Archive for the ‘Promote Your Business’ Category
Article Marketing for Website Promotion
by Rahimah Sultan
Article marketing is the practice of posting keyword-focused articles on article sites that then syndicate your content. These sites have a large readership following, and that benefits you as a publisher. Once your article is accepted for publication it can be republished by others. Article marketing for website promotion can get you backlinks which bring people to your site.
For example, say you write an article about using social media as a tool to get people to purchase your product. Others who want to write about the same subject may link to your article and that is more exposure for you. Some article sites allow you to use HTML links in your articles while others let you include a link back to your site only in the resource box. Either way it is a one-way link back to your site. A one-way link is the best kind of link. When anyone uses your article they must name you as the author and keep any links in your article.
Do some keyword research before writing your article to give yourself the best opportunity to be found. Your keywords should be relevant to your article purpose or niche. Use your main keywords or keyword phrase in the title of your article and as the link to be clicked on in the resource box. Make sure your articles contain quality content and are well written and proofed so that you look professional. I hope these tips on Article Marketing for Website Promotion will help you get started with your article marketing.
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Refocus on Your Business Building
by Rahimah Sultan
We are now into springtime which is a good time to revisit your New Year’s resolutions, especially if one of them was to start your online business or expand your current one. You can refocus on your business building now and get ahead of the upcoming summertime lethargy. Can you envision yourself with a spring in your step because you are making progress with your business or have at least started your online business? Do you have what you need to start or grow your business?
Do you need some guidance, some hand holding or some step-by-step actions to take? I know I did when starting out new online. Although I stumbled I still made progress. And then a couple of mentors entered the picture and helped me sort out just how to get things going the right way.
I started out with affiliate marketing and found out some things through trial and error. Although it was frustrating at times, I did not give up. Because I kept going I eventually found those mentors who were honest and willing to help.
Now is a good time to put that spring in your step and Refocus on Your Business Building
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How To Make Money Online Working From Home
by Rahimah Sultan
Every day we see advertising for programs that are supposed to enable you to make money online. There are crazy systems online that promise you the world that just do not work. The ones that do, only work for a while, and the only people that make any money are the people at the top. People are getting ripped off left and right. People want to know how to make money online working from home, so they buy into what are mostly scams and end up losing large sums of money and give up.
You can avoid this by having a product or several products and services of your own to sell. If you don’t have anything right now, you can set up a WordPress blog, which is free, and write good content to start branding yourself while making your decision. If you have a general idea of something that greatly interests you, get a domain name that reflects that interest, set up your blog and begin writing articles on that topic. This is the beginning of how to make money online working from home.
Once you have decided on what to sell, you need to get the word out through advertising. Your blog is your funnel and free advertising tool. With a single blog, a single page to advertise, a single squeeze page, and a single list in an autoresponder you are on your way. I want you to know How To Make Money Online Working From Home.
I use an amazing huge library in my business that shows step by step how to get set up and get started making money online. This is for EVERYONE, not just newcomers. You can check it out below for two weeks for just $1. Click on the banner for details and your FREE gift and get started today!
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How To Start Your Blog
by Rahimah Sultan
Starting your own blog doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive, although it can be intimidating. I am going to show you how to start your blog today and eliminate some of the confusion.
Today more people than ever are online. This presents a great opportunity for you to have recognition, income, fun and to share your ideas with like-minded people.
You may have considered setting up a blog on a free site. This sounds good, but you’ll have no real control and the company that owns the space makes money from your time and hard work by placing advertising on it and selling you upgrades.
You will not be able to sell your products on that kind of blog.
Since you do not own the blog there is no security. If the blog gets hacked the hacker can steal your domain name and you may never get it back.
No matter what kind of blog you want to start, using a free site is not worth that risk.
Here are a few tips for how to start your blog today and avoid the problems of a free site.
Pick Domain Name
Decide on a topic that interests you and something that you absolutely love for your primary business or topic. Take some time and think it through thoroughly, because you will have a tough time trying to change it later.
Always use a .com extension whenever possible as opposed to a .net, .biz or some others. Most people automatically use .com when trying to find an online site. Then choose a related domain name.
I suggest using a domain registrar such as:
There are many more domain registrars available. It does not matter where you buy a domain name. You can Google registrars and compare costs. Do not use any of the extras that they offer, just your domain name. Your hosting company will have the services you need.
Once you have your domain name you can point it to your hosting company’s servers. This gives you total control of your site.
I do not recommend using your hosting company’s domain registration services, as that can sometimes lead to problems. Just use a regular listed domain registrar and then change your servers through that registrar to point to your hosting company.
If you do not plan to sell your blog in the future, I suggest using your own name. If that is a common name and is already taken, add your middle initial or a word at the beginning or end or something that still identifies you and your topic and is unique.
Choose Web Host
There are plenty of hosting sites from which to choose. I suggest the one I use which offers web hosting, an email follow up system, video producer and more for your advertising needs, and it is VERY cost effective.
Create your site at your hosting company by logging in and using the web host manager to create a new account.
Install Blog
Go to (NOT which is a free platform and download the software and install it at your hosting company. There are instructions on the WordPress site. It is not complicated and takes only a few minutes. Once you have installed WordPress, you are ready to start posting.
Do make sure you use unique creative user names and passwords for security reasons, and write them down as you go so that you can access everything on your site if something happens to your computer.
I hope these few tips help to de-mystify how to start your blog.
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Facebook Marketing Tactics
by Rahimah Sultan
Facebook is actively introducing new tools and features to help marketers succeed. To help with your success, there are things you can do that include some underused Facebook marketing tactics.
You can optimize your open graph meta-data by using attractive images, and enticing titles and descriptions.
If you’re already creating videos you can upload them directly to Facebook to create more views and engagement.
You can use Facebook’s CTA buttons which are free.
You can post on weekends and at night, and do promote your best content.
These Facebook Marketing Tactics are each covered in the article 5 Effective Underused Facebook Marketing Tactics.
Article Marketing Resource Box
by Rahimah Sultan
You want to publish your article in the largest publications that you can, because they get you links when other webmasters use your article on their sites. That’s the purpose for using a resource box. Do not publish unless you’re going to do a good Article Marketing Resource Box.
What Is A Resource Box?
A resource box is the most important part of any article you might get published. It contains information about you. Those details should include your mission statement, which shows what you are about or what you want to accomplish. This is where you promote you, your site or product. Your resource box can only be about 15% of the length of your article.
It must include:
Your name you are trying to brand – yours or a pen name or your website or product.
A call-to-action that reads something like “Fill in the form for more information or fill in the form to get my free report.” Your free report can be a PDF containing two or three of your articles. This is a great list-building tactic.
Your contact information – Skype, Facebook, Twitter. Be careful not to include too many links.
Direct your visitors to a particular article on your website or a particular product or service using a clickable link that is one of your SEO keyword phrases. This is what the search engines pick up.
Do not include a list of every website you own or every accomplishment you’ve ever achieved. That is very unprofessional, and you are building a list with your autoresponder that has follow-up messages about all the things you have and will have over time. Do not include ads for products or services not relevant to your topic.
Remember, you are not doing this for fun. You are marketing your own site to make money, bring in links, and up your page rank in the search engines in order to bring in more business. So let your Article Marketing Resource Box work for you.
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Internet Marketing Tool
by Rahimah Sultan
As Internet Marketers, we understand the absolute importance of promotion. Marketing is the lifeline for any business, product or service. Just as we need a website and an autoresponder, we need places to advertise like safelists and traffic exchanges among others. I recently discovered another great Internet Marketing tool to add to my marketing arsenal. It is Hot Spot Mailer, owned by Maryanne Myers, and it has been around since May of 2009.
You need a widespread reach, targeted audiences, and cost-effective advertising for whatever business you are in. You can use this mailer for free or choose the upgrade. As I want to fill my marketing arsenal with paid one-time-only items–as opposed to a monthly fee–I upgraded. It is dirt cheap.
You are not limited to once a day or week on mailing an ad, as long as you have credits. You will definitely benefit from the upgrade. You can choose to have members emails come to your designated email address or you can use your HSM (Hotspotmailer) email box.
If you should happen to run short of funds at some future time, you will always have this mailer in your Internet marketing tools arsenal with no monthly fee.
Blog Promotion for Internet Marketers
by Rahimah Sultan
In this article Blogger Darren Rowse discusses how to promote your blog without letting the rest of your blogging slide. He shares a particular comment that was in response to an article on how his blogs grew. This is his summary for the article.
There are a couple of things that I think we as bloggers always need to pay attention to – these being publishing regular high quality content on our blogs and looking after the readers we already have (community).
These activities are like a baseline. Take the focus off these at any point and your blog is likely to suffer fairly quickly.
Promoting a blog is something you should also have some baseline activities and rhythm around. For example sharing new content to social media (whether through automation or manually doing it) is good practice.
However I do think there are times where it’s probably well worth having a burst of concerted promotional effort to grow your blog.
Whether it be through guest posting, reaching out to mainstream media, attending/speaking at events or even paying for advertising – a burst of intentional promotional activity for a defined period can have some real benefits.
Click here for information on blogging, article marketing, and promotion for Your Business.
Four Types of Articles for Internet Marketers
by Rahimah Sultan
We all know that blogs can be for personal or business use, and the reason for blogging is to get people to your site to see what you are offering so you can make sales. The type of content used is determined by the purpose of your blog. This is an overview of Four Types of Articles for Internet Marketers: Junk, Product, Information, and Viral.
A junk article is only fodder and is of inferior quality that contains readily available material used to supply a heavy demand for gossip or some other such thing.
You use a product article to describe what you are selling and how it is used. In order for this type of article to be effective, you must state how the particular product can solve a problem for your potential customer.
An information article requires a bit of work, and you can use it to maximize the quality of traffic to your site. This type has a narrow topic based on the keywords for your site, which draws in a particular kind of prospect. If you have used SEO correctly, someone searching for something to solve a particular problem can end up on your site and become a customer.
A WordPress blog in the root of your site is the way to go. You can use an SEO plugin like the All in One SEO Pack that allows you to optimize each article and each page on your blog for particular keywords. If you do one article per week focusing on one of your site’s long-tailed keywords, in 52 weeks you can get an amazing amount of organic (free) traffic to your site. Be sure to include a call to action, such as Click Here for More Information, in the article. Then make your call-to-action a clickable link that leads to a squeeze page, a sales page, an affiliate link or wherever you want to take them.
A viral article is one that takes advantage of trending news events, funny videos or something of that nature, and is used mainly for getting links as opposed to quality traffic.
Whether you choose one or all four types of articles, this overview of Four Types of Articles for Internet Marketers gives you some ideas for future posts. When you click the banner below you have an opportunity for access to more information on all aspects of setting up and growing a business, including extensive material on Article Marketing.
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Three Ingredients of Business Success
by Rahimah Sultan
According to Clate Mask, there are three ingredients of business success: Passion, Freedom and Impact. He goes on to say, “Impact should be at the core of your business. You might think that when your business reaches a certain stage of growth or you have a bigger budget you’ll then decide to make an impact. Don’t wait! Start from the beginning. Very early in our business we made giving and helping others a key part of our purpose. If having an impact is a key part of your business from day one, you will make an impact on someone’s life every day.”
Passion is your drive. Freedom is the ability to spend your time and money as you see fit, and Impact should be the core of your business.
Loving what you do and being paid for it allows room for mistakes and growth. You do not have to be an expert to start a business, but you must be able to keep your message going.
You need to start somewhere. Start with something you are passionate about that people will pay you for. Because you are not an expert yet, chances are that you will not be paid a lot of money for it. Look at the long-term goal for your vision, and do not be discouraged by the lack of pay or progress you will initially experience.
As you make decisions about a business, do keep in mind these Three Ingredients of Business Success.
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