Archive for March, 2014
Advertising Headlines
by Rahimah Sultan
Write good advertising headlines for your product or service. They should immediately catch the reader’s attention. The success of your advertisement lies mostly in the headline. You can state the benefits such as ‘Does Your Autoresponder Service Offer These benefits’?
Use “free” in the headline, and actually give them something for no cost. Do not confuse this with using the word free in an email, which is usually spelled FR~E on websites as ISP filters block messages having the actual word, considering it to be some kind of spam.
You is a very important word to use in an advertisement. It makes your potential customers feel that they’re being spoken to directly. Picture yourself as the customer, and what would appeal to you.
You need to understand the consumer’s needs and desires and then design the advertisement accordingly. Don’t just state the advantages of a product or service, but show how it can make a difference in their business or life by owning or using it. Show them the advantage of owning the product or having the service. The idea is to make prospective buyers feel that they must have what you’re offering them.
For example, when advertising for a car, just stating the specs will not create the effect you want. Make the Ad read something like this: You could be enjoying life to the fullest in your new (car). The solution to the problem of the customer is reflected in this sentence. Ideas can be taken from advertisements of similar brands. Once you have the main sentence, use some power words to create a desire or need for your product or service, which could be a mailing system, an autoresponder, website designing, or whatever.
Offer a “Money back guarantee,” at the end of your advertisement to help gain the trust of your customer. Then show the payment methods and how money will be refunded if the customer is not satisfied.
You can use these tips in your Advertising Headlines to get more customers.
Click the Banner To Get Started With Professional Squeeze and Splash Pages

Internet Marketing Rejection
by Rahimah Sultan
Rejection of any kind hurts. It’s no different with Internet Marketing Rejection. What matters is how you deal with it. Rejection does have a place and a purpose in your internet marketing business. You will not get a “yes” all the time. Rather than quitting, use rejection as a motivator. Keep learning about your business and find out what you can do differently or what you can improve.
Power of Rejection
Don’t hand your power over to rejection. Don’t let it rule your mind and control you. If you do, it could be devastating, because you can lose your money and not achieve your dreams and goals.
Rejection Mindset
We tend to take rejection personally because we invest so much time and effort in our product or service. So we need to change our mindset about Internet Marketing Rejection. It’s not personal. When someone does not want to use your services, it’s not about you. Most of the time the prospect’s reasons for saying “no” have nothing to do with you. It may not be the right time, it might not be a great fit for their business, or maybe they are having trouble making a decision at the moment. So you just move on, but you can stay in touch.
Dwelling on Rejection
Avoid dwelling on rejection. Instead focus on what you are working toward and do the daily tasks required to achieve that end. Learn all you can to improve your chances of success and work on your business daily.
Be honest with yourself about what you don’t know so that you can give yourself the opportunity to learn it and to grow, both personally and in your Internet Marketing business. Use the right tools to lessen the chances of Internet Marketing Rejection.
Increasing Website Opt-Ins
by Rahimah Sultan
Most of us know that to entice visitors to our web site we need to offer a freebie of some kind for Increasing Website Opt-ins. Not only should we offer this, but it should be something of value. It needs to be a solution to the problem that the visitor was searching for on line. This opt-in freebie is the one thing the visitor has to have in order to move forward.
Web site visitors will not treat your site like a brick and mortar business, looking around to see what you have. They are searching for a particular product or service. You have to direct their attention to certain parts of your site and make it easy for them to navigate.
You have to really understand your visitor who leaves clues as to what they were really looking for, based on how they arrived there. You may need to use survey software to find out why they’re visiting but not buying. Ask them questions like who they are and what kind of information they’re looking for.
Click here to read Colin Martin’s article: Increase Your Website Opt-Ins With Freebies That Really Matter To Your Visitor
Click the Banner for Step-by-Step Online Marketing Information
List Building: Part One
by Rahimah Sultan
Operating an online business is more than having a website and hoping for visitors. You must do some work and your main focus should be List Building. You must do something to get your site viewed. There are a number of things to consider. With List Building Income, you get four modules that cover list building techniques and tips which include creating a system with squeeze pages and an autoresponder, free and paid methods of getting traffic, and ways to maximize your leads and sales conversion. Following is a partial overview of the product.
Module 01: How to Create an Easy, Proven System to Suck in Leads
This module contains tips on making professional squeeze pages and the content that should be placed on those pages. It also covers using autoresponders to keep in touch with subscribers. An autoresponder offers you a way to follow up with people who have subscribed to your list and give them more information and future offers that may benefit them in their business. Having a list and following up with them gains their trust and they will buy from you at some point, if you offer products that they can use in their niche, either your own or affiliate products.
You can use incentives like free offers to get subscribers. Of course these should be good products like a PDF or a video or something else that solves a problem in their marketing. It must be something useful. Be creative.
There are sources where you can get examples of squeeze pages using pictures, testimonials and videos to build confidence with your subscribers.
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List Building Income Training
Module 02: Free List Building Methods
Learn how to spread the word about your site or squeeze pages through article marketing that benefits you by people seeing those articles and clicking on your links inside.
Use Twitter social network for building credibility over time, and Facebook fan pages and groups. There is also SEO and blogging (content on websites that helps build your rank on Google). Google is not the only site but it’s the largest. Web business is all about good content that is relevant to your site or niche. There is also YouTube for video content. This is like writing articles only it’s a video. You can also use Ad swaps, giveaways and more.
So do some work and focus on List Building so you’ll have someone to buy your products.