Archive for the ‘Online Marketing’ Category
Three Online Marketing Tips
by Rahimah Sultan
There are many online marketing strategies you can use that include search engine marketing, social media marketing, and email marketing.
As online marketers, we understand the absolute importance of promotion. Marketing is the lifeline…
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Increase Online Traffic and Revenue with These 4 Internet Marketing Tips
by Rahimah Sultan
First of all, update your site. If your website has been around for a long time you have an SEO advantage which is not the case for newly created sites. On the other hand, it will probably have some outdated information and some bad links.
Second, you need to use some PPC and social media ads. Without paid promotion on the internet, it can be slow work getting noticed, and social media can be just as useful as Google in directing traffic to your site.
Third, integrate marketing tactics, and
Fourth, create more content. Content marketing is a good way to reach audiences while showcasing the knowledge base of your business.
Read 4 Internet Marketing Tips to Increase Online Traffic and revenue in 2017.
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Internet Marketing: What’s It All About?
by Rahimah Sultan
What Is Internet Marketing?
Internet marketing is a number of marketing activities that can be done online which include affiliate marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, blogging, paid marketing, search engine optimization and more.
Before you do anything be sure to get all the information you can.
Understanding The Internet Marketing Field
There’s a lot to learn, however everyone has to start somewhere. There are a lot of terms that may or may not be confusing to you, depending on your knowledge of the field. There are four general phases to really understanding internet marketing and making money online.
1) What’s actually happening online and how is money made?
At the start you have to focus on value, not revenues. In the beginning you do the most amount of work for the least return.
If you’re short on cash and hoping to make some fast money online, you’ll be disappointed. There’s no such thing as getting rich quick. All these schemes are selling you short. You have to put in the time and do the work while adding enormous value.
There are things associated with internet marketing such as affiliate marketing, network marketing, multi-level marketing and more. Affiliate marketing is really tough unless you have an enormous following or you know how to build first-rate squeeze pages and great sales funnels. You need to know the virtual landscape before undertaking creating your own digital products and sales funnels.
2) What do you want to do?
Once you understand how things work you need to decide what you want to do. Do you want to be an affiliate marketer, a network marketer, a blogger?
Whatever you do you’ll need traffic. You need to drive traffic to your offers with squeeze pages or landing pages which have a call to action and a sign-up form. This is your first contact with customers or your follow up after you’ve made initial contact. Learn the right skills as you go so that you can become effective. It will take time. Just don’t give up.
3) Know how you will communicate.
You should actually decide this before you start online. Will you blog, build a list, use social media or do JVs? Whatever you do, be straight with people and learn to communicate effectively and understand every stage of the process.
4) What’s your passion?
Decide what you’re passionate about and pick a niche. Get a custom domain and set up a professional-looking site that will be your place of business to which everything will be linked. All of your advertising, SEO, social media, etc. will be directed here.
Create free enticing offers to capture names and email addresses with your squeeze pages to start building your funnels. This will all take time, and you will profit in the end. It may all seem confusing at first. Internet marketing is a constant complicated process. Beware of unscrupulous individuals bearing shiny trinkets. Follow and learn from reputable people online. Don’t fall for the hype.
So, view the big picture of what’s actually happening online and how money is made, decide what you want to do and how you wish to communicate, figure out your passion and pick a niche.
Are You Using Auto-Responders
by Rahimah Sultan
Autoresponders are used by individuals and also by Web sites that need to respond to user comments automatically. Businesses use them to inform an email sender that someone is out of the office and the date of return; a company may use an autoresponder for newsletter subscription opt-ins or cancellations. An autoresponder is used by businesses to confirm purchases and pertinent information regarding that buy. Email marketing, using autoresponders, has been identified as one of the most profitable modern marketing techniques.
With an autoresponder you can set up a series of emails, related to your product or service, that go out at predetermined times. This is a way to keep your subscribers informed about what you’re offering, any changes you may be making or whatever you wish to communicate.
Article Marketing: Optimizing Your Squeeze Page
by Rahimah Sultan
You want to publish your articles in the largest publications that you can, because they get you links when other webmasters use your article on their site, and you want to capture highly-qualified leads in order to build brand recognition and stay on your readers’ minds.
The following article covers optimization of your squeeze page in your article marketing.
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Writing New Content Easily
Your content marketing strategy must begin with articles as the base. You can put them on your blog or publish them in article directories. It’s preferable to place them on your blog. Whichever you choose, you need to first create them. You can use the following as a guide to writing new content easily.
Generally, people will start with an introduction, list a few points, and write a conclusion. But that presents a problem if you’re stuck. So start with the end, the conclusion. What is it you want people to do as a result of having reviewed your content?
You include a call to action (CTA), but you must ask yourself why anyone would want to take action in the first place. If you don’t have a good answer then the chances that anyone else will are next to nil.
You have to start with the end in mind. Give people a reason for wanting to see what you have to offer. Tell them what it can do to help them solve a problem. Discuss some key points that lead to a logical conclusion.
You want to peak their interest so they’ll follow through and click on that link which leads to a free gift for joining your newsletter or sends them to a blog article that can help with something they’re struggling with or whatever you’re wanting them to take action on.
First, make an outline using your key selling points. This outline is simply a few key things jotted down for your benefit. List the main point and write a couple of lines about it, then go to the next important point and do the same. Use three or four key ideas.
Your outline should look something like this:
The problem – Don’t know how to…
My widget solves that problem by…
My widget solves the problem (how?)
Click here (CTA link) to check out the widget
You’re working backward, in no particular order, and listing the main points. Be sure that each bullet point and subtext leads logically to the next thing, and that in turn leads the reader to take some sort of action.
What would the reader need to feel in order to click on your link? Your conclusion needs to make people feel obligated to do what you say to get what they want.
When you finish discussing your points or ideas, the conclusion should make perfect sense.
Writing new content easily can be simpler than you think when you follow this approach of starting with the end in mind and logically laying out your key points to lead people to where you want them to go, i.e., your CTA.
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Four Reasons To Have Your Business Online
by Rahimah Sultan
You’ve got customers coming into your business every day and they are buying your products and services. Or you may be just starting a new venture. You might think the Internet is too complicated. You’re already too busy. So why do you need an online business? There are four reasons to have your business online that will probably make you reconsider.
With a traditional brick and mortar business, you have overhead costs for the space, stock, and staff. You can run an online business with just one person, a computer and Internet access. Setting up an online business requires a website. You’ll have to purchase a domain name and hosting which will cost a minimal amount – less than $50. You can do an online search for these and comparison shop.
You can potentially reach millions of people on the Internet, and target a specific audience to whom you can sell directly. These are prospects looking for your products and services.
Hours of Operation
With your online business you’re available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Since you’re working from your computer you can be available when you choose, sell products and take customer inquiries at any time of day or night, because you’ll be using automated systems.
You don’t have to have your own products to sell. In a brick and mortar operation, you would buy stock from a manufacturer or wholesaler and then sell it. With an online business you don’t have to buy product or worry about delivering the product or sorting out the payment systems.
The product owner takes care of all that. This business model is known as affiliate marketing. It’s a good place to start when you’re new to online business.
You need a good business plan that incorporates your final goal and the steps to reach it.
Online marketing is using the internet, to reach people, to spread the word about you and your company’s products or services. It’s doing anything you can do online to get more people seeing what you have to offer and to get them to eventually buy from you.
In summary, the four reasons to have your business online are no overhead for a brick and mortar space, it’s cost effective, you can reach millions of people, No set hours of operation, and you can sell other people’s products as an affiliate marketer.
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Online Marketing Strategy for Success
To be successful online you must have a marketing plan. This is your foundation and your online marketing strategy for success. SEO (search engine optimization), content marketing, and social media marketing should be included. You need SEO to allow search engines to find you, content marketing to help solve peoples’ problems and engage prospects and customers, and social media to help you listen to what people are saying and to generate leads.
You can read A Successful Online Marketing Strategy for more details.
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Marketing: Getting Your Business Noticed Online
by Rahimah Sultan
While sharing information about your brand, products or services, you have the opportunity to develop an honest bond with customers who are left feeling good about purchasing from you.
The smart online marketers build stronger business brands to stay high in the search rankings by building trust, sharing quality content, link building, using social media, and using SEO.
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Affiliate Marketing Strategy Steps
by Rahimah Sultan
I ran across an article titled 10 Steps to a Successful Affiliate Marketing Strategy that laid out what affiliate marketers needed to do to succeed in 2015 and beyond? The operative words are…
Read Steps to a Successful Affiliate Marketing Strategy
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