Four Reasons To Have Your Business Online
by Rahimah Sultan
You’ve got customers coming into your business every day and they are buying your products and services. Or you may be just starting a new venture. You might think the Internet is too complicated. You’re already too busy. So why do you need an online business? There are four reasons to have your business online that will probably make you reconsider.
With a traditional brick and mortar business, you have overhead costs for the space, stock, and staff. You can run an online business with just one person, a computer and Internet access. Setting up an online business requires a website. You’ll have to purchase a domain name and hosting which will cost a minimal amount – less than $50. You can do an online search for these and comparison shop.
You can potentially reach millions of people on the Internet, and target a specific audience to whom you can sell directly. These are prospects looking for your products and services.
Hours of Operation
With your online business you’re available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Since you’re working from your computer you can be available when you choose, sell products and take customer inquiries at any time of day or night, because you’ll be using automated systems.
You don’t have to have your own products to sell. In a brick and mortar operation, you would buy stock from a manufacturer or wholesaler and then sell it. With an online business you don’t have to buy product or worry about delivering the product or sorting out the payment systems.
The product owner takes care of all that. This business model is known as affiliate marketing. It’s a good place to start when you’re new to online business.
You need a good business plan that incorporates your final goal and the steps to reach it.
Online marketing is using the internet, to reach people, to spread the word about you and your company’s products or services. It’s doing anything you can do online to get more people seeing what you have to offer and to get them to eventually buy from you.
In summary, the four reasons to have your business online are no overhead for a brick and mortar space, it’s cost effective, you can reach millions of people, No set hours of operation, and you can sell other people’s products as an affiliate marketer.
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MLM Confusion
by Rahimah Sultan
Multi-level marketing companies basically promise a chance to leave your 9-5 job, be your own boss, make lots of money and to make new friends in the process. The ongoing debate is whether these companies and programs are legitimate business opportunities.
According to Wikipedia Multi-level marketing (MLM) is a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they generate, but also for the sales of the other salespeople that they recruit. This recruited sales force is referred to as the participant’s “downline”, and can provide multiple levels of compensation. Most commonly, the salespeople are expected to sell products directly to consumers by means of relationship referrals and word of mouth marketing. Some people use direct selling as a synonym for MLM, although MLM is only one type of direct selling.
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Online Marketing Strategy for Success
To be successful online you must have a marketing plan. This is your foundation and your online marketing strategy for success. SEO (search engine optimization), content marketing, and social media marketing should be included. You need SEO to allow search engines to find you, content marketing to help solve peoples’ problems and engage prospects and customers, and social media to help you listen to what people are saying and to generate leads.
You can read A Successful Online Marketing Strategy for more details.
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Marketing: Getting Your Business Noticed Online
by Rahimah Sultan
While sharing information about your brand, products or services, you have the opportunity to develop an honest bond with customers who are left feeling good about purchasing from you.
The smart online marketers build stronger business brands to stay high in the search rankings by building trust, sharing quality content, link building, using social media, and using SEO.
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3 Technical Aspects of Setting Up An Internet Sales Funnel
by Rahimah Sultan
Advertising Disclosure: Marketing Success Review may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website.
Although there are all kinds of variations, the bottom line is that a sales funnel gives you a single place to advertise. You only need a single list of prospects, a single blog, a single squeeze page, or LCP. You need one place to advertise.
If you have twenty-five different products, you don’t need to try advertising each one. You need a funnel with one defined entry point.
Once people sign up to your list, in time they will find out about everything you have to offer and find something they like and become a buyer/client. You may have two lists – one for those who have purchased and the other for those who have not. But, to start you only need one list.
Building a list is one of the most important things you need to do.
Owning a WordPress dot org blog is the way to get organic (free) traffic. You can place your lead capture form on it and all your products and/or your affiliate merchandise.
Here are three technical aspects of setting up an Internet sales funnel. You need a:
1) Lead Capture Page (LCP)
A lead capture page is a web page you send your traffic to; make your main purpose clear, which is to click on the button and enter their information. Don’t have distractions on the page that keep them from seeing the call to action. You can do an online search for LCP examples to get an idea of how they should look. Your LCP will direct prospects to your sales page.
2) Sales Page
Your sales page will provide a solution to prospects’ problems. You can use a video (bridge video) for an introduction where they can see you. Introduce yourself, relate to them, introduce them to the solution, and then send them to the sales page. Present a sense of urgency; limited time or limited space to bring them to the call to action. You can use the video before or after the capture page. It depends on what and how you’re promoting.
You might be promoting a webinar that shows the benefits of your product or service. In which case, you will have used an LCP to get signups, and then present an offer at the end of the webinar.
Make the bridge video short, concise, and to the point. It’s used to build a rapport with the audience. Then send them to a sales video which will be longer and presents the solutions and benefits to problems they may be experiencing.
The next step is sending them to the sales page, which offers more details of your offer or product. Show your prospects the advantages of having or using it. Discuss the main points in more detail. Don’t list every little detail or feature or button; just the main points that relate to your audience or prospects. If you’re selling for someone other than yourself, the sales pages are usually already done for you.
3) Follow Up
You need a way to contact prospects; an email service to send all the information you’re obtaining from the LCP. This is the backbone of your funnel. This is where you send all the information from the capture page. You can search the Internet for such services. You want to continue to build rapport with the list of people you now have. You want to continue to build on your interaction with them. Do this with an email service which provides an autoresponder. This is the backbone of your sales funnel.
With an autoresponder, you can set up follow-up emails for whatever you wish and for as long as you want. You can set these messages to go out at certain intervals and for whatever period of time you wish. If you have something special to offer at any point, you can send a broadcast just for that.
You’ll be well on your way to online business success using these 3 Technical Aspects of Setting Up An Internet Sales Funnel: A lead capture page, a sales page, and an autoresponder.
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Internet Marketing Training
by Rahimah Sultan
When developing a marketing strategy, you need to first develop customer personas. You need to ask some questions:
*What are your customers roles?
*Do they have decision-making authority?
*What are the demographics…
Every marketing strategy should start with your customer base. Who are the people using your product? What do these individuals value, what do they feel, what products are they currently using, and what will it take to sign them on as paying customers?
Marketing is about human-to-human relationships and can happen through any online or offline medium. At the end of the day, your customers probably won’t remember whether they found your company through a click on a Facebook ad or through a referral from a friend.
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3 Basic Internet Marketing Tips
by Rahimah Sultan
The internet is a massive marketplace with all kinds of people – buyers, sellers, marketers, specialists, etc. Your business has unlimited potential to grow when it targets the internet as its market. If you’re a business owner with a website, you’ll want to use Internet marketing. If you don’t, your website is almost useless. Here are three basic Internet marketing tips to keep in mind.
Be sure you have a blog
Blog marketing will greatly boost your connection with potential customers. It will give you the ability to get feedback about your company, products and/or services and communicate with them through the comments section.
If you’re just thinking about setting up a blog, you need to determine exactly why you want to blog and write down your goals. Next on the list should be a step by step guideline that will accomplish those goals.
Then you should learn everything you can from experienced bloggers and determine your own path. Copying others never works. Just use them as examples.
With a static website there are minimal updates, not much new information, and not much customer interaction. A blog makes your website more reader friendly, and Google friendly. Google loves new information. When you post new articles regularly you will get picked up by search engines, of which Google is the most popular.
Make sure your website looks the way your target audience expects
Don’t waste time or money on conceptualizing what your site should look like. Just try and get ideas from successful ones who are in the same market and business as you. Learn from them, and create your own familiar design.
A wisely designed website is the way to go. It doesn’t have to be fancy and perfect. It just has to appeal to your target market’s taste. For example, if your website is about targeting prospects for your jewelry business, make sure it reflects such.
Don’t stop with a website
Many business owners think that once a website is set up, it will run on its own and function properly as it’s supposed to. Setting up your website is only step one – the foundation. After you’ve created and established an online presence, you have to make sure to follow up with other online business needs, which include your blog, search engine optimization (SEO), and social network integration.
In today’s ever-changing online marketplace it’s not enough to just have a website. Your business requires marketing strategies the same as an offline business. For marketing success you must engage in effective promotion.
Whether you’re an established business online or off, or you’re working from home on your own, Internet marketing requires investment of time, energy, and money. There is no free ride. So, make sure you’re visible in the online marketplace to ensure you have a chance at success.
In summary, be sure you have a blog, make sure your website meets your prospects expectations, and don’t stop with just a website. These three basic internet marketing tips are a starting point.
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3 Keys to Internet Marketing
by Rahimah Sultan
There are at least three things an Internet marketer needs for business; targeted traffic, a product or service, and a marketing funnel. Following are three keys to Internet Marketing.
Targeted Customers
You need targeted customers who are genuinely interested in your products or services. You can buy traffic or use free sources or both. You should be very careful when using paid sources for traffic, as it can become extremely expensive in a really short period of time.
Product or Service
Your product or service can be an actual physical product that is shipped to buyers or a digital product that can be instantly downloaded to their computers. If you don’t have your own product, you can use sources like Click bank, JV Zoo, and Deal Guardian, to name a few.
Just be sure that whatever the source, they are good products and not junk. You don’t want to taint your reputation. You can also become an affiliate for most products and earn commissions. Research the products and choose those with the best payout. You don’t want to spend your time promoting products that pay very little. Promote products that you use.
Follow-up Strategy
You need a follow up strategy for people who do not buy from you the first time they visit your site. A marketing funnel serves that purpose by capturing visitors’ information and adding them to your list of prospects to be contacted at a later date.
A marketing funnel is the process used to turn leads into customers beginning with the first interaction with you.
When someone sees an Ad linked to your venture and checks it out, it’s the first contact. Now you need a way to capture their information in order to follow up with them to get them to know, like, and trust you. You should have a form on that page asking for a name and email address. When this form is filled in, the prospect is taken to your thank you page which includes a link for the free gift you’ve offered in exchange for their information. This puts them on your list, and you can send them future emails that build a relationship, which will eventually entice them to buy from you.
Once you have a prospect’s information you can remind them of your products and services in a number of ways that include email marketing, online webinars and social media.
You can use an email autoresponder to develop the connection between you and a prospect. An autoresponder is a program that automatically generates a set response to all messages sent to a particular email address.
There are plenty of free marketing tools you can use in your business. You can check them out here.
You need targeted customers, a product or service, and a follow-up strategy for Internet marketing. Using these 3 keys to Internet marketing tips will help you get started.
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A Home Business in Retirement
by Rahimah Sultan
So, your reaching retirement age or are already retired and thinking about starting a home business. There are several things you must consider before doing so, and you must set up a plan. Among the things to be considered are investment capital, spatial needs, and your health.
As an entrepreneur you’ll have total responsibility for your business. Running a home business can be a very satisfying endeavor. Many home business owners enjoy the flexibility, as well as the opportunity to grow their businesses as they see fit.
Here is some great general information on starting a home business that will succeed.
Read more on Starting a Home Business in Retirement here.
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Writing New Content Easily
by Rahimah Sultan
Your content marketing strategy must begin with articles as the base. You can put them on your blog or publish them in article directories. It’s preferable to place them on your blog. Whichever you choose, you need to first create them. You can use the following as a guide to writing new content easily.
Generally, people will start with an introduction, list a few points, and write a conclusion. But that presents a problem if you’re stuck. So start with the end, the conclusion. What is it you want people to do as a result of having reviewed your content?
You include a call to action (CTA), but you must ask yourself why anyone would want to take action in the first place. If you don’t have a good answer then the chances that anyone else will are next to nil.
You have to start with the end in mind. Give people a reason for wanting to see what you have to offer. Tell them what it can do to help them solve a problem. Discuss some key points that lead to a logical conclusion.
You want to peak their interest so they’ll follow through and click on that link which leads to a free gift for joining your newsletter or sends them to a blog article that can help with something they’re struggling with or whatever you’re wanting them to take action on.
First, make an outline using your key selling points. This outline is simply a few key things jotted down for your benefit. List the main point and write a couple of lines about it, then go to the next important point and do the same. Use three or four key ideas.
Your outline should look something like this:
The problem – Don’t know how to…
My widget solves that problem by…
My widget solves the problem (how?)
Click here (CTA link) to check out the widget
You’re working backward, in no particular order, and listing the main points. Be sure that each bullet point and subtext leads logically to the next thing, and that in turn leads the reader to take some sort of action.
What would the reader need to feel in order to click on your link? Your conclusion needs to make people feel obligated to do what you say to get what they want.
When you finish discussing your points or ideas, the conclusion should make perfect sense.
Writing new content easily can be simpler than you think when you follow this approach of starting with the end in mind and logically laying out your key points to lead people to where you want them to go, i.e., your CTA.
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