Archive for the ‘Promote Your Business’ Category

April 18th, 2014

Niche Marketing: Part One

by Rahimah Sultan


If you have been frustrated with fruitless attempts to make any money on line in any niche market, then this hands-on Niche Marketing workshop can show you exactly the step-by-step process of the roadmap to create your own niche empire!


How many times have you come up with a great idea on making some money with a niche site
and run into these problems:


Thought you would start making online income once your niche site was created?
You’ve created a site bit it lacks “pulling-in” power
Your opt-in isn’t drawing in any or very few subscribers
Your niches audience aren’t buyers


Don’t get discouraged!


Armed with the right tools and approach, you too can join the ranks with those who are truly enjoying the financial freedom afforded through building a very profitable Niche Empire!


Follow Liz Tomey as she takes us through this workshop with a detailed step-by-step approach as she leads you through these steps in selecting a niche through to completion.


Niche Marketing Made Easy Workshop has five components, of which three will be discussed here.


Number 1 Covers:

Finding a Profitable Niche
Finding the Demand
Fulfilling the Demand (creating a product)
Creating a Marketing System to Move the Product, then,
Rinse and Repeat to Build That Niche Empire! This step is definitely the key to building a killer online income!


Find out whether you should create a series of products for one niche or create a lot of products for different niches.


Number 2 Covers:

Product Empire Diagrams. Have you ever gotten lost and wished you had a decent road map to guide you to your end goal? The answer is very likely “of course”. OK, you have embarked on learning how to build your very own Niche Empire, but how do you get there?


Well fortunately this course includes some diagrams on the path to follow in starting with your niche squeeze page flowing into the autoresponder with guidelines as to what your follow-up emails should contain as to resell vs. gaining confidence of your subscriber, and so much more!


Fill out the Form and Start
Building Your Niche Empire Today!


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Number 3 Covers:

Niche Marketing Made Easy Checklist. A lot of people are never exactly sure how to enter into a niche let alone how to build a Niche Empire. There are a number of important things and steps to go through to achieve your goal of making a profitable income.


Once you go through this Niche Marketing Made Easy Workshop you’ll have a proven niche marketing system in place that not only will make you the income that you want and need, but it’s totally scalable!


Click the Banner Below and Start Advertising Your Business for Free!

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April 4th, 2014

List Building: Part Two

by Rahimah Sultan

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Part one of List Building covered the first two modules of the product List Building Income. (Click here to read)
Today’s article covers modules three and four.


Module 03: Paid List Building Methods


If you have money in your budget for advertising, you can purchase traffic to help build a subscribership to your list.


PPC (pay-per-click) is one of the most popular and effective ways to buy traffic for your list. You can also use Facebook ad campaigns, with which you can target ads to certain populations or niches. To avoid overspending, you MUST monitor your paid campaigns at all times. Other paid sources include ezines, newsletters, Coreg Leads and more.


Always use some sort of lead capture page (a squeeze page) when advertising your products or services.


If you are new to online business, do use the free traffic getting methods to see how things work before turning to the paid methods.



Fill Out The Form Below For Your

List Building Income Training



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 List Building




Module 04: Maximizing Your Leads and Sales Conversion


This module focuses on some extra tips to help maximize your leads and convert them into sales.


These include the following:


Keep your squeeze page simple and easy to navigate. Just list a couple of features or benefits. This is not a sales page. Then ask for name and email, as this is a first contact.
How to use a video on your squeeze page or a reverse squeeze page (use the giveaway up front then ask the visitor to opt in)
Try other marketers squeeze pages that are doing well.
Use psychology to appeal to visitors emotions. Make your ad personal and make the visitor feel as if they must have what you’re offering.
Develop trust, reassure visitors that their information will not be used for any other purpose, and stick to that.
How to use bullet points, promotion offers  and more.


Remember that a list is necessary to compete and sustain a business online. It takes some work but in time with persistence and patience you’ll succeed with your List Building.


Click The List Building Income

Banner For Information


March 29th, 2014

List Building: Part One

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


Operating an online business is more than having a website and hoping for visitors. You must do some work and your main focus should be List Building. You must do something to get your site viewed. There are a number of things to consider. With List Building Income, you get four modules that cover list building techniques and tips which include creating a system with squeeze pages and an autoresponder, free and paid methods of getting traffic, and ways to maximize your leads and sales conversion. Following is a partial overview of the product.


Module 01: How to Create an Easy, Proven System to Suck in Leads


This module contains tips on making professional squeeze pages and the content that should be placed on those pages. It also covers using autoresponders to keep in touch with subscribers. An autoresponder offers you a way to follow up with people who have subscribed to your list and give them more information and future offers that may benefit them in their business. Having a list and following up with them gains their trust and they will buy from you at some point, if you offer products that they can use in their niche, either your own or affiliate products.


You can use incentives like free offers to get subscribers. Of course these should be good products like a PDF or a video or something else that solves a problem in their marketing. It must be something useful. Be creative.


There are sources where you can get examples of squeeze pages using pictures, testimonials and videos to build confidence with your subscribers.


Fill Out The Form Below For Your
List Building Income Training

Full Name:



Module 02: Free List Building Methods


Learn how to spread the word about your site or squeeze pages through article marketing that benefits you by people seeing those articles and clicking on your links inside.


Use Twitter social network for building credibility over time, and Facebook fan pages and groups. There is also SEO and blogging (content on websites that helps build your rank on Google). Google is not the only site but it’s the largest. Web business is all about good content that is relevant to your site or niche. There is also YouTube for video content. This is like writing articles only it’s a video. You can also use Ad swaps, giveaways and more.


So do some work and focus on List Building so you’ll have someone to buy your products.


March 21st, 2014

Advertising Headlines

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


Write good advertising headlines for your product or service. They should immediately catch the reader’s attention. The success of your advertisement lies mostly in the headline. You can state the benefits such as ‘Does Your Autoresponder Service Offer These benefits’?


Use “free” in the headline, and actually give them something for no cost. Do not confuse this with using the word free in an email, which is usually spelled FR~E on websites as ISP filters block messages having the actual word, considering it to be some kind of spam.


You is a very important word to use in an advertisement. It makes your potential customers feel that they’re being spoken to directly. Picture yourself as the customer, and what would appeal to you.


You need to understand the consumer’s needs and desires and then design the advertisement accordingly. Don’t just state the advantages of a product or service, but show how it can make a difference in their business or life by owning or using it. Show them the advantage of owning the product or having the service. The idea is to make prospective buyers feel that they must have what you’re offering them.


For example, when advertising for a car, just stating the specs will not create the effect you want. Make the Ad read something like this: You could be enjoying life to the fullest in your new (car). The solution to the problem of the customer is reflected in this sentence. Ideas can be taken from advertisements of similar brands. Once you have the main sentence, use some power words to create a desire or need for your product or service, which could be a mailing system, an autoresponder, website designing, or whatever.


Offer a “Money back guarantee,” at the end of your advertisement to help gain the trust of your customer. Then show the payment methods and how money will be refunded if the customer is not satisfied.


You can use these tips in your Advertising Headlines to get more customers.


Click the Banner To Get Started With Professional Squeeze and Splash Pages


March 8th, 2014

Increasing Website Opt-Ins

by Rahimah Sultan


Most of us know that to entice visitors to our web site we need to offer a freebie of some kind for Increasing Website Opt-ins. Not only should we offer this, but it should be something of value. It needs to be a solution to the problem that the visitor was searching for on line. This opt-in freebie is the one thing the visitor has to have in order to move forward.


Web site visitors will not treat your site like a brick and mortar business, looking around to see what you have. They are searching for a particular product or service. You have to direct their attention to certain parts of your site and make it easy for them to navigate.


You have to really understand your visitor who leaves clues as to what they were really looking for, based on how they arrived there. You may need to use survey software to find out why they’re visiting but not buying. Ask them questions like who they are and what kind of information they’re looking for.


Click here to read Colin Martin’s article: Increase Your Website Opt-Ins With Freebies That Really Matter To Your Visitor


Click the Banner for Step-by-Step Online Marketing Information


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February 19th, 2014

Advertising Online

by Rahimah Sultan
photo from blog


While watching TV the other day, a particular commercial caught my attention. I usually just tune them out. As it was approaching President’s Day in the United States, this particular advertisement was for an automobile sale coming up on that particular day, as it is a popular day for stores to start their sales. So, I was thinking of this advertisement in terms of advertising online.


Monday February 17th was President’s Day in the United States. While deciding the content for this blog post, I did some fact checking regarding the day. Here’s what I got from Wickipedia.


Presidents’ Day is an American holiday celebrated on the third Monday in February. Originally established in 1885 in recognition of President George Washington, it is still officially called “Washington’s Birthday” by the federal government.


Although Lincoln’s birthday, February 12, was never a federal holiday, approximately a dozen state governments have officially renamed their Washington’s Birthday observances as “Presidents’ Day,” “Washington and Lincoln Day,” or other such designations.


George Washington’s birthday is on February 22.


The ad I mentioned above has run for some years with these two presidents in one form or another – Lincoln in his top hat and Washington in his wig. The remarkable thing this year was the addition of the non-traditional hip hop musical style of Paul Revere and the Night Riders bringing up the rear.


In the TV ad the attention grabber was the two presidents – beginning. The middle was the entrance of Paul Revere and the Night Riders performing hip hop, and the sell was a particular automobile. As is often stated, the times they are a changin’. Is there no reverence left? 🙂


Internet marketing and advertising is like advertising on TV or anyplace. There’s a story with a beginning, a middle and the end. You have a few seconds to get peoples’ attention (beginning), then draw them in (middle), then sell them something (end).


With only a few seconds to grab peoples’ attention when advertising online, you have to have a stand-out headline or title.


Then you draw them in (middle) using some bullet points about your program or service or a video; after which you direct them to take action (end) by filling out a form with their name and email for more information.



February 12th, 2014

Building A List

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


When it comes to making money online, building a list and developing a targeted subscriber base of active and repeat customers is essential for your success.


With a mailing list you can simply create broadcasts that go out to your entire subscriber base with a blend of high quality information and content with promotional-based offers.


You can include affiliate promotions for products and services that you’re interested in advertising and gain valuable feedback from your subscribers about what types of products interest them.
Even if you’re a newcomer to online marketing and business, building a list is not difficult. Following are some tips in that regard.


Professional Autoresponder


By setting up your mailing list with an experienced autoresponder service team, you can be sure your emails will make it to their destination.


Professional autoresponder providers offer frequent back-ups of your database, in the event it becomes corrupted or inaccessible.


Your autoresponder service provider will also handle all requests to unsubscribe, helps you comply with CanSpam regulations and provides you with the ability to write as many newsletter messages as you wish, and set up the dates and times to deliver them.


Keep in mind that it is quite difficult to switch autoresponder providers once you have etasblished a mailing list as your subscribers will have to re-subscribe to your new list.


So choose wisely when you begin building a list and choose to create an account with a reputable autoresponder company from the start. There are several highly recommended ones including and


I recommend as it is much more than just an autoresponder.


Squeeze Page


One of the most important elements of a successful email marketing campaign begins with a well-constructed squeeze page. Your squeeze page is the ‘doorway’ into your email marketing system and if it fails to convert visitors into subscribers, you will struggle to build a list. Your squeeze page needs to be very clean and simple.


You want people who visit your website to be given ONE option only – to subscribe to your newsletter.


You need to minimize any external links, and really emphasize your opt-in form. Limit the graphics on your squeeze page, so that it loads quickly and doesn’t distract your visitor from your objective – getting them on your mailing list. In order to create an effective squeeze page that encourages visitors to subscribe to your list, consider the different types of incentives that you can offer. When it comes to listing the benefits you need to be clear and concise. I suggest for easy professional squeeze pages without having to know HTML.


Build Brand Awareness


It’s important to build brand awareness and develop a relationship with your subscriber base, because the more that your list members trust you and the product recommendations that you make, the easier it will be to convert those subscribers into repeat customers.


Remember to focus totally on building a list to make income online.


 Click the banner below for a list building system
with complete step-by-step training.
It’s so  simple and a no-brainer


January 19th, 2014

Optimizing Your Squeeze Page in Your Ezine Articles

by Rahimah Sultan

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I just found some great information on optimizing your squeeze page in your ezine articles.


Squeeze pages are landing pages that are set up to get your visitors to give you their information so that you can build your list of prospective customers. They ask visitors to subscribe to whatever product or service you’re offering such as newsletters, videos, consulting, among other things. They are more than an opt-in box on your site, since there is usually only one choice.


The article shows you how you can build a list of highly qualified leads using your articles to do so. It details things to consider before linking to your squeeze page in the ezine articles.


If you’re including a link to your website, is it relevant, easy to navigate, transparent, is the material compelling, and is there balance. If so go ahead and link to your blog or website and your squeeze page in the Resource Box of your article submission.


If you’re not planning to include a link to your blog or website, you need to consider other things and then link to your squeeze page in the Resource Box of your article submission. Here’s a great flow chart to help.



Check out these great tips for Optimizing Your Squeeze Page in Your Ezine Articles.


Click Here To Read Entire Article


January 11th, 2014

6 Advertising Tips

by Rahimah Sultan

There are many options available for advertising your business. Six advertising tips are listed here that could be the best way to reach larger audiences within a short period of time for the least amount of money.


Create a website

You can create a website and then place a link to it on other sources that accept ads.


You can optimize your pages and submit them to search engines. Some take money for placing an ad or link on their website, some take money only if a visitor clicks on the link or website and some take money only if the visitor visits a link and buys a product or service. There are many options available for the type of ad to be placed. These include pop-up ads, banner ads, wallpaper ads, video ads, etc. A low-budget option is sending emails to targeted customers.


Presentations of your products

Another way to advertise is giving presentations for your products. Brochures and business cards can be inserted into the business presentation package. Be sure to have accurately designed business cards that include all the vital information about the business like the name of the company, location, services provided, hours, phone number, cell number and contact person. Personalized business cards are a good way to reach customers.


Distribute newsletters with information about your latest offers and discounts. Informational letters of a page length and e-mails can also be sent on a regular basis.


All of this can be accomplished a lot easier by contacting companies who can provide the mailing list of a particular locality, for a small price. You can check the yellow pages for such companies. After getting the information get in touch with the company to get a copy of the latest mailing list. The fees differ from company to company.


Yellow pages

All businesses both large and small place ads in the yellow pages and have benefited. When you place the ad you should include your contact information and products and services.


Radio and TV stations

Radio and TV stations offer better prices during non-peak times, especially after midnight. Check with your local stations for pricing, time slots and discounts.



One can always use newspapers for advertising. First decide on your target audience – age group, sex, and location. Then choose the local newspaper and section where the ad will be placed depending on the audience to be targeted. The classified section of newspapers has special offers. Check the details of the pricing structure for the size of the advertisements, number of words, font size, etc.


Word of mouth

Last but not least, there’s always word of mouth. You can grow your network by joining organizations that deal with advertising like trade associations and chambers of commerce. Active participation in events of these organizations eventually helps you to reach a larger number of prospective clients.


Start using these 6 advertising tips in your business today.


Advertise Your Business Now

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January 4th, 2014

Autoresponders: Getting Started

by Rahimah Sultan

Making money on the Internet with your new business can be a bit difficult unless you have an autoresponder.

An autoresponder is the ideal way to handle your daily business operation and save you time and money. Getting started with autoresponders requires a bit of research to determine which one best suits your needs.

If you have a limited budget there are places online where you can get free ones. Just know that they normally place ads on your emails, which will more than likely give your customers the wrong impression of you.

But if your budget is truly limited, it’s best to start with free and then upgrade as your finances allow, because an autoresponder is an absolute must for making money.

The first thing you’ll need to do when you get your autoresponder is set it up with follow-up messages or articles that relate to your business or products, so that the email messages you send out contain material that relates to your offers.

Do try to create some of your own if you can. If you use pre-written emails, change them up a bit to reflect your own style of writing.

When you load your autoresponder try to load it with at least 52 messages. This way, you’ll have something to send for each week of the year. If you have trouble there are places online where you can get your material for free. If you simply don’t have the time, start with a few messages and add more as you can.

Once you have your autoresponder preloaded with messages or articles, you’ll need to set up your signature. Your signature will be displayed at the bottom of every message your autoresponder sends, and it should be your name and the link to your business. You can also add a short description of your business. Your name and link to your business shows your customers you are a professional.

Once you have everything set up you can start sending out emails. Your autoresponder can be set up to send messages automatically. You can send out emails daily, weekly, or monthly. The choice is yours. Most autoresponders are flexible, easy to use, and will send out your messages when you decide.

Autoresponders: Getting Started Click here for yours now