Posts Tagged ‘internet marketing solutions’
Internet Marketing Information
by Rahimah Sultan
When it comes to internet marketing solutions, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with all the choices. You need to have one that is right for promoting your product or service and works within the resources you have available to you. That may include deciding whether to buy ads, building a better website, creating targeted landing pages, starting a blog, producing a video or something else.
Pick something, focus, and stick with it. Don’t jump from one thing to another. That is a recipe for failure.
Following is some internet marketing information that I hope will be useful.
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Affiliate Marketing
by Rahimah Sultan
Affiliate marketing is the basis for all other Internet marketing strategies. It originally involved lots of spamming, trademark infringement, false advertising and more. Now it is safer to do business online because of advanced scrutiny of terms and conditions by the merchants. As affiliate marketing opened up more opportunities, it also increased marketing competition.
Affiliate marketing was started on music-oriented websites. They placed a list of music albums on their site and paid others to put those links in their websites when a visitor bought an album through their site.
In affiliate marketing, the publisher incurs all the cost except that of initial setup and development of the program, which is incurred by the merchant.
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Internet Marketing Solutions: Social Media Tips
by Rahimah Sultan
Social media is a fantastic, low-cost opportunity for visibility and brand awareness. Even if you’ve been using it for a while, there is always something you can learn about social media that can help boost your business.
Check out some tips for social media marketing that include showing up, being you and keeping things simple. Remember that social media marketing is real marketing.
Read Social Media Tips for Entrepreneurs, which covers these tips and more.
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Internet Marketing Solutions
In the online business world there are three key things needed to grow your business. These Internet Marketing Solutions include targeted traffic, something to sell, and a marketing funnel. These key factors are needed for all products and services sold online.
Targeted Traffic
The first element you need to grow your online business is a steady flow of targeted customers visiting your website and online sales pages. These are people who are genuinely interested in your products or services. You can buy traffic or use free sources or both. Paid traffic includes pay per click, banner advertisements, solo ads and ezine advertising. Article marketing, search engine optimization, video marketing and blogging are some free ways of getting targeted traffic.
Product or Service
Part of your Internet Marketing Solutions includes something to sell. It can be an actual physical product that is shipped to buyers or a digital product that can be instantly downloaded to their computers. If you do not have a product of your own, there are many places to find good products to sell as an affiliate marketer. Click bank, JV Zoo, and Deal Guardian are a few. Just make sure they are good products that solve people’s problems. This is especially important for your prospective buyers. You want them to trust you and your recommendations.
Marketing Funnel
You need a follow up strategy for people who do not buy from you the first time they visit your site. A marketing funnel serves that purpose by capturing visitors’ information and adding them to a list of prospects to be contacted at a later date. They may like what you are offering but need more time to get to know and trust you before making a purchase. Once you have a prospect’s information you can remind them of your products and services in a number of ways that include email marketing, online webinars and social media.
To be successful with your internet marketing business you must use effective advertising. You must use these three key Internet Marketing Solutions.
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10 Essential Tips In Email Marketing
by Rahimah Sultan

Email marketing is used when you obtain the email addresses of visitors to your blog or website by using an opt-in form.
The opt-in form is an area where you request the name and email address of a reader in exchange for a report or information article, usually offered free and as an addition to a sales page.
Once email addresses are procured, subsequent emails are sent, at various intervals, to the reader offering further free information and options to subscribe to membership sites or opportunities to receive further support and advice on a specific topic.
Email marketing is the sending of the periodic emails promoting further benefits.
Top tips when carrying out this type of marketing are:
1. Straight forward opt-in form – make sure the reader knows exactly how to request information using simple boxes and instructions such as one box for their name and another for their email address
2. Opt-out information – always reassure the reader that, should they wish to be removed from a mailing list, this is done without question and immediately
3. Be up front – provide your subscribers with all information regarding subsequent emails and frequency, what they can expect from you and what they will get or benefit from by your emails and information provided
4. Always provide a “call to action” – readers need to be instructed on what to do next so always request a call to action and what will be received by the reader once done
5. Easy reading – make your information easy to read with a basic format, titles, subtitles and key words so a reader can scan the information and get the important facts
6. Request feedback – ask the reader what they want and request feedback and comments on your content and reports. If it doesn’ deliver as promised, ask for advice on improving
7. Regularity – provide updates and information on a regular basis. Your readers will learn to expect newsletters, emails, and so on, on a regular basis so will not be surprised when they receive subsequent emails
8. Varied media – remember there are various ways to access the internet and many people use desktops, laptops, mobile apps, tablets to name a few so the layout of your information is important. Check the content on various devices and make amendments to make it attractive to the eye if possible
9. Remain approachable – let your own character and personality come through in your writing and you will gain association with your readers. If you stay human you can be viewed as a reliable source of information
10. Add value – make sure everything you say provides your reader with a valuable experience such as providing tips, lists, how to achieve something and worthwhile reading.
Niche Marketing: Part Two
by Rahimah Sultan
Part one of Niche Marketing Made Easy Workshop covered the first three components of the package. Click here to read. Now we shall discuss four and five.
Number 4 Covers:
Niche Marketing Made Easy Hottest Niche List. When deciding on what product or service you will promote in a niche market your decision should be based on demand for a product or service. Make sure you focus your energy on finding products that people are really looking for such as…
Things they actually need
How to make their lives better
How to make them feel better
Ways of looking better physically
Stuff that helps them solve a problem
Niche Marketing Made Easy Workshop has included over 100 HOT-NICHES to save you a ton of time in your niche research!
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Building Your Niche Empire Today!
Number 5 Covers:
Niche Marketing Made Easy Resource, is an over-the-shoulder look at what needs to be done and how to achieve a Niche Empire. It includes a list of some additional resources that you need to investigate to help you achieve your profitable niche business.
Once you go through this workshop you’ll have a proven niche marketing system in place that not only will make you the income that you want and need, but it’s totally scalable too!
You can drive more traffic and make more money and/or you can go into another niche and setup the system for more profits!
Imagine what it’s going to be like to finally have a niche empire providing real online income almost on autopilot. No more will you have to chase the dreams that “they” have been selling you because you’ll be making your own dreams come true with your Niche Marketing empire!

E-zine Marketing is One Option for Advertising
by Rahimah Sultan
E-zine marketing is one option for advertising. One common mistake that many new web site owners make when they start their online business is thinking that lots of people are going to visit their site. They spend money for that professional look, add all the relevant information and then sit back and wait for the visitors. But they don’t come.
Why? You need a marketing campaign. There are several ways to go about this.
One option is to write articles or have them written for you and then submit them to paid or free e-zines. Of course, you must find the right e-zines or web sites to post your articles to. Make sure they are top ranked and not fly-by-night ones who will take your money and not publish. A vast majority of ezines are a waste of time and money.
A few points to keep in mind are:
1. You get what you pay for.
2. You must offer something that relates to the niche market.
3. Target your advertising to your audience.
4. The best things are not always free.
Where you should advertise depends on your product or service. So, do your homework before you begin your campaign.
Find Your Niche and Blog
by Rahimah Sultan
Find your niche and blog even though you may be starting up a new web site aimed at bloggers or you want to make your existing blog site more distinctive. The key to building and maintaining a site that will capture the interest and attention of the blogging community is finding your niche.
If you can fill a unique need in a way that no other web site does, you’ll be able to build a lasting readership among web surfers. Once you have discovered a niche, you’ll still have a lot to do, but finding your place in the blogosphere is the place to begin.
Of course, even if you’re a marketing genius or have a really great idea for a blog, success is not going to happen overnight. Building the kind of readership that blogging for profit requires takes time, and in all likelihood it will be at least several months before you are able to turn much of a profit. Try to stay committed to your blogging project during this initial rough period.
To stay motivated, set goals for how often you’ll update and how many readers you want to attract, and then reward yourself for sticking with your plan.
Often, bloggers have unrealistic expectations of how fast their readership will grow and how much money they’ll make. When these expectations are not met the disappointment can crush the desire to continue blogging.
Many bloggers suffer from a lack of planning. If you want to turn a profit as a blogger, the key is to make a realistic plan and stick with it.
Some Internet Marketing Solutions
by Rahimah Sultan
In the online business world there are three key things needed to grow your business. These Internet Marketing Solutions include targeted traffic, something to sell, and a marketing funnel. These key factors are needed for all products and services sold online.
Targeted Traffic
The first element you need to grow your online business is a steady flow of targeted customers visiting your website and online sales pages. These are people who are…
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