Archive for the ‘Article Marketing’ Category
Facebook Marketing Tactics
by Rahimah Sultan
Facebook is actively introducing new tools and features to help marketers succeed. To help with your success, there are things you can do that include some underused Facebook marketing tactics.
You can optimize your open graph meta-data by using attractive images, and enticing titles and descriptions.
If you’re already creating videos you can upload them directly to Facebook to create more views and engagement.
You can use Facebook’s CTA buttons which are free.
You can post on weekends and at night, and do promote your best content.
These Facebook Marketing Tactics are each covered in the article 5 Effective Underused Facebook Marketing Tactics.
Article Marketing Resource Box
by Rahimah Sultan
You want to publish your article in the largest publications that you can, because they get you links when other webmasters use your article on their sites. That’s the purpose for using a resource box. Do not publish unless you’re going to do a good Article Marketing Resource Box.
What Is A Resource Box?
A resource box is the most important part of any article you might get published. It contains information about you. Those details should include your mission statement, which shows what you are about or what you want to accomplish. This is where you promote you, your site or product. Your resource box can only be about 15% of the length of your article.
It must include:
Your name you are trying to brand – yours or a pen name or your website or product.
A call-to-action that reads something like “Fill in the form for more information or fill in the form to get my free report.” Your free report can be a PDF containing two or three of your articles. This is a great list-building tactic.
Your contact information – Skype, Facebook, Twitter. Be careful not to include too many links.
Direct your visitors to a particular article on your website or a particular product or service using a clickable link that is one of your SEO keyword phrases. This is what the search engines pick up.
Do not include a list of every website you own or every accomplishment you’ve ever achieved. That is very unprofessional, and you are building a list with your autoresponder that has follow-up messages about all the things you have and will have over time. Do not include ads for products or services not relevant to your topic.
Remember, you are not doing this for fun. You are marketing your own site to make money, bring in links, and up your page rank in the search engines in order to bring in more business. So let your Article Marketing Resource Box work for you.
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Four Types of Articles for Internet Marketers
by Rahimah Sultan
We all know that blogs can be for personal or business use, and the reason for blogging is to get people to your site to see what you are offering so you can make sales. The type of content used is determined by the purpose of your blog. This is an overview of Four Types of Articles for Internet Marketers: Junk, Product, Information, and Viral.
A junk article is only fodder and is of inferior quality that contains readily available material used to supply a heavy demand for gossip or some other such thing.
You use a product article to describe what you are selling and how it is used. In order for this type of article to be effective, you must state how the particular product can solve a problem for your potential customer.
An information article requires a bit of work, and you can use it to maximize the quality of traffic to your site. This type has a narrow topic based on the keywords for your site, which draws in a particular kind of prospect. If you have used SEO correctly, someone searching for something to solve a particular problem can end up on your site and become a customer.
A WordPress blog in the root of your site is the way to go. You can use an SEO plugin like the All in One SEO Pack that allows you to optimize each article and each page on your blog for particular keywords. If you do one article per week focusing on one of your site’s long-tailed keywords, in 52 weeks you can get an amazing amount of organic (free) traffic to your site. Be sure to include a call to action, such as Click Here for More Information, in the article. Then make your call-to-action a clickable link that leads to a squeeze page, a sales page, an affiliate link or wherever you want to take them.
A viral article is one that takes advantage of trending news events, funny videos or something of that nature, and is used mainly for getting links as opposed to quality traffic.
Whether you choose one or all four types of articles, this overview of Four Types of Articles for Internet Marketers gives you some ideas for future posts. When you click the banner below you have an opportunity for access to more information on all aspects of setting up and growing a business, including extensive material on Article Marketing.
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How To Build Backlinks
by Rahimah Sultan
While doing some online research I came across an article on backlinks. The author, Lee Joseph LaCasse, discusses how to build backlinks when surfing. He details how to research a product you want to buy, by using the Firefox browser that has a page rank add-on, and then leave a comment on that site. You can then determine the page rank before leaving a comment which points back to your blog. Make sure what you say is relevant to the actual article. Most of the time the webmaster will approve it because that is a possible sale.
You can also get another link by leaving an anchor text embedded in your comment. Building back links this way accomplishes two things at one time. If you do this weekly your number of backlinks will quickly increase. The author also suggests a way to get backlinks without doing a Google search.
As you know, backlinks to your blog can get you higher rankings in the search engines which means there are more eyeballs on your site and more prospective buyers for your products and services.
You can read how to build backlinks by surfing, for more details.
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Success With Affiliate Marketing Programs
by Rahimah Sultan
As an affiliate marketer, your main objective is to sell the products and services offered by your partner merchants. In order to have Success With Affiliate Marketing Programs you will need to increase your web site traffic. Following are a few tips to success with affiliate marketing.
It stands to reason that the most successful sites on the internet are the ones with the most traffic. The best way to get more traffic is through search engine optimization (SEO).
Another way to get more traffic is by joining article directories. To join an internet directory, you will have to submit your site for approval, and it will be categorized accordingly. Only submit with keywords relevant to your niche.
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A third way to increase traffic is to use fresh content. Your site must have fresh, useful content as well as tools that will help your target audience.
Then you must build relationships with your potential customers.
By using these four approaches you can have Success With Affiliate Marketing Programs.
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Viral Marketing
by Rahimah Sultan
Are you using social media in your marketing plan. Here are some tips on viral marketing from Socially Stephanie.
As far as social media goes, Stephanie Frasco of Social Media Today states that there is no magic button to make your web content go viral. “However, there are some ways to increase your reach and make the sharing contagious.”
As you publish, your content will do some of the work on its own and will always be on your site for new visitors.
“Content + Influence = Authority. Or in other words Content + Sharing = Results”.
You have to have great content and targeted Influencers of the web sharing it. You have to have the right kind of content and that depends on your audience – the people your trying to reach, the ones for whom you’re writing.
Some types of content work better than others, such as lists, infographics, and how-tos, and longer pieces work better than short.
Click here to read the complete viral marketing article
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Optimizing Your Squeeze Page in Your Ezine Articles
by Rahimah Sultan
I just found some great information on optimizing your squeeze page in your ezine articles.
Squeeze pages are landing pages that are set up to get your visitors to give you their information so that you can build your list of prospective customers. They ask visitors to subscribe to whatever product or service you’re offering such as newsletters, videos, consulting, among other things. They are more than an opt-in box on your site, since there is usually only one choice.
The article shows you how you can build a list of highly qualified leads using your articles to do so. It details things to consider before linking to your squeeze page in the ezine articles.
If you’re including a link to your website, is it relevant, easy to navigate, transparent, is the material compelling, and is there balance. If so go ahead and link to your blog or website and your squeeze page in the Resource Box of your article submission.
If you’re not planning to include a link to your blog or website, you need to consider other things and then link to your squeeze page in the Resource Box of your article submission. Here’s a great flow chart to help.
Check out these great tips for Optimizing Your Squeeze Page in Your Ezine Articles.
Click Here To Read Entire Article
Google’s Keyword Tool Is Dead
If you are in article marketing you know the necessity of keyword research and SEO. You have to research the best keywords and then do the SEO using those keywords. Now that Google’s Keyword Tool is dead we have to find something else to use. While you can use the replacement tool—their Keyword Planner—you must open an account and accounts are no longer free.
I know of four alternatives at the moment.
The number one, top of the line keyword search tool is at
Webfire was developed by people who understand software as well as marketing techniques. However, it’s very costly. That’s to be expected for the top of the line in anything. With Webfire you get 27 traffic-getting tools.
When it comes to businesses getting free traffic, leads, rankings, and exposure for their websites and brands, automation is the key.
Has 22 traffic-getting software tools
Lets you promote unlimited websites
Has world class training and Support
Has a 30 day money back guarantee and you don’t have to upload or download any software to use it.
It works for any site, whether it’s a WordPress site, any other type of blog, or just a website that doesn’t have a blog. It doesn’t matter what kind of website that you have, if you want to promote it and get fast free traffic, leads and exposure, WebFire can help you do that.
It works on a Mac or PC – it doesn’t matter what kind of computer you have. You simply need to be able to connect to the internet and use your internet browser to access the WebFire membership and the software.
This works in any country in the world that you want to access the internet from and promote a website in that location or promote it globally.
Following are three free keyword research tool sites.
1) Keyword Eye is a British site that lets you keep an eye on the competition and monitor how websites link to you.
2) Keyword Spy allows you to perform advanced keyword research and keyword tracking to study what your competitors have been advertising in their Adwords campaigns and other PPC campaigns. You can get complete in-depth analysis, stats, budget, affiliates & ad copies of your competitors.
3) SEM Rush performs the same as Keyword Spy but allows you to go deeper with your research.
Of course there are paid plans in all three free sites from which you can compare and choose. Since Google’s keyword tool is dead, you can use one of these alternatives for your marketing needs.
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Article Marketing With PLR Articles
by Rahimah Sultan
Article marketing is by far the best free means of promoting your business and increasing your sales and opt-in subscribers. Article marketing with PLR articles is a good way for for non-writers to get started. Usually when people think of Article Marketing, they focus on how to write the article rather than how to market it.
You can submit articles to article directories, ezine publishers and article announcement lists. Most people are familiar with the first two, but maybe not the last one.
Article announcement list
An article announcement list is a type of mailing list that receives free reprint articles. People who would like to receive free online content sign up for the list, and when the articles are submitted they receive them by way of email. This means that to send your article to the mailing list, you need to join the mailing list and agree to receive content from other people. In this regard, it’s like a safelist—you can end up with thousands of emails in your box.
When you submit articles in this manner you achieve several things:
You establish yourself as an expert in your field
Readers are more likely to listen to you if they feel you know what you’re talking about.
You give the reader a link to your website
By attaching a resource box to your article, you are giving the reader a link to your website. If readers are impressed with your knowledge, they’ll probably click on your link to see what it is that you’re offering.
You increase your search engine page rank
Your search engine page rank is increased by providing a non-reciprocal link to your website. Search engines seem to give extra weight to non-reciprocal links in their page rankings.
But many marketers are not comfortable writing their own articles. That’s why there’s such a demand for private label articles. You can then run into a problem since there are many of these services available.
Depending on how these articles are used, the results can be ugly, bad or good.
The ugly: Many marketers put so many links in their article that it becomes one long ad. This will not only get you rejected, but ultimately banned if you do it often enough.
The Bad: Laziness plagues many marketers who use private label articles. They simply copy and paste an article and submit it with no personalization. So give yourself a fighting chance of getting your article approved by at least changing the title and the wording in the first paragraph.
Most article directories require that your articles be approved before they’re posted. But it’s highly unlikely that they actually read the article, as dozens, even hundreds are submitted daily. They will use software for the task.
Most directory software will automatically search their database for duplicate titles. If the title of your article matches one in their database, yours will be rejected. Most directories also check the body of the article for the percentage of duplicated content.
The Good: When used correctly private label articles can give the non-writer a big boost over other marketers. They can increase your traffic, sales, and opt-in subscribers.
Article marketing with PLR articles is a way for non-writers to get content and to advertise. A good article contains useful content for your readers, whether they buy your product or not. It will increase the chances of them clicking on your link in the resource box. Private label articles are a great tool when correctly used.
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Content Marketing Strategies
by Rahimah Sultan
What constitutes success in digital marketing and other disciplines? You need a good plan that begins with some research to determine which solutions might best suit your needs for content marketing strategies.
This article discusses four new studies that give insights into the right solutions. To be a successful marketer you need to deliver the information your audience wants when they want it.
Thousands of pieces of content were tracked that include how-to articles, lists, what posts, why posts, and videos.
Read the article here for the results on the Content Marketing Strategies studies.
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