Posts Tagged ‘blog articles’
Four Types of Articles for Internet Marketers
by Rahimah Sultan
We all know that blogs can be for personal or business use, and the reason for blogging is to get people to your site to see what you are offering so you can make sales. The type of content used is determined by the purpose of your blog. This is an overview of Four Types of Articles for Internet Marketers: Junk, Product, Information, and Viral.
A junk article is only fodder and is of inferior quality that contains readily available material used to supply a heavy demand for gossip or some other such thing.
You use a product article to describe what you are selling and how it is used. In order for this type of article to be effective, you must state how the particular product can solve a problem for your potential customer.
An information article requires a bit of work, and you can use it to maximize the quality of traffic to your site. This type has a narrow topic based on the keywords for your site, which draws in a particular kind of prospect. If you have used SEO correctly, someone searching for something to solve a particular problem can end up on your site and become a customer.
A WordPress blog in the root of your site is the way to go. You can use an SEO plugin like the All in One SEO Pack that allows you to optimize each article and each page on your blog for particular keywords. If you do one article per week focusing on one of your site’s long-tailed keywords, in 52 weeks you can get an amazing amount of organic (free) traffic to your site. Be sure to include a call to action, such as Click Here for More Information, in the article. Then make your call-to-action a clickable link that leads to a squeeze page, a sales page, an affiliate link or wherever you want to take them.
A viral article is one that takes advantage of trending news events, funny videos or something of that nature, and is used mainly for getting links as opposed to quality traffic.
Whether you choose one or all four types of articles, this overview of Four Types of Articles for Internet Marketers gives you some ideas for future posts. When you click the banner below you have an opportunity for access to more information on all aspects of setting up and growing a business, including extensive material on Article Marketing.
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Marketing Roadmap Success: Getting Free Traffic
by Rahimah Sultan
This is part one of Marketing Roadmap Success: Getting Free Traffic. Although there are many different types of marketing roadmaps, in this particular Video Series we will talk about seven ways to get free traffic to your site or business. This article covers getting backlinks, SEO and better SEO positioning. Better search engine optimization positioning allows you to get better exposure, more traffic, and more targeted traffic to your site or business.
The series contains seven videos. This article covers three of the seven marketing roadmap success strategies.
1) Blogging Strategy
First, build a blog and post an article that relates to your website. For more search engine exposure, post frequently. When creating a blog choose a title based on keywords related to your niche or site, and use an easy to read template. The first article should be educational content with information or tips to keep people coming back to read more of your articles. This should not be advertising. Then at the end of the article, redirect people to your website. This enables you to get more targeted traffic.
2) Blog Commenting
Reading other peoples’ blogs and commenting on their articles is another way to get targeted traffic to your site. There is a discussion of free software and using Google for getting backlinks and how to search for blogs and valuable sites to leave comments on to get long-term traffic for your site.
3) Wiki Traffic
A Wiki site is a massive website, knowledge base or online library. Google looks upon Wikipedia as a great site with a good source of content. The video series details this process and how to use Wikipedia safely and legally to get good traffic back to your site without you getting banned.
If you follow each video step by step, even though they might cover different subjects that all fall under the category of free traffic, you’ll start to see traffic come to your site or business within a day of implementing these Marketing Roadmap Success: Getting Free Traffic strategies.
How to Write Great Blog Articles People Want to Read
by Rahimah Sultan
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If you publish a blog post or article and no one reads it, it’s still a post. Anyone can write one, although not everyone knows how to write great blog posts/articles people want to read.
Obviously, you first have to choose a topic.
How do you choose a topic?
If you’re familiar with a particular niche, you probably already have plenty of ideas you want to use. If not, then write about things people are searching for. If there are lots of searches, month after month on certain topics, that’s probably what people want to read about.
Here are some free tools for keyword research and SEO content optimization:
Google Keyword Planner
Once you’ve chosen a topic, you need an angle or a viewpoint for your post or a direction. Choose an objective for your post/article.
That may be:
Sharing a solution to a tough problem
Refining an overwhelming topic into something understandable
Telling a suspenseful and emotional story that teaches a lesson
Identifying key trends on a topic, and using them to predict the future
Contributing original information about a field through your research and investigation
Now that you have a topic, select your format. Will it be a listicle or a how-to article?
1. A listicle format, also known as a list-post, are articles structured around lists. For example:
15 Blogging Tips For Beginners
10 Best Online Marketing Tools
10 Quick SEO Tips To Increase Organic Traffic
25 Tips For Content Marketing
50 Best Travel Tips: Advice From A Professional Traveler
2. A how-to article is self-explanatory, in that it shows how to perform a certain task. For example:
How To Start A Blog
How To Promote Your Business
How To Grow Your Business
How To Use Social Media To Grow Your Business
How To Write Great Blog Articles
Now that you have a topic and format, how do you write an article or a post that will rank on Google?
To write an article or a blog post that will rank on Google, you need to know about SEO (search engine optimization), the process of optimizing your site and content for search engines such as Google.
If your article or post is well optimized for a search engine, the higher you’ll rank on Google and it will have more visibility within the search results.
If SEO is well done, the ROI on your time and the money you’ve spent can be exceptionally high. When you’ve achieved a high rank for keywords that are directing traffic and sales to your site, you’re essentially getting “free” leads.
Of course, these organic leads are not totally free, since you’ve invested time and probably some money into your SEO efforts. But, unlike paid ads, organic traffic is a free source that keeps on giving.
Of the couple hundred plus Google ranking factors, there are three key areas you’ll need to familiarize yourself with:
On-page ranking factors—which relate to the content on your pages like keywords, title tags, and images that give Google a good understanding of your page.
Off-page ranking factors—that relate to indicators outside of your site like backlinks and social signals.
Technical ranking factors—which relate to your site’s performance such as accessibility, mobile compatibility, load speed, and more.
Now it’s time to write, but it’s really difficult to sit down and write from scratch – staring at a blank sheet of paper or a blank screen on your computer is daunting.
Since you’ve done research for keywords and decided on a topic, create an outline. With an outline, you just fill in the gaps. You don’t have to write an outline from scratch either. Use a template or make your own.
You’ll need to include:
1. The key takeaways for your readers
2. A smart headline
3. Arrange the major themes and section of the blog article outline
4. Insert relevant sources and any additional data and studies
5. Trim and clean up the outline
6. Write your article
Write a first draft using Google Docs or whatever program you prefer. Put down everything you think you’ll use pertaining to the article subject.
Now pick out a few key points as topics to discuss and use those for headings. Know that people like to skim before committing to reading an entire article. This gets you into formatting. Use each major key point as a heading for the different sections in the article. Be sure these headings are clear for easy skimming.
Break up the paragraphs into short paragraphs of no more than four sentences. You should vary the sentence length to make for easier reading.
Use bolding for emphasis, bullets, and numbered lists.
For complex points (or just for fun) you can add images, tables, charts, and infographics.
Be sure your article shows up well on mobile. Otherwise, your content – no matter how incredible – will not rank.
When you start writing you’ll need to come up with a great headline and introduction. So, state the problem you’ll write about, go into the details of solving it, then offer a solution.
Use the following points as a guideline.
1. Make your introduction catchy but authoritative.
2. The length of the article should be about 1,000 words minimum, depending on the subject matter. Content length varies by industry.
3. Sprinkle target keywords and similar ones throughout the article without going overboard and include important keywords early and frequently, of course, without overdoing them.
4. Use appropriate verbiage so as not to alienate your audience. Write in the first person and conversationally.
Links are very important because they keep viewers on your site and they build trust in Google’s eyes.
Some important ones are:
External links to amazing resources such as marketing tools
Internal links on your site – each blog article should include at least 2-3 links to other pages on your blog or main site
Make sure your anchor text actually links to something relevant. Don’t link the phrase “how to build a list” to an article about affiliate marketing.
In summary choosing your topic, angle, and format and putting effort into your content is a recipe for organic success.
Using this information on how to write great blog articles people want to read will enable you to get started writing great blog posts that people want to read.
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