Archive for the ‘Internet Marketing Tips’ Category

June 8th, 2015

Internet Marketing Solutions

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In the online business world there are three key things needed to grow your business. These Internet Marketing Solutions include targeted traffic, something to sell, and a marketing funnel. These key factors are needed for all products and services sold online.


Targeted Traffic


The first element you need to grow your online business is a steady flow of targeted customers visiting your website and online sales pages. These are people who are genuinely interested in your products or services. You can buy traffic or use free sources or both. Paid traffic includes pay per click, banner advertisements, solo ads and ezine advertising. Article marketing, search engine optimization, video marketing and blogging are some free ways of getting targeted traffic.


Product or Service


Part of your Internet Marketing Solutions includes something to sell. It can be an actual physical product that is shipped to buyers or a digital product that can be instantly downloaded to their computers. If you do not have a product of your own, there are many places to find good products to sell as an affiliate marketer. Click bank, JV Zoo, and Deal Guardian are a few. Just make sure they are good products that solve people’s problems. This is especially important for your prospective buyers. You want them to trust you and your recommendations.


Marketing Funnel


You need a follow up strategy for people who do not buy from you the first time they visit your site. A marketing funnel serves that purpose by capturing visitors’ information and adding them to a list of prospects to be contacted at a later date. They may like what you are offering but need more time to get to know and trust you before making a purchase. Once you have a prospect’s information you can remind them of your products and services in a number of ways that include email marketing, online webinars and social media.


To be successful with your internet marketing business you must use effective advertising. You must use these three key Internet Marketing Solutions.


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June 1st, 2015

Quick Tips to Improve Your Email Marketing Subject Lines

by Rahimah Sultan

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This is a discussion of a few quick tips to improve your email marketing subject lines. To start, keep your message straightforward and avoid splashy promotional phrases, all capital letters, or exclamation marks in your subject lines. Subject lines using questions can often perform better.


Be aware of your list quality and how often you email. When readers know what they are going to receive, they are more likely to open emails. Your list of engaged subscribers are more inclined to open and read them. If you start with a good list but send too often, open rates decline. I am listing only a few quick tips.


Your subject line should be no more than 50 characters long. Follow grammar rules.


Do not use false or misleading promises. You will be viewed as untrustworthy.


Make it clear how your readers will benefit from your email. Let them know about that SEO information.


Use questions to get your readers’ attention. “Is your blog in need of content?”


Use numbers in your subject line. “Are you making these 5 blogging mistakes?”


Hopefully these quick tips to improve your email marketing subject lines will help with your open rates.


For more tips read Olivia Allen’s 19 Quick tips to Improve Your Email Marketing Subject Lines.


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January 3rd, 2015

Tips for Email Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan

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Although this may be stating the obvious, you should always take the time to double check your messages before sending. People form impressions about you through everything you do online. If you want to present a professional image to the public, always show yourself in the best light possible. Following are some tips for email marketing that are often overlooked, especially if you are not a seasoned marketer.




Consider your headline or subject. Keep it short and give a hint of what is in the body of the email. Do not over punctuate. You can use upper-case letters for the first letter of important words, and  avoid exclamation points.




Begin the body with a salutation such as “Hello or Hi” (first name) if you are mailing your list. If you are mailing your list you no doubt have an autoresponder to enter these codes. However, if you are mailing to Safelists and Traffic Exchanges as a free member, and you do not have this option, just type in “Hello Fellow Marketer,” or Hi Fellow Entrepreneur or something similar. Do not leave brackets such as [First_Name] or {First Name}.


People prefer skimming to reading, so keep it short while pointing out the main purpose of your product or service. Then include a link that they can click for more information. Only use one clickable link or at most two, so it does not end up in a spam folder and never get seen. If you use two, place one after a few sentences or a short paragraph and the other just before the closing. Make sure the line length is no more than ten words across. If you use email swipe copy, check it before sending. I would avoid contractions like I’m, we’re, don’t, or you’re, etc. Type out the complete words — I am, we are, do not, or you are — as they may show up as symbols such as I’ve and one….


Closing and Signature


Be sure to use a closing that suits your personality, something like Warm regards, To your success or Much success, and include your real name and your “unlinked” website, Skype address, email or some way for people to contact you.




Have a Great Day,


Rahimah Sultan
Skype: rahimahsultan


These may not seem like earth-shattering Tips for Email Marketing, but they do make a difference when it comes to getting your emails opened and read.


November 14th, 2014

10 Essential Tips In Email Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan

Email marketing is used when you obtain the email addresses of visitors to your blog or website by using an opt-in form.

The opt-in form is an area where you request the name and email address of a reader in exchange for a report or information article, usually offered free and as an addition to a sales page.

Once email addresses are procured, subsequent emails are sent, at various intervals, to the reader offering further free information and options to subscribe to membership sites or opportunities to receive further support and advice on a specific topic.

Email marketing is the sending of the periodic emails promoting further benefits.

Top tips when carrying out this type of marketing are:

1. Straight forward opt-in form – make sure the reader knows exactly how to request information using simple boxes and instructions such as one box for their name and another for their email address

2. Opt-out information – always reassure the reader that, should they wish to be removed from a mailing list, this is done without question and immediately

3. Be up front – provide your subscribers with all information regarding subsequent emails and frequency, what they can expect from you and what they will get or benefit from by your emails and information provided

4. Always provide a “call to action” – readers need to be instructed on what to do next so always request a call to action and what will be received by the reader once done

5. Easy reading – make your information easy to read with a basic format, titles, subtitles and key words so a reader can scan the information and get the important facts

6. Request feedback – ask the reader what they want and request feedback and comments on your content and reports. If it doesn’ deliver as promised, ask for advice on improving

7. Regularity – provide updates and information on a regular basis. Your readers will learn to expect newsletters, emails, and so on, on a regular basis so will not be surprised when they receive subsequent emails

8. Varied media – remember there are various ways to access the internet and many people use desktops, laptops, mobile apps, tablets to name a few so the layout of your information is important. Check the content on various devices and make amendments to make it attractive to the eye if possible

9. Remain approachable – let your own character and personality come through in your writing and you will gain association with your readers. If you stay human you can be viewed as a reliable source of information

10. Add value – make sure everything you say provides your reader with a valuable experience such as providing tips, lists, how to achieve something and worthwhile reading.

Get Your Autoresponder and More

October 17th, 2014

SMO Strategies in Internet Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan

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Social Media Optimization (SMO) involves implementing changes both on-site and in social accounts to make content more visible, liked, shared and linked to via social networks. Using SMO Strategies in Internet Marketing opens up a communication avenue with current and future customers.


Did you know that having a solid social media optimization (SMO) strategy can also improve your SEO performance and organic rankings?


Good SMO strategies will drive traffic from social sites and search engines and shares, and leverage the power of social sharing to create benefits for your website.


When you create social media profiles and pages, for your business you are creating a platform for discussions/conversations and a community for your fans. Your social profile pages become a form of word-of-mouth advertising.


There are seven steps you can take to improve your SMO Strategies in Internet Marketing that include building your reputation, engagement, and becoming an authority.


“The author of this article states that, “Social media is an ideal platform to communicate your sales messages instantly and in a cost-effective manner. When you include social marketing to your overall marketing strategies, you open up a very powerful avenue of communication with your current and prospective customers.”


For some SMO Strategies in Internet Marketing, Click here to read Tips to Boost Any Business With Best Smo Strategies.


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September 26th, 2014

Internet Marketing For Home Business Owners

by Rahimah Sultan

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This is a great time of the year for me as I prefer cooler weather, and I like to walk and run outdoors in the fresh air, for daily exercise. There are a lot of squirrels where I live, and as I exercise I see them busily preparing for the cold months ahead by gathering and storing acorns.


As marketers, we have entered a new season of Internet Marketing for home business owners. Have you planned for the colder months? Summer has turned to fall and the holidays are fast approaching. Have you planned your seasonal marketing strategy? Do you have a blog for which you are providing updated content? Are you using search engine optimization techniques? Have you submitted your blog or other site to the major search engines? (See article)


As a home business owner you must continually market to get your site seen as much as possible in order to develop a client base for your products and services. Do you have a marketing plan? If not, make one today so that you will be well on your way to implementation before the holidays. Internet marketing for home business owners is very important if you are serious about succeeding in your business.


Write out a marketing plan that fits your budget and start implementing it now. You can use free resources if you are just starting your business, and then add paid sources of advertising as your budget permits. Use these tips to help with Internet Marketing For Home Business Owners.


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August 1st, 2014

Tips On Web Site Promotion For Home Business Owners

by Rahimah Sultan

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You must use good website promotion techniques to get your site noticed. This article covers a few tips on web site promotion for home business owners.


Website promotion is an ongoing process for attracting visitors to your website. It includes techniques such as web content development, search engine optimization and search engine submission.




High quality unique content is one of the most effective ways to improve your online presence. Without good content your website could go unseen. Good content gives you lead generation, increased traffic and search engine rankings. Be sure your search engine optimization (SEO) is done correctly. If you are just starting a home business this might be new to you. Just do some research or get someone to help you. There are plenty of resources available.


Search Engine Submission


Submit your website directly to major internet service providers, such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, and others. Major search engines will eventually find your website if you do not submit it to them, but many webmasters believe it speeds up the process. Most of your traffic will probably come from search engine clicks so you want to make sure you list your site with the popular search engines. It will take a few days for your site to begin showing up in searches.




Submitting your website to other high ranking sites and blogs will help you gain back links (Read Article) to your website. Google and other search engines measure and rank your website by the importance and quality of other websites linking to you. Be very careful where you place your links. Be sure these links are not associated with spammy directories or link farms. These types of sites can have a detrimental effect on your rankings.


Website Promotion


Promote your website as many ways as possible. Here are a few:


Use a blog to gain followers and get useful information and feedback from potential customers.
Advertise on internet message boards, discussion forums and online communities.
Put your URL on everything connected with your business: letterhead, business cards, flyers, etc.
Build business partnerships with businesses offering complementary products.
Write ezines about your business, products and services.
Use social media.
Join Google +.
Use images and videos.


Start with the basics and as you become more knowledgeable and comfortable with the various processes, include more strategies. Your success online depends on your ability to attract visitors to your website. These tips on web site promotion for home business owners will help.


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May 2nd, 2014

Viral Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan


Are you using social media in your marketing plan. Here are some tips on viral marketing from Socially Stephanie.


As far as social media goes, Stephanie Frasco of Social Media Today states that there is no magic button to make your web content go viral. “However, there are some ways to increase your reach and make the sharing contagious.”


As you publish, your content will do some of the work on its own and will always be on your site for new visitors.


“Content + Influence = Authority. Or in other words Content + Sharing = Results”.


You have to have great content and targeted Influencers of the web sharing it. You have to have the right kind of content and that depends on your audience – the people your trying to reach, the ones for whom you’re writing.


Some types of content work better than others, such as lists, infographics, and how-tos, and longer pieces work better than short.

Click here to read the complete viral marketing article


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March 14th, 2014

Internet Marketing Rejection

by Rahimah Sultan


Rejection of any kind hurts. It’s no different with Internet Marketing Rejection. What matters is how you deal with it. Rejection does have a place and a purpose in your internet marketing business. You will not get a “yes” all the time. Rather than quitting, use rejection as a motivator. Keep learning about your business and find out what you can do differently or what you can improve.


Power of Rejection

Don’t hand your power over to rejection. Don’t let it rule your mind and control you. If you do, it could be devastating, because you can lose your money and not achieve your dreams and goals.

Rejection Mindset

We tend to take rejection personally because we invest so much time and effort in our product or service. So we need to change our mindset about Internet Marketing Rejection. It’s not personal. When someone does not want to use your services, it’s not about you. Most of the time the prospect’s reasons for saying “no” have nothing to do with you. It may not be the right time, it might not be a great fit for their business, or maybe they are having trouble making a decision at the moment. So you just move on, but you can stay in touch.


Dwelling on Rejection

Avoid dwelling on rejection. Instead focus on what you are working toward and do the daily tasks required to achieve that end. Learn all you can to improve your chances of success and work on your business daily.


Be honest with yourself about what you don’t know so that you can give yourself the opportunity to learn it and to grow, both personally and in your Internet Marketing business. Use the right tools to lessen the chances of Internet Marketing Rejection.


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March 8th, 2014

Increasing Website Opt-Ins

by Rahimah Sultan


Most of us know that to entice visitors to our web site we need to offer a freebie of some kind for Increasing Website Opt-ins. Not only should we offer this, but it should be something of value. It needs to be a solution to the problem that the visitor was searching for on line. This opt-in freebie is the one thing the visitor has to have in order to move forward.


Web site visitors will not treat your site like a brick and mortar business, looking around to see what you have. They are searching for a particular product or service. You have to direct their attention to certain parts of your site and make it easy for them to navigate.


You have to really understand your visitor who leaves clues as to what they were really looking for, based on how they arrived there. You may need to use survey software to find out why they’re visiting but not buying. Ask them questions like who they are and what kind of information they’re looking for.


Click here to read Colin Martin’s article: Increase Your Website Opt-Ins With Freebies That Really Matter To Your Visitor


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