Archive for the ‘Online Marketing’ Category

May 30th, 2014

Four Things To Consider When Choosing A Domain Name

by Rahimah Sultan

Picking a domain name should be easy, right?

If you’re thinking of just using your business name, you should think again. A good bit of thought should be given to selecting a domain name. Picking a domain name is like getting married. You’re going to have to live with it until the end. I am suggesting four things to consider when choosing a domain name.

People that use your site will come to know it by the domain name. Repeat visitors will often just type in the domain name to get to the site. For example, do you search for “Amazon” when you want to buy a book or do you simply type in If Amazon were to change its domain name to Shop, there would be a lot of confusion. The same goes for your domain name. Once you pick it stick with it.

Domain Name Choices

Even if the obvious choice is your business name that might not be the best. There are four significant issues to consider.

1) Unwise Choice

Is there something about your business name that makes using it as a domain an unwise choice? This situation typically arises… More

Start Building Your List Today
Click the Banner Below

May 9th, 2014

Internet Sales Funnel

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


The concept of the sales funnel begins at the very start of a marketing phase where you are trying to capture the interest of as many visitors and prospective customers as you can. Some techniques used for this are:

**Writing good and targeted content and articles on your blog

**Building a list using email signups through your blog by offering free gifts

**Using social networks to signup people in order to be able to broadcast your special offers or latest blog post

**Using a landing page and/or sales pages with a call to action (signup, buy, etc) and many more.


Before even considering the construction of your Internet Sales Funnel, you will need a product or service to offer to sell to your visitors.

These can be physical products, your own digital creations such as eBooks, videos or software and also things such as membership programs or consultation services. If you don’t have your own product you can use affiliate programs such as Clickbank, Amazon or affiliate programs available that you can use in conjunction with blogging from your website.


It is very important that before choosing a product to sell that you try to identify a niche which people are demanding and then supply this need to them.


An Internet Sales Funnel is really a marketing framework which represents all of the stages from your initial leads to actual sales.


Ezine writer Kate Franklin states, “Basically a sales funnel is a way of funneling prospects into your business and building trust.”  Click here to read her article.


Click the Banner below for Easy-to-Create
Squeeze and Splash Pages



May 2nd, 2014

Viral Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan


Are you using social media in your marketing plan. Here are some tips on viral marketing from Socially Stephanie.


As far as social media goes, Stephanie Frasco of Social Media Today states that there is no magic button to make your web content go viral. “However, there are some ways to increase your reach and make the sharing contagious.”


As you publish, your content will do some of the work on its own and will always be on your site for new visitors.


“Content + Influence = Authority. Or in other words Content + Sharing = Results”.


You have to have great content and targeted Influencers of the web sharing it. You have to have the right kind of content and that depends on your audience – the people your trying to reach, the ones for whom you’re writing.


Some types of content work better than others, such as lists, infographics, and how-tos, and longer pieces work better than short.

Click here to read the complete viral marketing article


Click the banner below and add social media to your marketing plan.

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March 14th, 2014

Internet Marketing Rejection

by Rahimah Sultan


Rejection of any kind hurts. It’s no different with Internet Marketing Rejection. What matters is how you deal with it. Rejection does have a place and a purpose in your internet marketing business. You will not get a “yes” all the time. Rather than quitting, use rejection as a motivator. Keep learning about your business and find out what you can do differently or what you can improve.


Power of Rejection

Don’t hand your power over to rejection. Don’t let it rule your mind and control you. If you do, it could be devastating, because you can lose your money and not achieve your dreams and goals.

Rejection Mindset

We tend to take rejection personally because we invest so much time and effort in our product or service. So we need to change our mindset about Internet Marketing Rejection. It’s not personal. When someone does not want to use your services, it’s not about you. Most of the time the prospect’s reasons for saying “no” have nothing to do with you. It may not be the right time, it might not be a great fit for their business, or maybe they are having trouble making a decision at the moment. So you just move on, but you can stay in touch.


Dwelling on Rejection

Avoid dwelling on rejection. Instead focus on what you are working toward and do the daily tasks required to achieve that end. Learn all you can to improve your chances of success and work on your business daily.


Be honest with yourself about what you don’t know so that you can give yourself the opportunity to learn it and to grow, both personally and in your Internet Marketing business. Use the right tools to lessen the chances of Internet Marketing Rejection.


photo from blog

March 8th, 2014

Increasing Website Opt-Ins

by Rahimah Sultan


Most of us know that to entice visitors to our web site we need to offer a freebie of some kind for Increasing Website Opt-ins. Not only should we offer this, but it should be something of value. It needs to be a solution to the problem that the visitor was searching for on line. This opt-in freebie is the one thing the visitor has to have in order to move forward.


Web site visitors will not treat your site like a brick and mortar business, looking around to see what you have. They are searching for a particular product or service. You have to direct their attention to certain parts of your site and make it easy for them to navigate.


You have to really understand your visitor who leaves clues as to what they were really looking for, based on how they arrived there. You may need to use survey software to find out why they’re visiting but not buying. Ask them questions like who they are and what kind of information they’re looking for.


Click here to read Colin Martin’s article: Increase Your Website Opt-Ins With Freebies That Really Matter To Your Visitor


Click the Banner for Step-by-Step Online Marketing Information


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February 19th, 2014

Advertising Online

by Rahimah Sultan
photo from blog


While watching TV the other day, a particular commercial caught my attention. I usually just tune them out. As it was approaching President’s Day in the United States, this particular advertisement was for an automobile sale coming up on that particular day, as it is a popular day for stores to start their sales. So, I was thinking of this advertisement in terms of advertising online.


Monday February 17th was President’s Day in the United States. While deciding the content for this blog post, I did some fact checking regarding the day. Here’s what I got from Wickipedia.


Presidents’ Day is an American holiday celebrated on the third Monday in February. Originally established in 1885 in recognition of President George Washington, it is still officially called “Washington’s Birthday” by the federal government.


Although Lincoln’s birthday, February 12, was never a federal holiday, approximately a dozen state governments have officially renamed their Washington’s Birthday observances as “Presidents’ Day,” “Washington and Lincoln Day,” or other such designations.


George Washington’s birthday is on February 22.


The ad I mentioned above has run for some years with these two presidents in one form or another – Lincoln in his top hat and Washington in his wig. The remarkable thing this year was the addition of the non-traditional hip hop musical style of Paul Revere and the Night Riders bringing up the rear.


In the TV ad the attention grabber was the two presidents – beginning. The middle was the entrance of Paul Revere and the Night Riders performing hip hop, and the sell was a particular automobile. As is often stated, the times they are a changin’. Is there no reverence left? 🙂


Internet marketing and advertising is like advertising on TV or anyplace. There’s a story with a beginning, a middle and the end. You have a few seconds to get peoples’ attention (beginning), then draw them in (middle), then sell them something (end).


With only a few seconds to grab peoples’ attention when advertising online, you have to have a stand-out headline or title.


Then you draw them in (middle) using some bullet points about your program or service or a video; after which you direct them to take action (end) by filling out a form with their name and email for more information.



February 5th, 2014 Vs.

Overall Rating (out of 5):

Host Then Profit is an autoresponder and more. It offers you more for less cost and it’s great for beginners. You can always upgrade as the need arises and still pay less than with AWeber.


With Host Then Profit you get hosting, a conference room and a video maker and video hosting for the same low monthly fee.


Product Pros:

  • autoresponder
  • hosting
  • conference room
  • video maker and hosting


Product Cons:

  • small conference room

The conference room can be used for a group of four to collaborate on a project or whatever, and there’s no additional fee.

You get a lot more for less with Host Then Profit. Remember, it’s not just an autoresponder!

Click here for more information

photo from blog

January 19th, 2014

Optimizing Your Squeeze Page in Your Ezine Articles

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


I just found some great information on optimizing your squeeze page in your ezine articles.


Squeeze pages are landing pages that are set up to get your visitors to give you their information so that you can build your list of prospective customers. They ask visitors to subscribe to whatever product or service you’re offering such as newsletters, videos, consulting, among other things. They are more than an opt-in box on your site, since there is usually only one choice.


The article shows you how you can build a list of highly qualified leads using your articles to do so. It details things to consider before linking to your squeeze page in the ezine articles.


If you’re including a link to your website, is it relevant, easy to navigate, transparent, is the material compelling, and is there balance. If so go ahead and link to your blog or website and your squeeze page in the Resource Box of your article submission.


If you’re not planning to include a link to your blog or website, you need to consider other things and then link to your squeeze page in the Resource Box of your article submission. Here’s a great flow chart to help.



Check out these great tips for Optimizing Your Squeeze Page in Your Ezine Articles.


Click Here To Read Entire Article


January 4th, 2014

Autoresponders: Getting Started

by Rahimah Sultan

Making money on the Internet with your new business can be a bit difficult unless you have an autoresponder.

An autoresponder is the ideal way to handle your daily business operation and save you time and money. Getting started with autoresponders requires a bit of research to determine which one best suits your needs.

If you have a limited budget there are places online where you can get free ones. Just know that they normally place ads on your emails, which will more than likely give your customers the wrong impression of you.

But if your budget is truly limited, it’s best to start with free and then upgrade as your finances allow, because an autoresponder is an absolute must for making money.

The first thing you’ll need to do when you get your autoresponder is set it up with follow-up messages or articles that relate to your business or products, so that the email messages you send out contain material that relates to your offers.

Do try to create some of your own if you can. If you use pre-written emails, change them up a bit to reflect your own style of writing.

When you load your autoresponder try to load it with at least 52 messages. This way, you’ll have something to send for each week of the year. If you have trouble there are places online where you can get your material for free. If you simply don’t have the time, start with a few messages and add more as you can.

Once you have your autoresponder preloaded with messages or articles, you’ll need to set up your signature. Your signature will be displayed at the bottom of every message your autoresponder sends, and it should be your name and the link to your business. You can also add a short description of your business. Your name and link to your business shows your customers you are a professional.

Once you have everything set up you can start sending out emails. Your autoresponder can be set up to send messages automatically. You can send out emails daily, weekly, or monthly. The choice is yours. Most autoresponders are flexible, easy to use, and will send out your messages when you decide.

Autoresponders: Getting Started Click here for yours now

December 22nd, 2013

Marketing Roadmap Success: Getting Free Traffic Part Two

by Rahimah Sultan


This is part two of Marketing Roadmap Success: Getting Free Traffic. In part one we covered getting backlinks, SEO and better SEO positioning. We will now discuss social networks, forums / discussion boards / online communities, video sharing, and review sites.


As stated before, the series contains seven videos. This article covers the last four of the seven Marketing Roadmap Success strategies for getting free traffic to your site.


1)  Social Networks


Facebook and Twitter are both social networking tools, like an online community. You can use them to find people you know, business partners, and business groups and prospective connections. To sign up is free, and you can easily integrate the two so that people can keep up with you and get to know you better. This is a way of building trust between you and prospective clients.

2)  Forums, Discussion Boards and Online Communities


Forums, discussion boards, and online communities are similar to blog posting and comment posting so there are not a lot of different things to learn. You just have to follow the guidelines for each. To find forums and the like, just do a search online for ones that suit your needs. Used correctly these methods can get you good backlinks and good traffic back to your site.


3)  Video Sharing Sites


Video sharing gets traffic back to your site, especially if you use You Tube and Facebook and integrate them with Twitter.  The tools you’ll need for videos depend on the kind of videos you want to make. There are paid and free versions of video tools. Using this technique with other online advertising methods can multiply your exposure.


4)  Review Sites


A lot of people go to review sites to decide whether or not they want to buy a certain product. There will probably be a review site for whatever niche or market you’re in: travel, movies, books, games, holidays, cars and products. You can contact the industry owner and find out how to get listed for a review.


Otherwise you can find a lot of individuals who are website owners, one-person businesses and internet or affiliate marketers.  You can go to forums and find review sites. The video covers the procedure for doing this. Find sites and be ready for them to honestly review you.


By incorporating these four strategies into your marketing, you can get increased backlinks and exposure for your Marketing Roadmap Success: Getting Free Traffic strategies.


photo from blog