them if they like it and will pay for it.


3) Create the product.


It can be online courses, ebooks or podcasts/videos.


4) Find affiliate program partners.


You have to find affiliates to promote your products (affiliate networks can help) who actually have an audience that is interested in what you have to sell. Clickbank and Amazon are examples of networks.


There are also 4 steps to take to become an online affiliate marketer.


1) Review products in your niche.


You can start by looking at the partners in step 4 for becoming a merchant.


2) Build an email list with your prospects on it.


3) Educate your audience.


You can use live webinars, blog posts and social media.


4) Grow your business with PPC advertising.


This is an overview of the specifics of affiliate marketing.


For complete details Click here to read: What Is Affiliate Marketing.


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