Article Marketing: Why You Should NOT Use Article Directories
by Rahimah Sultan
About six years ago, article marketing was a popular SEO technique. You would write an article on a topic related to your niche and submit it to online article directories. Then you would get a link back to your site. Unfortunately, this technique no longer works as it once did, and it may even do harm to your site.
In his article titled 7 Reasons Why Article Directories Will Hurt Your Site, Mitchell Wright details seven of the reasons why.
If you want to improve your site’s ranking for targeted keywords, there are other strategies you can use for success.
Click this link to read the article.
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Affiliate Marketing Tools
by Rahimah Sultan
You can start a business or boost your current business using the internet and various platforms. A good place to begin is with affiliate marketing.
Affiliate marketing is not easy. It requires a substantial investment of money and/or time.
With affiliate marketing you have the freedom to work from anyplace in the world with a computer and an internet connection, or just from home, without a set schedule.
In order to be successful, you need the proper affiliate marketing tools. If you’re just starting out and using a blog or website, there are many WordPress plugins you can use.
These affiliate marketing tools include Flippa, CJ Affiliate, SEMRush, Duplichecker, Google Adsense, and more.
Read Affiliate Marketing Tools: The 17+ Tools Every Marketer Needs for details and the complete list.
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How To Set Up Your Online Sales Funnel
by Rahimah Sultan
Anyone who has an online business needs paying customers. In order to convert your website visitors into paying customers, you need to create a sales funnel .
The primary goal for your sales funnel is moving people from one stage to another until they are ready to buy from you.
From the first time your prospects hear about you until the moment of purchase, they pass through different stages of this sales funnel. The journey might be different for each, depending on your buying personas, niche, and the types of products and services you offer.
When designing your sales funnel, you can have as many stages as you want.
Generally, there are four main ones that you need to pay attention to:
You can read The Beginner’s Guide to a Sales Funnel for the details.
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Blog Article Marketing
by Rahimah Sultan
Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.
Quality article marketing is possibly the best way to promote your website or blog. Following are some online marketing tips to include in your blog article marketing strategy to help you achieve your goals.
Keep Articles Simple
You don’t want a reputation for burying useful information under a lot of technical terms or unintelligible information. So try to keep your article simple and straightforward. Include something of immediate value, in your article, such as a current deal or a problem-solving idea that consumers can use.
Be Consistent
Consistency is key to your success. If you’re just starting out, make a schedule for writing and posting. Maybe you can complete and post one article a week. Consider what you can realistically do and what schedule you can maintain. Do remember that you must put in the work to achieve success, and that it will take time and patience.
Check Your Content
When you’re planning out articles or blog posts for your website, be sure your writing is filled with good original content and that it has no errors or misspelled words.
Proofread your work at least three times before publishing it. Use a dependable spellchecker.
You can use to check your grammar.
When first considering your blog article marketing or posts, write a quick rough draft just as you would speak, and then go back and check it for errors. Read it aloud to a friend or family member to get advice on how the article flows. You may need to make some changes. Make your writing personable so that you do come across to readers as someone real. After all, you want your readers to have a connection with you.
Do not use article spinners. You should write the articles yourself. Article spinners can’t write like a person. Respect your readers and be professional. Give them interesting content that you’ve written yourself.
Although you need search engine optimization (SEO), consistently check your articles for good-quality content, and deal with search engine tactics later as you learn how to use them.
In summary, keep your articles simple and free of unintelligible information. Be consistent with your posting, and be persistent and patient. And above all, check, check and recheck your work.
Follow these tips for your blog article marketing and you’ll be able to produce quality articles and engaging posts for your readers.
Affiliate Marketing Tips and Strategies
by Rahimah Sultan
If you’re a marketer looking for opportunities in affiliate marketing (Read ) you need to continually improve your strategies if you want success and profits.
Learn how to outrank your competition, select a profitable affiliate program, use low-cost tools for your campaigns, and stay away from bad links among other things.
There is constant demand for consumers’ attention so it’s important that marketers remain creative in order to set yourselves above your competitors.
Read more here…
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Article Marketing As Part Of Your Overall Marketing Strategy
by Rahimah Sultan
Although the rise of video has dominated the content marketing industry for the last couple of years, it’s evident that many people still prefer to read.
While many prefer to watch a video than to read written text, we’re often not able to listen to video, and for many types of content, we still prefer to read. Using article marketing as a part of your overall marketing strategy is a benefit to you.
Here are four good reasons to use article marketing as part of your overall marketing strategy:
To expand your brand visibility on the web
To validate your authority and thought leadership
To enhance your SEO efforts
To create pathways for the people, who want what you’re offering, to find you
Expand your brand visibility on the web
Great content is a relatively inexpensive way to advertise your brand and get more visibility on the web. You must provide quality content in an easy-to-understand manner that addresses the needs or wants of the audience you wish to reach.
Validate your authority and thought leadership
Beneficial articles validate your authority and thought leadership by showing your ideas and expertise.
Marketing effort builds momentum through consistency. Set up a schedule that works for you and stay with it, say one article per week. Marketing with articles takes time and persistence. It’s not a quick fix for cash flow.
Enhance your SEO efforts
You can enhance your SEO efforts with article marketing by properly using your keywords. Use them in your title, a couple of times within the article, and as a hyperlink that contains your main keyword(s) in your summary, which links back to your product or service by way of a landing page.
Create pathways for the people who want what you’re offering to find you
Create a pathway for people to find what you’re offering by using a landing page, also called a lead capture page. This is a page that has a call to action (CTA) and is connected to a source that collects people’s name and email address so that you can follow up with them to offer more information about your product or service.
As you promote your articles, there is the opportunity for them to go viral.
To have a successful content marketing strategy you will need a variety of different content types, including written blog posts, videos, infographics and webinars.
Search engine bots cannot read videos so you even need text with videos to rank higher in the search engines. You Tube, which is owned by Google, allows a 200-word summary explaining what a video is about. The text needs to be clear, unique and well-written.
You can get information more quickly from a well-written article than a video, because you can skim the article and pick out what is relevant to you. If you’re viewing a video, it’s easy to miss something while scrolling back and forth on the time bar, and it takes up a lot of time.
Use article marketing as part of your overall marketing strategy so you can expand your brand visibility on the web, validate your authority and thought leadership, enhance your SEO efforts and create pathways for the people who want what you’re offering to find you.
Online Marketing: Be On Top In A World That’s Constantly Changing
by Rahimah Sultan
The world of online marketing is fast paced and therefore unpredictable. To have success, you must be willing to continually test and refine your campaigns.
Most traditional business experts talk about following the money and not your passion. If you’re too attached to a business, then you won’t be able to see clearly what to do when it’s not going well. You won’t be able to tell if you need to scrap it and start over.
You need to adapt and don’t be attached, and always test. Read The World Of Online Marketing Is Fast Paced, Which Makes it Unpredictable for the details.
Need An Autoresponder?
Autoresponders: Three Campaigns
by Rahimah Sultan
When a prospect or customer signs up to receive your emails, there should be a response sent by an autoresponder. This should happen whenever someone clicks on a link and makes a purchase or when anyone signs up for a newsletter or membership in your program, to show your appreciation for their time and effort.
An autoresponder is a computer program that automatically answers e-mail sent to it. They can be very simple or quite complex. The software sends a sequence of emails to a person who has taken some action. You write the emails, enter them into the autoresponder system, set up the triggering function for the series, and schedule when they should be sent.
Sequence Emails
People generally want more than the initial offering. For example, if readers bought your ebook on the basics of knitting, you could do a sequence of emails beginning with the different types of knitting needles, the second email would be about the yarn, the third on patterns, and so on.
Drip Email Campaign
For readers who are ready to buy something from you, are thinking about it but want more information, and those who are interested in being on your list but don’t know if they want to buy anything right now, use a drip email campaign.
If you had a recent campaign to get more leads by offering something free pertaining to one of your services, and you’ve captured their emails, send this group a series of emails with engaging content about how you created the service to solve a common problem many readers encounter in the running of their business. You can give a case study in one email and another case study in the second email in a story-telling form.
In the bottom of these two emails, offer a short bit of content about your book or service with a link or CTA (call-to-action) button to the book or service on solving the common problem.
Now split your readers into two groups: Those who made a purchase (Group A) and those who didn’t (Group B). Group A will receive automated emails referencing elements of the book shown in emails as to how you can help them be more successful. Once they’ve received a few of the supporting email sequences that may also have links to videos, you can offer your readers a product demo and a free consultation.
In the meantime, Group B is getting occasional automated emails like Group A received, but they also get other emails with different content about other services you provide, including links to content with more information such as a video. Those in Group B who click on the book link show they’re still interested in the book and, potentially, your personalized service but just may not be ready yet.
Webinar Autoresponder Email Series
Marketers like to show their followers how they can carry out something in their business that will help them make more money. Using the drip email example above, a webinar can be offered at some point for Group A because they showed the most interest in the product.
Group A has already seen a video or two as part of the sequence emails they received. Now you can send an email inviting readers to attend a webinar where they can see the service in action and how it can help them decide on using your product or information. When the webinar invitation goes out, readers fill out the form and send it back. This generates the reservation acceptance email that carries a link that is automatically code-created with that person’s identification and takes the person to the webinar link when the time comes to join up.
A day before the event you send a reminder email and again right before the webinar begins. Readers just need to click on the link several minutes before it starts. The link takes them right to the webinar page where each reader is recognized as a pre-registered attendee (because of the ID link code).
When the webinar is over, get the list of attendees and those who didn’t. Create separate channels (lists) for each group. Put aside those who attended but didn’t sign up for the service.
For the registered non-attendees of Group A in the “drip” campaign, now moved into a Group A short-term email list, send an autoresponder message saying they were missed at the webinar but there’s a link for a replay if they’d still like to see it.
If your short-term list of members clicked on the replay link but not the link to get your service, send an automated email several hours later, asking if they’d like to have a consultation to know more. They can click on a link in the email to generate a callback from you or set up an appointment with you.
After 24 hours, send out another autoresponder email reminding them that the discount will be over in 24 hours, so they need to act now. If no actions were taken, you can move non-responding people to another email list to receive regular emails about products and services you have to offer, including emails that just offer valuable content without any sales approach.
Sequence emails, drip email campaigns, and a webinar autoresponder email series are three types of email campaigns you can set up for a boost to your business.
Smart Strategies for Affiliate Marketing
by Rahimah Sultan
You can start or boost your business using the internet and various platforms. A good place to begin is with affiliate marketing.
‘The beauty of affiliate marketing is that you don’t have to invest the time and effort to create a product to sell. You can begin selling something as an affiliate as soon as you have a platform to sell it on.’
There are two important rules to use when promoting products that are not your own:
1. Only recommend products with which you are familiar.
2. Never tell anyone directly to buy a product.
You can read my source for Smart Strategies for Affiliate Marketing here.
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Four Affiliate Marketing Tips For Success In 2019
by Rahimah Sultan
Affiliate marketing is still alive and well. Even if you’re just finding out about this business model in 2019, there’s still a lot of money to be made.
Although becoming a successful affiliate marketer is getting tougher with so much competition, there are things you can do to give yourself an edge and a fighting chance.
Too many people quit too quickly. (This is to your advantage.) Now, let’s discuss four affiliate marketing tips for success in 2019.
You may not even know what a niche is or how to pronounce it. In marketing, it’s what you choose to focus on or your area of interest. If you pick the wrong one or too many, it will cause you to lose a lot of time, energy and money.
You need to create an authority site or blog based on what is right for you. Pick something you love, so there will be less chance of you running out of topics to discuss or getting bored.
Don’t even think about making easy money as a reason for focusing on certain niche products to promote, as no such thing exists. You’ll have to put in the work in order to reap the benefits.
Patience is a must. If after say, six to nine months you see no progress, it may be time to get out and cut your losses and try again. If that happens, don’t give up on your goals if one blog or site fails. Keep learning and moving forward.
That’s why it’s so important to choose the right niche.
Usually the starting point for earning is just over $1.00 during the first six months.
You should work on increasing any amount you make each month. Have a good understanding of what it means to become an affiliate marketer, and keep working at it until you’re making the money you want.
As an affiliate marketer, you don’t have to develop your own products. Affiliate marketing allows you to sell other people’s products on your site and make commissions, if they have an affiliate program. So, your business will be selling other people’s products and making money.
Before deciding to promote a product, you should know if the product is selling well and if it is new. Amazon will let you know by ratings and reviews.
If a product has just launched, and you know what you’re doing, you can write a review of it. If the review is ranked on the first page of Google as soon as possible, then you may have struck gold.
If you’re a beginner and want to monetize your website, using one of the following three programs is a good place to start:
Amazon is a global brand that is recognized by everyone, and people trust it. There are thousands of products to promote. You make money on anything you sell, although they don’t have a Paypal option to get paid.
Share-a-sale is a network so there are many companies that use it to sell products. They have a search feature for finding something related to your niche. Once you find what you are looking for, you can join as an affiliate for that one specific product/item/service. They also do not have a Paypal option to get paid.
Clickbank is one of the more popular networks and has been around for quite some time. It has recently cleaned up and stopped accepting junk products for promotion.
The programs mentioned above are 100% Free to join, easy to use and have great commission payouts when done correctly.
A few things to be aware of in affiliate marketing:
a) Use independent affiliate programs. You can do a Google search.
Type in “your blog topic+ affiliate program” to find programs or networks for which you can apply.
b) Have a site up and running
c) Never pay to join an affiliate program
1) The first thing you need to do is set up a website (blog).
2) Get traffic to your blog. Getting traffic is key so learn how to craft content that gets you ranked in search engines and also use at least 1 social media platform to get even more traffic.
3) You need to find products to promote, which has already been discussed.
4) Learn how to properly build your blog’s authority & search engine rankings by using quality content that you’ll create for your site.
Your content marketing strategy is your “why.” Why are you creating content, who you are helping, and how can you help them in a way that no one else can.
What if one day the company you are affiliating for disappeared along with your unpaid commissions in an hour? It has happened.
Such is the nature of affiliate marketing. You do not own the product or the rights to it nor do you have any say in the matter.
That is why it is very important for you to have a backup plan.
Although this rarely happens, don’t build your whole business around 1 product or one company.
That’s why it is vital you take the time to pick a good product to promote and not just what’s “hot” for a week.
Make sure you include a whole range of products that you review and promote so that your business will always be safe.
There are many ways to make income to finance your business. Make sure to learn all the ways you can to have multiple streams of income.
So, you need to pick your niche, choose the right affiliate products to promote that fit that niche, promote your products, and have a backup plan in case of unforeseen circumstances.
These Four Affiliate Marketing Tips For Success In 2019 will help you in your online business enterprises.
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