Archive for the ‘Website Promotion’ Category

May 5th, 2016

Affiliate Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan


photo from blog


In affiliate marketing, affiliate management companies, in-house affiliate managers and third party vendors are effectively utilized for E-mail Marketing and Search Engine Marketing for the success of the product. Web traffic can be traced with the help of a third party or owners of the affiliate programs. Originally, affiliate marketing involved lots of spamming, false advertising, trademark infringement, etc. Since the invention of complex algorithms and advanced security, it’s safer to do business and shopping online. This even led to better scrutinizing of …


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November 25th, 2015

3 Ideas for Internet Marketing Success

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog

If you are new to online business you probably need some help. Seek out someone who is a success in the area of your interest and approach them for mentoring. You can also do online searches for information.


With a small or new business, it is vital for your online marketing efforts to be a success so that you can attract new users to your site where they then find out what you have to offer. Visitors to your site need to feel that you are genuine and committed to your product. Here are three ideas for Internet marketing success.


Do Your Homework

If you are considering setting up a blog, first do some homework. Sure, it is easy for anyone to set up a blog and monetize it. But, there are several things to consider before doing so. What type of platform do you want and will it serve your purpose? What themes and plugins are available and are they compatible? How do you set up a blog with a secure user name and password, spam filters, and hacker security? These are the basics and the beginning of Internet marketing success.


Promotion Methods

Once your platform is set up what methods of promotion will you use. SEO is very important in getting your articles in front of viewers so that they see what products or services you are offering. Which social media platforms are you going to use and are they a good fit for you? Check your competition’s strategies for ideas, although you do not want to exactly copy anything. Put your own spin on things. Will you use paid promotion such as PPC and Google adwords?



Make a basic plan that allows for changes. Sometimes large changes to the plan will be necessary. You also need a marketing outline for promoting your business. Decide which avenues you will use and what your budget will look like.


No matter what product or service you offer, if you do not wholeheartedly believe in it, no one will take you seriously. You must be believable for people to want what you are offering. You need to have total belief in the success of your business, and you must commit to making it so.


Do your homework, choose promotion methods, and follow your plan. Using these three ideas for Internet marketing success will aid in getting visitors to your site to view your products and services.


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April 26th, 2015

Article Marketing for Website Promotion

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


Article marketing is the practice of posting keyword-focused articles on article sites that then syndicate your content. These sites have a large readership following, and that benefits you as a publisher. Once your article is accepted for publication it can be republished by others. Article marketing for website promotion can get you backlinks which bring people to your site.


For example, say you write an article about using social media as a tool to get people to purchase your product. Others who want to write about the same subject may link to your article and that is more exposure for you. Some article sites allow you to use HTML links in your articles while others let you include a link back to your site only in the resource box. Either way it is a one-way link back to your site. A one-way link is the best kind of link. When anyone uses your article they must name you as the author and keep any links in your article.


Do some keyword research before writing your article to give yourself the best opportunity to be found. Your keywords should be relevant to your article purpose or niche. Use your main keywords or keyword phrase in the title of your article and as the link to be clicked on in the resource box. Make sure your articles contain quality content and are well written and proofed so that you look professional. I hope these tips on Article Marketing for Website Promotion will help you get started with your article marketing.

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March 16th, 2015

How To Start Your Blog

by Rahimah Sultan

Starting your own blog doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive, although it can be intimidating. I am going to show you how to start your blog today and eliminate some of the confusion.

Today more people than ever are online. This presents a great opportunity for you to have recognition, income, fun and to share your ideas with like-minded people.

You may have considered setting up a blog on a free site. This sounds good, but you’ll have no real control and the company that owns the space makes money from your time and hard work by placing advertising on it and selling you upgrades.

You will not be able to sell your products on that kind of blog.

Since you do not own the blog there is no security. If the blog gets hacked the hacker can steal your domain name and you may never get it back.

No matter what kind of blog you want to start, using a free site is not worth that risk.

Here are a few tips for how to start your blog today and avoid the problems of a free site.

Pick Domain Name

Decide on a topic that interests you and something that you absolutely love for your primary business or topic. Take some time and think it through thoroughly, because you will have a tough time trying to change it later.

Always use a .com extension whenever possible as opposed to a .net, .biz or some others. Most people automatically use .com when trying to find an online site. Then choose a related domain name.

I suggest using a domain registrar such as:

There are many more domain registrars available. It does not matter where you buy a domain name. You can Google registrars and compare costs. Do not use any of the extras that they offer, just your domain name. Your hosting company will have the services you need.

Once you have your domain name you can point it to your hosting company’s servers. This gives you total control of your site.

I do not recommend using your hosting company’s domain registration services, as that can sometimes lead to problems. Just use a regular listed domain registrar and then change your servers through that registrar to point to your hosting company.

If you do not plan to sell your blog in the future, I suggest using your own name. If that is a common name and is already taken, add your middle initial or a word at the beginning or end or something that still identifies you and your topic and is unique.

Choose Web Host

There are plenty of hosting sites from which to choose. I suggest the one I use which offers web hosting, an email follow up system, video producer and more for your advertising needs, and it is VERY cost effective.

Create your site at your hosting company by logging in and using the web host manager to create a new account.

Install Blog

Go to (NOT which is a free platform and download the software and install it at your hosting company. There are instructions on the WordPress site. It is not complicated and takes only a few minutes. Once you have installed WordPress, you are ready to start posting.

Do make sure you use unique creative user names and passwords for security reasons, and write them down as you go so that you can access everything on your site if something happens to your computer.

I hope these few tips help to de-mystify how to start your blog.

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January 24th, 2015

Article Marketing Resource Box

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


You want to publish your article in the largest publications that you can, because they get you links when other webmasters use your article on their sites. That’s the purpose for using a resource box. Do not publish unless you’re going to do a good Article Marketing Resource Box.


What Is A Resource Box?


A resource box is the most important part of any article you might get published. It contains information about you. Those details should include your mission statement, which shows what you are about or what you want to accomplish. This is where you promote you, your site or product. Your resource box can only be about 15% of the length of your article.


It must include:


Your name you are trying to brand – yours or a pen name or your website or product.


A call-to-action that reads something like “Fill in the form for more information or fill in the form to get my free report.” Your free report can be a PDF containing two or three of your articles. This is a great list-building tactic.


Your contact information – Skype, Facebook, Twitter. Be careful not to include too many links.


Direct your visitors to a particular article on your website or a particular product or service using a clickable link that is one of your SEO keyword phrases. This is what the search engines pick up.


Do not include a list of every website you own or every accomplishment you’ve ever achieved. That is very unprofessional, and you are building a list with your autoresponder that has follow-up messages about all the things you have and will have over time. Do not include ads for products or services not relevant to your topic.


Remember, you are not doing this for fun. You are marketing your own site to make money, bring in links, and up your page rank in the search engines in order to bring in more business. So let your Article Marketing Resource Box work for you.


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December 5th, 2014

Blog Promotion for Internet Marketers

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


In this article Blogger Darren Rowse discusses how to promote your blog without letting the rest of your blogging slide. He shares a particular comment that was in response to an article on how his blogs grew. This is his summary for the article.


There are a couple of things that I think we as bloggers always need to pay attention to – these being publishing regular high quality content on our blogs and looking after the readers we already have (community).


These activities are like a baseline. Take the focus off these at any point and your blog is likely to suffer fairly quickly.


Promoting a blog is something you should also have some baseline activities and rhythm around. For example sharing new content to social media (whether through automation or manually doing it) is good practice.


However I do think there are times where it’s probably well worth having a burst of concerted promotional effort to grow your blog.


Whether it be through guest posting, reaching out to mainstream media, attending/speaking at events or even paying for advertising – a burst of intentional promotional activity for a defined period can have some real benefits.


Read more


Click here for information on blogging, article marketing, and promotion for Your Business.

November 21st, 2014

A Sales Funnel for Your Business

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


In James Stone’s article, Building an Internet Sales Funnel for Your Products, he starts with the question, “What is a sales funnel?” In his discussion he points out the benefits of setting up a sales funnel for your business. A sales funnel, which can be used in almost any business, gives you a single place to advertise, and you only need one list, one blog, and a single squeeze page.


You need a place (funnel) to advertise that has one entry point for all your products and/or affiliate products. Once people are on your list, they will find out about everything you have to offer, and hopefully become a customer at some point.


You need a WordPress blog that will be working for you all the time to bring in organic traffic, which is free traffic. You use an autoresponder and your squeeze page, which builds your list, to automatically let your prospects know everything you have to offer.


A sales funnel for your business is a single blog for which you write useful material to attract internet traffic. Posting quality material to your blog on a regular basis brings this free traffic to your site (blog).


Doc Stone says, “You know, it will be a lot of work at first to get this built. But once it’s built, life gets a lot easier. You really can spend just a few hours a day tweaking your system and doing your marketing.” (Read Article)


Click here for information on setting up A Sales Funnel for Your Business.

November 8th, 2014

Tips for Promoting Your Website

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


When you visit a website are you curious about who owns or operates it? Do you check it out, especially if it contains something that peaks your interest? What is the first page you look at?


Your ‘About Us’ page is a vital part of any website. It is actually one of the most visited pages of any and every website. If you want to find out about a company, an organization or an individual, you will probably look at this page first. That is why I have included it in my Tips for Promoting Your Website. So, take advantage of this fact when promoting your website.

Personalize Your Page


One of the first impressions you can make on a potential consumer is from your ‘About Us’ page. This is good news for everyone because it is one of the best pages on your website for you to get creative with and truly personalize.


If your business has a particularly interesting, or unusual, back story relating to how it came about, that could be a fun way to make the most of your ‘About Us’ page. You can use fun images or a pleasing color scheme.


One thing to remember when you’re creating a good and effective ‘About Us’ page is to personalize it enough to suit you and your business. Reveal the how, why, and what your business ultimately stands for. Do not overload your consumers with too much information.
Your ‘About Us’ page should not be too long. Explain succinctly what your company does, and what the goal is, but in a fun and relatable manner.


Optimize your website


Be sure you optimize your website for relevant, repeat organic traffic from search engines. Your title, description and meta tags should reflect what your site is about. The description should be a sentence or two describing the content of the webpage. Now use the main words of the description for the keywords meta tag. If you have a blog update it regularly and optimize each post in the same manner so the search engines can find it.


Post actively on forums and blogs


You can participate in forums where your target audience is reachable. Post useful responses to questions, and include a signature with your website on your profile. You could possibly incorporate your own tips for promoting your website in a discussion. Do not spam as you most likely will be banned.


Publish an e-zine


An e-zine is an online magazine like a newsletter. You can publish your own or subscribe to others. You can find many free directories where you can add your digital newsletter and articles. Ezine Articles is one of the top directories.


Social Media Marketing


Use the strength of social media sites – mainly Twitter and Facebook – to reach your marketing objectives.


So, do not ignore the importance of your “About” page. Use it to your advantage.


You can benefit from the free online advertising tips discussed here. There are many no cost resources on the internet to promote your business, and of course you have the option of paid advertising. I’m sure that using these Tips for Promoting Your Website can be beneficial.


October 3rd, 2014

Should I Use a Blog or a Website for My Internet Marketing?

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


First of all a blog IS a type of website. Basically, anything on the Internet is a website. A website is any place you can visit online through a URL or a Domain. The answer to the question ‘Should I Use a Blog or a Website for My Internet Marketing’ is YES.


Let me explain. Blogs were created to make regular posts in chronological order, usually with the latest on top. A post is anything you want to write about or articles related to whatever your site is about. Now blogs use a set of tools that allow you to add, remove, and edit your online content. If you use a WordPress blog you do not have to know any code to have your own blog/website.


If you want to have a web presence, all you have to do is set up a static site on a WordPress platform and add plugins and custom themes (templates) to expand your blog/website with thousands of features.


Using a blog style website is the fastest and easiest way to get started online for a hobby or an Internet business. Should I use a blog or a website for my Internet marketing is now a moot point. Search engines love blogs. Every time you add new content it is picked up by them. If you post new and relevant content regularly, you will get return visitors to your blog.


Most WordPress themes allow you to set up a static website and then add the blogging component as a separate section of your website.


There’s no need to choose between a blog and a website when you can have them both. And you do not have to manage two separate sites.


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September 26th, 2014

Internet Marketing For Home Business Owners

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


This is a great time of the year for me as I prefer cooler weather, and I like to walk and run outdoors in the fresh air, for daily exercise. There are a lot of squirrels where I live, and as I exercise I see them busily preparing for the cold months ahead by gathering and storing acorns.


As marketers, we have entered a new season of Internet Marketing for home business owners. Have you planned for the colder months? Summer has turned to fall and the holidays are fast approaching. Have you planned your seasonal marketing strategy? Do you have a blog for which you are providing updated content? Are you using search engine optimization techniques? Have you submitted your blog or other site to the major search engines? (See article)


As a home business owner you must continually market to get your site seen as much as possible in order to develop a client base for your products and services. Do you have a marketing plan? If not, make one today so that you will be well on your way to implementation before the holidays. Internet marketing for home business owners is very important if you are serious about succeeding in your business.


Write out a marketing plan that fits your budget and start implementing it now. You can use free resources if you are just starting your business, and then add paid sources of advertising as your budget permits. Use these tips to help with Internet Marketing For Home Business Owners.


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