Archive for December, 2018

December 25th, 2018

Affiliate Marketing Tips and Strategies

by Rahimah Sultan

If you’re a marketer looking for opportunities in affiliate marketing (Read ) you need to continually improve your strategies if you want success and profits.

Learn how to outrank your competition, select a profitable affiliate program, use low-cost tools for your campaigns, and stay away from bad links among other things.

There is constant demand for consumers’ attention so it’s important that marketers remain creative in order to set yourselves above your competitors.

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December 11th, 2018

Article Marketing As Part Of Your Overall Marketing Strategy

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


Although the rise of video has dominated the content marketing industry for the last couple of years, it’s evident that many people still prefer to read.


While many prefer to watch a video than to read written text, we’re often not able to listen to video, and for many types of content, we still prefer to read. Using article marketing as a part of your overall marketing strategy is a benefit to you.


Here are four good reasons to use article marketing as part of your overall marketing strategy:

To expand your brand visibility on the web
To validate your authority and thought leadership
To enhance your SEO efforts
To create pathways for the people, who want what you’re offering, to find you


Expand your brand visibility on the web

Great content is a relatively inexpensive way to advertise your brand and get more visibility on the web. You must provide quality content in an easy-to-understand manner that addresses the needs or wants of the audience you wish to reach.


Validate your authority and thought leadership


Beneficial articles validate your authority and thought leadership by showing your ideas and expertise.


Marketing effort builds momentum through consistency. Set up a schedule that works for you and stay with it, say one article per week. Marketing with articles takes time and persistence. It’s not a quick fix for cash flow.


Enhance your SEO efforts


You can enhance your SEO efforts with article marketing by properly using your keywords. Use them in your title, a couple of times within the article, and as a hyperlink that contains your main keyword(s) in your summary, which links back to your product or service by way of a landing page.


Create pathways for the people who want what you’re offering to find you


Create a pathway for people to find what you’re offering by using a landing page, also called a lead capture page. This is a page that has a call to action (CTA) and is connected to a source that collects people’s name and email address so that you can follow up with them to offer more information about your product or service.


As you promote your articles, there is the opportunity for them to go viral.


To have a successful content marketing strategy you will need a variety of different content types, including written blog posts, videos, infographics and webinars.


Search engine bots cannot read videos so you even need text with videos to rank higher in the search engines. You Tube, which is owned by Google, allows a 200-word summary explaining what a video is about. The text needs to be clear, unique and well-written.


You can get information more quickly from a well-written article than a video, because you can skim the article and pick out what is relevant to you. If you’re viewing a video, it’s easy to miss something while scrolling back and forth on the time bar, and it takes up a lot of time.


Use article marketing as part of your overall marketing strategy so you can expand your brand visibility on the web, validate your authority and thought leadership, enhance your SEO efforts and create pathways for the people who want what you’re offering to find you.


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