Marketing: 3 Tips for Success
by Rahimah Sultan
In today’s ever-changing marketplace, it is not enough to have a website. A successful home business requires online marketing strategies the same as an offline business. For your marketing success you must engage in effective marketing to get new customers. In order to achieve your business goals you must establish a budget and master online marketing skills. Here are…
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Aspects Of An Internet Sales Funnel
by Rahimah Sultan
A sales funnel refers to the buying process that customers are led through when purchasing products/services. It is divided into several steps, which differ depending on the particular sales model.
The traditional model used marketing to fill the top of the funnel and sales for nurturing leads through to conversion. This model is still used, although customer behavior has changed. This shift is a result of how much research prospective customers do before engaging with you. If you’re selling a product or service, there are different points of contact between you and the buyer. You combine sales with marketing to ensure that qualified leads get personalized attention when necessary.
At the top of your funnel are prospective customers who have decided to connect with you through your lead magnet or sign-up form. Once you have their information, which is usually name and email, you can follow up with them. This starts the process of them getting to know, like and trust you. Now you can begin to tell them about your product/service, because they have opted in to receive more information. As a marketer you have to think about the entire purchasing process from the buyer’s perspective.
An Internet Sales Funnel is really a marketing framework that represents the stages from your initial contacts to actual sales. It’s basically a way of funneling prospects into your business and building trust. A sales funnel gives you a single place to advertise. Keep in mind these Aspects of An Internet Sales Funnel when setting up your business.
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Increase Online Traffic and Revenue with These 4 Internet Marketing Tips
by Rahimah Sultan
First of all, update your site. If your website has been around for a long time you have an SEO advantage which is not the case for newly created sites. On the other hand, it will probably have some outdated information and some bad links.
Second, you need to use some PPC and social media ads. Without paid promotion on the internet, it can be slow work getting noticed, and social media can be just as useful as Google in directing traffic to your site.
Third, integrate marketing tactics, and
Fourth, create more content. Content marketing is a good way to reach audiences while showcasing the knowledge base of your business.
Read 4 Internet Marketing Tips to Increase Online Traffic and revenue in 2017.
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Internet Marketing Information
by Rahimah Sultan
When it comes to internet marketing solutions, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with all the choices. You need to have one that is right for promoting your product or service and works within the resources you have available to you. That may include deciding whether to buy ads, building a better website, creating targeted landing pages, starting a blog, producing a video or something else.
Pick something, focus, and stick with it. Don’t jump from one thing to another. That is a recipe for failure.
Following is some internet marketing information that I hope will be useful.
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Internet Marketing: What’s It All About?
by Rahimah Sultan
What Is Internet Marketing?
Internet marketing is a number of marketing activities that can be done online which include affiliate marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, blogging, paid marketing, search engine optimization and more.
Before you do anything be sure to get all the information you can.
Understanding The Internet Marketing Field
There’s a lot to learn, however everyone has to start somewhere. There are a lot of terms that may or may not be confusing to you, depending on your knowledge of the field. There are four general phases to really understanding internet marketing and making money online.
1) What’s actually happening online and how is money made?
At the start you have to focus on value, not revenues. In the beginning you do the most amount of work for the least return.
If you’re short on cash and hoping to make some fast money online, you’ll be disappointed. There’s no such thing as getting rich quick. All these schemes are selling you short. You have to put in the time and do the work while adding enormous value.
There are things associated with internet marketing such as affiliate marketing, network marketing, multi-level marketing and more. Affiliate marketing is really tough unless you have an enormous following or you know how to build first-rate squeeze pages and great sales funnels. You need to know the virtual landscape before undertaking creating your own digital products and sales funnels.
2) What do you want to do?
Once you understand how things work you need to decide what you want to do. Do you want to be an affiliate marketer, a network marketer, a blogger?
Whatever you do you’ll need traffic. You need to drive traffic to your offers with squeeze pages or landing pages which have a call to action and a sign-up form. This is your first contact with customers or your follow up after you’ve made initial contact. Learn the right skills as you go so that you can become effective. It will take time. Just don’t give up.
3) Know how you will communicate.
You should actually decide this before you start online. Will you blog, build a list, use social media or do JVs? Whatever you do, be straight with people and learn to communicate effectively and understand every stage of the process.
4) What’s your passion?
Decide what you’re passionate about and pick a niche. Get a custom domain and set up a professional-looking site that will be your place of business to which everything will be linked. All of your advertising, SEO, social media, etc. will be directed here.
Create free enticing offers to capture names and email addresses with your squeeze pages to start building your funnels. This will all take time, and you will profit in the end. It may all seem confusing at first. Internet marketing is a constant complicated process. Beware of unscrupulous individuals bearing shiny trinkets. Follow and learn from reputable people online. Don’t fall for the hype.
So, view the big picture of what’s actually happening online and how money is made, decide what you want to do and how you wish to communicate, figure out your passion and pick a niche.

Starting A Home Business While Financially Challenged
by Rahimah Sultan
You cannot start a business without having some expense. If you start a blog, you will need money for a domain name, hosting, and themes. If you really want a business you have to be prepared to invest some money and to take some risks.
You can’t get to where you want to be hiding in the corner afraid. Yes, you MAY fall down, but it will only serve as a lesson and a stumbling block to get you to where you want to go. Can you do it yourself…
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Using Email Marketing to Grow Your List
by Rahimah Sultan
When building a business you need a way to keep in touch with people. Using email marketing to grow your list solves that problem.
When reading online marketing advice, you’re often bombarded with a lot of “noise” about what tactics to use, what software to use, where to buy leads and ads, tweeting, Instagram and other things that you probably know nothing about.
With all this it can be challenging to figure out what to focus on and where to spend your money and time, especially if you’re not a full-time entrepreneur.
According to marketing expert Derek Halpern, entrepreneurs need to be thinking about the T.A.P.P. method rather than focusing on metrics.
In The Only Technique You Need to Quickly Grow Your Email List, this is discussed in depth.
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Two Places To Use for Your Content Marketing
by Rahimah Sultan
Content marketing is a type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services.
There are three necessary elements for creating great quality content for your audience. It must be useful and solve problems, and it needs to show them how to do something. You need a platform to get your message out to people. I shall be discussing two places to use for your content marketing.
You can grow your brand and cultivate relationships with content marketing. This will add the depth and visibility that you need in order to be successful in the marketplace. You have many choices open to you for creating varied content and a personalized strategy for your business.
Content marketing includes informative content like blogs and infographics in the early brand-building stages. Once your prospects are ready to make a purchase, you can provide more options such as eBooks or product videos.
A blog is a great content marketing asset. Setting up a WordPress blog is simple, and you have control of it. It’s like a store which you fill with products (information) for customers. Be sure to use and NOT
There are SEO keyword techniques you can use that enable the search engines to find your blog site. Keywords are the words and phrases that Internet users type into the search box of a search engine, such as Google, to find the websites that match what they are looking for. If you are creating content in WordPress on your own domain, WordPress SEO is a must.
This plugin will allow you to configure the SEO settings for each piece of content you write and analyze it for keyword optimization. The right on-page optimization makes it easier for search engines to rank you more accurately so your audience can find you organically.
As you write and post articles about your business you will begin to get free targeted traffic.
Content Marketing Channels
There are many marketing channels for you to choose from that include social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Tumblr, and WhatsApp.
Choose the marketing channels that best suit your needs starting with one at a time, so you don’t become overwhelmed. Learn how to use one to your advantage before adding another.
Get acquainted with your target audience, engage in conversations that position you as a thought leader and build your brand by getting them to know, like and trust you.
Once you get an audience you can deliver messages directly to them with relevant content that inspires them to take action at any point in the buyer’s journey.
Content marketing is the technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience — with the objective of driving profitable customer action.
You should be able to get started with these two places to use for your content marketing.
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Home Business Success
by Rahimah Sultan
I’m sure you’re familiar with the saying, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” That also applies to business. Don’t depend on one source for all of your income. You need several ways to make money:
Sell information products
Sell other people’s products
Create a membership site
Create an online freelance business
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Steps To Sure Fire Marketing Success
by Rahimah Sultan
“Every business is simply a set of systems and marketing just happens to be the most important of these systems.”
As marketing is a business system, treating it as such helps to take away the mystery of its function in your business which permits you to create consistent, predictable results from the operation of your marketing system.
For details read 7 Steps To Sure Fire Marketing Success.
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