Archive for the ‘Digital Marketing’ Category

April 22nd, 2024

How to Start a Home Business

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

A home-based business can offer a quicker startup path, lower startup costs, and more flexibility.

Nevertheless, to succeed you still have to stick to the same startup steps as every other business and there are added considerations due to working from home. Now, on with how to start a home business.

What should you consider before starting a home business?

1. Questions to raise before starting a home-based business

Focus and motivation

Can you stay focused and motivated?

When working from home, you’ll have many distractions—pets, TV shows, household chores, or wanting to take a nap.

Support system

Will you have a support system?

Is there a mentor, family, or someone else you can count on for support—you should have someone to count on when you get stuck. Preferably someone with remote business experience who can relate to your situation.


What are your goals? What is your vision for the long term? Why do you want to start a business and why from home? Depending on your answers, you may want to rethink starting a remote business.

Suitability of your home for business

You need to establish whether or not your home setup is suitable for running a business. If not, you may have to make changes to create a suitable working area.

Balance work and personal life

Will you be able to maintain a balance between your personal and work life?

If you’re a business owner, this is not guaranteed. This balance can be more difficult for a home-based business, as your office is only a step away.

These questions are geared specifically toward starting a business at home and not for first-time entrepreneurs.

2. Business idea that works remotely

Come up with a business idea that will work remotely. It should solve a problem, have a market demand, and fit your goals. Even if it meets these criteria, it may not work well as a home-based business. Additional things to consider include:

Digitalization: Can your business be operated completely online or with minimum physical interaction?

Independence: Can it be run by you without the need for a large team or physical infrastructure?

Scalability: Can you scale the business without substantial physical infrastructure? 

Supply chain: Does the business require minimal physical inventory or a supply chain you can manage remotely?

Remember to conduct thorough research to check for demand. An idea can look great on paper and meet the requirements of remote functionality, but without demand, it won’t be practical.

3. Business plan

Write a business plan to help you think through every aspect of your home-based business.

In the business plan, you describe the product or service.

Document your research.

Create a financial plan.

Outline marketing and sales efforts.

Provide an overview of your procedures, team, and business structure.

As you’re just starting, pay particular attention to the day-to-day operations, financials, and product/service description.

Operations include the day-to-day outlook and the space you’ll be using.

Financials include start-up costs and how you will scale to make a profit. Can you do this from home or will you need another space?

The product/service description will detail why it can be sold from the comfort of your home and whether there is a competitive advantage for doing so.

Although a detailed business plan is essential, you can start with a one-page plan that can easily be updated.

4. Legal requirements

There are legal requirements for any business and a home-based business is no exception. You have to:

Choose a business structure –

Register a business name

Apply for a state and federal tax ID

Get the correct licenses and permits

You’ll need to check on:

A home business permit

Zoning laws

Homeowners Association (HOA) rules

Business insurance; although not a legal requirement, you may need to purchase additional coverage if your home insurance policy does not cover home-based businesses.

5. Costs and finances

Figure out your startup costs and finances. These costs can widely vary depending on the kind of business and your circumstances. For sufficient funds, a detailed budget and forecasting revenue and expenses are essential.

The minimum to account for is:

Home office setup


Technology and equipment

Legal expenses

Marketing and advertising

Open a business bank account immediately to separate your personal and business finances to easily track performance and avoid potential legal issues.

6. Workspace

Choose a dedicated space to run your business, an area with minimal distractions, and a way to separate your work and home life. If you have limited space, set strict boundaries for how and when to use this space.

When you have a space in mind, make the necessary adjustments to turn it into a productive work environment. Consider the following:

Bright natural lighting

Creative storage for files and supplies

Prioritize comfort with a good back-supporting chair

Upgrade your equipment with a high-speed internet connection. The rest depends on your business idea.

7. Time management

Manage your time by:

Using project management tools

Setting clear expectations

Set regular breaks

Regularly communicate using tools like Slack or Zoom to stay connected with your team, contractors, or vendors to facilitate collaboration.

Avoid multitasking

Focus on one task at a time to ensure quality work and avoid mistakes.

What are some home-based business ideas?

1.  Freelance Writing and Content Creation

The demand for skilled writers is limitless. Use your writing skills to create engaging, SEO-optimized content that attracts both readers and search engines.

The key to standing out is creating content that not only engages readers but also aligns with SEO best practices. By seamlessly integrating relevant keywords and providing valuable information, freelance writers can elevate their content, ensuring it not only captures the audience’s interest but also ranks favorably on SERPs (search engine results pages).

2.  Virtual Assistance Services

Businesses and entrepreneurs often need support with managing administrative tasks. You can position yourself as a vital resource by offering virtual assistance services such as scheduling, handling emails, and other organizational responsibilities.

3.  E-commerce Store for Niche Markets

Set up an e-commerce store and take advantage of the growing trend of niche markets. Find a specific niche with high demand and low competition. To ensure visibility in the search engines optimize your product listings with well-researched keywords. Use a platform like Shopify or Etsy to kick off your online store.

As there’s a current surge in the realm of e-commerce and niche product stores, there’s an opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs can carve out a distinctive space for their products in this market by carefully identifying a niche with high demand and minimal competition.

4.  Online Coaching and Consulting

If you have expertise in a particular field such as fitness, personal development, or business strategy, consider online coaching or consulting. People are willing to pay for valuable insights. Use a well-optimized website to establish your credibility and use SEO strategies to attract clients seeking your knowledge.

5.  Social Media Management

Help clients build and maintain a strong presence across various platforms. Use effective strategies to increase engagement and followers ensuring your clients stand out in the crowded digital landscape. Deliver services that aid clients in establishing and nurturing a strong presence across various platforms. Utilize effective strategies to increase engagement and followers, ensuring your clients stand out amid the digital competition.

6.  Graphic Design Services

If you have graphic design skills, convert your passion into profit by offering design services. A curated portfolio showcasing your work, optimized with relevant keywords, serves a dual purpose. It not only attracts potential clients but also bolsters your website’s SEO, making it more discoverable to those seeking your artistic expertise.

7.  Affiliate Marketing

Use affiliate marketing to monetize your online presence. Promoting products/services and earning a commission for each sale can turn your interests and expertise into a revenue stream. Research carefully a niche that resonates with you, and create engaging content seamlessly integrating affiliate links. This approach not only delivers value to your audience but also enhances your potential for revenue through successful affiliate partnerships.

8. Remote IT Support

Consider offering IT services to businesses and individuals, if you have technical skills. To ensure visibility optimize your website with keywords related to IT services to make it easier for those in need to find and benefit from your expertise.

9.  Online Tutoring Services

As the landscape of education evolves, online Tutoring Services have become a crucial resource. Leverage your expertise in a specific subject to offer online tutoring. Just optimize your website with relevant keywords to attract students seeking assistance. Provide valuable and you can establish yourself as a credible source in the ever-expanding online education niche.

10. Handmade Crafts and Artisanal Products

If you’re creatively inclined, you can turn your passion into a home-based business and fulfill your endeavor. Show your creations through an e-commerce platform. Optimize your product descriptions and website content with keywords to enhance visibility and attract buyers.

There is much more you can learn about how to start a home business. This article is a starting point. By using these steps, you can be well on your way to starting a profitable home-based business.

Try this viral mailer that pays

April 8th, 2024

Future Developments in Digital Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

The concept of marketing began with the Gutenberg printing press.

Magazines came into being by the 18th century. Soon after came advertisements and billboards, followed by radio and television ads.

Then came digital marketing in the 1990s. The industry rapidly expanded to monumental proportions within two decades.

We were at major crossroads regarding the future of digital marketing in 2018.

Today we think we’re on track then everything takes a sudden turn and we have to figure out future developments in digital marketing.

By 2028 the strategies and practices we apply today will seem very far away.

So what will digital marketing look like in 10 years?

Mobile Content

Mobile will continue to be important.

In a very short period, smartphones have changed the way we communicate and the way we get information. Google searches occur more frequently on mobile devices than on desktops.

Recently, digital marketers have focused on mobile optimization because users won’t click away if a website is compatible with smartphone devices. The longer users stay on websites, the better those sites will rank on search engines. Websites will have more reason to go mobile because of Google’s mobile-first index.

To provide desktop users with the best and most relevant search results, Google has indexed websites as if they were doing so from a desktop.

Websites that aren’t already mobile-compatible are now taking the largest hit and will continue to do so. Although there’s responsive design that’s made it easier to create the same site for both PCs and mobile devices, websites that aren’t already mobile-compatible are now taking the largest hit.

Mobile content will become more of an element. As it’s hard to say exactly how content creation will change over the next few years, SEO keywords may start to turn more toward mobile searching. Long-form content could start to fall by the wayside as mobile content takes precedence. Digital marketers are already gearing their content more towards smartphone audiences.

Voice Search

The concept of voice searching has gained momentum and will continue. Millions use intelligent devices like Amazon’s Alexa and Google Assistant. Our cars and smartphones already permit us to make voice searches on the go.

Video Marketing

Video marketing isn’t going away anytime soon. As people are doing more browsing on mobile devices, they want to interact more with the content they see.

Live video streaming is ramping up and although it might seem it’s reserved for social media, you should still publish video content for websites.

Quality Long-form Content

Although the future of digital marketing appears to have no room for long-form content, digital marketers will be solving the secrets to voice and mobile search as well as producing videos.

People still want meaningful accurate information. The way they’re able to find it might be changing so digital marketers will have to adapt to those changes.

There will be all the more reason to create better and stronger blog articles, web page content, e-mails, etc., as anytime a consumer tries to find long-form content it’s nevertheless an opportunity to market to them.

Digital Marketing Tools and AI

These kinds of tools can measure link quality and help websites filter out broken links. They’re already more advanced and becoming more so.  In 5-10 years from now, they’ll likely be even better at focusing on quality links.

In the future digital marketing tools may also be able to tell us more about our audiences. Then digital marketers will be able to improve SEO metrics and tactics.

Marketers will be better able to analyze their audiences and that will not only increase productivity but also improve user experience. Chatbots and custom product recommendations are growing big in e-commerce.

In short, long-form content does have a place in the future of digital marketing, and research tools and AI will improve the way we engage with customers online.

Social Media

As social media consumption is ever-evolving, the kinds of content you need to draw users will keep changing.

People seem to look at videos much longer than static pieces of content on social media platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook, and are more willing to make a purchase once they’ve seen videos of products in action.

The power of visual content will continue to grow over the next several years. Therefore, as a modern-day marketer, it’s important that you continuously restructure your digital marketing plan to keep it adaptable to the content consumption changes ahead.

Another major prediction is that reaching your followers on Facebook organically will be nearly impossible.

According to Facebook, there is so much content published on this platform each day it’s becoming a lot choosier about what it places on users’ feeds. This social media giant is all about making sure any content that appears on a user’s feed is as relevant to them as possible.

It’s obvious that Facebook is increasingly becoming a paid advertising and marketing platform and you’ll see this even more.

Dark social, which is traffic on the Web that you can’t track through a Web analytics program, will rise. For example, it’s essentially the private sharing that takes place when people share a link to content through a mobile messaging app. Research shows that the majority of content shared online comes from dark social.

To make the most of dark social, you should include “share” buttons on the social media platforms you use. If your buttons are highly visible, your content may be shared more.

Pinterest has been shifting its focus away from offering inspiration to promoting action.

Many businesses view LinkedIn’s video ads as an effective and compelling way to reach their audiences.

It’s predicted that YouTube will remain a huge digital marketing player in the near future and will be used for generating leads.

As people are becoming more concerned about who has access to their data, social media platforms are tightening up their data sharing policies. So, persona-based marketers are now dealing with how to get around that. Although social media advertising isn’t dying, from here on out there will be more restrictions on how companies get user data.

As platforms seek to improve consumer privacy, one of the largest changes will be to how we track advertising through third-party cookies. However, this doesn’t mean that first-party cookies won’t still be applied to track interactions with your site, so no need to panic.

To stay updated on the latest changes from Google you can use their Privacy Sandbox News.

It explains the latest changes are that from January 4, 2024, they will begin testing a new feature that limits cross-site tracking by restricting website access to third-party cookies by default. (Tracking Protection). They’ll roll this out to 1% of Chrome users globally, a key milestone in their Privacy Sandbox initiative to phase out third-party cookies for everyone in the second half of 2024.

How do you succeed in today’s digital marketing world?

To stand out in the marketing field, you should do more than simply broadcasting as most people do. Most people are broadcasting on channels. If you don’t take the time to search and discover new information and respond to users with these tools, all you’re doing is advertising like you would in a newspaper. You absolutely must engage with your audience and learn from them.

You must understand the time and money it takes to use various marketing channels.

Do the research needed to learn where your target customers spend time and consume content.

Before launching a marketing strategy establish a buyer persona. Use buyer priorities for developing and researching an appropriate keyword strategy. This will help you with choosing proper social media marketing channels.

The cost to acquire new clients and prospects is rising so it’s in your best interest to improve all actions your clients perform and have automated follow-ups of their interactions with you.

You should take a totally different approach with the people who have visited your website, and were maybe going to purchase your product, than you would with those who have never displayed interest in your offering.

Using retargeting techniques, you can show your messages in the right order and at the proper time and get more bang for your buck long-term.

It’s more important than ever before to stay on top of industry changes and trends as they will change how you relate to your audience.

It’s very difficult to predict the future developments in digital marketing long-term, but keeping your eye on current trends will help you avoid being caught off guard later.

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February 12th, 2024

Developing Your Digital Marketing Strategy

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

As a marketer, considering the creation of the best marketing strategy, you need to have a clear understanding of your business, product, and demographics before choosing one that will be effective for your needs.

To grow your online visibility, you need a plan for using different channels to do so. In this plan, you should consider factors such as your target audience, strengths and weaknesses, and your competitors.

To help you decide which marketing channels to use or test, check data from across your business, your target audience, and how you want to communicate your message or brand.

We’re NOT talking tactics here, but actual strategy. Tactics are what you use to implement your strategy.

What is a marketing strategy?

When developing your digital marketing strategy, there are a few key elements to consider.

1. Understand Your Customer

Your digital marketing strategy will not be successful unless you have a clear understanding of who is buying your product, why they’re buying it, and where they buy it.

1. Create a profile of your audience using data and demographics

2. Speak your customers’ language

3. Understand what their pain points are and how to switch on emotions

4. To help customize content and predict buying patterns, create buyer personas

5. Be culturally aware

6. Consider influencer partnerships

7. Focus on results and action-oriented experience rather than your product

8. Use automation tools to segment and target

2. Review

Creating an effective strategy requires auditing and assessing. You need to know the digital marketing channels and assets you currently have and use.

So conduct a complete channel and content audit and include everything on a spreadsheet for a full picture of your marketing activities across owned, earned, and paid media.

Then link each part to your goals. If your main goal is to drive revenue, look at each channel and asset (you may only want to look at top performers if you have a lot of content) and map it to revenue.

By doing this, you’ll get a better understanding of what is currently driving revenue and what isn’t. You can then put more effort into what’s successful explore new content pieces or channels for any further effect.

3. Focus on the End Result

In marketing and product development, there’s usually more emphasis on product and revenue than on the products’ purpose.

What really matters is to whom you’re marketing and why. When you demonstrate what the product does, people will remember why they need it in the first place.

4. Review and Improve

When developing your digital marketing strategy, you must include KPIs (key performance indicators that fit with your crucial business goals.

Have a plan in place to understand your goals and objectives and monitor the metrics to get insights about the KPIs that matter. To do this:

~ Forget about vanity metrics(numbers that aren’t crucial to long-term success like Facebook likes

~ Use KPIs to measure success, but don’t have them set in stone

~ Set up continuous intervals for understanding, analyzing, measuring, and reporting

~ Know how to isolate critical metrics if it seems like something is not working

What are the most effective digital marketing strategies?

The digital marketing strategies you’ll use depend on your needs and goals – to grow leads or build brand awareness.

Any strategy you use should align with your brand and message. Here are a few that are proven to get results and help you build online visibility and generate leads.

Content Marketing

Offer valuable content and use digital channels to promote it. An example is tying an Instagram post to a specific offer using a landing page. This could be done by promoting an E-book that is relevant to your audience which contains a form to get a visitors’ details.

When using content marketing, don’t stick to just one content type. You can use a blog, create videos, create a valuable E-book, or host a webinar using in-house staff or experts to drive leads and engagement.

Social Media Marketing

You can reach and influence 4.6 billion people across the globe with social media marketing. And depending on the network, you can target specific age groups and locations. While you can use social media for brand, product, or service promotion, it can also be used in developing a community. This will allow you to have meaningful engagement with prospects or customers and create brand advocates that will promote your brand without being asked. Each channel requires its own strategy and metrics.


SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is an important digital marketing strategy for making your brand, product, or service more visible online.

The goal of SEO is to optimize your content – a homepage, landing page or blog – so it gets found easily by existing and prospective customers. It not only helps to drive traffic but improves user experience and helps boost your authority.

A few elements of SEO you should consider are:

Meta descriptions
The key is to use SEO to target the people searching online that are most likely to be interested in what you’re offering.

Paid Advertising

Organic marketing can go a long way to help drive traffic and generate leads, but using a paid channel can help you to be targeted and reach different audiences.

These are only a few of the most effective digital marketing strategies.

So know your business, product, and demographics before developing your digital marketing strategy then choose the most effective one for your needs.

Try this viral mailer that pays

January 15th, 2024

Turn Your Visitors Into Leads

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

You can use a good lead magnet to help turn visitors into leads. A lead magnet is a marketing method where a brand offers a free resource such as a discount, an e-book, a tool, etc. in exchange for a visitor’s contact information. The main goal of a lead magnet is to start and nurture a relationship with potential customers.

This is one option you can take to turn your visitors into leads.

What makes an effective lead magnet?

Six things that make an effective lead magnet. They are:

Helpful and actionable. A lead magnet addresses a specific problem that your target audience is encountering and provides a practical solution.

Compelling. Present something exceptional and irresistible.

Instantly accessible. Make your resource immediately accessible.

High-quality. Your resource may be one of the first contacts with your brand so make a good impression.

Relevant to your product or service. To ensure you get a more qualified audience and possibly higher conversion rates, make your lead magnet relevant to your product or service.

A Clear conversion path. Normally a lead magnet consists of a landing page with a sign-up form, a thank you page with access to the free resource, and a follow-up message or a sequence of messages.

Here are some lead magnet ideas:

1. Free tools

With this type of lead magnet, you offer potential customers a tool or service for free. This works because these days everyone expects to get something for free online.

You’ll attract visitors by offering to solve a problem for free while increasing your brand awareness. It will allow you to show a sneak peek of your product and offer an upgrade, and put the lead on a nurturing program so you can follow up with that person.

2. Early access waiting lists

An early access/waiting list is a kind of lead magnet you use to collect contact information in exchange for a lead accessing your product before everyone else. This might work for you if you have a product that you want to get exposure for immediately or if you want to launch to a limited number of people before going all out. You can use it to get feedback from that small group of people before the entire internet sees it.

3. Discounts and bonuses

With this lead magnet, you offer visitors a discount or a bonus as an incentive to give you their contact information. This solves two challenges at the same time. It gives people a nudge to shop for your brand while getting a direct marketing channel to people interested in your offer.

4. Free consultation

Free consultation lead magnets gather contact information in exchange for some kind of service or for the opportunity to consult with an expert about a particular matter at no cost. This is an ideal solution for all kinds of agencies and service providers.

This allows you to get in direct contact with your audience and personalize your message, it could lead you to a chance to do something that could lead to further opportunities, and it has the potential to create the reciprocity effect.

5. Courses

This type of lead magnet requires you to create premium educational material to turn your visitors into leads.

Here, you’re giving out a lot so you can ask for more in return. Education never ends for those who are about their profession so a quality free course can get you a “foot in the door” to offer paid courses. You don’t need to create a special course just for lead generation. You can use part of your premium course or repurpose existing content.

6. Ebooks

Since some problems are just too broad to tackle with one blog article, you can use an e-book. Ebooks are irresistible lead magnets because they offer free education on complex, professional topics that you’ll find hard to come by anywhere else.

E-books attract people who are interested in learning more about your niche. These people are likely good candidates for lead nurturing campaigns.

Ebooks are considered premium content. Ebooks and can be a part of a greater content delivery program and can even be made with repurposed content.

This gives you a rare opportunity to get someone’s attention for more than five minutes.

These are just some of the possibilities for using lead magnets.

There are many more that include:

Product trials and samples
Product demos
White papers
Webinars and virtual summits
and more.

How do you create a lead magnet?

Lead magnets are generally created in the following ways:

1. Find a proven topic. You can use keyword research, competitive research, or look for engaging topics on social media.

2. Choose content type
. The best content type depends on your topic.

3. Create your resource. Check out tools to help with this. For example, if you’re creating a course, use Teachable for the technical part. You only have to come up with content. This is FYI for which I receive no money.

4. Publish your lead magnet. To save a lot of time, use a dedicated tool like ConvertKit which can help you set up sign-up forms on your site and deliver your content. This is FYI for which I receive no money. Some lead magnets do not need a self-hosted landing page.

5. Promote it. Promote your lead magnet in your relevant blog posts, link your high-traffic pages, or share using your email or social media.

6. Follow up. Once you’ve delivered content, follow up with a short message or use a lead nurturing campaign as in an autoresponder.

An effective lead magnet can turn your visitors into leads and can help boost your business. You must decide whether leads are more important or high volumes of organic traffic and potentially more brand awareness.

A solution may be to try and get the best of both worlds by having your lead magnets search engine optimized.

Use this viral mailer that pays

January 1st, 2024

Digital Marketing Trends

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

As digital marketing trends move forward, you’ll need to own your audience. Social media platforms are facing uncertain futures and that puts your business at risk. We don’t own those platforms or channels…

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Check out this viral mailer that pays.

October 9th, 2023

Artificial Intelligence for Your Small Business

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

Although AI (artificial intelligence) has been around since the 1950s, it has taken time to achieve significant progress. You may not be aware of it, but these days you interact with it daily. It has a wide range of uses. Different types of AI work in different ways. Please keep this in mind before you decide to benefit from AI.

What is AI?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a sector of computer science that involves creating smart machines that perform tasks using human intelligence. Advances in machine learning have made it possible for AI systems to affect almost every aspect of the tech industry.

AI enables a rational use of time resources. Computer systems can analyze information effectively. For example, AI software can proofread a document in less than a minute. AI helps people and businesses achieve strategic goals, gain actionable insights, make critical decisions, and develop innovative products and services. Every tech company can invest in AI-oriented technology, from autonomous vehicles to robotic border control robots.

How is AI used?

AI is used in many ways which include:

Bots for marketing purposes

Stock trading advising

Smart assistants like Siri and Alexa

Entertainment recommendations from top platforms such as Spotify and Netflix

Spam filters on email and other social media chats

Monitoring of social media resources

Forecast reports and disease mapping

Medical recommendations adjusted to personal needs and preferences

Joined-up manufacturing and distribution

More trends in AI will appear in the future. Advances in robotics and AI have made it possible to create delivery drones and driverless cars.

There are different devices that can recognize a human voice and a human language with almost 95% accuracy. Robotic transcribers can change spoken language into written words.

China has promoted the use of facial recognition and there is a great opportunity for artificial intelligence to be used in, accurately, recognizing personal emotions.

The healthcare industry has implemented artificial intelligence for various purposes. It’s being used to spot genetic sequences and identifying molecules. Medical facilities are using AI for virtual health assistants and chatbots to provide medical information, understand the billing routine, make appointments, and to complete other administrative tasks.

As a time saver, you can use artificial intelligence for your small business in the following ways:

1. Content and social media posts


Writing content is one of the most time-consuming tasks there is. You can use ChatGPT to explain scientific concepts, draft emails, answer questions, translate languages, and write copy. The output quality is determined by your query’s quality and specificity. You MUST fact-check anything you have AI write, as it can be rather inventive.


Another free tool that uses AI is Grammarly to improve your writing. With it, you have a choice of plans and the free one offers vocabulary enhancement, and checks spelling, style, grammar, and plagiarism.

Notion AI

Notion AI is a mixture of ChatGPT and Grammarly in one place. You just start a new page, type a sentence, and then scan over it with your mouse. You’ll get an option to “ask AI” and clicking it will enhance your copy or respond to your requests.

2. Interactive customer service

Chatbots have been around since the 1960s and really became popular in the 1990s and are getting smarter each day. Customers can ask complicated questions regarding their accounts and get specifics; all due to artificial intelligence, which pulls data from previous conversations. Now, you don’t have to be limited to a certain number of phone lines to keep your business operating 24/7. You can have a chatbot answer questions using business VoIP services.

3. Banking

Chatbots are used, for customer service with banks, to answer inquiries regarding money transfers, credit score monitoring, loan applications, password resets, fraud prevention, and insurance claims at any time of day.

4. Generating invoices

You may not have employees yet or you’re a solopreneur or just starting a business. You can use programs like Quickbooks and Xero to automate and autocorrect invoices.

5. Human resource management

Small-business owners don’t have large budgets, so hiring someone for everything you don’t know how to do is not feasible. If you have employees, You can use HR management software like Zoho and Gusto which use AI to prep payroll, track time off, schedule shifts, and create workflows among other things.

6. Website builders

You can use AI to build website templates in moments. Based on your prompt, they can also apply themes to your site and include features like security, content writing, and live chat.

Although AI can be a wonderful tool, there are risks. It is not perfect. Artificial intelligence gets data from millions of sources and you should ALWAYS check the information. That data can be discredited research, include bias, and just might be fake.

Artificial intelligence systems are more vulnerable to hacking than other software and this can lead to a host of problems.

Before you decide to benefit from AI technology, remember different types work in different ways. Artificial intelligence technology can be strengthened by continuous machine learning.

Companies are continuously exploring ways to get the maximum benefits from AI. It has redefined how business processes are carried out in the fields of marketing, financial services, healthcare, etc.

These tips on artificial intelligence for your small business will help you get started in your business.

Get Your Business System With Autoresponder Here

July 17th, 2023

Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

Many businesses, large and small, use social media as a vital component of their market mix. Globally, there are 4.9 billion people using social media platforms. So, having a presence on social is a good way to connect with both current and potential customers no matter your industry. Social media is a good way to reach your target audience, establish a loyal customer base, strengthen your brand, and increase your revenue.

This article details what you need to know about social media marketing including what it is, how it works, the best strategies, and how to implement it.

What Is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing is a form of digital marketing that uses social media platforms to promote your offerings and brand to your ideal customers. It involves considerably more than random posts on your business accounts. A successful social media marketing campaign requires good strategy and planning.

After you create your business profiles, you have to maintain and optimize them. Then, develop a content calendar that shows what you’ll post and when and where you’ll post. These posts will probably include a combination of text, images, stories, and videos that position your brand in a positive light and capture a relevant audience.

These posts will be unique and regular and additionally, you’ll respond to likes and shares and comments to monitor your standing and hopefully create a community.

Your social media marketing strategy may also include paid ads to allow your brand to appear in front of certain groups of people at specific times.

What are the benefits of social media marketing?

Social media is a powerful tool for marketing your business, due to its versatility and popularity.  Unlike traditional marketing like billboards, radio spots, and print ads, it’s very measurable.

Following are some of the most important benefits of a social media marketing strategy:

1.  Adds a Human Touch to Your Business

2. Drives Traffic

3. Generates Leads

4. Increases Brand Awareness

5. Builds Relationships

Here is a brief description of the top 7 social media marketing platforms for business.

There are several social media marketing platforms you may want to use when developing your social media marketing strategy. As you consider your options, you’ll find that some platforms are better suited for your brand and target audience than others.

1. Facebook

This is the most popular social media platform. When using Facebook, you can boost brand awareness, generate leads and increase sales, and gain followers. You can also display highly customizable, targeted ads. Keep in mind that Facebook comes with a lot of competition.

2. Instagram

Over time Instagram evolved from a basic platform to share images into a place where brands can engage their audience with beautiful photos and videos. It also offers reels, stories, live streams, and shops that can take your marketing efforts to the next level. This is one platform you want to use if your business relies on visuals to sell products/services.

3. Twitter

On Twitter, you use very short posts called “tweets” with text, animated GIFs, videos, and links to connect with your audience using short but valuable messages. A tweet can usually be up to 280 characters. You might be able to, build brand awareness and look for topics and information relevant to your industry and target audience.

4. YouTube

If you want to include videos in your social media marketing strategy, YouTube is the way to go. It’s a streaming social media platform as well as the second-largest search engine next to Google. If you have the desire and ability to produce meaningful video content, YouTube should definitely be one of the choices for your social media marketing strategy.  Using YouTube, you promote the unique features of your offerings, explain complex topics, showcase interesting processes, and much more.

5. Pinterest

This “visual discovery engine” inspires users who regularly search Pinterest for ideas that help them renovate their homes, plan weddings, take dream vacations, and fulfill other desires in their lives. If you provide products or services that can allow users to discover their dreams and achieve them, Pinterest is the way to go.

6. LinkedIn

If you are a B2B business, LinkedIn is a business networking platform that will be particularly useful. LinkedIn is geared toward professionals and allows you the opportunity to share your industry expertise. You can also use it to promote job openings within your company, connect to your employees and even generate leads through paid ads.

7. TikTok

TikTok, which revolves around short-form videos, is a newer social media platform that tends to target younger females. It may make sense if you’re trying to reach that particular demographic. As a business on TikTok, you can use hashtags that relate to your posts, brand, and offerings. When consumers search for these hashtags, they may come across your content.

What are the key components of a social media strategy?

A social media strategy is a plan that lays out your goals, the ways you’ll use to achieve them, and the metrics you’ll track to measure performance.

You might be tempted to post on a few social media platforms sporadically, but this is not recommended.

To really make the most of social media marketing strategy and increase your chances of success, you need a solid strategy.

The key components of an effective social media strategy include:

1. Audience Research

You should have a strong understanding of your target audience before posting anything. You can answer questions regarding what platforms they use, who else they follow, and what kind of content they prefer.

2. Brand Identity

Decide how you’d like to position your brand when you post on social media and interact with your followers. Think about the messages you hope to communicate.

3. Content Strategy

Content strategy relates to how you’ll use content to attract your audience and grow your brand on social media platforms. To be successful your plan needs to be specific.

4. Analytics

In order to measure performance and determine how to improve your strategy, you’ll use a process known as social media analytics where you collect and analyze data from your social media platforms.  This allows you to determine whether or not what you’re doing is working.

5. Ongoing Activity

As with most types of marketing, social media marketing is not something you do one time and forget it. You’ll need to post on it regularly, be engaged with your followers, and optimize your profiles on a consistent basis.

Remember that in addition to your social media marketing strategy, you will also need a professional business website so that those who discover your business through social media can check out your website to learn more about what you offer.

If you don’t already have a website, consider this.

If you’re just starting a business you can use this information for setting up your social media marketing strategy. If you’re already well on your way, it can serve as a reminder to use social media marketing in addition to your other resources.

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May 22nd, 2023

Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

By Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

Going forward, marketers may face unique challenges that will change how we approach digital marketing.

The top content marketing strategies are still personalized marketing, extended use of multimedia, and exploring new digital channels.

What is AI?

We all basically know what AI is, as we see and use it daily. However, this is the definition from Wikipedia:

 Artificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence—perceiving, synthesizing, and inferring information—demonstrated by machines, as opposed to intelligence displayed by humans or by other animals. Example tasks in which this is done include speech recognition, computer vision, translation between (natural) languages, as well as other mappings of inputs.

We must reconsider the use of MI (marketing intelligence) and AI (artificial intelligence). MI typically focuses on interpreting worldwide consumer trends while market research focuses on customer preferences for a specific company.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are changing the way businesses operate and revolutionizing the approach to digital marketing.

By controlling these technologies, businesses can operate more efficiently. They can give their customers personalized experiences and automate tasks, thus freeing up time to focus on more strategic endeavors.

AI has the potential to help with lead qualification, customer engagement, and product demonstrations for sales. The use of AI-generated salespeople can help companies provide high-level customer service and save time and resources. However, it’s important to strike a balance between AI and human interaction, as there are still consumers who prefer the personal touch of a real human.

Smartphones now have privacy controls to prevent too much sharing of certain data on sites like Google and Facebook, so marketers now have less data to use for understanding customers and personalizing marketing efforts. We’re also moving toward a cookie-less future, as Google will phase out cookies by the end of 2024.

Do not ignore the use of artificial intelligence in digital marketing.

What can we do to stay relevant?


1. First-Party Data

As third-party data continues to be phased out, first-party data will probably be the most valuable source of information. Rely on your own resources to get customer data instead of purchasing information from outside companies. Respecting customers’ privacy will benefit you.

You can source first-party data from:

Social media interactions
Website visitor tracking
Digital forms and surveys
Customer service interactions
Marketing email and text message responses

2. Run Pay-Per-Click Ads

Run pay-per-click ads with first-party data. If customers visit your website and look at a particular item and leave, you can retarget ads on other sites to entice them back. This is, however, becoming harder to do since Apple’s privacy updates are making that more difficult, and cookie-less browsing is taking its toll.

Many marketers are turning to Facebook’s Custom Audiences or services like Google’s Customer Match. These use a custom audience list that businesses create with first-party data, then match the list to users on the ad platform. Now, an ad funnel can be created to deliver personalized ads to customers based on first-party data.

3. Email And Text Message Marketing

Focus on email and text message marketing. Two of the most valuable first-party data sources are email and text message marketing. You can target specific customers and segments through these marketing channels. You can divide your email list by location and send out location-specific promotions to customers. Consumers like personalized emails based on behaviors like purchasing history.

This gives you a way to track which customers open emails and text messages and how they respond to the content. Using this data, you can customize your marketing to current customers based on how they respond to certain promotions.


Work with brand ambassadors and influencers. They promote businesses more personally than a pop-up ad on someone’s social media feed. Brand ambassadors are familiar and friendly faces offering product recommendations, and that boosts your brand’s authenticity.

Don’t put all your marketing budget into one or two strategies, which will put your business at risk. Instead, use a diversified approach. Your ads are still relevant. So, keep running them, even without cookies. But, also, invest in email marketing and text message marketing. To reach the most customers, use the most effective content marketing strategies together to fill the gaps where some strategies are weak or where you’re not reaching customers. By using diverse strategies in tandem, you reach the most customers and aren’t significantly impacted by changes.

This information on artificial intelligence in digital marketing will help with your marketing.

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January 30th, 2023

How to Get Started Blogging Now

By Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

Individuals once kept online journals or diaries known as weblogs which later became blogs. This term is also known as a verb that means to add information or posts. Blogging has become progressively easier since the mid-1990s with easy-to-use publishing tools and is now the main way for self-publishing.

Whether you’re just starting with writing or are looking for clients, blogging is a fun versatile skill you can learn.

Although blogging isn’t a short-term endeavor, with time and consistent effort you can earn a lot of money, but you won’t get rich overnight.

If you have an idea that you’re really interested in, a proven strategy, patience and discipline to tend to your blog every day, over time you’ll build a valuable asset that can continue to earn you money for years to come.

What do you need to know about blogging?

If you want to launch your own blog, you’ll need to decide how you want to monetize it.

You can start a blog on any topic that interests you. This will give an opportunity to draw an audience. Once you’ve attracted an audience, there are plenty of ways to monetize your blog.

When launching your own blog from scratch, the time and effort you put in and the monetization methods you use determine how much and how fast you grow your blogging income. In this article, you’ll learn how to get started blogging now.

Following are 6 steps for getting started:

Step #1: Idea

You need to decide what you’re going to write about. What are your passions and interests?

In order to maintain the motivation and discipline to keep going, you must find something you enjoy and would want to absorb yourself in learning and writing about every day.

If you’re a beginner blogger, make sure there are others who share this interest and don’t make your topic too broad.

A blog about movies is too broad. On the other hand, one about movies from the Golden Age of Hollywood is more specific.

Rather than blogging from the position of an expert – which you don’t have to be – you can chronicle your journey and have your readers along for this ride.

Step #2: Name and publishing platform

You’ll need to choose a unique and interesting name and a platform for your blog. You want a name that clearly identifies what your blog is about and one that people “get” at first glance.

Definitely choose a “.com” extension as that’s what people search for and expect.

There are lots of paid and free options for publishing platforms available to new bloggers. WordPress is highly recommended as you can quickly and easily set up your blog for free and it’s safe and secure and easy to manage and customize.

Step #3: Editorial calendar

Take the time to plan your first few weeks or months of content so you’ll be set for success and then you’ll never be stuck figuring out what to write about when you should already be writing.

You can check out similar content on other blogs for ideas and you can write on those topics. Just know that what makes your blog unique is your voice and perspective – YOU.

Step #4: Write

Now it’s time to start writing your content. You need to have a great headline, be relevant and useful, or be entertaining depending on your topic. Keep people engaged and give them a reason to keep reading.

People love personal stories, how-tos, and reviews. Be creative when it comes to your ideas, formats, and formulas.

It’s your blog and you have the freedom to do as you wish.

Step #5: Audience

There are many ways to build your audience, although SEO (search engine optimization) is one of the main ones.

You can also build your blog audience with social media.

Be sure your content is high quality. You have to produce several drafts of content and several edits before posting. Don’t just publish the first thing you write.

Keep in mind that, in most niches, longer blog posts of 1,000 to 2,000 words have a tendency to rank better on Google than shorter ones.

Step #6: Monetization and promotional strategies

Even if you’re a beginner blogger, create your monetization and promotion strategies.

A few ways to do this include:

Ad networks
Sponsored content arrangements
Affiliate deals
Coaching or consulting services
Selling your own products
And more

You probably won’t be trying to monetize your blog right off, because it’s difficult to make money until you’ve started to grow your audience.

So, it’s essential you start building an email list right away — even if you think you’re not ready.

When you have an email list, you have permission to keep in contact with people who have shown interest in what you’re writing about and they have taken an action by subscribing.

This is key to monetizing because, in time, you can market affiliate deals or your own products or services to your list. The longer they remain on your list reading your blog, the more loyal to you they’re likely to be.

What should you do before you start blogging?

If you’re considering setting up a blog, you need to start building your list on the first day.

Despite the popularity of social media channels, email marketing remains one of the most used digital marketing techniques.

What are the best blogging platforms?

See this article for a guide to the best blogging platforms.

Blogging isn’t a strategy to get rich quickly. Time, patience, effort, and discipline are required.

These things coupled with a good idea can have you earning extra money, even if you’re a beginner.

Use these tips on how to get started blogging now to set up your blog and start creating some extra income today.

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January 16th, 2023

The Sales Funnel Concept for Digital Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

The sales funnel is one of the primary advertising concepts used in online marketing.

Online marketing is any form of advertising done on the internet, and it takes on many shapes and forms. You can market organically for free or you can pay. When using either approach, you have a number of effective strategies and methods to use in order to gain your desired outcome.

A popular marketing concept is the sales funnel which maps out the journey a customer goes through when making any type of purchase.

A sales funnel is a marketing concept that maps out the journey a customer goes through when making any kind of purchase. This model uses a funnel as an analogy because a large number of potential prospects may be available at the beginning of the sales process, but only some of them actually end up as paying customers.

Your prospects go through different stages of your sales funnel from the first time they learn about your product or service until they actually make a purchase.

You need to have a clear business vision, develop a marketing strategy, and define your target audience before you start building your sales funnel.

Read the entire article here.

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