April 14th, 2016

Use The Rule of Three in Your Internet Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan


photo from blog


It’s no accident that the number three is pervasive throughout some of our greatest stories, fairy tales, and myths.


It’s also no coincidence that some of the most famous quotes from throughout history are structured in three parts, nor is it surprising that the Rule of Three also works wonders in the world of comedy.


Use the rule of three in your internet marketing so that you are more engaging as a writer.


People process information by patterns, and three is the smallest number of elements required for a pattern. Use storytelling, sticky ideas, and humor – each with three elements or three bullet points – to engage your audience.


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April 8th, 2016

4 Steps for Internet Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan

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In order to accomplish anything you must take the first step toward it. Consider what needs to be done and make a plan. You lay out your goal and the steps to reach it. It is like putting one foot in front of the other in order to walk, run or sell… you get my drift. Here are four steps for internet marketing to get you started.


Say you want to start an online business and think it will not work for you because you do not know how to sell. Do not let that stop you. Do what you are good at and learn the rest as you build your business. That’s like putting one foot in front of the other, taking one step at a time while gaining momentum.


Set up a blog and write about what you know. The articles should be about your area of expertise and how to do what you do. Good content is the backbone of marketing. Your content should provide value, solve an existing problem that people may be experiencing, create connections, form relationships, and build an audience.


Add a call to action with a link to be clicked for more information or to buy or to follow.


Use an autoresponder to create a mailing list of the people who visit your site so you can connect with them to provide help, solve problems, and continue to deliver great content. This does not involve selling.


You can be social by using a couple of the major social media platforms, which will in turn get you visitors without you selling direct. Always be about helping people and you will gain customers.


So, do what you are good at and use these tips as your first steps toward long-term online success. To summarize:


Step 1) Set up your blog
Step 2) Provide content
Step 3) Add call to action
Step 4) Create mailing list


This is selling without always being direct. Once you have a list of prospects, you can email them every so often with your offers. Use these Four Steps for Internet Marketing for your long-term business success.


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March 24th, 2016

Getting Your Emails Opened

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


We all want our email marketing to be successful. Getting your emails opened is the goal. After all, we have great things to share with our audiences, and we want to gain their trust. So, if we can get more people opening and reading them, and what we are offering is relevant to then, we can get more sales.


Anne O’Dwyer has some suggestions to get all your emails opened by eager followers.

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March 10th, 2016

Keeping Your Email Marketing Out of Spam Folders

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


Email marketing is a great strategy for reaching potential and existing customers. Done correctly, it is a timely, cost-efficient manner to promote your products and services to a large audience.


Some methods for keeping your email marketing out of spam folders are: the use of optin forms, careful wording, using quality content, including your contact details, and having a way for people to unsubscribe from your mailings.


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March 4th, 2016

Tips for Content Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


The base of your content marketing strategy should be articles. You can put them on your own blog, which is best, or submit them to article directories.


Although most are taught to start the article content with an introduction, there is another way to go about writing your article. You can begin with the conclusion. Sean Mize discusses this in his article, A Proven System to Write New Content Quickly and Easily.


Click here to read the article.


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February 25th, 2016

Internal Linking Strategy To Increase Blog Traffic

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


Do you have an internal linking strategy to increase blog traffic? While searching for traffic opportunities, do not forget your blog, which is your most important source of traffic. It is SEO.


Your SEO starts on your page with internal linking. Check your entire blog to find which posts relate more to each other and interlink them. Look for tie-ins to previous posts. Connect your content with links to your products or services within your blog posts.


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February 18th, 2016

3 Essential Elements of Quality Content Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog
Three essential elements are needed for creating great quality content for your audience. Your content has to be useful and solve problems, and it needs to show them how to do something.


It should be interesting and written in a personable way. Show your personality as opposed to writing like a professional and just stating facts.


According to an article from CopyBlogger, good content must have the ‘cookie factor.’ “Include enough that you’re always training your audience to open your email, read your blog posts, and pass along your special reports. You’ll find that the more you reward them, the more they reward you.”


You can find more tips here.


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February 11th, 2016

Online Marketing Strategies For Internet Business Success

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


When you are running an internet business you need proven online marketing strategies for internet business success. But the strategies change very quickly, thus hindering your ability to stay ahead of the competition. Business success is mostly about marketing. A few things you need are quality content, more than one marketing strategy, and you need to build relationships.


“Great marketing can sell an average product but poor marketing cannot sell a great product.”


In this article Jon Allo discusses five internet business strategies needed for success.


Click here to read.


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February 4th, 2016

When To Use Guest Blogging

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


When blogging, you need to use fresh quality content. It is critical to your business success. So what happens when you run into a snag or experience writer’s block and are at a loss as to what to blog about? What if the pace becomes very hectic?


One available option is to occasionally use guest bloggers. Guest bloggers can help establish valuable connections, and this means more traffic to your business.


Click here to read Carolyn Cohn’s article: The Effectiveness of Guest Blogging.


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January 28th, 2016

Use an Autoresponder Course to Build a List

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


According to Julie Neidlinger, “An email autoresponder easily makes use of the blog content you’ve already created. Most readers haven’t read everything you’ve written, nor have they read it in sequential order. Your email autoresponder groups related topics together and packages it neatly for the convenience of your readers, delivering it right to them.”


In this article she details the reasoning for an email autoresponder course. You must have an autoresponder if you are doing business online. This article shows you how to use an autoresponder course as the prize or gift download for getting people to subscribe to your list and accept your emails.


Click here to read the article.


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