January 30th, 2017


by Rahimah Sultan


photo from blog


Are you hesitant to start your blog? Blogging has become an essential way to get your message out to others. You can incorporate text, pictures, links, short videos, or other media in your posts that make your content more appealing to readers.


Blogging is a way to showcase your passion and expertise and a way to brand yourself and your products. It allows you to present your knowledge and skills to the public.


Once you get your blog up and running and get a few followers your confidence will grow.


Read more here


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January 23rd, 2017

Autoresponders: A 3-Part Guide

by Rahimah Sultan


photo from blog


Making money on the Internet with your new business can be a bit difficult unless you have an autoresponder. Every online business needs email marketing tools that allow you to follow up with prospects.


An autoresponder is the ideal way to handle your daily business operation and save you time and money. An autoresponder is an e-mail utility that automatically replies to an e-mail message with a prewritten response when that e-mail comes into a specific e-mail or Internet address. You can increase your sales with autoresponders, connect easily with people, and brand yourself.


Getting started with autoresponders requires a bit of research to determine which one best fits your needs.


The following articles detail the setting up and use of autoresponders. It is actually a three-part guide.


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


Get your autoresponder and more here.

January 17th, 2017

3 Tips for Promoting Your Site

by Rahimah Sultan


photo from blog


If you are thinking about setting up an online business or wondering how to promote one, the following 3 tips for promoting your site will be helpful.


Decide what kind of business you want.

Decide what your business will be. Then set up a blog centered around that interest and promote it with content marketing using your own original articles. Blogging is a great way to establish your online presence. You can employ different marketing strategies to promote your site (blog). These can include articles for ezines, the use of social media platforms like Facebook, paid Ads through Google, and other avenues.


Be sure your blog is one over which you have total control, NOT a Blogger or a Blogspot platform. I recommend WordPress.org and NOT WordPress.com. If you use WordPress.org you will have to find your own hosting company and buy a domain name. Domain names cost about ten dollars a year, and you can use GoDaddy.com, NameCheap,com DomainOrb.com or another company of your choice to find a domain name.


Write content
Write content for your particular audience that solves a particular problem and encourages engagement. Content marketing is about sharing valuable information to attract prospects and turning them into customers and repeat buyers.


You can use your own fresh content to keep your blog up to date and that entices visitors to return.


Once you gain more visibility in the search engines you begin to look more authoritative. It’s human nature to gravitate toward those with authority.


Post regularly
Make regular posts to your blog and use SEO so you get found by search engines. Be sure to use a call to action (CTA) in your posts with a clickable link that instructs people to click for information or products that you are offering which can help solve their problem. If you have a list you can keep them updated about your latest posts.


Before setting up your blog, take time to carefully decide whom you will be writing for and the type of content that you will include.


One of the best ways to showcase your knowledge and skills is to provide content that can help your audience.


You can share your blog content on social media to encourage communication with your target audience and then use those channels to promote audience participation by redirecting them to your blog or a particular post, and you can ask for feedback.


So, thoroughly consider the type of business you want, set up your site, write content to promote your business and gain authority, and make regular posts to your blog. Using these 3 Tips for Promoting Your Site will help you get started.


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January 2nd, 2017

Affiliate Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan


photo from blog

Affiliate Marketing is a branch of Internet marketing where the advertisement publisher gets paid for every customer or sale provided by him. Affiliate marketing is the basis for all other Internet marketing strategies


Originally, affiliate marketing involved lots of spamming, false advertising, trademark infringement, etc. Since the invention of complex algorithms and advanced security, it’s safer to do business and shopping online. This even led to …  More


December 26th, 2016

A Few Tips For Online Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan


photo from blog


Publishing content is one of the best ways to build traffic online. If your content is of good quality it can circulate online indefinitely, and this can brand you as an authority in your field. If it remains relevant the long-term benefit is continual traffic. Three ways to do online marketing for long term traffic and for branding and getting traffic long after being published are blogging, articles and video.


Read this article for a few tips for online marketing.


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December 19th, 2016

Multi-Level Marketing Tips

by Rahimah Sultan


photo from blog


For those who have not saved enough there is a need for alternative ways to either save more or generate supplemental income starting now, and continuing throughout retirement. You may be one of those people for whom multi-level marketing is a good fit. Or you may just want to be involved in activities that keep you busy, relevant, in good health, and connected to others.


If you’re considering Multi-level Marketing Read Multi-Level Marketing For Additional Income.

Build Your Business,
Set Up a Blog
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December 13th, 2016

4 Blogging Tips

by Rahimah Sultan

My first blog was on Blogspot.

I didn’t know much about blogging, but started anyway. I used it for an affiliate program I signed up for online.

The program owner offered a template that I used. All I had to do was write my article, using that template, and publish it on Blogspot. The affiliate link code was already included.

I learned a lot using that template and blogspot. I would play around with it to figure out how to use HTML and how to do a few other things.

The drawback of using that platform was not having control.

I now use a WordPress blog over which I have total control.

The following four blogging tips will help you get started.

1. Decide what to blog about.

You will need to know what content you’ll be covering on your blog, in order to choose the proper domain name and theme.

Give this a lot of consideration, as once you’ve set up your site, it will be rather difficult to undo without starting over.

2. Choose a blogging platform.

Within WordPress, you have two options which are often confusing to people. They are hosted and self-hosted.

Hosted is “WordPress.com blogs.”

Self-hosted (recommended) is “WordPress.org blogs.”

WordPress.org blogs give you total control.

3. Find a host.

Once you’ve chosen your blogging platform (.com or .org) you need to find a hosting company to “house” your blog.

Then pick a domain name, install WordPress, and decide on your blog design and the bells and whistles you want.

4. Your domain name should be your actual name.

If that’s not possible, choose a name that represents what your blog is about or one that reflects your niche.

Take into consideration the following four points.

a) Use a short name

“Johnson’s Tea Marketing Campaigns, Inc.” would be an awful domain name. Visitors would find it difficult to type.

b) Do not use plurals

Brendas Software. Is the domain name Brendassoftware.com or Brendasoftware.com?

You don’t want to confuse your users.

c) Use Relevant Keywords in Your Domain Name

If your business focuses on a very specific area, strong consideration should be given to using relevant keywords in your domain name.

d) Your Domain Name Should end with “.com”

End your domain name with “.com” and not some other extension such as .us, .net, .biz, etc.

The simple fact is that when people think of sites, they always type in .com

You’ll get installation instructions with your hosting package.

Do not let lack of knowledge be an excuse for not doing something.

Just start gathering information by doing online searches and get educated on how to proceed.

Now, decide what to blog about. Choose a blogging platform.

Find a host, pick a domain name, install WordPress, design and use your blog!

These Four Blogging Tips will help you with your blogging plan.

Your Hosting and More

December 1st, 2016

Marketing Success: Ad Headlines

by Rahimah Sultan


photo from blog


Ad headlines are used to capture attention. You have only about 10 seconds to capture people’s attention. The headline is used to get people to read the rest of the piece, the next paragraph. It needs to include some kind of promise and it needs to capture an emotion. When using an email it should address a problem and how to resolve it and who your audience is.


When creating great headlines you can rewrite a cliché, add an element of tension, or ask a question. You should give the reader a reason to read further, open the email or click to the website. Offer people something newsworthy and appeal to their curiosity. Be positive and offer quick an easy solutions.


Read 11 Ways to Write Powerful Ad Headlines here.


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November 19th, 2016

Marketing: Engagement With Social Media Content

by Rahimah Sultan


photo from blog


It’s not always easy to engage your online connections. You have to have a desire to hear what others want to say.


Engagement ideas include asking questions, sharing interesting and funny content, and letting people know who you are.


Once you have managed to engage your target audience, it is no small challenge to keep them engaged. As long as you are committed to them, you will be successful.


Read Michael Cohn’s Sharpening Engagement With Your Social Media Content here.


Use This System and Stay Engaged With Your Audience

November 13th, 2016

3 Tips for a Successful Internet Marketing Strategy

by Rahimah Sultan
photo from blog


If you understand Search Engine Optimization, Content Marketing, and Social Media Marketing, you have the basics of online marketing and you can implement a successful Internet Marketing strategy.


Using a successful online marketing strategy is the way to open the door to sales.


SEO is a means of getting your information found by the search engines as well as a way to get your website found, while social media marketing is all about interaction with prospective customers to get them to know, like and trust you.


Read A Successful Online Marketing Strategy which covers these 3 Tips for a Successful Internet Marketing Strategy.