Archive for the ‘Email Marketing’ Category

May 21st, 2016

Writing An Effective Autoresponder Series

by Rahimah Sultan

An autoresponder is a series of email marketing messages that get sent to subscribers in the order you choose and at the times you want.

An autoresponder can be the welcome message a prospect receives when signing up for your free report on woodworking, a three-part series on mango dessert recipes or a 10-day email course that tells people how to declutter their homes quickly and easily.

You do not want to stop with the welcome email. The smart move is to create a longer series of autoresponder messages.


Allow you to continually show your best content.
Allow you to deliver the same high-value experience to every new subscriber.
Are great places to mention related offers without sounding dodgy.
Allow you to slowly build trust with your audience and make sure your new subscribers do not forget you.

Use your autoresponders to:

1) Share a bit (do not over share) about yourself and your business journey.

2) Offer tips to your subscribers that they can implement immediately to help them.

3) Ask questions of your subscribers as to what related challenges they may have or how they found your site, and have them reply to your emails.

4) Offer them a short list of resources such as blogs, books, online tools, etc. that will help them meet their goals.

Deliver your emails via the autoresponder function of your email marketing program.
Write the best content you can for your autoresponder. The time you put in now can continue to grow your business in the future.

If someone joins your email list, it’s likely he or she will also want to connect with you on his or her favorite social media platform. So, share other ways to connect with you.

Before you start writing, make a short outline of how many messages you want to include and how far apart they should be delivered. This outline will keep you on track as you write the entire sequence. Begin with three to five emails.

Once you have written your emails, queue them up in your email service provider, and then test the series to make sure everything works properly.

Once you have completed the above, you can send visitors to your opt-in form and start getting subscribers.

The autoresponder’s most important function is to take people who are curious about what you do and turn them into raving fans. Email provides you the most direct line of communication for conversion to sales.

Good email content deepens your relationship with your audience through effective subject line writing (which gets your messages opened); your distinctive voice (which gets your messages read); and delivering quality, niche-specific content your prospect needs and shares with others (which inspires referrals and word-of-mouth).

These tips will help you in Writing An Effective Autoresponder Series.

Autoresponders: Getting Started Click here for yours now


March 24th, 2016

Getting Your Emails Opened

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


We all want our email marketing to be successful. Getting your emails opened is the goal. After all, we have great things to share with our audiences, and we want to gain their trust. So, if we can get more people opening and reading them, and what we are offering is relevant to then, we can get more sales.


Anne O’Dwyer has some suggestions to get all your emails opened by eager followers.

Read more

Get your autoresponder here

March 10th, 2016

Keeping Your Email Marketing Out of Spam Folders

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


Email marketing is a great strategy for reaching potential and existing customers. Done correctly, it is a timely, cost-efficient manner to promote your products and services to a large audience.


Some methods for keeping your email marketing out of spam folders are: the use of optin forms, careful wording, using quality content, including your contact details, and having a way for people to unsubscribe from your mailings.


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Ready to Build Your Business?
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January 28th, 2016

Use an Autoresponder Course to Build a List

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


According to Julie Neidlinger, “An email autoresponder easily makes use of the blog content you’ve already created. Most readers haven’t read everything you’ve written, nor have they read it in sequential order. Your email autoresponder groups related topics together and packages it neatly for the convenience of your readers, delivering it right to them.”


In this article she details the reasoning for an email autoresponder course. You must have an autoresponder if you are doing business online. This article shows you how to use an autoresponder course as the prize or gift download for getting people to subscribe to your list and accept your emails.


Click here to read the article.


Ready to Build Your Business?
Click the Banner Below




September 30th, 2015

3 Tips for Structuring Emails

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


I am sure you know the saying, “The devil in the detail.” When people say the devil in the detail they mean that small things in plans and schemes that are often overlooked can cause serious problems later on. When using email marketing you must pay attention to detail. These three tips for structuring emails can help you do that.


The term is usually used to refer to sending email messages with the intent of acquiring new customers, encouraging customer loyalty and repeat business, retaining customers, and winning back former customers. When you use email marketing for advertising it needs to look professional.


1) Use Eye-Catching Subject Lines


Subject lines should catch the attention of the reader. Think of something that would make you want to open an email. If you think you cannot come up with attention- grabbing subjects just look at others, that you come across online, for ideas.


2) No Misleading Subjects


Be creative without using misleading subject lines. The subject should always be related to what is in the body of the email. As you want to preserve your online integrity, do not try to trick people.


3) Avoid Spam Triggers


Avoid spam triggers in your subjects and in the body of your emails such as the overuse of the word free and the use of symbols (Fr*e or FR33) to disguise spammy words that will land your email in junk mail and spam folders. Spam filters look at your email as a whole. There are quite a few spam-checking tools available for checking emails before you send them.


When composing your emails use proper grammar rules, great subject lines that are not misleading, and avoid spam triggers. These 3 Tips for Structuring Emails can help you get started with your email campaign.


Click here for your autoresponder


August 18th, 2015

Autoresponders: A Guide

by Rahimah Sultan

This is a three-part series on the use of autoresponders. Part 1 discusses the benefits and welcome emails.

Finding new customers and not having nearly enough time in the day are likely two of your biggest concerns as a business owner.

That’s why email marketing is essential to growing your customer base. The high ROI is unrivaled.

An autoresponder series is a valuable email marketing tool that gives you the opportunity to share new content, build an email list or start promoting your latest service.

Read this guide on the benefits of autoresponders and using welcome emails. Then come back next week for part 2.

Read more…

Your Hosting and More Here

June 1st, 2015

Quick Tips to Improve Your Email Marketing Subject Lines

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


This is a discussion of a few quick tips to improve your email marketing subject lines. To start, keep your message straightforward and avoid splashy promotional phrases, all capital letters, or exclamation marks in your subject lines. Subject lines using questions can often perform better.


Be aware of your list quality and how often you email. When readers know what they are going to receive, they are more likely to open emails. Your list of engaged subscribers are more inclined to open and read them. If you start with a good list but send too often, open rates decline. I am listing only a few quick tips.


Your subject line should be no more than 50 characters long. Follow grammar rules.


Do not use false or misleading promises. You will be viewed as untrustworthy.


Make it clear how your readers will benefit from your email. Let them know about that SEO information.


Use questions to get your readers’ attention. “Is your blog in need of content?”


Use numbers in your subject line. “Are you making these 5 blogging mistakes?”


Hopefully these quick tips to improve your email marketing subject lines will help with your open rates.


For more tips read Olivia Allen’s 19 Quick tips to Improve Your Email Marketing Subject Lines.


Ready to Build Your List?
Click the Banner Below

May 3rd, 2015

Increase Your Sales With Autoresponders

by Rahimah Sultan

An autoresponder is an e-mail utility that automatically replies to an e-mail message with a prewritten response when that e-mail comes into a specific e-mail or Internet address. You can increase your sales with autoresponders, connect easily with people, and brand yourself.

Autoresponders are used by individuals and also by Web sites that need to respond to user comments automatically. Businesses use them to inform an email sender that someone is out of the office and the date of return; a company may use an autoresponder for newsletter subscription opt-ins or cancellations.

An autoresponder is used by businesses to confirm purchases and pertinent information regarding that buy. Email marketing, using autoresponders, has been identified as one of the most profitable modern marketing techniques.

When someone responds to advertising you have mailed out online you have a series of responses set up that go out automatically. This starts to build a relationship between you and prospective clients or customers.

Autoresponders allow you to get your message and brand out to buyers and your community, encourage customer loyalty and repeat business, and retain and win back customers.

Your autoresponder allows you to have thank-you and reminder- messages all set up and ready to go out at certain intervals when someone joins your list or accepts one of your offers. This automated setup is the lifeline between you and your customer.

Click here to read a great article and learn how you can Increase Your Sales With Autoresponders.

Get Your Business System With Autoresponder Here

January 3rd, 2015

Tips for Email Marketing

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog


Although this may be stating the obvious, you should always take the time to double check your messages before sending. People form impressions about you through everything you do online. If you want to present a professional image to the public, always show yourself in the best light possible. Following are some tips for email marketing that are often overlooked, especially if you are not a seasoned marketer.




Consider your headline or subject. Keep it short and give a hint of what is in the body of the email. Do not over punctuate. You can use upper-case letters for the first letter of important words, and  avoid exclamation points.




Begin the body with a salutation such as “Hello or Hi” (first name) if you are mailing your list. If you are mailing your list you no doubt have an autoresponder to enter these codes. However, if you are mailing to Safelists and Traffic Exchanges as a free member, and you do not have this option, just type in “Hello Fellow Marketer,” or Hi Fellow Entrepreneur or something similar. Do not leave brackets such as [First_Name] or {First Name}.


People prefer skimming to reading, so keep it short while pointing out the main purpose of your product or service. Then include a link that they can click for more information. Only use one clickable link or at most two, so it does not end up in a spam folder and never get seen. If you use two, place one after a few sentences or a short paragraph and the other just before the closing. Make sure the line length is no more than ten words across. If you use email swipe copy, check it before sending. I would avoid contractions like I’m, we’re, don’t, or you’re, etc. Type out the complete words — I am, we are, do not, or you are — as they may show up as symbols such as I’ve and one….


Closing and Signature


Be sure to use a closing that suits your personality, something like Warm regards, To your success or Much success, and include your real name and your “unlinked” website, Skype address, email or some way for people to contact you.




Have a Great Day,


Rahimah Sultan
Skype: rahimahsultan


These may not seem like earth-shattering Tips for Email Marketing, but they do make a difference when it comes to getting your emails opened and read.


December 12th, 2014

Internet Marketing Tool

by Rahimah Sultan

photo from blog
As Internet Marketers, we understand the absolute importance of promotion. Marketing is the lifeline for any business, product or service. Just as we need a website and an autoresponder, we need places to advertise like safelists and traffic exchanges among others. I recently discovered another great Internet Marketing tool to add to my marketing arsenal. It is Hot Spot Mailer, owned by Maryanne Myers, and it has been around since May of 2009.


You need a widespread reach, targeted audiences, and cost-effective advertising for whatever business you are in. You can use this mailer for free or choose the upgrade. As I want to fill my marketing arsenal with paid one-time-only items–as opposed to a monthly fee–I upgraded. It is dirt cheap.


You are not limited to once a day or week on mailing an ad, as long as you have credits. You will definitely benefit from the upgrade. You can choose to have members emails come to your designated email address or you can use your HSM (Hotspotmailer) email box.


If you should happen to run short of funds at some future time, you will always have this mailer in your Internet marketing tools arsenal with no monthly fee.