June 23rd, 2016

Making Money Online From Home

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


So you want to make money online from home. Where do you start?


Well, what do you like to do? What are your hobbies? What do you spend time on every day that you love doing? If you want to do what you love doing and also make serious money doing it, then start planning a way to get it out to the public.




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June 16th, 2016

Email Marketing Done Right

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


Email marketing is all about building trust and relationships. There are rules that have to be followed, known as the Can-Spam rules, which state that no unsolicited emails can be sent to individuals. You can Google CAN-SPAM for a list of dos and don’ts. You want your email marketing done right.


So, you have set up your business and you need to let the world know. Just how do you do this?


You set up a lead capture page (LCP), which is also known as a squeeze page or splash page, and advertise it. When people see this page and opt in they are automatically added to your list. Now you can start building a relationship with the pre-written follow-up emails in your autoresponder that are scheduled to go out automatically at specified intervals.


Each email gives a little bit of information about your product or service. Make them short and to the point. Talk about how your product will make their life easier, what it will do for them. Remember, your goal is to build a relationship based on trust so people will buy from you and maybe become a repeat customer. Do not sell, sell, sell in every email.


Although it will take commitment, work and persistence to build your list, you must do it yourself. Build your own list.


Do not buy lists. They are made up of people who have never heard of you or your company. Think like a customer. Would you buy from someone you have never heard of and know nothing about?


Put your customers first by giving them helpful information and tips before referencing your products or services. Email marketing is not a get-rich-quick solution, although it can be a fast way to reach thousands of customers.


Email marketing done right is all about giving your customers useful information and building trusting relationships.


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June 9th, 2016

Content Marketing Strategy

by Rahimah Sultan


photo from blog


Content marketing is the art of communicating with your customers and prospects without selling. Instead of pitching your products or services, you are delivering information that makes your buyer smarter. At the core of this content strategy is the belief that if we, as businesses, deliver consistent, ongoing valuable information to consumers, they will ultimately reward us with their business and loyalty.


The elements of a successful content marketing strategy are creativity, spontaneity, improvisation, and experimentation.


Read Jason Miller’s The Miles Davis Approach to Content Marketing Strategy for the parallel between Jazz and content marketing.


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June 2nd, 2016

Tips for Internet Business Success

by Rahimah Sultan


photo from blog


“With a small or new business, it is vital for your online marketing efforts to be a success so that you can attract new users to your site where they then find out what you have to offer. Visitors to your site need to feel that you are genuine and committed to your product. Here are three ideas…”



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May 25th, 2016

Start Your Blog

by Rahimah Sultan


photo from blog



If you want to showcase your passion and expertise while branding yourself and your products, blogging is the way to go. Blogging allows you to present your knowledge and skills to the public.


If you have been thinking about blogging, now may be the time to start your blog.


Read more

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May 21st, 2016

Writing An Effective Autoresponder Series

by Rahimah Sultan

An autoresponder is a series of email marketing messages that get sent to subscribers in the order you choose and at the times you want.

An autoresponder can be the welcome message a prospect receives when signing up for your free report on woodworking, a three-part series on mango dessert recipes or a 10-day email course that tells people how to declutter their homes quickly and easily.

You do not want to stop with the welcome email. The smart move is to create a longer series of autoresponder messages.


Allow you to continually show your best content.
Allow you to deliver the same high-value experience to every new subscriber.
Are great places to mention related offers without sounding dodgy.
Allow you to slowly build trust with your audience and make sure your new subscribers do not forget you.

Use your autoresponders to:

1) Share a bit (do not over share) about yourself and your business journey.

2) Offer tips to your subscribers that they can implement immediately to help them.

3) Ask questions of your subscribers as to what related challenges they may have or how they found your site, and have them reply to your emails.

4) Offer them a short list of resources such as blogs, books, online tools, etc. that will help them meet their goals.

Deliver your emails via the autoresponder function of your email marketing program.
Write the best content you can for your autoresponder. The time you put in now can continue to grow your business in the future.

If someone joins your email list, it’s likely he or she will also want to connect with you on his or her favorite social media platform. So, share other ways to connect with you.

Before you start writing, make a short outline of how many messages you want to include and how far apart they should be delivered. This outline will keep you on track as you write the entire sequence. Begin with three to five emails.

Once you have written your emails, queue them up in your email service provider, and then test the series to make sure everything works properly.

Once you have completed the above, you can send visitors to your opt-in form and start getting subscribers.

The autoresponder’s most important function is to take people who are curious about what you do and turn them into raving fans. Email provides you the most direct line of communication for conversion to sales.

Good email content deepens your relationship with your audience through effective subject line writing (which gets your messages opened); your distinctive voice (which gets your messages read); and delivering quality, niche-specific content your prospect needs and shares with others (which inspires referrals and word-of-mouth).

These tips will help you in Writing An Effective Autoresponder Series.

Autoresponders: Getting Started Click here for yours now


May 12th, 2016

Article Marketing: SEO Tips and More

by Rahimah Sultan


photo from blog


Article marketing is a type of advertising in which companies write and distribute short articles to a range of outlets such as article banks, forums, and newsletter publishers. Its main purpose is to gain a huge number of online audiences and boost the number of sales opportunities for products or services on websites. It is one of the most successful types of marketing a business can do. This old type of marketing strategy can help marketers acquire new visitors and increase sales on their websites. Article marketing is also one of the least costly ways to market a company. – Wikipedia


I found this piece, by Christina Walker, on article marketing. She covers three tips for getting it right. You need to use high-quality article directories, convince readers that you are a reputable, trustworthy resource, and you need to SEO your articles.


There are benefits to be gained from article marketing.


Use these article writing tips to create great helpful content that will spread your message, build your expertise, and that will build your brand and authority.


You can read the article here.


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May 5th, 2016

Affiliate Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan


photo from blog


In affiliate marketing, affiliate management companies, in-house affiliate managers and third party vendors are effectively utilized for E-mail Marketing and Search Engine Marketing for the success of the product. Web traffic can be traced with the help of a third party or owners of the affiliate programs. Originally, affiliate marketing involved lots of spamming, false advertising, trademark infringement, etc. Since the invention of complex algorithms and advanced security, it’s safer to do business and shopping online. This even led to better scrutinizing of …


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April 29th, 2016

Online Marketing Tips

by Rahimah Sultan

One of the most beneficial aspects of becoming an entrepreneur is that in today’s marketplace you have diverse marketing methods with a wide range of online tools available to help automate the process. Here are some online marketing tips to help you achieve your marketing goals.


Email Marketing Automation


Email marketing is central to your business. Find a company that has been around for some years and also provides a web-based solution for unlimited email processing, so you will have room for growth. Be sure to set up your emails and delivery schedule using an autoresponder as part of your email marketing automation.


WordPress Automation


Express yourself and showcase your products and services using a blog. With a free WordPress blog and plugins you have total control. Add an opt-in form and post articles regularly that have a call to action. Be sure your blog is optimized for the search engines.


WordPress works great for both desktop and mobile devices and also allows you to automate and schedule your social media posts.


Social Media


Social media platforms are great for advertising. Choose one or several that best suit the needs of your business. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Instagram are some of the most popular.


Read The Best Times to Post on Facebook, Twitter… for posting suggestions.


Hopefully, these online marketing tips will aid you in achieving your marketing goals.


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April 22nd, 2016

Multi-Level Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan


photo from blog


Multi-level marketing companies are legal although structured almost exactly like a pyramid scheme. A pyramid scheme is a non-sustainable business that involves the exchange of money, usually in the form of a sign-up fee, and usually has no product or service.


Some major indicators of a pyramid scheme in multi-level marketing are:


1) Focus on recruitment of new people rather than product sales
2) Claims of making money through growing a downline rather than your own product sales
3) Asking distributors to purchase expensive inventory
4) Asking you to sign a contract or pay money before you have time to read all of the paperwork
5) Products that may serve as a cover for recruitment


The ongoing debate is whether these companies and programs are legitimate business opportunities.




For an in-depth review of multilevel marketing, read


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