Archive for the ‘Business Success’ Category

October 7th, 2024

Developing Your Digital Marketing Strategy

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links on this website. There is no expense to you.

As a marketer, considering the creation of the best marketing strategy, you need to have a clear understanding of your business, product, and demographics before choosing one that will be effective for your needs.

To grow your online visibility, you need a plan for using different channels to do so. In this plan, you should consider factors such as your target audience, strengths and weaknesses, and your competitors.

To help you decide which marketing channels to use or test, check data from across your business, your target audience, and how you want to communicate your… Read Article

Try this viral mailer that pays

September 23rd, 2024

What it Takes to Start a Home-Based Business

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links on this website. There is no expense to you.

According to MarketWatch, about 54% of working Americans focus on side hustles or small businesses and freelancing to plan for savings and emergencies and create passive income for normal expenses and planning for the future. The majority of this number is comprised of 71% of Gen Z and 68% of Millennials.

Although launching a business can be exciting, you can easily become overwhelmed without proper planning. Starting a business from your home is like starting any business with one exception. You won’t need to lease commercial space.

If you’re thinking about starting a home-based business, you probably already know the type of business you plan to launch. If not, the first step is to identify your concept. If you have an idea, fine-tune it before launching your home-based business.

What does it take to start an HBB?

Here’s how you should proceed to get your freelance venture or small business up and running:

1. Choose a business concept that aligns with your interests, career background, or newly developed skills.

2. Outline your strategy and create a business plan.

3. Be disciplined and set SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound) goals toward achieving your long-term goal.

4. Set up a dedicated workspace and prepare all your essential remote working tools, software, etc.

5. Build your brand identity and expand it through your online presence across social media platforms, and visibility on Google using your website, and through email marketing channels.

6. Before fully launching, prepare to track your finances and business banking.

7. Test your idea on a small group of people, gather feedback, and fine-tune your business model, service, or product offering.

8. Running a business all on your own can be isolating, and mentally and emotionally challenging. Focus on ways to maintain work-life balance and a network with others while operating your business from home.

9. Constantly learn and improve, and as your business picks up find methods to work smarter instead of harder and to shorten hours.

In a nutshell, this is what it takes to start a home-based business.

Starting a home-based business can be exciting and rewarding, although there will be challenges as with anything new.

What are the advantages of owning a home-based business?

Some advantages of owning a home-based business:

No Commuting

No Commuting is the most obvious one, as it saves time and bus fare or car expenses unless you have to travel to visit customers.

Lower Overhead

Since you won’t have to buy or rent business space elsewhere or maintain a separate office, you’ll probably only have the cost of business licenses and taxes.

Tax Advantages

Check with your Chamber of Commerce for tax advantages.

Operating a home-based business can be a way to recover your business expenses and sometimes reduce the amount of income tax you have to pay. To qualify for a reduction in income taxes, your office space area needs to pass the “exclusive use” test, meaning you must be able to show that a part of your home is your primary place of business and is used regularly and exclusively for conducting business.

Family Time

If you have children, operating a home-based business can allow you more flexibility with child care and more time to spend with family.

When your children are old enough, you can legally employ them in your business, as long as you follow the rules. There are certain restrictions, especially for children under the age of 18.

Always consult with an attorney before taking steps to employ your children in your business so that you can ensure compliance with all federal, state, and local regulations, which may vary greatly depending on locality.

What are the disadvantages of owning a home-based business?

An HBB is not for everyone; there are some disadvantages:

Municipalities regulate home-based businesses, and particular neighborhoods may have agreements against them. If you’re renting, landlords tend not to be home-based business-friendly.

Might Not Work for You

A home-based business might not work for you, even if allowed where you live. Signage, parking, and the need for home-based insurance might make running a home-based business a bad idea. Conflict can be created between other tenants and your landlord who may be irritated at the non-resident traffic.


Countless people, who run home-based businesses, suffer from feelings of isolation and being out of the loop. This can be particularly intense for people who have spent much of their career in highly collaborative office areas and suddenly have no one to talk to when they switch to an entirely home-based business career.

Interferes with Family life

Some people find that running a home-based business causes a conflict in their family life. They may find that running a business out of the home means that business needs are regularly taking away family time. This blurring of the lines between home and business means they never feel off the clock even after hours.

Starting a home-based business provides you with a unique opportunity to grow at your own pace, achieve the seemingly impossible in your career, and work flexibly at the same time. It allows strong potential for significant professional growth.

If after performing due diligence and research you decide you have what it takes to start a home-based business, use this information to get started today.

Try this viral mailer that pays

September 10th, 2024

12 New Trends in Affiliate Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links on this website. There is no expense to you.

Affiliate marketing is a revenue-sharing arrangement where businesses work with content creators and influencers (affiliates) to promote their products or services. Here are the trends.

1.  Traditional Advertising Issues

Digital ad spending slowed to single-digit figures for the first time in 2 decades, a trend that will continue. Marketers, using traditional forms of digital marketing, are struggling to succeed in this new environment defined by customers looking for more genuine, humanized content, and personalized support.

Studies show companies are wasting billions on programmatic media spending that doesn’t lead to results. As new user growth continues to plateau, ads on social media channels are not leading to results.

More and more, brands looking for ways to protect themselves from diminishing ROI, are turning to direct collaborations with creators, such as influencers and affiliates. Major brands have all launched large-scale affiliate marketing programs in the last year, tying brand awareness-building activities to tangible financial success.

This trend is expected to continue, which helps to counter platform-dependent risks and rising customer acquisition costs. This relationship also represents a positive shift for creators, who are looking for more reliable incomes, especially since TikTok canceled its creator fund.

Moving forward, companies might need to take a closer look at their marketing budgets and decide where they’re getting the biggest return on investment. If you’re not getting positive results from paid social media and search ads, you might consider switching to affiliate marketing as a great way to optimize your marketing budget.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

As already stated, affiliate marketing is a revenue-sharing arrangement where businesses work with content creators and influencers (affiliates) to promote their products or services.

Affiliates earn a commission for each visit, signup, or sale they make for a merchant.

This strategy allows businesses to outsource part of the sales process and gain a wider reach while affiliates earn income, and customers discover valuable products or services.

2.  Cookie Depreciation

Attribution models shift with cookie depreciation. Affiliate marketing has always been a form of performance-based marketing. However, the way companies track affiliate performance will need to change.

Many attribution models, including the multi-touch, last-click, and time-decay models rely on cookies. Google has finally begun denying these third-party cookies in the Chrome browser.

Now, business leaders can no longer depend on cookies to accurately measure affiliate performance. As an alternative, some companies are adopting server-to-server tracking, but many are struggling to get the right technology to enable end-to-end monitoring.

In the future, business leaders will need to leverage technology that not only enables them to track important metrics like conversion rate, click-through rate, lifetime value, and monthly recurring revenue but also maintains a complete view of the customer journey.

New and improved affiliate marketing platforms will deliver remarkable results for business leaders. Intuitive platforms that offer tracking, metric management, and automated payment processing should present businesses with more of the data and support they need.

3.  AI Will Influence Marketing Trends

Artificial Intelligence will influence affiliate marketing trends. AI has become deeply integrated into the marketing environment. Businesses are making use of artificial intelligence for everything. It’s essentially the next generation of content personalization, enhanced by artificial intelligence.

If you’re employing an affiliate marketing strategy, find out what concerns your audience has. Avoid using AI to completely eliminate the “human” aspect from the affiliate marketing method, because this will make it more difficult for you to connect with your audience.

As a content creator, you’ll be able to scale your production efforts, increase productivity and creativity, and also offer access to new tools that support the creation of unique resources like AI images. Keep in mind the fact that there will also be challenges to overcome.

4.  Partnerships Evolve

Affiliate, partner, and brand partnerships evolve. B2C and B2B partnerships have grown increasingly crucial. Companies rely more on partnerships for the collection of data, understanding their customers, and building better relationships. In the years to come, there will be a greater focus on affiliate marketing overlapping activities throughout entire organizations.

Affiliate strategies not only drive leads for sellers, but they can help to gain the attention of strategic partners and improve employee acquisition. Then companies will be forced to take a more holistic approach when implementing their affiliate strategies.

Companies will begin to organize joint webinars and events with their affiliates, co-creating content, and studying different revenue-sharing models.5.  The TikTok and Amazon Turf War

The evolution of the digital and technology landscapes is one of the major factors driving new affiliate marketing trends. As larger tech companies continue to grow, they’ve started scrutinizing each other for ideas to increase revenue.

So, we’re seeing more overlap between previously dissimilar brands. Amazon was once just the world’s leading shopping marketplace. However, it’s now promoting ad space and investing in new ways to help customers find inspiration for what to buy.

On the other hand, TikTok, used to be a place purely for entertainment, which also offered customers insights on what kind of products they might want to purchase. Now, people can buy products directly from the platform, thanks to TikTok’s shopping features.

These two companies are in direct competition with each other, and both appear to be reliant on affiliates. Affiliate marketing has always been a core part of Amazon’s growth strategy, and TikTok has always relied heavily on its creators.

This new landscape will force brands to rethink their approach to affiliate marketing. Do they want to drive customers to a marketplace like TikTok or Amazon, where they can purchase products? Or do companies want to be sure they’re driving customers back to their actual website to learn more about the brand and possibly make additional purchases?

If companies choose the latter, they’ll need to focus heavily on enhancing the customer experience by creating unique assets, like ‘live shopping,’ only available on their websites.

5.  The TikTok and Amazon Turf War

The evolution of the digital and technology landscapes is one of the major factors driving new affiliate marketing trends. As larger tech companies continue to grow, they’ve started scrutinizing each other for ideas to increase revenue.

So, we’re seeing more overlap between previously dissimilar brands. Amazon was once just the world’s leading shopping marketplace. However, it’s now promoting ad space and investing in new ways to help customers find inspiration for what to buy.

On the other hand, TikTok, used to be a place purely for entertainment, which also offered customers insights on what kind of products they might want to purchase. Now, people can buy products directly from the platform, thanks to TikTok’s shopping features.

These two companies are in direct competition with each other, and both appear to be reliant on affiliates. Affiliate marketing has always been a core part of Amazon’s growth strategy, and TikTok has always relied heavily on its creators.

This new landscape will force brands to rethink their approach to affiliate marketing. Do they want to drive customers to a marketplace like TikTok or Amazon, where they can purchase products? Or do companies want to be sure they’re driving customers back to their actual website to learn more about the brand and possibly make additional purchases?

If companies choose the latter, they’ll need to focus heavily on enhancing the customer experience by creating unique assets, like ‘live shopping,’ only available on their websites.

6.  New Landscapes

Interest in affiliate marketing grows in new landscapes.

Previously, affiliate marketing was widely respected as a popular choice for B2C companies, focusing on advertising products to a broad audience. That’s starting to change. B2B companies and enterprise-level brands, particularly those in the software space, are also seeing the value of affiliate marketing. In the B2B enterprise world, the growth of affiliate marketing is being driven by the increasing intricacy of the buyer journey.

This trend will continue to gather speed, making it more important for B2B affiliate marketers to help guide customers toward buying decisions. Establishing strong relationships with content creators will allow B2B companies to boost the visibility of their solutions early on and start building trust. These efforts will support good SEO, helping companies draw more traffic to their websites from relevant backlinks.

7.  Influencer Relationships

There’s an increasing focus on influencer relationships. In recent years influencer marketing has become a leading strategy for both B2C and B2B companies. Purchasers want to see more real, authentic, content from online creators they already love. There will probably be an increase in companies leveraging influencers and affiliate marketers in tandem to capitalize on this push.

Influencer marketing strategies are already common among 93% of brands, and trends like working with nano-influencers, micro-influencers, and video influencers to boost awareness will continue to grow with the main shift being the type of influencer content created.

Influencers and affiliates will need to take a more understated, relatable approach, and create content for a variety of platforms, including TikTok, LinkedIn, and YouTube to push the correct results.

There may be more teams co-creating content with other organizations to help increase reach and improve growth and allow affiliates and influencers to create in-depth, educational content connected to the products they’re promoting, thus delivering more value to customers.

8.  Content Diversification

Content diversification will be one of the most significant affiliate marketing trends to watch in the future. First, affiliate marketers will need to start creating content for all segments of the customer journey. This means focusing not just on driving sales but on increasing engagement and customer lifetime value with educational content, onboarding videos, and related solutions.

And secondly, these creators will need to test different content formats.

A short time ago, most affiliates relied on blog posts and the occasional social media strategy to promote brands. While these forms of content still have value, the flood of content on the web and changing search engine algorithms connected to written content will require many to take a more all-inclusive approach. For instance:

Video content
Long-tail search content

9.  The Community in Affiliate Marketing Trends

Online communities are everywhere, and they represent an incredible opportunity in affiliate marketing trends. They are more niche-focused, and provide access to more engaged users. Using affiliates to drive attention toward communities could help companies collect more valuable, first-party data about their customers, their preferences, and their needs. Developing a community will give companies an excellent way to find more highly qualified affiliates for their team.

10. The Metaverse in Affiliate Marketing Programs

Already, many companies building their own metaverse experiences with a focus on enhancing customer experience and increasing brand loyalty. Soon, many more companies will see the opportunity to leverage affiliate strategies for promoting both physical and virtual products.

It’s hard to know what affiliate marketing in the metaverse will look like. Still, the rise of metaverse experiences is likely to have a major impact on affiliate marketing trends and business growth in the future. The largest challenge for businesses is likely to be in finding affiliates who are familiar with the metaverse, and digital landscapes.

11. More Affiliate Content

Many companies investing in affiliate marketing have been cautious, In the past, about promoting how frequently they invest in ‘paid sponsorship.’ Many companies want the recommendations made by affiliates on their social media channels and blogs to seem like genuine, user-generated content.

Most consumers won’t buy the idea that someone would post a 20-minute video about a new email marketing platform or set of wireless earbuds without any reward. Also, many areas have imposed new regulations that require affiliate marketers and influencers to label their content as ‘sponsored.’

That represents an opportunity for brands to earn the trust of their customers through honest, transparent disclaimers, and it also means companies don’t have to back away from promoting affiliate content on their platforms.

12. Publishers Demands

Publishers will demand greater support from advertisers.

One of the most significant affiliate marketing trends, going forward, is the demand for greater support from advertisers. Brands that want to drive excellent results from their affiliate programs, will need to give creators a greater level of assistance.

They’ll need to support these creators with everything from figuring out how to navigate the new SEO landscape to ensuring they understand which types of media to use for different promotions.

The challenges facing affiliates are growing just as the demand for affiliate marketing might be increasing in a complex promotional environment. Business leaders can’t expect to provide their affiliates with a custom link and leave them on their own anymore.

Comprehensive affiliate marketing strategies will require that business leaders build ‘enablement resources’ to give affiliates more of the tools they need to succeed. This could include providing them with digital marketing training tools, branded photography, pitch decks, and more.

They’ll also need to rethink the commission structure. Building a tailor-made arrangement that prioritizes retaining and rewarding your best affiliates will ensure you can constantly scale and optimize your program.

Adjusting to the 12 new trends in affiliate marketing discussed here will require taking a comprehensive approach to changing strategy. However, investing enough time and effort into a holistic plan for modern affiliate marketing success will pay off.

Try this viral mailer that pays

August 26th, 2024

How Long Should Your Blog Articles Be?

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

You shouldn’t be overly concerned about word count when writing content. The quality is what really matters.

Due to recent algorithm updates, shorter articles are ranking better. But this is also related to changes in the way we consume content. The ideal length also changes significantly across industries.

Tech websites use fairly short articles that are commentaries on a product, technology development, or an event.

Fashion is another industry that uses short posts. These readers don’t care about the history of a trend or how garments are made. What you’re going to see are thousands of articles about which looks are hot and how to recreate them.

Job recruitment topics usually range from 900 – 1,000 words. Job hunters don’t have the time to read thousands of words. They want to find new employment quickly.

Food Bloggers can use around 1,200 words to cover an introduction and an in-depth recipe.

Finance, sales, and healthcare are some industries that still benefit from the comprehensiveness and depth of long-form content. As these industries cover fairly complex topics, it’s almost always necessary to go beyond 2,000 words in order to satisfy readers’ interest.

Retail, manufacturing, marketing, food, and travel use mid-length articles of 1,000 – 2,000 words to cover information. This remains the most common article length.

Keep your target audience in mind at all times, as you choose your blog topics and how much content to write for each. If you know their needs can be met with less than 1,000 words, don’t waste their time with fluff.

While doing research for this article, I came across this quote from Ryan Velez, freelance writer and editor:

Ideal blog length has always evolved over time. As a response to the wave of 750-word content, things expanded to be a lot more comprehensive, 2,500 words-plus. Now, with the wave of AI-generated content flooding the internet, word count doesn’t guarantee quality to the same degree. Combine that with the ‘TikTok Effect,’ and ideal content size is smaller now and quicker to get to the point. Think 1,500 to 2,000 words.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a long-term strategy used with the goal of building relationships with your target audience by methodically delivering high-quality, relevant content that educates and ultimately makes sales.

Long-Form Content vs. Short-Form

Web users are becoming smarter. Searches using long-tailed keywords increase daily. These users want specific answers to specific questions. So, your content strategy needs to match their increasing knowledge.

Creating content with a high word count allows the you to feel a sense of achievement you don’t get when writing 500-word articles. Marketers are feeling like they have to create long-form content to get a toehold in the SERPs.

But the times are changing. Users are falling in love with short-form content. It’s part of the reason U.S. adults spend up to an hour on TikTok.

Over 50 percent of business videos are less than two minutes long.

Combine these statistics with the fact that more and more adults believe attention spans are getting shorter, and it’s easy to see why consumers are placing greater emphasis and trust in concise articles that quickly answer their questions.

So, back to the question, how long should your blog articles be?

Two decades ago, the average article length was between 500-800 words. By the mid-2010s, articles were in excess of 2,000 words.

There are multiple reasons for this which include the way readers scan articles online and the psychology of equating length with quality.

Now, more concise articles are the trend. Although these aren’t quite as short as 800 words, they are short enough to quickly answer readers’ questions.

As you can see, longer is not necessarily better, neither is shorter. There is no one correct answer for blog article length. It’s dependent upon the industry. Your focus should be on quality not quantity or rankings.

Focus on top-quality content and promote it effectively rather than on how much to write.

Try this viral mailer that pays

July 15th, 2024

Types of Copywriting to Use in Your Business

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

What is copywriting?

Copywriting is the act or occupation of writing text for the purpose of advertising or other forms of marketing. Copywriting is aimed at selling products or services. The product, called copy or sales copy, is written content that aims to increase brand awareness and ultimately persuade a person or group to take a particular action. Copywriters help to create billboards, brochures, catalogs, jingle lyrics, magazine and newspaper advertisements, sales letters and other direct mail, scripts for television or radio commercials, taglines, white papers, website and social media posts, and other marketing communications. All this aligned with the target audience’s expectations while keeping the content and copy fresh, relevant, and effective. Wikipedia

This article discusses several types of copywriting you can use in your business.

Businesses have always needed to reach prospective customers and effectively communicate what they offer.

In our modern information age, Continue

Try this viral mailer that pays

June 18th, 2024

12 Steps to Starting a Successful Blog

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

You like most people, can spend months or years creating a blog that has no chance of succeeding, then you start another one that fails or a third and fourth.

You’re not dumb or lazy. You’re just choosing the wrong topic.

1. Choose the Right Topic

First, make a list of topics that interest you. They can be your hobbies, topics you think are highly profitable, or something random you saw in a magazine.

Now ask yourself these five questions:

1. Do any current blogs on this topic have a Facebook page with more than 10k fans?

2. Are there any blogs on this topic that have more than 50k followers on Twitter?

3. Are there any books on Amazon with more than 30 reviews on this topic?

4. When you look for words and phrases connected to this topic, are there any Google ads?

5. Do any words or phrases related to this topic have more than 100k searches in Google’s Keyword Planner tool?

By answering these questions, you’ll know if there’s an existing audience for your topic.

Don’t try to be too unique or clever by hunting for an audience that no one else is serving.

It’s counterintuitive, but the more competition you have in a blogging space, the easier it is for a new blogger to find success there.

2. Choose the Right Platform

Choose the right blogging platform

There are several free blogging platforms like Tumblr, Blogspot, Wix, or Squarespace. These are fine to test your ideas and content to be sure they’re workable before creating a full-fledged blog.

But when you’re ready to build an audience and make money online, a self-hosted WordPress blog is the way to go.

WordPress is open source and technically free, but you have to buy a hosting plan to install WordPress on your own web host and purchase a domain name.

If you’re serious about blogging, you need to set up your blog on a firm foundation.

3. Choose a Domain Name

When choosing a custom domain name for your blog, consider using these three strategies:

Name the audience. The simplest way is tocall out the audience in the domain name. (Examples:,,

Name the topic. (,,

Name the benefit. (,,

Use these strategies to make a list of 10-20 domain names. Use a blog name generator tool like NameStation to get many ideas at once.

Once you’ve decided on a name, use Namecheap’s Beast Mode to check availability.

Give yourself a few days to a week to make a decision.

4. Get Web Hosting

You pay a small fee to keep your website online, handle all your visitors, provide customer support, back up your website, manage the security of your website, etc.

Although website hosting costs money, a good bit comes along with it.

It’s possible to get blog hosting and a registered domain from the same place, but it’s not recommended because if you ever decide to switch to a different web hosting company, the process can be complicated. You can save yourself future headaches by keeping your domain registrar and blog host separate.

You can do a Google search to compare and determine the best web hosting for your needs.

Once you have your web hosting set up, you need to use a registrar like NameCheap to register your domain.

5. Install WordPress

Now that your domain and web host are connected, it’s time to install WordPress. It’s not complicated.

These days most hosting providers offer one-click WordPress installation.

To log into your WordPress dashboard use your favorite browser and go to WordPress login URL by appending /wp-admin (or /admin or /login or /wp-login) to the end of your domain name.


You’ll be taken to your WordPress login page.

Enter the username and password you created earlier.

Click Log In.

6. Choose a WordPress Theme to Design Your Blog

Don’t get bogged in details. Focus on making your site functional. You can always make changes later.

Content is the important thing to focus on.

Enter the username and password you created earlier.

Click Log In.

Your theme is the design of your website and dictates how your blog looks to the world.

If you want a free WordPress theme, choose Astra (

If you want a premium blog theme, choose Astra Pro which has an advanced page builder that lets you customize your design.

Choose the theme that best fits your needs and situation and download and install it.

First way: To install a free theme from

Enter a theme name or a chosen feature (Example: “minimalist”) in the Search themes… field
Click the Install button

Second way: If you want to install a WordPress theme you downloaded from a third party, click the Upload Theme button and:

Click the Choose File button
Find the third-party theme you downloaded to your computer (Example: and select it
Click the Install Now button

To activate a WordPress Theme

Immediately after installing your WordPress theme, you’ll be given the option to “Activate” or “Preview” it.

If you want to publish the theme immediately to your website, click the Activate button. If not

1. In the left-hand navigation pane, go to Appearance
2. Choose Themes

Then you’ll see every theme you’ve installed and the default “themes” that are automatically installed by WordPress. Find the theme you want to use and click the Activate button.

You’re done.

Now your new blog design is visible to the world but not yet ready.

You need to adjust its functionality by installing a few WordPress plugins.

7. Install WordPress Plugins

WordPress is filled with features, and plugins offer even more.

There are thousands of free and third-party plugins—virtually a plugin for everything. There are specific types or categories you need, but there’s no such thing as an essential plugin.

There are six types of plugins you need to install.

1. Performance Plugins
2. Security Plugins
3. Backup Plugins
4. SEO Plugins
5. Social Sharing Plugins
6. Email List Building Plugins

You need a good performance optimization plugin to “cache” your content so it loads faster. If your blog is slow, your readers will bounce and Google will rank you lower in search engine results.

For a performance plugin, WP Super Cache is simple, maintained by the company behind WordPress, Automattic, and it’s free.

You can easily protect your site with the security plugin iThemes Security which has a one-click setup wizard. The cost is free, and there’s also a pro version with extra features.

UpdraftPlus strikes a good balance between features, flexibility, and ease of use. It has a 4.8 out of 5.0 rating on the WordPress plugin repository, and it’s actively updated by its developers.

There’s a free and a $70 pro version.

For SEO Yoast SEO is the gold standard of WordPress SEO plugins. It has both free and premium versions. The free version offers everything you need.

Social Warfare doesn’t slow down your website and offers unique features like “Click to Tweet” boxes and Pinterest-specific images and infographics.

The free version has all the basics you’ll need, and the pro version is only $29 annually.

Use Convert Pro to turn blog traffic into leads so you can continue to engage with them.

You can get it for free or pay $99 annually or $399 for a lifetime license.

To activate a WordPress plugin you can click the Activate button that appears immediately after you install it or:

1. In the left-hand navigation pane, go to Plugins
2. Choose Installed Plugins
3. Find your plugin and click Activate

8. Blog Set up and SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

If you want to start a blog that brings in traffic or if you want to drive your content to page one of Google, you have to learn SEO.

To guarantee search engines like Google and Bing can find your blog, make sure the following are unchecked:

1. In the left-hand navigation pane of your WordPress dashboard, hover over Settings
2. Click Reading
3. Confirm “Discourage search engines from indexing this site” is unchecked

Create an XML Sitemap (and Submit Your Sitemap to Search Engines)

“A sitemap is a file where you provide information about the pages, videos, and other files on your site, and the relationships between them. Search engines like Google read this file to crawl your site more efficiently. A sitemap tells search engines which pages and files you think are important in your site, and also provides valuable information about these files. For example, when the page was last updated and any alternate language versions of the page.”

A sitemap helps confirm Google can discover the new content you create, when your blog is new and has few external links pointing to it.

To create an XML Sitemap using the Yoast SEO plugin recommended earlier:

1. In the left-hand navigation pane of your WordPress dashboard, hover over SEO
2. Click General
3. Click the Features tab
4. Scroll down to the XML sitemaps option and make sure the switch is toggled to On

Now you have an XML sitemap for your blog. Next give it to Google, Bing, and other search engines.

Before leaving the Yoast SEO plugin, copy the URL of your sitemap:

1. Click the question mark icon next to XML sitemaps
2. Click the See the XML sitemap link

Your sitemap will open in a new tab in your browser.

Copy the URL in the address bar and save it.

The steps for submitting your sitemap are different from search engine to search engine.

Here are the most popular ones:

To submit your sitemap to Google Search Console

1. Go to Google Search Console and sign in using your Google account
2. In the left-hand pane, select your website

If you haven’t added your website to Google Search Console, you’ll need to click “Add property” and follow the steps provided before continuing below.

3. Under Index, click the Sitemaps option
4. In the Add a new sitemap section, enter the URL you saved earlier and click Submit

Bing Webmaster Tools

1. Log into Bing Webmaster Tools. Create an account if you haven’t done so.
2. Under the My Sites section, click your website

If you haven’t added your website to Bing Webmaster Tools, enter your blog’s URL in the Add a Site section and click the ADD button.

That’s it.

You’ve submitted your sitemap successfully to Google and Bing.

Permalinks structure

WordPress sets the links on your blog to the following format by default:

No one knows why, but you need to update this link structure before you publish ANY content.

Here’s how:

1. In the left-hand navigation pane, hover over Settings
2. Click Permalinks
3. Under Common Settings, set the option to Post name

Install an SSL Certificate so Your URL Begins with https Instead of http. Here’s why:

Readers will know your website is safe
Your website will be safe thanks to the encryption of readers’ sensitive data and personal info
Google sees it as a ranking signal, which means not having an SSL certificate will hurt your content’s rankings in search results.

How to Install an SSL Certificate

Log into your account
Click the Go to cPanel button
In the Security section, click Let’s Encrypt
Select your domain name, choose the Let’s Encrypt SSL option, and click the Install button

A few moments later, your SSL certificate will be up and running!

9. Your First Blog Post

To start your blog post in WordPress

1. In the left-hand pane of your WordPress dashboard, hover over Posts
2. Click Add New

You’ll be able to add a post title— aka headline, write your post, choose your category, tweak HTML and CSS, add free stock photos, etc.

The steps are alike for adding a new blog page in WordPress, an About page, a Contact page, etc.:

1. In the left-hand pane of your dashboard, go to Pages
2. Click Add New

For detailed instructions on how to navigate the classic content editor, WordPress offers a detailed support article.

10. Boost Traffic, Promote Blog, and Master Social Media

You should spend as much time promoting your posts as you do writing them. Preferably, you’ll spend more time promoting than writing them.

Here are 4 Tips for promoting your posts

1. Focus on one Social Platform, as There are too Many out There.
For now, pick only one. As there are only so many hours in a day.

2. Avoid These Traffic Mistakes That are a Waste for Beginners.

a. Commenting on Popular Blogs
b. Submitting Your Site to Directories
c. Trying to go Viral on Redditt, Hacker News, etc.
d. Paying for a Unique Design

3. Reach out to Influencers to Make Powerful Friends.

4. Pay for Facebook Ads

Wait until you have a solid foundation in place like reaching 1,000 email subscribers and you have traffic rolling in. Then consider supercharging your efforts by learning the ins and outs of Facebook’s ad network.

11. Build Your List

Get started now with building your email list. Start building it on day one!

Whether you’re just starting out or you’re an email marketing pro, there are numerous email marketing services available to meet your needs. You can go to Google and check and compare services and pricing.

12. Make Money

When you’re just starting out, whatever you do, DO NOT cover your blog in Google Adsense, because:

1. Blog ads pay peanuts
2. They distract your readers
3. They make your blog look sleazy and cheap

The best monetization method for bloggers is to build an audience that trusts them and then offer high-quality products or services that will genuinely help that audience.

Affiliate Marketing helps with this process by:

letting you introduce your readers to a product or service from a trusted source
Your readers looking at the product/or service, deciding if it will help them, and purchasing it
You earning a commission on the sales

With affiliate marketing you win in multiple ways. You help your audience, you earn money, and — most importantly — you learn what types of products and services your audience buys.

This article covers a lot but it’s only a beginning. Besides these twelve steps to starting a successful blog, there’s so much more you’ll learn as you go along.

June 3rd, 2024

Reasons Why Link Building is Important for SEO

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

In the pre-Google days of the internet, search engines like Yahoo and Alta Vista were dominant players and their search results were 100% based on the content on a webpage.

Then came Google.

Google’s now-famous algorithm changed the game. Google looked at how many people linked to that page instead of simply analyzing the content of the page.

Almost 20 years later, links remain the best way to establish the quality of a webpage. Therefore, backlinks remain Google’s go-to ranking indicator.

Because of updates like Google Penguin, Google now focuses on link quality (not just link quantity).

If the page linking to you is a PageRank powerhouse, that link will have a BIG effect on your rankings.

That’s because links from authoritative pages pass more authority (also known as PageRank) to your site.

Now, let’s continue with the reasons why link building is important for SEO.

What is the importance of backlinks

 Link building is the system of building one-way hyperlinks (also called backlinks) to a website with the purpose of improving search engine visibility. Some common link-building strategies include content marketing, email outreach, building useful tools, broken link building, and public relations.

Content marketing played a substantial role in the development of backlink building. Webmasters started creating high-quality content that naturally drew links from other websites, instead of only focusing on acquiring backlinks.

Website owners could increase their chances of earning organic backlinks by producing informative, valuable, and shareable content.

This shift in strategy supported Google’s emphasis on user experience and the importance of providing important content to online audiences.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What is backlink building; Why it’s important for building authority

The process of getting links from other websites to your own is backlink building.

These links act as a vote of confidence, demonstrating to search engines that your website is authoritative and trustworthy.

Backlink building is essential for building authority. It drives organic traffic and helps improve your website’s visibility in search engine results.

2. How has backlink building evolved?

Backlink building is now more focused on quality rather than quantity. As search engines have become smarter at detecting spammy and low-quality links, it’s essential to focus on acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable websites. And, the importance of relevance and context has increased, with search engines giving more weight to backlinks that come from websites in the same industry or niche.

3. What are some effective strategies for backlink building?

Important strategies for backlink building include influencer outreach, guest blogging, and creating valuable content that naturally invites backlinks. Guest blogging involves writing high-quality articles for other websites in exchange for a backlink to your site. Influencer outreach involves building relationships with influential people or brands in your industry and getting them to mention your website or link to it. Creating valuable content that naturally attracts backlinks involves producing engaging, informative, and shareable content that other websites will desire to link to.

4. Are there risks or pitfalls to avoid?

When building backlinks, there are risks and pitfalls to avoid. One common one to avoid is engaging in black hat SEO techniques, like buying or exchanging links. This can lead to penalties from search engines. It’s very important to avoid spammy link building practices, such as bulk directory submissions or comment spamming. You should focus on building natural and high-quality backlinks that add value to both your website and those websites linking to you.

5. How can I assess the quality of a potential backlink?

You can consider several factors to assess the quality of a backlink. You can first check the website’s domain authority and page authority using tools like Moz’s Domain Authority or Ahrefs’ Domain Rating. Look for websites with a higher domain authority as they are more likely to pass on effective link juice. And, consider the relevance of the website to your niche and the setting in which the link will be placed. A backlink from a highly reputable and relevant website will have a greater effect on your authority.

6. Is it better to have a few quality backlinks or lots of low-quality backlinks?

Now, it’s better to have a few high-quality backlinks than many low-quality backlinks. Search engines have become more high-tech in evaluating the quality of backlinks, and they prioritize authority and relevance. A few high-quality backlinks from reputable websites in your industry will have a more significant impact on your authority and search engine rankings than many low-quality backlinks.

7. Does it take long to see the results of backlink building?

The time can vary for seeing the results of backlink building. It depends on factors like the competitiveness of your industry, the quality of the backlinks you acquire, and the frequency of search engine crawls. Generally, it can take several weeks to months before you start seeing the impact of your backlink-building efforts. Patience and consistency are key when it comes to building authority through backlinks.

8. Can I remove or disavow bad backlinks?

You can remove or disavow bad backlinks. If you have acquired low-quality or spammy backlinks that could harm your website’s authority, it’s recommended to try removing them by contacting the website owners and requesting removal. If that fails, you can use the Google Disavow Tool to tell search engines to ignore those backlinks when evaluating your website’s authority. However, it’s important to exercise caution and only disavow links that are actually harmful.

9. Are there alternatives to backlink building for authority?

Although backlink building is a highly effective strategy for building authority, there are other methods you can consider. You can focus on creating high-quality content that attracts organic traffic and engagement. If you consistently produce valuable content and optimize it for search engines, you can build authority over time. Another way is to leverage social media platforms and engage with your audience to establish yourself as an authority in your industry.

10. Should you hire a professional for backlink building?

It can be beneficial to hire a professional for backlink building, especially if you are short on time, expertise, or resources to execute an effective backlink-building strategy. Professionals can help you identify high-quality backlink opportunities, navigate the complexities, and develop outreach strategies. However, you must choose a reputable and experienced professional or agency to ensure ethical and effective practices are followed.

Building backlinks is an ongoing process that requires a well-thought-out strategy, time, and effort.

Some important effective strategies for link building are:

1. Creating High-Quality Content

Creating high-quality content is the foundation of a successful backlink building strategy. You should focus on creating well-researched unique and valuable content that provides value to your target audience. When you do this, other websites are more likely to link to it.

2. Reaching out to influencers and industry experts

Ask influencers and industry experts in your niche to share your content or to collaborate on a project. When they link to your website, it can substantially boost your credibility and authority.

Building relationships and using personalized outreach emails with influencers can go a long way in acquiring valuable backlinks.

3. Guest Posting

Guest posting entails writing articles for other websites in your industry or niche. This lets you showcase your expertise and offer value to a new audience. Then, you can include a link back to your website within the guest post. Focus on high domain authority and relevance to your industry when choosing websites for guest posting.

Always remember that building backlinks takes patience and time. Focus on quality as opposed to quantity and always prioritize creating valuable content that people want to link to. Here, we’ve covered some of the reasons why link building is important for SEO.

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May 20th, 2024

7 of the Most Common Types of Content Marketing and Some Future Trends

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

With the surge of AI where everybody can publish generic blog posts, remember the foundation of high-quality content is sharing authentic, first-hand experiences.

In its latest search engine updates, Google says content should be helpful and come from human experience.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is the publishing of written and visual material online to attract more leads to your business. These materials can include e-books, infographics, blog posts, videos, web pages, and more.

It isn’t just publishing a shallow piece of content that offers little value. The focus is on making valuable content that your audience can discover themselves while browsing.

Content marketing is the planning, creating, distribution, sharing, and publishing of content through channels like social media, blogs, websites, podcasts, press releases, apps, print publications, and more. The goal of content marketing is to reach your target audience and increase brand awareness, engagement, sales, and loyalty.

Some of the most common types of content marketing are:

1. Online Content Marketing

Online content marketing is any material you publish online, but specifically, it applies to your web pages.

With a strong online content marketing strategy you’ll be able to rank higher in the search engine results pages (SERPs) and get in front of the right people at the right time and immediately engage visitors with specific content about your products or services.

2. Social Media Content Marketing

There are billions of social media users worldwide so it’s easy to see why many businesses invest in social media marketing.

There are several platforms to work with including Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, X (formerly Twitter), LinkedIn, and Snapchat. Each one offers various ways to create and share content, like photos, pre-recorded videos, pre-recorded videos, live videos, and stories.

3. Infographic Content Marketing

Infographics display content, information, and data in an easy-to-understand graphic format that includes a mix of simple wording, short statements, and clear images. These are a great way to effectively communicate your content. They work well if you’re trying to simplify an educational or a complex topic so all audience members can understand it.

4. Blog Content Marketing

A blog is a great source of inbound content that allows you to be creative in your choice of topic and writing. You can use your blog to promote related content using links and social share buttons as well as incorporate product information.

5. Video Content Marketing

According to research, 91% of businesses video as a marketing tool.

You can use video marketing to help build a strong bond with your audience, boost conversions, and improve ROI. You can also choose to share your video content on landing pages, social media platforms, or on a co-marketer’s website.

6. Podcast Content Marketing

Experts predict that in the future over 71 million people will listen to podcasts. That’s 10 million more than the current listeners across the Spotify and Apple Podcast platforms. This is the reason many businesses and media outlets create and share their own podcasts.

Since podcasts can be about any topic, you have plenty of room for a lot of creativity.

You decide the pace of episodes, guests, where you advertise the podcast, and the length of each episode.

7. Paid Ad Content Marketing

You can reach a broad audience with paid ads and position yourself in all the places you want to be seen. Pairing paid ads and inbound marketing is especially beneficial.

Paid ads can be shared on landing pages, social media, banners, and in sponsored content.

What are some content marketing trends?

Google says content should be helpful and come from human experience. This is one of numerous ways to increase your traffic.

Here are some ways content marketing is moving forward and how to use them to your advantage.

1.  Use of AI

The role of AI is to scale and improve, not to come up with the original insight that hasn’t been shared before.

AI writing tools base output on information already somewhere on the internet – other blogs.

For your content to work for you, it has to stand out. The best way to make that happen is by sharing expert insights. AI can’t give you unique, experience-based ideas.

Producing content requires much more than just pumping out text. For it to be valuable for readers, it needs a proper strategy, in-depth research, first-hand knowledge of the industry, and a person to put it all together in a way that’s relatable to readers.

It’s best to use AI to generate top-level outlines, like a skeleton to set a flexible foundation that can be modified later. Then using your expertise, you can elaborate on the details and add insights and depth that only a human can present.

2.  First-Hand Experience

Prioritize sharing first-hand experience. The public loves other people’s stories. If you don’t have expertise in a particular area, you can interview people who do and base your article on their insights.

3.  Source Content

One of the top-ranking factors for content marketing is backlinks, so publish “Be the Source” content to get more traffic, links, and shares from your content marketing.

4.  Authority

Participate in establishing authority in your area of expertise.

Google prefers content created by knowledgeable and reputable people. Setting up yourself as an authority in your area of expertise improves the credibility of your content.

This is really important now when there’s a lot of AI-generated content on the internet.

You want your content to have a face and a story. This will boost your content’s relevance and trustworthiness in the eyes of users and in search engines. Search engines like Google must decide between high- and low-quality content.

5.  Leverage

Use community contributions to boost the credibility and depth of your content by tapping into the collective expertise and experiences of a diverse group.

You can do this by:

a) Collaborating with industry experts in your field to create content and inviting them to share insights.

b) Organizing Q&A sessions with experts or influential people in your industry through live streams, webinars, or interviews.

c) Develop collaborative projects where several contributors can add their expertise. This could be a blog post, a webinar, a research paper, or an industry-related guide.

d) Leverage UGC (User-Generated Content). Urge your audience to contribute their ideas or experiences. This can be through comments, social media interactions, or guest posts.
Promote their work on your platforms as part of the collaboration.

Be sure to give proper credit when you use other people’s content, whether it’s from experts or UGC.

6.  User-Generated Content

A bit more about UGC.

Users or customers create and share content about your brand or product which may include images, reviews, social media posts, or videos, which you can then use in your marketing endeavors.

Instead of using traditional search engines like Google for information, many young people turn to platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. Especially when they’re looking for how-to guides or local restaurant recommendations.

There are two main benefits of using UGC:

They prioritize content that comes from other customers, such as unboxing, reviews, and lifestyle videos featuring your product and now that users are creating content for you, you get to:

1. Accelerate the content generation process
2. And you get authentic content that your audience can relate to

7.  Repurpose Content

A great way to scale up your content marketing, without starting over each time you want to create a post for a new format, is repurposing your content on different platforms. Content repurposing is now a hot content marketing trend.

But, over the last few years, people’s standards for content have risen a lot. You can no longer just copy and paste a section a section from your blog post and publish it on social media nor can you just read an article into a microphone and call it quits.

But you can match the content to each format.

For example, repurposing a blog post for a YouTube video requires you to add elements at the beginning like a relatable story, use strategies that work well for the video, and rewrite portions to make sense in the new format.

Another example is reusing steps and tips, as you don’t have to repurpose a total piece of content. As an alternative, take the best sections from a current piece of content and reuse them elsewhere. Using this approach allows you to highlight specific, valuable parts of your content on platforms or in different formats.

8.  Emerging Topics

Another way for your content to stand out is jumping on developing trends BEFORE they take off.

Use Google Trends to confirm that a keyword is growing or shrinking. And check out the “Related queries” section for your chosen topic.

First, check out a keyword you think might be trending up.

Then, go to the bottom of the page and check out the “Related queries” list.

Although Google-related queries are helpful, a check for exploding topics is better.

9.  Improve Content Design

Improve your content design and user experience to suit Google’s algorithms for site speed, navigation ease, and user interaction when ranking websites. When your site loads fast, answers users’ queries, and is easy to navigate, people will stay on your site and interact with it, and they’re more likely to visit other pages of your site.

To improve UX (user experience), you need to:

a) Improving site speed

b) Being thoughtful about pop-up use

c) Design an easy-to-navigate page layout

d) Make call-to-actions and monetization contextually relevant

e) Link only to genuinely helpful content

f) Answer user intent early in your content and not hide important information at the bottom

10. Explainer Visuals

Custom explainer visuals like videos and graphics like screenshots and custom diagrams, are essential in explaining complex concepts.

Focus on creating content that is informative, engaging, and visually appealing.

Design graphics that visually represent data or explain steps needed to do something complex. Establish a YouTube presence. It’s a great place to distribute your content, and Google features YouTube videos on the first page of SERP.

Embedding YouTube videos in your article makes it more engaging and it’s an even greater way to distribute your YouTube videos. If you have a blog and a YouTube channel, embed your videos in your articles to help readers understand the topic even deeper and to increase your video views.

11. Distribute Your Content via Email

Continue distributing content by “personalized” email which involves providing value, encouraging interactions, and building trust. Email is still an important marketing trend.

12. Streamline Content Operations

Streamlined content operations refer to the structured and efficient management of content creation and distribution processes that include:

Setting clear content objectives
Having clear roles and responsibilities
Mapping your content creation process
Organizing tasks and projects
Incorporating effective tools for content planning, writing, and SEO optimization
Continuing to optimize and repurpose your content

Here you have 7 of the most common types of content marketing and future trends. Now you can put a strategy together and work on creating content that will offer real value to your audience and significantly increase your website traffic.

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May 6th, 2024

Get Started in Affiliate Marketing This Year

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

Affiliate marketing is a versatile flow of revenue that you can leverage no matter what your niche or industry. It’s a great way to monetize your web traffic and earn added income.

While it is possible to “earn money while you sleep,” as you’ve seen advertised, it takes work. Affiliate marketing is certainly one of the best ways to generate nearly passive income online, but you must go about it the correct way. This article covers some general information that you can use, if you want to get started in affiliate marketing this year.

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is promoting and selling someone else’s product or services for a commission. Although it’s a simple concept, the actual process can involve a lot of moving parts.

In affiliate marketing there are sellers who create affiliate programs and make available unique links that the affiliates use to promote the seller’s products. These links are unique to each affiliate marketer to track which marketer makes a sale.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

When someone clicks on the affiliate link, a cookie (a small file used by web servers to save browsing information), is stored in their browser. This cookie lets the seller know who sold the product or service and lets the affiliate earn the commission even if the person decides not to buy immediately. Cookies have an expiration date, so to get credit for a sale, the purchase must be made before the cookie expires.

For example, if you’ve clicked on an affiliate link that expires in 30 days but decided not to buy the product and you go back a few days later and make the purchase, the affiliate marketer will get credit for that purchase because it occurred within the 30-day window of the cookie being stored.

Who Are the Participants?

There are three to four key participants in affiliate marketing that include:

Affiliates: people who promote the product or service

Sellers: the creators of the product or the people who are selling the product or service

Networks: networks managing the affiliates (optional)

Consumers: end-users of the product or service

Now, let’s take a closer look at each of these participants.


Affiliates, sometimes called publishers, can be individuals or businesses. More often than not, affiliates are content creators in the same niche of the product they’re promoting. They promote products and services through content like social media posts, blogs, videos, and a number of other types of content. Affiliates can also use paid ads to bring in traffic, but there are typically rules around the keywords that affiliates can use for the products they’re promoting, such as not using the brand name or trade names of the products.


The sellers, who can be individuals or companies, create the products or services that affiliates promote. They also pay affiliate commissions for sales.

Networks (optional)

An affiliate network connects publishers with companies who want to promote their products or services like influencers or blog owners.

Many sellers choose to work with an affiliate network to manage their affiliate marketing programs. This network handles third-party checks and manages relationships between sellers and affiliates. ShareASale, Awin, Amazon Associates, ClickBank, and Rakuten Advertising are some of the top affiliate marketing networks.


Consumers are the people who buy products and services through affiliate links.

How Do Affiliate Marketers Get Paid?

Usually, affiliates are paid when a person completes some type of action like a click, form submission, or sale.

How Much Do Affiliates Make?

Affiliate earnings can vary greatly depending on what industry they’re in, the program they join, the commission rate, the price of the products they’re promoting, their marketing skills, and audience size.

What are the benefits of affiliate marketing?

Passive Income

You can make income any time of day or night with affiliate marketing, which makes it a nearly passive income option. You only have to create content and do promotions. You don’t have to be actively participating in the transaction to make it occur. With a system set up to keep things running, you have the potential for a large return with very little continuing effort.


You have incredible flexibility to do what you want and still bring in revenue for your business. You don’t have to create, store, produce, ship, or provide support for the product, you just sell it. This saves you many hours of work. Just choose products you like and think your audience will like, create the content for promoting the products, and then do the actual promotion.


It takes money and sometimes a lot of money to start your own business, especially one selling physical products. Affiliate marketing offers you a low-cost way to start your own business and you’ll only need to consider the time it will take to create content and promote.

Low Risk

Another benefit of affiliate marketing is that it’s low risk. As an affiliate, you don’t have to invest money to create or store products. Your only role is marketing and promoting the products to your followers and paid traffic (if you decide to go that route). Even if you use blogging to promote affiliate products, it won’t take a lot of money and if you decide it’s not working out and you quit, it won’t be huge loss. There are large numbers of affiliate products and services you can promote. If one doesn’t work, try another.

No Customer Support

An affiliate marketer doesn’t have to worry about customer support for the products and services you sell. For many affiliate marketers, this is a great relief and gives you the freedom to start your own business without thinking about how to deal with actual customers.

Be sure that the products or services you promote to your followers are of good quality that you would actually use. You want people to get to know, like, and trust you. So, be particular with the affiliate products and services you promote.

You can promote affiliate products through product reviews, in your email newsletter, product comparisons, paid ads, on your blog, and more.

Now that you have a relatively good idea of what it’s all about, you could get started in affiliate marketing this year, even today.

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April 22nd, 2024

How to Start a Home Business

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

A home-based business can offer a quicker startup path, lower startup costs, and more flexibility.

Nevertheless, to succeed you still have to stick to the same startup steps as every other business and there are added considerations due to working from home. Now, on with how to start a home business.

What should you consider before starting a home business?

1. Questions to raise before starting a home-based business

Focus and motivation

Can you stay focused and motivated?

When working from home, you’ll have many distractions—pets, TV shows, household chores, or wanting to take a nap.

Support system

Will you have a support system?

Is there a mentor, family, or someone else you can count on for support—you should have someone to count on when you get stuck. Preferably someone with remote business experience who can relate to your situation.


What are your goals? What is your vision for the long term? Why do you want to start a business and why from home? Depending on your answers, you may want to rethink starting a remote business.

Suitability of your home for business

You need to establish whether or not your home setup is suitable for running a business. If not, you may have to make changes to create a suitable working area.

Balance work and personal life

Will you be able to maintain a balance between your personal and work life?

If you’re a business owner, this is not guaranteed. This balance can be more difficult for a home-based business, as your office is only a step away.

These questions are geared specifically toward starting a business at home and not for first-time entrepreneurs.

2. Business idea that works remotely

Come up with a business idea that will work remotely. It should solve a problem, have a market demand, and fit your goals. Even if it meets these criteria, it may not work well as a home-based business. Additional things to consider include:

Digitalization: Can your business be operated completely online or with minimum physical interaction?

Independence: Can it be run by you without the need for a large team or physical infrastructure?

Scalability: Can you scale the business without substantial physical infrastructure? 

Supply chain: Does the business require minimal physical inventory or a supply chain you can manage remotely?

Remember to conduct thorough research to check for demand. An idea can look great on paper and meet the requirements of remote functionality, but without demand, it won’t be practical.

3. Business plan

Write a business plan to help you think through every aspect of your home-based business.

In the business plan, you describe the product or service.

Document your research.

Create a financial plan.

Outline marketing and sales efforts.

Provide an overview of your procedures, team, and business structure.

As you’re just starting, pay particular attention to the day-to-day operations, financials, and product/service description.

Operations include the day-to-day outlook and the space you’ll be using.

Financials include start-up costs and how you will scale to make a profit. Can you do this from home or will you need another space?

The product/service description will detail why it can be sold from the comfort of your home and whether there is a competitive advantage for doing so.

Although a detailed business plan is essential, you can start with a one-page plan that can easily be updated.

4. Legal requirements

There are legal requirements for any business and a home-based business is no exception. You have to:

Choose a business structure –

Register a business name

Apply for a state and federal tax ID

Get the correct licenses and permits

You’ll need to check on:

A home business permit

Zoning laws

Homeowners Association (HOA) rules

Business insurance; although not a legal requirement, you may need to purchase additional coverage if your home insurance policy does not cover home-based businesses.

5. Costs and finances

Figure out your startup costs and finances. These costs can widely vary depending on the kind of business and your circumstances. For sufficient funds, a detailed budget and forecasting revenue and expenses are essential.

The minimum to account for is:

Home office setup


Technology and equipment

Legal expenses

Marketing and advertising

Open a business bank account immediately to separate your personal and business finances to easily track performance and avoid potential legal issues.

6. Workspace

Choose a dedicated space to run your business, an area with minimal distractions, and a way to separate your work and home life. If you have limited space, set strict boundaries for how and when to use this space.

When you have a space in mind, make the necessary adjustments to turn it into a productive work environment. Consider the following:

Bright natural lighting

Creative storage for files and supplies

Prioritize comfort with a good back-supporting chair

Upgrade your equipment with a high-speed internet connection. The rest depends on your business idea.

7. Time management

Manage your time by:

Using project management tools

Setting clear expectations

Set regular breaks

Regularly communicate using tools like Slack or Zoom to stay connected with your team, contractors, or vendors to facilitate collaboration.

Avoid multitasking

Focus on one task at a time to ensure quality work and avoid mistakes.

What are some home-based business ideas?

1.  Freelance Writing and Content Creation

The demand for skilled writers is limitless. Use your writing skills to create engaging, SEO-optimized content that attracts both readers and search engines.

The key to standing out is creating content that not only engages readers but also aligns with SEO best practices. By seamlessly integrating relevant keywords and providing valuable information, freelance writers can elevate their content, ensuring it not only captures the audience’s interest but also ranks favorably on SERPs (search engine results pages).

2.  Virtual Assistance Services

Businesses and entrepreneurs often need support with managing administrative tasks. You can position yourself as a vital resource by offering virtual assistance services such as scheduling, handling emails, and other organizational responsibilities.

3.  E-commerce Store for Niche Markets

Set up an e-commerce store and take advantage of the growing trend of niche markets. Find a specific niche with high demand and low competition. To ensure visibility in the search engines optimize your product listings with well-researched keywords. Use a platform like Shopify or Etsy to kick off your online store.

As there’s a current surge in the realm of e-commerce and niche product stores, there’s an opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs can carve out a distinctive space for their products in this market by carefully identifying a niche with high demand and minimal competition.

4.  Online Coaching and Consulting

If you have expertise in a particular field such as fitness, personal development, or business strategy, consider online coaching or consulting. People are willing to pay for valuable insights. Use a well-optimized website to establish your credibility and use SEO strategies to attract clients seeking your knowledge.

5.  Social Media Management

Help clients build and maintain a strong presence across various platforms. Use effective strategies to increase engagement and followers ensuring your clients stand out in the crowded digital landscape. Deliver services that aid clients in establishing and nurturing a strong presence across various platforms. Utilize effective strategies to increase engagement and followers, ensuring your clients stand out amid the digital competition.

6.  Graphic Design Services

If you have graphic design skills, convert your passion into profit by offering design services. A curated portfolio showcasing your work, optimized with relevant keywords, serves a dual purpose. It not only attracts potential clients but also bolsters your website’s SEO, making it more discoverable to those seeking your artistic expertise.

7.  Affiliate Marketing

Use affiliate marketing to monetize your online presence. Promoting products/services and earning a commission for each sale can turn your interests and expertise into a revenue stream. Research carefully a niche that resonates with you, and create engaging content seamlessly integrating affiliate links. This approach not only delivers value to your audience but also enhances your potential for revenue through successful affiliate partnerships.

8. Remote IT Support

Consider offering IT services to businesses and individuals, if you have technical skills. To ensure visibility optimize your website with keywords related to IT services to make it easier for those in need to find and benefit from your expertise.

9.  Online Tutoring Services

As the landscape of education evolves, online Tutoring Services have become a crucial resource. Leverage your expertise in a specific subject to offer online tutoring. Just optimize your website with relevant keywords to attract students seeking assistance. Provide valuable and you can establish yourself as a credible source in the ever-expanding online education niche.

10. Handmade Crafts and Artisanal Products

If you’re creatively inclined, you can turn your passion into a home-based business and fulfill your endeavor. Show your creations through an e-commerce platform. Optimize your product descriptions and website content with keywords to enhance visibility and attract buyers.

There is much more you can learn about how to start a home business. This article is a starting point. By using these steps, you can be well on your way to starting a profitable home-based business.

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