August 16th, 2021

10 Common Grammar Mistakes to Avoid in Your Writing

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

While you’re using great copywriting skills to convince your readers to take a particular action, make sure your content is grammatically correct.

Be careful when using autocorrect while typing. It won’t catch grammar mistakes, because a word may be spelled right and be grammatically incorrect. For example:

Your my favorite dancer.
You’re my favorite dancer.

Both words are correctly spelled.

Here are some common writing mistakes that can weaken the sparkle and credibility of your message.

1. Incorrect subject verb-agreement

If the subject is singular, the verb must be singular.

There is so many great ones.
Correct: There are so many great ones.

Example: Everyone was willing to participate. (This is correct.)

2. Missing commas

How you use commas in a list depends on the specific writing style you follow.

An Oxford, or serial, comma is the last comma in a list. It goes before the word “and.”

Example 1: When you go shopping, be sure to get eggs, milk, bread and peanut butter.
When you go shopping, be sure to get eggs, milk, bread, and peanut butter.

Although there are different schools of thought regarding the use of the Oxford comma, when you want to write a good sentence, it’s proper punctuation to always use commas to separate the multiple items you reference in a list.

Technically, it’s grammatically optional in American English.

Example 2:
If the shop is closed when we get there we’ll have to wait until next week.
If the shop is closed when we get there, we’ll have to wait until next week.

3. Apostrophes

Apostrophes are generally used in two instances:

For contractions (I’m planning to go tomorrow, if it’s not raining)

To show possession (Susan’s computer means the computer belongs to Susan)

They’re also used to indicate missing numbers in a year, ’89 for 1989 and ’07 for 2007.

4. Hyphens


Wrong: my 90 year old grandmother
Right: my 90-year-old grandmother

5. Loose or lose

Loose means not firmly or tightly in place.


Your shoelace is loose.
He might lose the money.

6. Could of, would of, should of

These are incorrect uses of contractions for I could have, I would have, or I should have.

Correct Example:

I should have gone to the reception, and could have, if Tom had been on time.

Slurring in speech results in the common grammar mistake of substituting of for have.

7. Affect and effect

Affect and effect are often confused, although one is a verb and the other a noun.

Affect is a verb that describes something that causes or influences change. Effect is what happens as a result of the change.

“Here’s a mnemonic: A is for action. Verbs are about action. Affect starts with an A, so it’s a verb.”

Correct Examples:

Not getting enough sleep will adversely affect your health.
The effect of not getting enough sleep is bad health.

8. There, their, they’re

There is a location, their shows possession by more than one person, and they’re is a contraction for they are.


We live here not there.
They work there but it’s not their shop.
They’re happy to be home.

9. Your and you’re

Wrong: Your my inspiration.
Correct: You’re my inspiration.

Your is the possessive of you.
You’re is the contraction for you are.

10. Then and than

Use then when referring to time.
Than is used when comparing things.


I’m going to the library then to the store.
That is better than this one.

You can use (no compensation received here) to check your writing.

Of course, there are some exceptions, to these rules, that are not discussed here.

Always check and recheck your writing for mistakes.

This article only covers 10 common grammar mistakes to avoid in your writing.

Remember that autocorrected writing must be checked for correct grammar usage.

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August 3rd, 2021

Effective Copywriting for Your Content Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

What Is Copywriting?

Copywriting is the skill of convincing your readers to take a particular action. That could be making a purchase, subscribing to your email list, or calling you for more information.

The most important copywriting skill in your content marketing is crafting headlines. If you have a great headline, the better the chance of getting what you’ve written read by a larger percentage of individuals.

Writing a great headline alone doesn’t guarantee success of your copy. What you offer in the headline still needs to be appropriately satisfied with your content or your offer.

If you have great body content with a bad or even marginal headline it’s probably not going to be read.

The late copywriter Clayton Makepeace said you should ask yourself the following six questions before you start to write your headline:

1. Does your headline offer the reader a reward for reading?

2. What specifics could you add to make your headline more intriguing and believable?

3. Does your headline trigger a strong, actionable emotion the reader already has about the subject at hand?

4. Does your headline present a proposition that will instantly get your prospect nodding his or her head?

5. Could your headline benefit from the inclusion of a proposed transaction?

6. Could you add an element of intrigue to drive the prospect into your opening copy?

These six questions, combined with the framework of the following four “U”s, provide an excellent foundation for writing outstanding headlines:

Your headlines, sub-headlines, and bullets should be USEFUL to the reader,
provide a sense of URGENCY,
convey the idea the main benefit is somehow UNIQUE, and
perform all the above in an ULTRA- SPECIFIC way.

Use your own voice in copywriting. You can be absolutely professional while being warm and likable.

Always check your writing for common grammar mistakes that damage your credibility.

What Else Do You Need To Consider In Your Content Marketing Copy?

Among the things you should consider in your copywriting are the types of copy:

1.  Plain copy

It’s a straight forward clear-cut presentation of the facts and benefits of your offer. It’s the most basic approach and introduces your product without gimmick or flair.

You’ll give a prospect the needed information to make an informed decision about the product.

2.  Storytelling copy

People love a good story.

We like hearing about interesting people who have overcome challenges that we can relate to.

You can use this storytelling technique in an email series, on a landing page, or in a short video. Whatever the format you’ll include four basic traits:

Opening – Show how the character of the story had a normal life until something happened to destroy that.

Conflict – Show how his/her life was threatened if they didn’t respond to the problem. What did the journey look like as they undertook the challenge?

Dialogue – Introduce a conversation about the journey.

3.  Conversational copy – In this style of copy you write as if you’re having a conversation with a prospect.

The language is like that of a salesman sitting down with a customer for lunch. Something that begins with I know how you feel or I can relate to a, b and c.

4.  Imaginative copy — You can ask your target audience to imagine life a certain way, what it would feel like to be a successful travel writer, or to pretend what it would be like to live the life of their dream.

Then you present them with a picture of themselves achieving that ideal life by way of a certain product.

5.  Long copy – The premise behind long copy is “The more you tell, the more you sell.” These ads convert well.

Since you’re not in front of the person, you have one chance to convert the reader. You should use bullet points to help ensure your most important details stand out.

When you’re following the basic rules of content marketing, remember that you don’t have to present all of the facts and benefits upfront.

You can use your email autoresponder to turn long copy into short easily-digestible snippets and reveal the presentation over a period of weeks.

6.  Killer-Poet copy – Your objective is not to convince your audience how smart you are. The goal is to educate and sell with your copy, and to do it with style.

Killer-poet copy sees writing as a means to an end (making a sale), and the ad as an end in itself (beautiful design and moving story). The killer poet combines style with selling. Creativity with marketing. Story with a solution.

7. Third-party endorsement copy

Third-party endorsements can help you sell your products.

It’s really effective to position your sales argument as direct communication between the company founder and his or her customer.

With this down-to-earth approach, the playing field is leveled. It signals to the customer that the CEO is not just some remote figurehead who’s only interested in profit, but is someone who cares.

8.  Frank copy – Sometimes copy will point out the negatives of a product and lets you know some work will be required before the benefits show.

This builds trust. When your readers trust you, they will be much more likely to believe you when you point out the good qualities of your product.

9.  Superlative copy – Sometimes you can make unusual claims like a revolutionary material making investors rich.

You must be able to provide evidence of what you say. Your proof can be in the form of statistics, testimonials, or research. It’s best to use all three.

Usually, it’s best to avoid all hype.

10. Rejection copy — tries to stop people from being interested in your product.

This copy challenges the reader with the idea that only a select set of people are invited to use the product which could be a particular credit card or a particular group of people.

This is startling to readers as they don’t expect to be turned down.

This approach taps into our sense of wanting to belong. It touches our sense of pride and produces curiosity. We think, “They don’t dare… Watch me.”

Often several of these techniques are combined into one ad.

Whether you’re a company CEO, a copywriter, or a tailor, there’s a copy form for you.

For effective copywriting for your content marketing, consider using some of these tips in your next ad.

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July 17th, 2021

MLM Is A Legitimate Business Model

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

MLM (multi-level marketing) IS a legitimate business model. MLM is a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for the sales they generate but also for the sales of the other salespeople that they recruit. This recruited sales force is referred to as the participant’s “downline”, and can provide multiple levels of compensation.

MLMs have been around for over a century, are legitimate, and they work for some people.

In multi-level marketing, companies basically promise a chance to leave your 9-5 job, be your own boss, make lots of money, and make new friends in the process.

There is an ongoing debate as to whether these companies and programs are legitimate business opportunities or not.

The reason for most of the confusion is that multi-level marketing companies follow a concept similar to a pyramid scheme, except for two significant differences:

One being members at any level of a multi-level marketing model can theoretically make income through the company’s products and/or services without signing up any new members.

The second difference is that members of any level in a multi-level marketing plan can earn more than the people who signed them up.

Multi-level marketing companies are legal although structured almost exactly like a pyramid scheme.

A pyramid scheme is a non-sustainable business that involves the exchange of money, usually in the form of a sign-up fee, and usually has no product or service.

Following are some major indicators of a pyramid scheme.

* Programs that focus more on recruitment of new people rather than the sale of a product or service to an end-user consumer.

* Plans that claim you will make money through continued growth of your “downline” rather than through your own sales of products.

* Programs that ask distributors to purchase expensive inventory. There are horror stories of people with a basement or garage full of merchandise that no one will buy.

* Plans that ask you to sign a contract or pay money to participate in a multi-level marketing program, or any business opportunity, without taking your time and reading all of the paperwork.

Talk the opportunity over with a spouse, knowledgeable friend, accountant, or lawyer. If you feel that you are being subjected to high-pressure sales tactics or are not being given enough time to review the details, go elsewhere.

* Products or services are simply vehicles for recruitment. The products may be gimmicks and/or overpriced, but even high-quality products may serve as a cover for recruitment activities.

According to the FTC, a pyramid scheme is defined as a company that specifically pays members for recruiting purposes only.

Check the FTC’s website.

To be super-successful in network marketing, you have to recruit new members.
It doesn’t matter how good your product or service is — the real money is in the flow of new recruits.

There’s the age-old debate that standard companies are set up like a pyramid, with a CEO at the top, some more officials under them, managers at the next lower level, and the team under the managers.

MLMs are completely different from standard companies.

Most companies don’t require their new employees to pay a sign-up fee to join, or have the majority of their product sales coming from their own employees, nor do most companies allow workers to personally recruit other employees into the business. HR does that.

Once you have found a legitimate multi-level marketing company that you want to be a part of, you must put in the work to make it profitable. If you want to succeed be disciplined and treat it like a business and be willing to follow advice from others who have made it.

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July 5th, 2021

How Do You Set Up A Blog?

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

In my last article we covered what to do before you start blogging.

Now, you need to actually set up your blog.

How do you go about setting up a blog?

1. The first step to setting up a blog is picking the right topic.

For a personal blog you’re only concerned about enjoying the topic and having fun.

But, if you want to create income you need a winning blog topic.

Don’t try to be unique or clever. Pick a topic that has an existing audience and popular blogs already competing for the audience attention.

Who will link to you if there is no competition? Where will you get your audience? How will anyone find you?

2. The correct blogging platform is vital. To test the water you can start with a free blog at and check ideas for viability. (A suggestion only. No compensation for me.)

When you’re ready to build an audience and make money online, use self-hosted WordPress.

That’s NOT

You can check out the difference here.

3. Now, decide on a domain name. Make a list of topics that interest you. These could be topics you think might be profitable, hobbies, or something random you’ve read about.

When your list is complete, check out these questions:

Do blogs on this topic have a Facebook page with more than 10k fans?
Do any blogs on this topic more than 50k followers on Twitter?
Does Amazon have any books with more than 30 reviews on this topic?
Are there any Google ads when you search for words and phrases related to this topic?
Do any words or phrases related to this topic have more than 100k searches in Google’s Keyword Planner tool?

If the answer to these questions is yes, you’re good to go.

Your domain name needs to represent your audience, a specific topic, and a benefit. For example:

Name the Audience.

Name the Specific Topic.

Name the Benefit.

Once you’ve made a decision on your domain name, you need to check its availability and purchase it through a domain registrar. Any one of the following would be a good choice, and the fee is about $8 to $10 per year for a .com extension.

4. Purchase a web hosting plan. You need a place for your website on the Internet. You can pay a small fee to keep your website on the Internet, handle all your visitors, back up your website, provide customer support, manage the security of your website, and so on.

There are loads of WordPress hosts, but I recommend (affiliate link).

Do not purchase anything else when you buy a domain name. The registrars will try to get you to do so, but don’t take the bait, as you’ll be setting everything up under your web hosting plan.

You’re now ready to roll.

So, how do you set up a blog?

By following these steps you can create your blog, grow an audience, and start earning a real, tangible income.

Don’t wait days, weeks, or months to get started. Start a blog today — right now.

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June 25th, 2021

What to Do Before You Start Blogging

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

If you’re just now thinking about setting up a blog, the first thing you need do is start building your list, on the first day.

Why Build a List First?

You need to start building your list ASAP! It’s absolutely necessary if you want to run successful email marketing campaigns and reach people who are truly interested in your business.

Despite the popularity of social media channels, email marketing remains one of the most used digital marketing techniques.

If you want a successful business, you need people to market to.

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing as defined in Wikipedia, is the act of sending a commercial message, typically to a group of people, using email… Email marketing strategies commonly seek to achieve one or more of three primary objectives, to build loyalty, trust, or brand awareness.

An email is often the first step in a customer’s journey with you, the initial communication.

What is the Connection Between an Email and Your Blog?

You can think of your blog as your main base of operation, the place where you send people for your products/services or any related information. It’s a marketing tool.

It is also the place you can acquire their information in order to begin a relationship with them so they can get acquainted with you, and begin to like and trust you.

These are the people who will receive your emails. This is a part of your list building. Once your blog is set up, you can strategically place opt-in forms on it asking visitors to fill in their information – full name and email address – so you can contact them. Stick to the basics, name and email. Nobody wants to fill out much more than that.

How Do You Get People to Give up Their information?

1. Pick an email marketing service. I use Host Then Profit (affiliate link).

If you’re just starting out and your budget is tight, you can use a free service. You’ll need to check around and compare the pros and cons so you can choose one that best suits your purpose.

2. Place opt-in forms on your blog.

3. Give visitors a reason to give you their email address. Offer them an ethical bribe (subscriber bribes, lead magnets, opt-in bribes, free offers, free gifts, and content upgrade).

Most people won’t give you their email address out of the goodness of their heart, even if they like you.

Freebies are proven lead magnets.

Give them a free worthwhile gift.

Your subscriber’s bribe should be simple.

Don’t fall into to the trap of trying to get too large and creative with your lead magnet, which could end up in you not creating one at all.

You can educate your visitors by giving away free downloads filled with actionable tips and helpful tools they can use.

Some things you can give away:

Free blog articles
Emails with coupons
Tutorials and courses

You can start with a one-page simple short PDF checklist offering tips on a particular subject.

To build an email list from nothing you need:

 1. To understand your audience

Decide who will be your audience — name, job title, work, demographics like age, gender, education, etc. In other words, create a persona.

You can find out a lot about people through social media channels.

2. A website

Your blog will, eventually, become your website.

In the meantime, you can use a landing page, a single-page website that contains your email opt-in form.

You can use any of the services below to create an opt-in form.

Some of them have free trial periods.

Note: Some advertising channels require that you have a multi-page website that includes pages such as Contact, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policies.

3. An email marketing service. I use Host Then Profit (affiliate link).

4. A great offer, a free worthwhile gift.

Now that you have some pointers on what to do before you start blogging, start building that list.

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June 7th, 2021

Use Blog Comments to Benefit Your Online Marketing and SEO

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

On the web most of the entries in an average comments section are spam. Akismet is a tool that filters out comment spam for you. Comment spam can have a negative impact on your site’s search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.

Do blog comments still matter or help in any way?

You might think that, with so many social media platforms available to discuss pieces of content, blog comments no longer matter. That depends on your goals.

Many businesses with a large following see no need for blog comments as social media allows them to interact with more people.

However, if you’re a small business just getting started online and only now taking steps to grow a social media following, having a comments section on your blog can prove to be beneficial to your business.

Top brands often benefit by commenting on blog topics. You may not realize this because you don’t see influencers’ names in the comment sections of popular industry blogs.

That’s because they outsource the task. They hire virtual assistants and other freelance writers to write useful comments on recent blog posts.

How do you write good comments that people will notice?

Blog comments are still powerful, if you write high-quality, genuinely-good comments worth noting. They can still get you noticed by popular bloggers and influencers.

Writing a good comment requires:

#1 Letting People See the real You

Don’t use an animal or a generic faceless silhouette. Show you and all your pearly whites with a smile.

If your message is flagged as spammy, a gravatar gives you an increased chance the blog owner will approve your new comment.

#2 Using Your Real Name

Don’t use a fake name or a nickname that your friends and family use or any other name. And don’t use a fake or inactive email address. That will break the communication avenue between the commenter and author.

#3 Not Embedding Links in Your Comments

WordPress, Disqus, and other commenting systems view these links as spam. They come across as sales pitches, a cheap attempt to sell something. The blogger will feel no inclination to view it.

#4 Reading the Post Before Commenting

Although it takes time, reading a post thoroughly before commenting is a must. You don’t want your response to be inappropriate or silly.

#5 Not Having a One-Sided Long Conversation

Long-winded blog comments are not better than short ones. They’re just boring.

#6 Not Being a Parrot

Do not repeat what you’ve just read. Your comments need to offer some insight.

More Pointers:

A) Include a friendly greeting using the author’s name, spelled correctly.

B) Offer a compliment about the post, something about why you chose to be on this blog. Be sincere.

C) Do something that makes you appear valuable to the blogger you’re aiming to entice— anything that establishes you as a person worth knowing and helps develop a personal relationship.

D) Let the blogger know you’re interested in a longer-term relationship. Make a promise at the end, like telling the author you’re going to share the post on your favorite social media platform.

Be sure to do what you promise. When you share the post on your favorite social media platform, be sure to tag the blogger — let them know you followed through.

Show some personality. You can craft your comments like you’re writing an email to a friend.

Good comments alone won’t launch you to world domination, although they’re effective and often overlooked, now that so many bloggers think they’re extinct.

Good comments can get influential bloggers’ attention.

So, you can still use blog comments to benefit your online marketing and SEO and get more traffic to your site when utilized properly. However, not every comment will drive traction and credibility for your site and brand.

You cannot use blog commenting to build backlinks.

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May 25th, 2021

Link Building for Your Online Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

What is Link Building?

According to Wikipedia, “Link building is the process of establishing relevant hyperlinks (usually called links) to a website from external sites. Link building can increase the number of high-quality links pointing to a website, in turn increasing the likelihood of the website ranking highly in search engine results.”

How Important are Links?

Link building for your online marketing is very important.

Before, Google search engines ranked their search results 100% based on the content on a webpage. Things changed with Google’s PageRank Algorithm which looked at how many people linked to a page.

Backlinks still remain the best way of determining the quality of a webpage. That’s why they’re still Google’s go-to ranking indicator.

With more updates Google’s focus is not just on quantity but also linkquality.

Page Authority

The authority of the page linking to you matters most. Links from authoritative pages pass more PageRank to your site. Google doesn’t share PageRank information publicly, although it’s the foundation of their algorithm.


When it comes to links page authority matters as well as relevance.

For example, if you operate a website all about photography and you get a link from an authoritative site about sports, that link won’t really count.

Generally speaking, you want to get links from authority sites that are closely related to your site.


Your link’s position on a page is very important. If it’s embedded in a section of content, you get more notice. Don’t place it in a footer or sidebar where it counts for very little.

You want to place your links in the main body of the page. They should be “editorially placed,” where someone clicks it because they think your site is amazing, not in a profile you created on a random site in which you dropped a link.

These unnatural links can be considered a violation of Google’s guidelines.

Anchor Text

The clickable text section of a link is known as the anchor text. Anchor text needs to be relevant to the topic of the page you’re linking to rather than generic.

Don’t use anchor text excessively as that is considered spammy, just as excessive keyword use (keyword stuffing) is spammy.

A spammy anchor text is a link with an anchor text that has no relationship to the page on which it exists or the page it is linking to.

For natural anchor text links to your website, create beneficial content and the links and anchor text should come naturally.

You don’t want to be penalized.

Guest Posts

Be careful of guest posts. They can be spammy if:

Someone is paid to publish the post
The post contains exact match anchor text
The site exists solely to publish guest posts
The site is unrelated to yours

But, if you publish an awesome guest post on an authoritative, relevant site, that link CAN help your rank.

Nofollow vs. Dofollow

Both types help boost your SEO for search engine rankings because you get lots of clicks from many different sources. For instance, social media.

Nofollow links may not build you as much SEO juice as dofollow links, but they still drive traffic and build your SEO.

After all, your end goal is to drive leads, traffic, conversions, and revenue. SEO just happens to be one of the best ways to accomplish these goals.

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May 10th, 2021

7 SEO Trends to Leverage in Your Online Advertising

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

If you use SEO (search engine optimization) in the right way, it is one of the most effective ways to attract potential customers to your website. If you rank on page one of the SERP (Search Engine Results Pages) you will generate organic traffic.

This is where you need SEO.

In this article I will cover seven SEO trends to leverage in your online advertising.


Google is rolling out a new algorithm update which integrates a new set of metrics known as Core Web Vitals into what Google has traditionally referred to as “page experience.” These metrics measure how long it takes a user to get to your page, how easy/difficult it is for the user to initially interact with your page, and how easy/difficult it is for the user to become disoriented due to inconsistencies/shifts in your page design.


Google’s BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) algorithm uses machine learning and natural processing to understand what users are actually looking for. With the BERT update Google search engine bots are much more “conversational.” Google’s algorithm can interpret the intent of a searcher. In other words, Google can understand things like the human brain.

To optimize for Google’s BERT be sure your content and the keyword intent match. If people are searching for “seo” as a keyword on Google, they want to know about SEO. On the other hand, they may search “seo services” or “seo expert.”

Always perform a keyword search on Google before writing your content to be sure the keyword you’re trying to rank for matches the searchers’ intent. You can do a search to find free and paid SEO tools.


Keyword research is becoming more important. Use long-tail and targeted keywords, and understand the intent. While SEO tools are important to use you need to analyze the SERP for the keyword before selecting it.

If the intent is right, even a low-volume keyword with only 10-20 searches per month can still generate thousands of dollars.

That’s why you do your keyword research with patience and find keywords that can easily rank and generate income for you.


Google still wants original content. That is, unique content that hasn’t been published elsewhere. It must be authentic, useful, and add value in your own brand voice and language.


A staggering number of the global population are using voice search on their mobile phones. These search queries are long-tail and extremely specific.


Due to the personalization that AI provides, it is changing the SEO and marketing industry. Google uses AI to provide searchers with the results they’re looking for.


YouTube, the second most popular search engine (Google being number one), has over a billion users. Now is the time to get started with videos if you aren’t already using them.

To optimize video content for search engines, start by optimizing your video channel name and description. Keywords are important, however, don’t overdo it. Just provide a user-friendly description about your channel.

As you start typing the topic of your video, related suggested keywords will pop up in the search field. You can use these for optimizing your video to reach the right audience.

Remember, to rank higher or just to maintain rankings with Google’s ever-evolving algorithm, you need to keep modifying your SEO strategy.

These are seven SEO trends to leverage in your online advertising. Keep these trends in mind and use them to continue driving relevant traffic to your website.

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April 26th, 2021

Effective Email Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan

Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. There is no expense to you.

Email continues to be an essential part of daily business and consumer interaction.

Since an email account (i.e. email address) is required to sign up to any form of online activity, it  is essential to the overall Internet experience including social networking or any presence on the Internet.

Over the years, email marketing strategies have changed, although effective email marketing is still key to any marketing strategy. The best online marketers use email.

Why do the Best Online Marketers Use an Email Marketing Strategy?

Because it produces results. Email marketing technology has advanced in that the software is becoming more powerful, and advanced features are now more accessible due to the growing number of affordable options on the market.

One email marketing trend that’s really taken off is the use of AI (Artificial Intelligence).

AI tools have come a long way recently. You can use them to help create subject lines, calls-to-action and content which can produce a substantial boost in campaign results.

With AI, after you’ve created your email marketing campaign, you can opt to have it sent at a specific time and on a certain day or you can use the “send at the best time” feature.

You do not have to send all your emails at the same time nor should you always be selling. Just send a few that offer tips or something that may be of interest, then send one offering one of your products or services for sale.

Another aspect of AI is personalization of emails.

Why Personalization?

Personalization can increase open rates. If people see their name in an email they’re more likely to open and read it, thus giving you an opportunity to follow up with them which can lead to more income.

When it comes to personalization you can complement your email with tools like live chat, SMS, push and more. You can do research and find the tools with the options that fit your needs.

While personalizing your emails, you may also want to use segmentation.


If you are expanding or want to grow your business you might consider using CRM (Customer Relations Management) software instead of spreadsheets. CRM works like a task manager. While using a spreadsheet you may track:

Email Address
Phone Number
Type of customer
Date of purchase

With CRM you can start with an email address and add the things already mentioned plus whatever else you want such as:

Lead scoring (A feature that enables you to have a more complete view of how clients are interacting with you.)
Multiple contacts
Current sales stage of customers and prospects
and more

Make your emails engaging and offer good quality content and solutions to problems. Do not email just to introduce new products or services. No one will want to open them until they’re ready to know what you’re selling or they’re ready to make a purchase.

Make sure there’s a strong reason to open your emails, regardless of whether you’re selling something or not.


Be sure your emails are valuable to your reader in and of themselves.

Include relevant educational content like tips and inspiration to maintain subscribers’ interest, while building trust in your product or service. When collecting signups set expectations from the beginning by pointing out the value you’ll offer. Then, stick to that promise and you’ll grow a list of engaged subscribers to convert when the time is right.

So, in order to have effective email marketing your strategy must be well planned and include the tools you need for efficiency and effectiveness. Be personable, informative and engaging in your emails. Set expectations from the start, keep your promise,  and build trust.

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April 12th, 2021

Effective Internet Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan

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Internet marketing is more effective than traditional advertising. Online marketing is an economical way to get the word out about your products, services and your company. You don’t have to spend a large amount of money so a small budget works just as well as a large one.

Brand awareness is easy when you use the power of the internet. If you setup your marketing properly you’ll have a better online presence, get more traffic and be better able to compete against those who have already built good, strong businesses using effective Internet marketing.

If you don’t market your business you won’t be able to generate leads or make your products and services known. The Internet connects more people than could ever be directly connected in person.

Why is Internet Marketing Cost Effective?

Although it takes money to run any size successful business, it’s natural to be hesitant when it comes to spending without guarantee of success. There are numerous cost-effective Internet marketing strategies available.

Whether you decide to use a website, social media or some other method, Internet marketing can increase visibility of your business and make it marketable and more profitable. You’ll need to think of your marketing strategy in terms of something other than just traffic numbers. You need targeted traffic — those who are looking for what you have to offer.

You can use social media as part of your marketing plan. It cost very little to set up a Facebook page and discuss your product or service with billions of people, some who will be in your local community. There is also Instagram and Twitter, among others.

What are Some Effective Internet Marketing Techniques?

Besides social media there is:

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Use SEO for your site in order to rank at the top of search engine results, thereby increasing the amount of traffic to your website or blog.


Email marketing
is relatively simple, inexpensive, and can generate profit. You want to build a list of clients, prospects, customers and subscribers who want to hear from you. Then you can regularly market to them via email to keep them abreast of your projects and remain a priority and generate more sales.


You can integrate a chatbot into your marketing strategy to qualify leads, interact with site visitors, and personalize the customer experience. Chatbot marketing may seem new to you, but it has quickly gained lots of popularity.


Videos are educational and informative. You can use them to demonstrate your products to help customers understand them. They help you stay competitive and boost conversion rates.

Keep things simple when you are just starting out, and use only a couple of these techniques. As you get results add more.

Be sure to have a written plan with your goals and budget and incorporate these effective Internet marketing strategies.

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