Posts Tagged ‘marketing’

September 10th, 2024

12 New Trends in Affiliate Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links on this website. There is no expense to you.

Affiliate marketing is a revenue-sharing arrangement where businesses work with content creators and influencers (affiliates) to promote their products or services. Here are the trends.

1.  Traditional Advertising Issues

Digital ad spending slowed to single-digit figures for the first time in 2 decades, a trend that will continue. Marketers, using traditional forms of digital marketing, are struggling to succeed in this new environment defined by customers looking for more genuine, humanized content, and personalized support.

Studies show companies are wasting billions on programmatic media spending that doesn’t lead to results. As new user growth continues to plateau, ads on social media channels are not leading to results.

More and more, brands looking for ways to protect themselves from diminishing ROI, are turning to direct collaborations with creators, such as influencers and affiliates. Major brands have all launched large-scale affiliate marketing programs in the last year, tying brand awareness-building activities to tangible financial success.

This trend is expected to continue, which helps to counter platform-dependent risks and rising customer acquisition costs. This relationship also represents a positive shift for creators, who are looking for more reliable incomes, especially since TikTok canceled its creator fund.

Moving forward, companies might need to take a closer look at their marketing budgets and decide where they’re getting the biggest return on investment. If you’re not getting positive results from paid social media and search ads, you might consider switching to affiliate marketing as a great way to optimize your marketing budget.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

As already stated, affiliate marketing is a revenue-sharing arrangement where businesses work with content creators and influencers (affiliates) to promote their products or services.

Affiliates earn a commission for each visit, signup, or sale they make for a merchant.

This strategy allows businesses to outsource part of the sales process and gain a wider reach while affiliates earn income, and customers discover valuable products or services.

2.  Cookie Depreciation

Attribution models shift with cookie depreciation. Affiliate marketing has always been a form of performance-based marketing. However, the way companies track affiliate performance will need to change.

Many attribution models, including the multi-touch, last-click, and time-decay models rely on cookies. Google has finally begun denying these third-party cookies in the Chrome browser.

Now, business leaders can no longer depend on cookies to accurately measure affiliate performance. As an alternative, some companies are adopting server-to-server tracking, but many are struggling to get the right technology to enable end-to-end monitoring.

In the future, business leaders will need to leverage technology that not only enables them to track important metrics like conversion rate, click-through rate, lifetime value, and monthly recurring revenue but also maintains a complete view of the customer journey.

New and improved affiliate marketing platforms will deliver remarkable results for business leaders. Intuitive platforms that offer tracking, metric management, and automated payment processing should present businesses with more of the data and support they need.

3.  AI Will Influence Marketing Trends

Artificial Intelligence will influence affiliate marketing trends. AI has become deeply integrated into the marketing environment. Businesses are making use of artificial intelligence for everything. It’s essentially the next generation of content personalization, enhanced by artificial intelligence.

If you’re employing an affiliate marketing strategy, find out what concerns your audience has. Avoid using AI to completely eliminate the “human” aspect from the affiliate marketing method, because this will make it more difficult for you to connect with your audience.

As a content creator, you’ll be able to scale your production efforts, increase productivity and creativity, and also offer access to new tools that support the creation of unique resources like AI images. Keep in mind the fact that there will also be challenges to overcome.

4.  Partnerships Evolve

Affiliate, partner, and brand partnerships evolve. B2C and B2B partnerships have grown increasingly crucial. Companies rely more on partnerships for the collection of data, understanding their customers, and building better relationships. In the years to come, there will be a greater focus on affiliate marketing overlapping activities throughout entire organizations.

Affiliate strategies not only drive leads for sellers, but they can help to gain the attention of strategic partners and improve employee acquisition. Then companies will be forced to take a more holistic approach when implementing their affiliate strategies.

Companies will begin to organize joint webinars and events with their affiliates, co-creating content, and studying different revenue-sharing models.5.  The TikTok and Amazon Turf War

The evolution of the digital and technology landscapes is one of the major factors driving new affiliate marketing trends. As larger tech companies continue to grow, they’ve started scrutinizing each other for ideas to increase revenue.

So, we’re seeing more overlap between previously dissimilar brands. Amazon was once just the world’s leading shopping marketplace. However, it’s now promoting ad space and investing in new ways to help customers find inspiration for what to buy.

On the other hand, TikTok, used to be a place purely for entertainment, which also offered customers insights on what kind of products they might want to purchase. Now, people can buy products directly from the platform, thanks to TikTok’s shopping features.

These two companies are in direct competition with each other, and both appear to be reliant on affiliates. Affiliate marketing has always been a core part of Amazon’s growth strategy, and TikTok has always relied heavily on its creators.

This new landscape will force brands to rethink their approach to affiliate marketing. Do they want to drive customers to a marketplace like TikTok or Amazon, where they can purchase products? Or do companies want to be sure they’re driving customers back to their actual website to learn more about the brand and possibly make additional purchases?

If companies choose the latter, they’ll need to focus heavily on enhancing the customer experience by creating unique assets, like ‘live shopping,’ only available on their websites.

5.  The TikTok and Amazon Turf War

The evolution of the digital and technology landscapes is one of the major factors driving new affiliate marketing trends. As larger tech companies continue to grow, they’ve started scrutinizing each other for ideas to increase revenue.

So, we’re seeing more overlap between previously dissimilar brands. Amazon was once just the world’s leading shopping marketplace. However, it’s now promoting ad space and investing in new ways to help customers find inspiration for what to buy.

On the other hand, TikTok, used to be a place purely for entertainment, which also offered customers insights on what kind of products they might want to purchase. Now, people can buy products directly from the platform, thanks to TikTok’s shopping features.

These two companies are in direct competition with each other, and both appear to be reliant on affiliates. Affiliate marketing has always been a core part of Amazon’s growth strategy, and TikTok has always relied heavily on its creators.

This new landscape will force brands to rethink their approach to affiliate marketing. Do they want to drive customers to a marketplace like TikTok or Amazon, where they can purchase products? Or do companies want to be sure they’re driving customers back to their actual website to learn more about the brand and possibly make additional purchases?

If companies choose the latter, they’ll need to focus heavily on enhancing the customer experience by creating unique assets, like ‘live shopping,’ only available on their websites.

6.  New Landscapes

Interest in affiliate marketing grows in new landscapes.

Previously, affiliate marketing was widely respected as a popular choice for B2C companies, focusing on advertising products to a broad audience. That’s starting to change. B2B companies and enterprise-level brands, particularly those in the software space, are also seeing the value of affiliate marketing. In the B2B enterprise world, the growth of affiliate marketing is being driven by the increasing intricacy of the buyer journey.

This trend will continue to gather speed, making it more important for B2B affiliate marketers to help guide customers toward buying decisions. Establishing strong relationships with content creators will allow B2B companies to boost the visibility of their solutions early on and start building trust. These efforts will support good SEO, helping companies draw more traffic to their websites from relevant backlinks.

7.  Influencer Relationships

There’s an increasing focus on influencer relationships. In recent years influencer marketing has become a leading strategy for both B2C and B2B companies. Purchasers want to see more real, authentic, content from online creators they already love. There will probably be an increase in companies leveraging influencers and affiliate marketers in tandem to capitalize on this push.

Influencer marketing strategies are already common among 93% of brands, and trends like working with nano-influencers, micro-influencers, and video influencers to boost awareness will continue to grow with the main shift being the type of influencer content created.

Influencers and affiliates will need to take a more understated, relatable approach, and create content for a variety of platforms, including TikTok, LinkedIn, and YouTube to push the correct results.

There may be more teams co-creating content with other organizations to help increase reach and improve growth and allow affiliates and influencers to create in-depth, educational content connected to the products they’re promoting, thus delivering more value to customers.

8.  Content Diversification

Content diversification will be one of the most significant affiliate marketing trends to watch in the future. First, affiliate marketers will need to start creating content for all segments of the customer journey. This means focusing not just on driving sales but on increasing engagement and customer lifetime value with educational content, onboarding videos, and related solutions.

And secondly, these creators will need to test different content formats.

A short time ago, most affiliates relied on blog posts and the occasional social media strategy to promote brands. While these forms of content still have value, the flood of content on the web and changing search engine algorithms connected to written content will require many to take a more all-inclusive approach. For instance:

Video content
Long-tail search content

9.  The Community in Affiliate Marketing Trends

Online communities are everywhere, and they represent an incredible opportunity in affiliate marketing trends. They are more niche-focused, and provide access to more engaged users. Using affiliates to drive attention toward communities could help companies collect more valuable, first-party data about their customers, their preferences, and their needs. Developing a community will give companies an excellent way to find more highly qualified affiliates for their team.

10. The Metaverse in Affiliate Marketing Programs

Already, many companies building their own metaverse experiences with a focus on enhancing customer experience and increasing brand loyalty. Soon, many more companies will see the opportunity to leverage affiliate strategies for promoting both physical and virtual products.

It’s hard to know what affiliate marketing in the metaverse will look like. Still, the rise of metaverse experiences is likely to have a major impact on affiliate marketing trends and business growth in the future. The largest challenge for businesses is likely to be in finding affiliates who are familiar with the metaverse, and digital landscapes.

11. More Affiliate Content

Many companies investing in affiliate marketing have been cautious, In the past, about promoting how frequently they invest in ‘paid sponsorship.’ Many companies want the recommendations made by affiliates on their social media channels and blogs to seem like genuine, user-generated content.

Most consumers won’t buy the idea that someone would post a 20-minute video about a new email marketing platform or set of wireless earbuds without any reward. Also, many areas have imposed new regulations that require affiliate marketers and influencers to label their content as ‘sponsored.’

That represents an opportunity for brands to earn the trust of their customers through honest, transparent disclaimers, and it also means companies don’t have to back away from promoting affiliate content on their platforms.

12. Publishers Demands

Publishers will demand greater support from advertisers.

One of the most significant affiliate marketing trends, going forward, is the demand for greater support from advertisers. Brands that want to drive excellent results from their affiliate programs, will need to give creators a greater level of assistance.

They’ll need to support these creators with everything from figuring out how to navigate the new SEO landscape to ensuring they understand which types of media to use for different promotions.

The challenges facing affiliates are growing just as the demand for affiliate marketing might be increasing in a complex promotional environment. Business leaders can’t expect to provide their affiliates with a custom link and leave them on their own anymore.

Comprehensive affiliate marketing strategies will require that business leaders build ‘enablement resources’ to give affiliates more of the tools they need to succeed. This could include providing them with digital marketing training tools, branded photography, pitch decks, and more.

They’ll also need to rethink the commission structure. Building a tailor-made arrangement that prioritizes retaining and rewarding your best affiliates will ensure you can constantly scale and optimize your program.

Adjusting to the 12 new trends in affiliate marketing discussed here will require taking a comprehensive approach to changing strategy. However, investing enough time and effort into a holistic plan for modern affiliate marketing success will pay off.

Try this viral mailer that pays

March 11th, 2024

12 Top Converting Lead Magnet Ideas for Your Business

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

If you need a reminder, a lead magnet is a motivation for people to give you their contact information. This incentive is important because the last thing anybody wants is more emails. 

However, they do want solutions to problems.

Therefore, when you offer an impressive lead magnet that solves your target audience’s problem, they’ll be much more inclined to give you their email addresses.

When you have their contact information, you can stay in touch, build a relationship with them, and make more offers that grow your business.

We’ll cover 12 top converting lead magnet ideas for your business.

There’s no reason creating a lead magnet should be complicated.

How do you create a great lead magnet?

There are 4 keys to creating a powerful lead magnet:

1. One Problem

In order not to confuse your target audience, focus only on one problem. When people are confused, they won’t take any action.

2. An Easy Win

Provide an easy win. Your target audience wants to see quick results and the best content to help solve a problem.

Don’t confuse the value of a win with the amount of content you include. A 6-hour video course sounds valuable but it’s too much of a time commitment for a lead magnet. Do something that can be acted on immediately.

3. Specificity
Your lead magnet should solve a specific problem.

Give your reader a step-by-step guide. Concentrate on one problem with a quick win, and enter enough information so the person can understand how to get that win.

Never leave someone hanging with a lead magnet that offers no value or one that leaves them confused.

4. A Great Design

Invest in a great design that pleases your users and demonstrates you’re a professional.

Great designs don’t have to be expensive. For a minimal investment, you can use tools like Canva produced by real designers to create a great-looking lead magnet.

What are some lead magnet ideas?

We’ll be covering 12 top converting lead magnet ideas for your business.

1.  Discount

Although some businesses offer a one-time discount of as much as 50% to people who sign up for their email list, a small one of 10-15% will do.

2.  Product Sample

Since people like to know what they’re getting before they buy, consider giving away a sample of the product, such as the first chapter of a book they can download.

3.  Free Shipping

If you ship physical products, free shipping is an outstanding option as shipping charges may stop many people from making a purchase.

By removing the extra cost of shipping from a customer’s first order they’re more likely to buy. You can also include a discount with this.

4.  Free Trial

Free trials help you boost your current and future sales. Free trials provide potential customers the opportunity to try before they buy to see if your product or service will work for them.

If it works, they’ll buy it and you’ve gained a customer. If it doesn’t, you’ll still have their email address so you can stay in touch with them and nurture the relationship to potentially convert them into a paying customer later.

5.  Templates

Templates are among the most common lead magnet ideas because they offer an instant win.

Most people need some guidance to start a project, and templates offer that guidance.

Visme is an online platform that helps you design presentation materials and it has templates you can use like infographics or charts to build your business’ visual materials.

They have some free templates and the others are reserved to entice visitors to create a paid account.

6.  How-to Guides

You can offer a step-by-step how-to guide to relieve the frustration of those needing to do something unfamiliar and complicated.

7.  Cheat Sheet

You can offer your target audience lists of the essential points to remember during a process. For example, things to include when composing an email or some great headlines to use to improve the probability of your email being opened.

8.  Audio Recording

If you’re more comfortable with audio content than written, recordings are a great lead magnet idea. Similarly, if your target audience likes to listen while on the go, audio recordings work well as a lead magnet.

9.  Video

As video in content marketing is growing in popularity, it makes a great lead magnet idea for three reasons:

a) It’s a great way to access your target audience.

b) It helps them get to know you better.

c) It strengthens their trust in you.

Although you can use a series of videos, one that’s well done will work.

10. E-book

Use a short e-book to give your reader a quick win, as they’re a valuable resource. The operative word is short.

11. Email Course

An email course could be a perfect lead magnet for your business if you love email.

Just as with an e-book, don’t provide so much content that you overwhelm your prospect.

12. Free Consultation

If you’re a service provider working with clients, offer a free consultation to determine the kind of help they need.

Since your time is valuable, do keep time limits in mind. Don’t give away too much of it.

We’ve discussed how to create a great lead magnet and presented 12 top converting lead magnet ideas for your business.

As you look at these lead magnet ideas, remember your audience. Keep in mind the problems they face, and the best content to help them solve one of those problems.

Use one of these 12 top converting lead magnet ideas for your business to help solve a prospect’s problem.

Have you tried this viral mailer that pays?

January 1st, 2024

Digital Marketing Trends

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

As digital marketing trends move forward, you’ll need to own your audience. Social media platforms are facing uncertain futures and that puts your business at risk. We don’t own those platforms or channels…

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Check out this viral mailer that pays.

December 18th, 2023

11 Types of Copywriting to Use in Your Business

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

Businesses have always needed to reach prospective customers and to effectively communicate what they have to offer.

In our modern information age, this is even more important. People today are constantly receiving more and more competing messages through all forms of media.

Many businesses are investing heavily in marketing and copywriting to stand out from the rest. Copywriting, both in print and online, is an essential part of most modern business.

What is copywriting?

Copywriting is the method of composing persuasive marketing and promotional information that encourages people to take some kind of action, such as making a purchase, clicking on a link, donating to a cause, or scheduling a consultation.

Are there many kinds of copywriting?

There are many types of copywriting. In this article, we’ll cover 11 types of copywriting to use in your business. Let’s get started.

1.  Direct Response

This type of copywriting aims to get an immediate, measurable response and is very direct, as is implied. It’s clearly a promotional bit of writing that asks you to take an instantaneous action such as buying a product or service or signing up for a free newsletter.

Another key element of direct-response marketing is it’s measurable. The results of a campaign can easily be tracked whether it’s an online or print campaign. As a result of tracking, you’ll know the response rate, and how effective the campaign is.

There is what is known as “image” or “brand advertising,” which only notifies or reminds potential customers of a brand or product and cannot be tracked. So, you won’t know how effective those ads were.

2.  Business-to-Consumer (B2C)

These are companies that sell directly to consumers. Some examples you’ll recognize are supermarkets, most brick-and-mortar shops, and many online businesses like Amazon Zappos, and Dell.

These businesses use a full range of copywritten materials, both in print and online including direct response and content marketing.

If you want to purchase something online, you research it, and when you’ve finished researching you decide to order online or visit a local store to buy it.

The ads or offers you clicked on were direct-response marketing in action. If you go to a store to buy, you’ll probably see some printed marketing materials, such as product sheets, brochures, special promotions, or coupons. This is all part of B2C copywriting and it’s used by every business you can imagine that sells directly to customers.

3.  Business-to-Business (B2B)

As the name states, BTB businesses sell to other businesses and not to the public.

These companies tend to use even more written sales materials than the B2Cs. Their services and products are often very high-ticket purchases that need to be carefully considered. These would include manufacturers, factories, other industrial businesses, and hospitals.

4.  Content Writing

Content marketing is a term that refers to using informational content to attract and build relationships with prospective customers in the short term, with the long-term goal of converting them into buyers. It’s a huge industry.

Although content marketing is done mainly online, some is done in print and some may use both.

For example, an online company will have product descriptions on its website, and may also print brochures containing the same information to hand out at trade shows or other events.

5.  Social Media Copywriting

To reach their customers, most businesses use more than one social media channel. Social media has billions of users.

1. Facebook is consumer and video-focused.

2. Twitter is used for short, catchy, and sharable content, making it great for digital marketing firms and PR professionals.

3. Instagram is focused on brand awareness and audience engagement.

4. YouTube, the second largest search engine, is video-focused.

5. LinkedIn is used by job seekers and brands for networking, sharing trends, and finding employees and contractors.

6.  Ad Copywriting

Ad copywriters require readers to take a specific action with copy that is succinct, informative, and in demand, such as subscribing to a list, purchasing a product, or downloading a white paper.

7.  Creative Copywriting

To help build a brand, sell a service or product, or add to the customer experience, a creative copywriter adds fun, clever, witty, engaging catchphrases.  

Creative copywriters help increase brand awareness, and they can also produce the perfect newsletter or product packaging.

8.  Digital Copywriting

Digital copywriters create content for website pages. As a digital copywriter, you may write for a new website, write additional pages, or revise existing pages.

Since this is often combined with an SEO strategy, you need a good understanding of the use of keywords. As a digital copywriter, you can also write:

**Short-form copywriting of less than 500 words
**Video and chatbot scripts for the user experience
**Web3.0 which is related to crypto and blockchain
**Blogging for brands to raise awareness and educate
**Social media posts to share information
**Ads to run on social media channels

The focus of digital copywriting is how search engines index websites, and how users find and interact or use the content.

9.  Marketing Copywriting

The goal of your writing, as a marketing copywriter, is to connect with the target audience and lead them down the marketing funnel from:

Awareness to consideration to conversion to loyalty and finally, advocacy for your brand.

Then you create content throughout the funnel around what makes the service or product unique.

10. SEO Copywriting

This type of copywriting involves creating content that’s designed to attract organic search traffic, using keywords and metrics to choose topics and optimize content for search engines.

In SEO copywriting you want to make sure you’re using the right words and phrases associated with your content.

11. Technical Writing

Technical writers create process and procedure manuals, white papers, website content, and e-books. You must be able to remove jargon or technical terms that cause readers to stumble.

Some types of copywriting are sales-focused, such as obvious advertisements like the ones you see online or in newspapers. Then, other types are more information-based and contain very little “salesy” language, such as product brochures.

Most businesses use both approaches in marketing materials. So, there you have it, 11 Types of Copywriting to Use in Your Business.

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December 4th, 2023

Why You Should Use Marketing Automation for Your Business

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

Monotonous marketing work can be made easier with software that automates monotonous marketing tasks. You can automate repetitive undertakings such as social media postings, email marketing, and ad campaigns, as well as for personalization which offers a better customer experience.

What is marketing automation?

Marketing automation is not about selling, but nurturing.  Automation software is designed to help you order and carry out your marketing tasks in a more efficient and streamlined manner.

For a marketer that means carrying out a marketing automation system will just make you more effective. Your job won’t become irrelevant as, with manufacturing processes. It will free up some of your time, will not compromise the authenticity of content you’re producing, and help you reach your goals faster.

The ultimate goal of your marketing is to generate more income. To do this, you need to drive traffic to your website, convert that traffic into leads, and turn those leads into customers.

How do you use marketing automation?

Today, thousands of marketers send blast emails, over and over, to their entire list of customers and prospects, hoping the message resonates with some of them at least and gets them to make a purchase. There’s no way to tell if this works.

The reality of the situation is this:

1. You’re wasting your time and money marketing to someone who may not be interested in what you have to offer.

2. You could be annoying your contacts and causing them to bow out leaving you with no way to market to them in the future.

That doesn’t seem to be an effective marketing program, to me. With marketing automation, you can nurture your leads through the entire buying process and deliver highly targeted, personalized messages that speak to their specific barriers to purchasing.

Here’s an example of what a basic automated email workflow could look like:

Step 1. Send an email invitation for a download of your latest ebook to a targeted list of contacts

Step 2. Send a thank you note to all the people who downloaded the offer

Step 3. A few days later, send a follow-up email to the list of people who downloaded your ebook and offer them a case study relating to that topic

Step 4. After someone downloads that case study, you or your sales team will get a notification so you can follow up with that person. This person is now much more qualified and is likely farther down the buying process.

Now, putting yourself in your prospect’s shoes, receiving information from a company about their products/services, wouldn’t you rather get emails like the ones above over blasts you can tell they’re sending to thousands of other people? This feels personalized and tailored to you and how you’re interacting with that person or company. You’d be more likely to trust them and ultimately, more likely to buy.

There you are! You’re driving revenue for your company with an automated system.

The foundation of marketing automation is to provide you, as a marketer, the ability to target your contacts and send them content that is based on their behavior. They’re getting the information they need when they want it and you’re making their buyer decision easier. As a result, your conversion rates (and revenue) will increase.

Now that you know what marketing automation is, don’t just automate your current process without revisiting your goals.

Don’t let marketing automation lead you to execute strategies that you know don’t make sense for your customers or prospects. Don’t stop listening to what your customers need or are asking us for.

Here are some do’s and don’ts

Now that you know what marketing automation is, here are a few tips as you think about implementing a new platform into your process.

DO integrate marketing automation with your inbound marketing strategy (inbound is about delivering valuable content that aligns with your customer’s needs and interests.) This shouldn’t change when you start using marketing automation. It should enhance communication, as you can provide the content they need at the exact time that they need it.

DON’T blast or broadcast general messages that will just be deleted or end up marked as spam because they’re irrelevant.

DO send highly-targeted and specific content to a narrower audience.

Provide content that people are looking for. If someone has downloaded a piece of content and really loved what they read, the next email should be related and delve deeper into that topic,  as opposed to something completely different.

DON’T forget about your customers

Don’t become so focused on generating income that you forget your current customers; the people who already have an affinity for what you are offering and most likely want to buy more.

DO set up customer engagement campaigns to please your current customers and keep them coming back for more.

Nurture your current relationships by sending segmented, customer-only content, that will educate and encourage them to continue to come back to you for thought leadership and expertise.

Now, let’s wrap it all up.

Marketing automation is all about nurturing not selling. Avoid the hard-sell approach in favor of content that is personalized, relevant, and that aligns with what our customers and prospects are looking for. The process is made easier by implementing marketing automation software. We can quickly map the entire process back to our marketing goals.

Marketing automation helps streamline your process and gives you greater insights into what your visitors and leads are doing. You can quickly find what content they’re downloading, how they are responding to your emails, and how they’re moving through the sales funnel. You can monitor each step of the way, monitor and measure how the marketing automation system you have in place is performing, and find where you might need to make tweaks to get better results.

So, explore your options and find a platform that gives you flexibility, and a proven track record to help you reach your marketing goals, and discover why you should use marketing automation for your business.

Get Your Business System With Autoresponder Here

July 3rd, 2023

Make Your Marketing Easier With an Autoresponder

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

If you’re a serious marketer using email marketing, you know you need to use an autoresponder. But, if you’re just starting your business, you may not be familiar with certain email marketing tools and how to use them to effectively and efficiently email people. This article is intended to show you how to make your marketing easier with an autoresponder.

What is an autoresponder?

An autoresponder is an automated system that sends a reply to a customer using certain rules. It can contain one email or a series of emails that go to subscribers’ inboxes after a trigger event occurs, such as signing up for something of yours they’ve seen online. The goal of the email is to engage your audience, as soon as they take an action, through a series of follow-up messages.

They are the simplest form of email automation. They can include a welcome email, a thank-you email, or an abandoned cart reminder as well as more complex uses for lead-nurturing and other campaigns.

An autoresponder series of emails will:

1. Help you bond with your email list so they get to know, like, and trust you. Thus, boosting your traffic and sales

2. Lend a sense of continuity to your email marketing

3. Allow constant communication between you and your audience

What are some examples of when to use autoresponder emails?

1. Follow-ups

This email is used for visitors to your site who have just given you their email addresses. This is mainly those who’ve signed up for your newsletter or whatever you promised when they filled in the form on your site. It’s a one-time email that goes out immediately after they’ve entered their contact information.

This is usually a welcome email saying hello and thank you for your interest. Then you can set up a series of emails to go out at particular intervals to keep engaged with this list.

2. Sales leads

These emails are for people who have expressed an interest in your product or service. They may have watched a video, so this email encourages them to start a free trial of some sort.

3. Customer service

The goal of customer-service emails is to establish clear expectations for response time, specify self-service resources, and communicate known issues.

4. Onboarding

Onboarding is the process of introducing a new user to a product or service and guiding them through the early steps of using it. The reason for this is to help them understand the product or service’s value and encourage them to engage with it more deeply which leads to increased user retention, satisfaction, and user lifetime value (LTV).

You can use tutorials, welcome messages, guided tours, and other resources designed to make the user’s first experience with the product as smooth and intuitive as possible.

5. Upselling

This email is used after your customers have been using your product or service for a set amount of time. It offers your customer an upgrade to a long-term plan.

Autoresponder emails are an essential part of your email marketing strategy because they allow you to send your subscribers the right message at the best time. Whether you are a blogger or an eCommerce store owner, they can help you maintain a healthy email list (through double opt-in), welcome and onboard your subscribers, and save valuable time.

An autoresponder is a must-have tool if you have an online business and want to successfully and efficiently email people. It saves precious time.

Although you gain quick results with an autoresponder, remember the human element. Things change quickly these days, so “set it and forget it” no longer exists. You have to continue to test copy, see how your customers react to different types of autoresponders, and add new touch points.

Autoresponders will exponentially expand your reach without adding more time or effort to your workflow, once you figure out what works. So, make your marketing easier with an autoresponder.

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January 2nd, 2023

Digital Marketing Trends Move Forward

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

Over the past few years, a lot has happened and content marketing has changed and adapted to peoples’ needs. Here are 6 things that will be key as digital marketing trends move forward.

Focus will be on outcomes instead of outputs

Marketing is shifting from focusing simply on outputting a certain number of pieces of content to the results generated by the content.

You should reassess your strategy and turn your content marketing into outcome-consumed creations that work toward understanding your content performance, setting KPIs (key performance indicators) and goals, and knowing how to adapt your future strategies.

Don’t remain bogged down in the way of thinking that you have to write a certain number of blog posts in a month. Instead, focus on writing a post that will generate new leads. Although it may take longer to write and fine-tune your strategy, it’s better than just putting out lots of pieces that produce no gains.

Centralization will be king

If your business structure includes different departments, often, the people who create content aren’t the ones who market it. You can create an editorial board with varying members from across the company to oversee content creation and to contribute ideas and opinions from the separate departments.

Every potential team member should be involved from the start of a project and develop good habits of regular project-wide calls. Then everyone will be on the same page.

Single-source truth comes to the fore

There will be no more having marketing and sales working separately to try to achieve the same goal. Find out what’s truly important by getting together. If your PPC ads are getting a lot of impressions and sales aren’t getting leads, then you must align things by using a single-focused source of truth.

Letting everyone work with the same software and tools is a great way.

Governance will come to the forefront

You should have a DAM (digital assets manager) if you deal with lots of assets, mainly those that need to be credited to the creator and have expiry dates. Creating comprehensive training plans is a must to be sure that everyone is on the same page as you add new procedures and programs to your business.

Personalization will be scaled

Personalization is more than just including [FNAME] in an email subject line. It’s about gathering data to create personal insights and following trends so that your purchasers get the wanted information when and how they want it.

Start at the beginning. When you gather your contacts and leads, think about what information you’ll need down the line. Then comes segmentations and creating workflows to nurture leads and meet them with a personalized experience at every touch point.

We’re all people and we like to be spoken to as such. We are more likely to be engaged with a product or service if we feel like it’s there to serve us rather than the other way around.

Need to own audience

As digital marketing trends move forward, you’ll need to own your audience. Social media platforms are facing uncertain futures and that puts your business at risk. We don’t own those platforms or channels, so if the owners make bad decisions, we’re at risk of losing our audience.

You have a direct line to people who choose to engage with you through your owned channels such as your email newsletter and blog.

You can encourage your followers to move to your email newsletter and website by offering them incentives.

So, as digital marketing trends move forward, so can you with these 6 strategies in mind and by using creativity to make a difference.

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December 19th, 2022

MLM Marketing Online

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

To build a business in this day and age, you need to use some form of MLM online for the duplication process.

The old form of MLM required people to attend meetings, and conferences, and to do in-person recruiting to build their teams and grow their businesses.

Now, everyone wants to be able to be on their phone or laptop and successfully recruit new distributors and build a money-making side business. Here are two strategies for doing MLM marketing online.

Strategy #1 – Social Media

Social media has taken over, and there are people who have never known a world where social media didn’t exist.

Every day people spend hours online. It’s how many socialize, get entertainment, news, and communicate and participate with others.

So anyone in MLM should be using social media to market their business. It’s not hard to do and is a simple way to meet people and prospect them for your business.

There’s a right way and a wrong way to do this. Most people fail because they forget to act like humans and just start spamming their business and product links on their personal profiles, on pages, in groups, and in private messages on messenger to perfect strangers.

This does not work.

When it comes to links for your MLM business or product, do NOT:

Post them on your personal page
Post them in groups
Post them on pages or as a reply to other peoples’ comments and
NEVER send a link to anyone in a message without first having their permission

For success in MLM, you only have to meet as many people as you can, get them to know, like, and trust you, and then ask them if they’re open to looking at your opportunity.

If you do this on a daily basis, you’ll be successful.

Let’s use Facebook as an example.

You should be adding friends daily, about 5 at a time and up to 20 a day.   Don’t overdo it, as you will be shut down by FB.

You can join pages and groups that interest you, and start talking with these people and adding them as friends.

Facebook has a feature where they suggest friends to you. These are friends of friends you already have.

Add those people and send them a message that states something like:

Facebook suggested we become friends. I sent a friend request. I see we both know so and so. How are you?

Get to know your new friends by commenting on their posts, messaging them, and having normal conversations.

You’re growing your network, so take your time and don’t rush. When the time is right in the relationship, you can ask them if they’re receptive to looking at your business.

With some friends, it could take 2 to 4 days, while others may take a month or longer.

It doesn’t matter, because you’re consistently adding people as friends and engaging with them.

Strategy #2 – Create Influence

Influence is a strong and powerful thing. Just about all of the top earners have it in some form. Unlike offline influence, which is hard and takes a long time, online influence is quite simple and straightforward.

You can do it by creating your personal Facebook profile (or any social media profile) and by using what is called Attraction Marketing.

You start by focusing on whom you want to recruit, and by picking a target audience. These are people who you do or can relate to; realtors, hikers, bikers, people interested in good health, etc.

Now that you’ve chosen your target market you need to set up your profile in a way that they’ll find attractive. You need a nice personal picture and a compelling cover photo. Your about me section should sound appealing.

Don’t mention or refer to your business or product in any way, shape, or form.

Now, start posting things that your target market will find interesting, informative, educational, and entertaining.

Let people get to know, like, and trust you by posting things about yourself and your life. Show them posts of you out and about enjoying life and having a good time with friends, family, etc.

Then you can post about your business or product but do it sparingly.

Only post about your MLM business or product about 10% of the time. When you do post about the business, just give hints. Don’t give everything away.

Instead, make people curious by giving them a little bit of information about what you’re doing but not everything, like a movie preview.

Don’t say the name of your business or product. Don’t post a link, and don’t make spammy posts like: “I’m looking for 4 people to help me make $1200 in the next month.”

Attraction Marketing uses marketing techniques such as blogging, Facebook advertising, video marketing, and email marketing to set you up as an authority in your chosen niche.

When you use these marketing methods, people get to know, like, and trust you as an expert in your niche. They’ll look up to you and will want to work with you and buy from you.

Using these 2 strategies for MLM marketing online should enable you to easily transfer skills from the old form of MLM business building to today’s online method.

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October 23rd, 2022

Back to Basics in Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

In order to succeed, the market must know you. A strategic marketing effort is an indispensable part of your business. If people don’t know you exist, there will be no one to buy your product or services.

What is marketing?

Typically, marketing is the activity and practices carried out to publicize and deliver offerings of value to prospects and customers. It’s the effort to promote and sell products and services. Marketing has evolved over time from traditional methods to digital marketing.

It’s the effort to promote and sell products/services. Marketing has evolved through time, from the more traditional methods to the recent digital marketing industry.

Both traditional and digital marketing are similar in that they aim to develop a mutually beneficial relationship with prospects and customers. However, digital marketing methods have become more prevalent due to the shift in people’s purchasing behavior to online.

There is a set of proven marketing tactics that you can use in any combination that suits you while getting back to basics in marketing. They are:

Physical evidence

What do I need to do to ensure marketing success?

1.  Define your marketing strategy

To be successful, you must have a well-defined marketing strategy. You need to:

Know your business and marketing goals
Know what you’re promoting and selling
Research and know your market
Profile your customer and competitors
List and develop strategies to supplement your goals

2.  Use SEO

To rank high in Google’s SERPS, you must have correctly done search engine optimization (SEO). If done right, various SEO strategies can help drive more traffic to your website by ranking you high.

Use relevant keywords and phrases in your content, but not so many as to be penalized by Google for “stuffing.”

There are many keyword tools you can use to help capitalize on preferred keywords and phrases.

Use quality link-building. Including hyperlinks from other websites is an effective SEO tactic.

Linking to authoritative websites can help boost your ranking, as these are link-worthy sites that increase your website’s authority level.

Only link to sites that are relevant to yours, so Google will not demote your ranking. You can check out the popular link-building tools that can help bring in quality link-building opportunities.

3.  Use a Trusted Web Host

Google likes fast websites. The web host and the hosting company you choose can greatly influence search ranking.

4.  Use Quality and Updated Content

Your content is the currency that forms the base of all your marketing strategies. Good quality and relevant content are what Google uses for ranking.

Your website must make sense and be beneficial so your audience will return for more.

5.  Use Video Marketing

Because people are visual, videos have become the driving force for most digital marketing ventures.

Video is a powerful storytelling medium that connects with your audience emotionally through sound, motion, and attractive visuals. It also offers a better online user experience to your audience.

Videos also break up chunks of text, improving readability. ‘How to’ and technical videos are more effective than technical manuals. Live videos promote more interaction with people allowing them to feel like being part of the conversation by commenting during live sessions.

Use unique crafting content for your videos to make you stand out. Video marketing can be a powerful and effective way to engage and entertain your audience while conveying your core message.

6.  Leverage Social Media

Social media is the preferred choice for most marketers. The number of social media users is daily increasing. Use your social media marketing effort on platforms such as Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, and others. Each channel has its own strengths. Use these strengths to increase your organic reach and increase awareness and get a higher conversion rate.

Be sure to incorporate social media plug-ins in your content so your audience won’t hesitate to share your content via social media. This will increase your outreach.

7.  Use Simple and Short Forms

Gaining access to relevant data is crucial for a successful marketing strategy, however, collecting data from your audience is a delicate matter, because the way you do so can either encourage the user to voluntarily opt in or leave.

Your audience’s privacy is of utmost importance. Your web forms should be simple and contain a minimal number of fields. Focus only on what you need.

Your forms need to be simple, direct, and easy to understand to help your audience to decide to opt in to share their information with you.

8.  Use Email Marketing

Email marketing is still one of the best ways to reach out and promote your business. However, you must have a list and use well-crafted emails that target your preferred audience.

9.  Use Automation

Embrace automation to help with everyday repetitive tasks. Identify these and get the tools you believe will free up your time for others things that require specific attention and detail. Your productivity will increase as you spend your time efficiently.

10. Use AIDA

To capture users’ attention, use AIDA which is short for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. This is an age-old formula proven to work on almost every marketing channel. The purpose is to capture the user’s attention (Attention), create a sense of need in the user (Interest), tug their heartstrings (Desire), and finally provide solutions that push the user to buy (Action). All your marketing strategies must revolve around this formula.

Although we’ve learned from the past that the basic and proven marketing tactics are here to stay, they aren’t etched in stone. You must always do the things that are necessary to tweak your strategy for maximum benefits. The above are some of the popularly used smart hacks that you can use to build your marketing foundation while focusing on your unique selling points to stand out among the many and get back to basics in marketing.

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May 9th, 2022

14 Marketing Trends for the Future of Your Business

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

The marketing world moves ever so quickly. Keeping up with these changes isn’t always easy, although it’s vital to stay ahead of them, in order to succeed and maintain a sense of relevance with your audience. It’s no longer enough to create a brand, product, or service and expect it to sell.

In order to start seeing success with your marketing strategies, you need to stop pushing your products on people and instead focus on the needs and desires of your target audience. Instead of focusing on a message for them to buy your product, be more focused on the features your ideal customer is looking for. People want to be approached as individuals. So, focus on building relationships and providing value, then deliver your pitch.

Due to big data and the internet, you’re now able to create hyper-personalized experiences based on what customers do online, thus enabling you to build better long-term relationships with them. This, in turn, leads to more brand loyalty and larger revenue opportunities down the line.

What should you do now?

In the past, effective marketing tactics were about using the right platforms for promotion, targeting specific audiences or demographics by using keywords and hashtags on social media sites and using retargeting campaigns on those sites where possible.

Going forward, business owners will be required to take risks, listen more intently when engaging with customers online, and invest in their branding in order to remain competitive.

What are some changes you need to be ready for?

1.  Know your purpose

Purpose overrules product features. Why are you doing what you’re doing? If you have a big idea or a problem you want to solve, then that is your purpose.

2. Know your customer

 They are at the center of everything. Knowing your customer personas and dividing them into clear segments allows you to specifically target each segment.

3.  Create a personalized and relevant customer experience

As soon as they choose to connect with you, consumers expect a seamless experience from your business. You can do this only if you utilize the power of technology and data. These two things will help you create a personalized and relevant customer experience when existing and prospective customers interact with you.

4.  Be sure marketing remains at the center of your growth strategy

Marketing messages need to be personally relevant and aligned to an individual’s situation and values, as opposed to demographics, such as age and gender.

Marketing begins with knowing your customer segment. Using segmentation and personas can bring deeper insights to media strategies, and creative marketing approaches can be carried through the entire customer experience.

5.  Use digital tools to make interactions more personal

Embrace digital technology. Digital tools allow you to make interactions more personal. You may even be able to deliver personalized products, depending on your product or service.

6.  Get serious about the potential of social media platforms

If your business relies on online sales, getting serious about the potential of social media platforms needs to be at the top of your list.

7.  Use a multichannel strategy

How do you interact with your customers? You may use chatbots, contact emails, and a phone-based contact center. All of your channels are equally important, as they impact the customer’s opinion of you or your organization.

8.  Focus on delivering a mobile strategy

The mobile experience for your customers should be at least as good as a desktop-based website. The key elements of a successful mobile site are simple navigation, clear site-search options, and quick load times.

9.  SEO is more integrated

SEO (search engine optimization) is one of the oldest and most valuable forms of digital marketing. Since algorithms have continuously become smarter and more contextual, your SEO needs to be focused on integration that provides an outstanding and meaningful experience to users, and less on “hacks” and “tricks.”

10. Look for opportunities to partner with influencers in their space

Influencer marketing continues to grow. Since the influencer is endorsing the product, influencer campaigns naturally provide context and relevance.

11. Focus on what really drives your business growth

You need to become more strategic and focus on what really drives your business growth. As automation, AI (artificial intelligence), and machine learning take away a lot of the grunt work of digital marketing, you must become more strategic, as the options in digital marketing continue to grow.

12. Assume Facebook will continue to dominate

Facebook isn’t going anywhere. It has billions of users and the numbers continue to grow every month.

13. Be sure your website is optimized

Websites continue to get faster. Although website traffic is overwhelmingly mobile, most websites still don’t have fully mobile-optimized experiences. Speed will become ever more important.

14. Become more focused

You should become more focused and do fewer things better. With the explosion of digital marketing options, many businesses are spread too thin across too many channels. The smart thing to do is focus on dominating one channel.

The majority of business growth comes from the foundational tools used in digital marketing. It’s easy to become distracted by shiny new digital objects. Although marketers love new trends and want to be on the leading edge of new technologies and platforms, you shouldn’t forget to focus on your foundation. Optimizing your base digital implementation will more than likely provide a better return on investment than experimenting and getting distracted with every new tool.

As you move forward, I hope you keep these 14 marketing trends for the future of your business in mind as you continue to build and grow.

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