Archive for the ‘Content Marketing’ Category

January 17th, 2017

3 Tips for Promoting Your Site

by Rahimah Sultan


photo from blog


If you are thinking about setting up an online business or wondering how to promote one, the following 3 tips for promoting your site will be helpful.


Decide what kind of business you want.

Decide what your business will be. Then set up a blog centered around that interest and promote it with content marketing using your own original articles. Blogging is a great way to establish your online presence. You can employ different marketing strategies to promote your site (blog). These can include articles for ezines, the use of social media platforms like Facebook, paid Ads through Google, and other avenues.


Be sure your blog is one over which you have total control, NOT a Blogger or a Blogspot platform. I recommend and NOT If you use you will have to find your own hosting company and buy a domain name. Domain names cost about ten dollars a year, and you can use, NameCheap,com or another company of your choice to find a domain name.


Write content
Write content for your particular audience that solves a particular problem and encourages engagement. Content marketing is about sharing valuable information to attract prospects and turning them into customers and repeat buyers.


You can use your own fresh content to keep your blog up to date and that entices visitors to return.


Once you gain more visibility in the search engines you begin to look more authoritative. It’s human nature to gravitate toward those with authority.


Post regularly
Make regular posts to your blog and use SEO so you get found by search engines. Be sure to use a call to action (CTA) in your posts with a clickable link that instructs people to click for information or products that you are offering which can help solve their problem. If you have a list you can keep them updated about your latest posts.


Before setting up your blog, take time to carefully decide whom you will be writing for and the type of content that you will include.


One of the best ways to showcase your knowledge and skills is to provide content that can help your audience.


You can share your blog content on social media to encourage communication with your target audience and then use those channels to promote audience participation by redirecting them to your blog or a particular post, and you can ask for feedback.


So, thoroughly consider the type of business you want, set up your site, write content to promote your business and gain authority, and make regular posts to your blog. Using these 3 Tips for Promoting Your Site will help you get started.


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October 1st, 2016

Content Marketing: Three Essential Elements

by Rahimah Sultan


photo from blog


Three essential elements are needed for creating great quality content for your audience. Your content has to be useful and solve problems, and it needs to show them how to do something.


It should be interesting and written in a personable way. Show your personality as opposed to writing like a professional and just stating facts.


Read the article here


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September 3rd, 2016

Article Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan


photo from blog


If you don’t have an online presence, you can establish one by blogging. As a beginning blogger, you can use this information to begin establishing your authority and to add fresh content to your site. Fresh content keeps your blog up to date and entices visitors to return.




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August 4th, 2016

Marketing Success

by Rahimah Sultan
photo from blog

One tactical marketing strategy is content marketing. It is based on generating and publishing useful information regularly to a targeted audience. In order to have success with it you must do more than just fill your blog with random posts or articles.


Your content must serve a purpose, and it must have a friendly tone that shows your personality and voice. It must be easy to read and well planned.


Click here to read The 5 Golden Rules of Content Marketing for more details.


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July 21st, 2016

Internet Marketing Training: 10 Lessons

by Rahimah Sultan


photo from blog


In Internet marketing, you want to find fresh topics that keep people interested, and use attention-grabbing headlines. Lay out your points in order of importance to the reader. Do not leave the most important elements for the end. You will lose people as they will click away before ever seeing them.


Above all remember you must always have good-quality content.


Read 10 Lessons Journalists Can Teach Content Marketers, for Internet marketing tips.


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June 9th, 2016

Content Marketing Strategy

by Rahimah Sultan


photo from blog


Content marketing is the art of communicating with your customers and prospects without selling. Instead of pitching your products or services, you are delivering information that makes your buyer smarter. At the core of this content strategy is the belief that if we, as businesses, deliver consistent, ongoing valuable information to consumers, they will ultimately reward us with their business and loyalty.


The elements of a successful content marketing strategy are creativity, spontaneity, improvisation, and experimentation.


Read Jason Miller’s The Miles Davis Approach to Content Marketing Strategy for the parallel between Jazz and content marketing.


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May 25th, 2016

Start Your Blog

by Rahimah Sultan


photo from blog



If you want to showcase your passion and expertise while branding yourself and your products, blogging is the way to go. Blogging allows you to present your knowledge and skills to the public.


If you have been thinking about blogging, now may be the time to start your blog.


Read more

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May 12th, 2016

Article Marketing: SEO Tips and More

by Rahimah Sultan


photo from blog


Article marketing is a type of advertising in which companies write and distribute short articles to a range of outlets such as article banks, forums, and newsletter publishers. Its main purpose is to gain a huge number of online audiences and boost the number of sales opportunities for products or services on websites. It is one of the most successful types of marketing a business can do. This old type of marketing strategy can help marketers acquire new visitors and increase sales on their websites. Article marketing is also one of the least costly ways to market a company. – Wikipedia


I found this piece, by Christina Walker, on article marketing. She covers three tips for getting it right. You need to use high-quality article directories, convince readers that you are a reputable, trustworthy resource, and you need to SEO your articles.


There are benefits to be gained from article marketing.


Use these article writing tips to create great helpful content that will spread your message, build your expertise, and that will build your brand and authority.


You can read the article here.


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April 14th, 2016

Use The Rule of Three in Your Internet Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan


photo from blog


It’s no accident that the number three is pervasive throughout some of our greatest stories, fairy tales, and myths.


It’s also no coincidence that some of the most famous quotes from throughout history are structured in three parts, nor is it surprising that the Rule of Three also works wonders in the world of comedy.


Use the rule of three in your internet marketing so that you are more engaging as a writer.


People process information by patterns, and three is the smallest number of elements required for a pattern. Use storytelling, sticky ideas, and humor – each with three elements or three bullet points – to engage your audience.


Read more


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March 4th, 2016

Tips for Content Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


The base of your content marketing strategy should be articles. You can put them on your own blog, which is best, or submit them to article directories.


Although most are taught to start the article content with an introduction, there is another way to go about writing your article. You can begin with the conclusion. Sean Mize discusses this in his article, A Proven System to Write New Content Quickly and Easily.


Click here to read the article.


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