This Facebook Marketing 2013 Ebook Review pertains to Jo Barnes’ Facebook Marketing 2013: The Essential Things You Must Know to Generate Leads Through Facebook in 2013. Learn exactly how FB works and how to benefit from using it. This 93-page ebook is split into two parts.
Part 1 is a Quick Start Guide to Lead Generation
The book explores Landing Tabs, Facebook Ads and Promoted Posts. Lead generation is a mix of driving completely new cold traffic to our content, products or services and also, getting in front of warm traffic, which are people who have already expressed an interest, but perhaps haven’t taken any significant action yet.
This means we’ll be advertising to those who have never heard of us and to current fans that are not yet paying customers.
Landing Tabs
Landing Tabs are actually more important now on Facebook than ever before.
A Landing Tab is commonly known as a Squeeze Page in the online marketing world.
So, the flow of a Landing tab is to utilize the power of Facebook to generate the targeted leads. It should attract the prospective customers to your page and your tab and then, encourage them to leave you their name and email address so that you can market to them via email.
In order to get more customers for our business, we need to generate leads. We need to have a steady stream of people interested in our products and services that we can connect with, engage with and sell to! Learn how to use Landing Tabs and Facebook business pages.
Part 2 — About the Long Term
Part 2 is about what happens after you’ve generated all your fantastic new leads. It’s all about communication, engagement, leading warm prospects to take more action with you and building your reputation, your profile and your community on Facebook by using pages, groups and your profile. All of these are explained in detail in this ebook.
Facebook Marketing 2013 Ebook Review
This Facebook Marketing 2013 Ebook Review pertains to Jo Barnes’ Facebook Marketing 2013: The Essential Things You Must Know to Generate Leads Through Facebook in 2013. Learn exactly how FB works and how to benefit from using it. This 93-page ebook is split into two parts.
Part 1 is a Quick Start Guide to Lead Generation
The book explores Landing Tabs, Facebook Ads and Promoted Posts. Lead generation is a mix of driving completely new cold traffic to our content, products or services and also, getting in front of warm traffic, which are people who have already expressed an interest, but perhaps haven’t taken any significant action yet.
This means we’ll be advertising to those who have never heard of us and to current fans that are not yet paying customers.
Landing Tabs
Landing Tabs are actually more important now on Facebook than ever before.
A Landing Tab is commonly known as a Squeeze Page in the online marketing world.
So, the flow of a Landing tab is to utilize the power of Facebook to generate the targeted leads. It should attract the prospective customers to your page and your tab and then, encourage them to leave you their name and email address so that you can market to them via email.
In order to get more customers for our business, we need to generate leads. We need to have a steady stream of people interested in our products and services that we can connect with, engage with and sell to! Learn how to use Landing Tabs and Facebook business pages.
Part 2 — About the Long Term
Part 2 is about what happens after you’ve generated all your fantastic new leads. It’s all about communication, engagement, leading warm prospects to take more action with you and building your reputation, your profile and your community on Facebook by using pages, groups and your profile. All of these are explained in detail in this ebook.
There is also a video course to accompany this ebook.

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