Internet Marketing Solutions: 3 Tips
by Rahimah Sultan
You need three key things to grow an online business: Targeted traffic, something to sell, and a marketing funnel.
Learn how to copy the experts so you don’t have to try to work it all out yourself – how to build a website, which products are best sellers or how to send responsive emails.
Here are three Internet Marketing tips to help you move forward with your business adventure.
1) Affiliate marketing is a simple online method and you’ll make faster progress if you work with the guidance of a good coach or mentor. Choose someone who is very successful and has years of experience.
When you have chosen a trusted mentor, just follow that expert’s plan of action. You can search “YouTube for experts in your niche or do a Google search and find the best marketers, the best article writers, or Google experts (Martin Shervington explains Google+), for Facebook (take a look at Marie Smith) or Twitter experts (Yasmin Dendror “Understanding Twitter”). (“SEO step by step” Caimin Jones).” The time spent on research is worth it.
2) Offer an incentive. Create some sort of free bonus offer for everyone who signs up to your email list. This will get people excited about giving you their information because they’re going to get something of value for free. It could teach them something that they did not previously know about the world of internet marketing or whatever niche you are promoting. You simply add an opt-in box, a short description of your gift, and then drive traffic to your site.
3) Build Relationships. Now that you’re all set up with your blog or other platform and are ready to advertise, you need a way to stay in contact with prospective customers. You can do this with an autoresponder which is a program that automatically generates a set response to all messages sent to a particular e-mail address.
Although an autoresponder is usually set up with prewritten emails set to go out at certain intervals, you can also use it to send out broadcasts whenever you wish. You can set up a couple of automatic emails such as a “thank you” for signing up to your list as well as an email with the download link for the free gift. Then you can send out broadcasts whenever you wish, as opposed to relying on an autoresponder sequence.
In summary, Internet Marketing Solutions: 3 Tips includes doing some research to find mentors to help with setting up your online business, offering an incentive for people to join your list, and following up with those people to build relationships so you have someone to buy your products and services.
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Internet Marketing: Building Your Brand
by Rahimah Sultan
You must have an online presence to build your brand. That means using social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. But, you can’t just open an account. You have to have a strategy to generate a following. It takes a lot of work and talent.
“If you’re currently plotting your break into the social media realm, then you will quickly see that competing for the short attention span folks today have today is rather daunting. You’re going to need a content marketing strategy that will not only interest but engage your audience.”
You must watch for new trends, use your own voice, not be afraid to experiment, be diligent, and maintain quality. Hugh Benjamin details this in his article What It Takes To Successfully Build An Online Presence.
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Home Business In Retirement
by Rahimah Sultan
“So, you’ve decided you want to work for yourself when you reach age 65 or so. There are three key factors to consider before diving into entrepreneurship and starting a home business in retirement.”
“Be realistic about the time, energy, and cost of starting a new venture. The flexibility of freelancing or consulting from home would be a better option than setting up a labor-intensive physical company. Consider the investment…”
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Email Marketing: Writing Emails that Get Opened
by Rahimah Sultan
“About 205.6 billion emails are sent every day. Spare yours the fate of not being read! Follow these quick tips for writing a captivating email that inspires action.”
This infographic covers important points on how to write an email that gets opened, read and responded to.
It is recommend that you use direct language and have one main goal which can be a question, an outcome, or a request.
Use subject lines that “are intriguing without being click-bait, short without being cryptic, urgent without being slimy, and action-driven without being dispassionate,” states the infographic.
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Content Marketing: Three Essential Elements
by Rahimah Sultan
Three essential elements are needed for creating great quality content for your audience. Your content has to be useful and solve problems, and it needs to show them how to do something.
It should be interesting and written in a personable way. Show your personality as opposed to writing like a professional and just stating facts.
10 Rules for Small Business Success
by Rahimah Sultan

As a new entrepreneur you need to follow certain rules for small business success. You need to quell the enthusiasm a bit and focus on starting out right to avoid later disappointment.
Here are 10 of the most important rules for small business success:
1. Start small and grow. Don’t try to sell to everyone. You need a niche – a specific product or service so that you’re not competing with everyone.
2. Concentrate on what will be the bread and butter of your business. Don’t try to implement all your entrepreneurial ideas at once. You can branch out later.
3. Make sure you have a product or service that customers really want.
4. Develop a business plan that forces you to think through the basic elements of your company, i.e. your market, competition, industry and your position.
5. Know your customers. If you have a clear target market you can be much more effective and efficient in both your product development and marketing efforts.
6. Build one business at a time. Concentrate on one new direction, product or service, one target market or one distribution channel at a time.
7. Don’t re-invent the wheel. Get a piece of an existing market. Creating a market for a brand-new type of product or service is difficult, time-consuming and expensive.
8. Double the estimate of the time and money you originally think you’ll need. Things cost more and take longer than planned.
9. Keep things short and use lots of photos. People don’t like to read.
10. Build strong customer relationships. People like to do business with those they know, like, and trust.
Source: Click here
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Blogging: How To Start
by Rahimah Sultan

Are you ready to start blogging? Have you been wondering how to begin?
The first two steps are choosing a domain name and a blogging platform.
Once your blog is up, you might want to customize the design. Then you’re ready to go.
You can get started now with no technical experience. Read how here.
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Autoresponders: What Are They
by Rahimah Sultan

So now you’ve set up your online business website, and you’re ready to advertise it. You need a way to stay in touch with those who visit your site. You don’t want to lose them forever when they click away after one visit. There has to be a way to capture their information so you can follow up with them and build a relationship. After all, you need people to buy what you are offering. And you want them to buy from you in the future.
To do this you need an automated way to get their name and email address before they leave your site, and are gone forever.
Now is the time to set up an automated system to do just that. This system will include an autoresponder. So, what is an autoresponder?
An autoresponder is a computer program that automatically answers e-mail sent to it. They can be very simple or quite complex.
Autoresponders are often used as e-mail marketing tools, to immediately provide information to their prospective customers and then follow-up with them at preset time intervals.
Autoresponders are also incorporated into electronic mailing list software, to confirm subscriptions, unsubscriptions, posts, and other list activities. – Wikipedia
Your automated system will have a way to set up a form which is a LCP (lead capture page) on your site to capture visitors’ names and email addresses. This is how you begin to build your list of subscribers.
Once you have a person on your list, you can follow up with them whenever you choose. You can set this up in your automated system. The setup is something you do one time, and the system will automatically send emails at intervals you have determined. You’ll also have the ability to email at other times and you don’t have to change anything you’ve already set up.
In business, you want to build a list, send emails, and make money. An autoresponder system handles this for you.
Read this three-part series that offers in-depth details on autoresponders and writing autoresponder emails.
An autoresponder is the main connection between you and your list for financial success.
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Article Marketing
by Rahimah Sultan
If you don’t have an online presence, you can establish one by blogging. As a beginning blogger, you can use this information to begin establishing your authority and to add fresh content to your site. Fresh content keeps your blog up to date and entices visitors to return.
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4 Tips on Web Site Promotion for Home Business Owners
by Rahimah Sultan

Website promotion is an ongoing process for attracting visitors to your website. You need high-quality content for lead generation, increased traffic, and search engine rankings.
Your website needs to be optimized for search engines, and you need to promote it in as many ways as possible, including using social media.
You can read the article, Tips on Web Site Promotion for Home Business Owners, here.
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