Archive for the ‘Marketing Success’ Category

June 13th, 2018

Online Marketing Strategy for Business Success

by Rahimah Sultan

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You can market your business like a hunter or a farmer. As a hunter, you wake up in the morning, gather your weapons and head out to the hunt. Some days you come back with a kill and your family has a feast. Other days your family goes hungry. It’s a constant daily battle.


Your online marketing strategy for business success should be like the farmer who plants seeds and waits for them to be ready for the harvest, while nurturing and caring for them. You water and tend to your crop, and when it’s ready you start harvesting.


So many businesses operate like hunters—cold calling, spending huge amounts of time and energy trying to get new customers, discounting and competing on price out of desperation, and wasting large amounts of time pestering people who are not interested in their product or service.


When marketing your business farmer style, you set up a data base for emailing or direct mailing your prospects. Then you form relationships with your list, and some will eventually purchase your product or service.


Click here to read The ‘Secret’ Marketing Strategy That Will Guarantee Your Business Success If You Use It, Or Kill Your Business If You Don’t


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May 15th, 2018

Affiliate Marketing Success

by Rahimah Sultan


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Tom Dupuis, of Online Media Masters, discusses how to make money with affiliate marketing. In his article, so titled, he discusses how affiliate marketing works and the biggest success factors. This in-depth article covers setting up a blog, hosting, finding a niche, types of affiliate programs, affiliate market places, signing up, nofollow affiliate links, SEO, monetization of YouTube videos, and much more.


You can read the article here.


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September 29th, 2017

Steps To Sure Fire Marketing Success

by Rahimah Sultan


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“Every business is simply a set of systems and marketing just happens to be the most important of these systems.”


As marketing is a business system, treating it as such helps to take away the mystery of its function in your business which permits you to create consistent, predictable results from the operation of your marketing system.


For details read 7 Steps To Sure Fire Marketing Success.


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August 6th, 2017

Using Email Marketing to Grow Your List

by Rahimah Sultan

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When building a business you need a way to keep in touch with people. Using email marketing to grow your list solves that problem.


When reading online marketing advice, you’re often bombarded with a lot of “noise” about what tactics to use, what software to use, where to buy leads and ads, tweeting, Instagram and other things that you probably know nothing about.


With all this it can be challenging to figure out what to focus on and where to spend your money and time, especially if you’re not a full-time entrepreneur.


According to marketing expert Derek Halpern, entrepreneurs need to be thinking about the T.A.P.P. method rather than focusing on metrics.


In The Only Technique You Need to Quickly Grow Your Email List, this is discussed in depth.


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May 31st, 2017

MLM Confusion

by Rahimah Sultan

Multi-level marketing companies basically promise a chance to leave your 9-5 job, be your own boss, make lots of money and to make new friends in the process. The ongoing debate is whether these companies and programs are legitimate business opportunities.

According to Wikipedia Multi-level marketing (MLM) is a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they generate, but also for the sales of the other salespeople that they recruit. This recruited sales force is referred to as the participant’s “downline”, and can provide multiple levels of compensation. Most commonly, the salespeople are expected to sell products directly to consumers by means of relationship referrals and word of mouth marketing. Some people use direct selling as a synonym for MLM, although MLM is only one type of direct selling.

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December 19th, 2016

Multi-Level Marketing Tips

by Rahimah Sultan


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For those who have not saved enough there is a need for alternative ways to either save more or generate supplemental income starting now, and continuing throughout retirement. You may be one of those people for whom multi-level marketing is a good fit. Or you may just want to be involved in activities that keep you busy, relevant, in good health, and connected to others.


If you’re considering Multi-level Marketing Read Multi-Level Marketing For Additional Income.

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August 4th, 2016

Marketing Success

by Rahimah Sultan
photo from blog

One tactical marketing strategy is content marketing. It is based on generating and publishing useful information regularly to a targeted audience. In order to have success with it you must do more than just fill your blog with random posts or articles.


Your content must serve a purpose, and it must have a friendly tone that shows your personality and voice. It must be easy to read and well planned.


Click here to read The 5 Golden Rules of Content Marketing for more details.


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February 25th, 2016

Internal Linking Strategy To Increase Blog Traffic

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


Do you have an internal linking strategy to increase blog traffic? While searching for traffic opportunities, do not forget your blog, which is your most important source of traffic. It is SEO.


Your SEO starts on your page with internal linking. Check your entire blog to find which posts relate more to each other and interlink them. Look for tie-ins to previous posts. Connect your content with links to your products or services within your blog posts.


Read more


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January 14th, 2016

3 Keys to Online Success

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


Plenty of people want to make money online. You need the proper mindset and a willingness to stay the course. Do not fall for advertising touting scams of earning money for doing nothing or getting rich in 30 days or any other thing that sounds too good to be true. Success is not easy. Once you have decided to venture out into the Internet world for business, these three keys to online success will help.

Build an Online Presence

You must be willing to invest in yourself and your future business. Building an online presence is as simple as setting up a web page or a blog. First you need to purchase a domain name. Then I suggest setting up a WordPress blog using your actual name as the domain name. If your name is already in use, you can use a hyphen between your first and last name or use something like or Take time to come up with what you want to communicate as your business or your niche, because you will probably not be able to change it.

Create a Product for Sale Online


You may be wondering how you can create a product, especially if you are just thinking about starting a business online. Do you have something that you are truly good at and love doing? Do you have a hobby? Is there a subject that you know a lot about? If so, you have a good beginning point.


You can write an ebook detailing how to implement what you do or make short step-by-step videos demonstrating the process. You can blog about your expertise and put it into book form at a later date.


Drive Traffic to Your Product


Once you have your product you can sell it through your site. Join some safelists and traffic exchanges so you will have places to advertise. You will need a LCP (lead capture page) to get peoples’ name and email to start building a list. These will be filtered through a funnel via an autoresponder. As you are building your list, you are posting valuable content on your blog at least once a week. Less often will get you nowhere as far as an online presence is concerned.


You must be prepared to be “in” for the long haul, as things usually do not happen quickly. It takes patience, persistence, and perseverance as with any business. If you have money to invest, your progress can happen faster, but you can also lose a lot of money, especially if you are a newcomer to online business. There is a learning curve, so do not be too hasty. Check things out before diving in.


Setting up an online presence, creating a product to sell, and driving prospects to that product are the basics for making money online. If you are willing to do the work and stay the course, following these three keys to online success will help.


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November 25th, 2015

3 Ideas for Internet Marketing Success

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog

If you are new to online business you probably need some help. Seek out someone who is a success in the area of your interest and approach them for mentoring. You can also do online searches for information.


With a small or new business, it is vital for your online marketing efforts to be a success so that you can attract new users to your site where they then find out what you have to offer. Visitors to your site need to feel that you are genuine and committed to your product. Here are three ideas for Internet marketing success.


Do Your Homework

If you are considering setting up a blog, first do some homework. Sure, it is easy for anyone to set up a blog and monetize it. But, there are several things to consider before doing so. What type of platform do you want and will it serve your purpose? What themes and plugins are available and are they compatible? How do you set up a blog with a secure user name and password, spam filters, and hacker security? These are the basics and the beginning of Internet marketing success.


Promotion Methods

Once your platform is set up what methods of promotion will you use. SEO is very important in getting your articles in front of viewers so that they see what products or services you are offering. Which social media platforms are you going to use and are they a good fit for you? Check your competition’s strategies for ideas, although you do not want to exactly copy anything. Put your own spin on things. Will you use paid promotion such as PPC and Google adwords?



Make a basic plan that allows for changes. Sometimes large changes to the plan will be necessary. You also need a marketing outline for promoting your business. Decide which avenues you will use and what your budget will look like.


No matter what product or service you offer, if you do not wholeheartedly believe in it, no one will take you seriously. You must be believable for people to want what you are offering. You need to have total belief in the success of your business, and you must commit to making it so.


Do your homework, choose promotion methods, and follow your plan. Using these three ideas for Internet marketing success will aid in getting visitors to your site to view your products and services.


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